26 research outputs found

    The use of fluoroproline in MUC1 antigen enables efficient detection of antibodies in patients with prostate cancer

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    A structure-based design of a new gene22ration tumor-associated glycopeptides with improved affinity against two anti-MUC1 antibodies is described. These unique antigens feature a fluorinated proline residue, such as a (4S)-4-fluoro-L-proline or 4,4-difluoroproline, at the most immunogenic domain. Binding assays using bio-layer interferometry reveal 3-fold to 10-fold affinity improvement with respect to the natural (glyco)peptides. According to X-ray crystallography and MD simulations, the fluorinated residues stabilize the antigen-antibody complex by enhancing key CH/ interactions. Interestingly, a notable improvement in detection of cancer-associated anti-MUC1 antibodies from serum of patients with prostate cancer is achieved with the non-natural antigens, which proves that these derivatives can be considered better diagnostic tools than the natural antigen for this type of cancer.We thank the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (projects CTQ2015-67727-R, UNLR13-4E-1931, CTQ2013-44367-C2-2-P, CTQ2015-64597-C2-1P, and BFU2016-75633-P). I. A. B. thanks the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer en La Rioja for a grant. I. S. A. and G. J. L. B. thank FCT Portugal (PhD studentship and FCT Investigator, respectively) and the EPSRC for funding. G. J. L. B. holds a Royal Society URF and an ERC StG (TagIt). F.C. and G. J. L. B thank the EU (Marie-Sklodowska Curie ITN, Protein Conjugates). R.H-G. thanks Agencia Aragonesa para la Investigación y Desarrollo (ARAID) and the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA, B89) for financial support. The research leading to these results has also received funding from the FP7 (2007-2013) under BioStruct-X (grant agreement N°283570 and BIOSTRUCTX_5186). We thank synchrotron radiation source DIAMOND (Oxford) and beamline I04 (number of experiment mx10121-19). Hokkaido University group acknowledges to JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 25220206 and JSPS Wakate B KAKENHI Grant Number 24710242. We also thank CESGA (Santiago de Compostela) for computer support

    The use of fluoroproline in MUC1 antigen enables efficient detection of antibodies in patients with prostate cancer

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    A structure-based design of a new generation of tumor-associated glycopeptides with improved affinity against two anti-MUC1 antibodies is described. These unique antigens feature a fluorinated proline residue, such as a (4S)-4-fluoro-l-proline or 4,4-difluoro-l-proline, at the most immunogenic domain. Binding assays using biolayer interferometry reveal 3-fold to 10-fold affinity improvement with respect to the natural (glyco)peptides. According to X-ray crystallography and MD simulations, the fluorinated residues stabilize the antigen-antibody complex by enhancing key CH/π interactions. Interestingly, a notable improvement in detection of cancer-associated anti-MUC1 antibodies from serum of patients with prostate cancer is achieved with the non-natural antigens, which proves that these derivatives can be considered better diagnostic tools than the natural antigen for prostate cancer.We thank the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (projects CTQ2015-67727-R, UNLR13-4E-1931, CTQ2013-44367-C2-2-P, CTQ2015-64597-C2-1P, and BFU2016-75633-P). I.A.B. thanks the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer en La Rioja for a grant. I.S.A. and G.J.L.B. thank FCT Portugal (Ph.D. studentship and FCT Investigator, respectively) and EPSRC. G.J.L.B. holds a Royal Society URF and an ERC StG (TagIt). F.C. and G.J.L.B thank the EU (Marie-Sklodowska Curie ITN, Protein Conjugates). R.H-G. thanks Agencia Aragonesa para la Investigación y Desarrollo (ARAID) and the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA, B89) for financial support. The research leading to these results has also received funding from the FP7 (2007-2013) under BioStruct-X (grant agreement no. 283570 and BIOSTRUCTX_5186). We thank synchrotron radiation source DIAMOND (Oxford) and beamline I04 (number of experiment mx10121-19). The Hokkaido University group acknowledges JSPS KAKENHI grant no. 25220206 and JSPS Wakate B KAKENHI grant no. 24710242. We also thank CESGA (Santiago de Compostela) for computer support.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Novel β-galactosynthase-β-mannosynthase dual activity of β-galactosidase from: Aspergillus oryzae uncovered using monomer sugar substrates

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    A novel β-galactosynthase-β-mannosynthase dual-activity of β-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was uncovered, for the first time, using free monosaccharide substrates. The enzyme successfully converted galactose and mannose monomer sugars efficiently into Gal-β(1-6)-Gal and Man-β(1-6)-Man, respectively. The discovery could potentially revolutionize chemoenzymatic glycan and non-digestible oligosaccharide (NDO) syntheses. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Synthesis, conformational analysis and: In vivo assays of an anti-cancer vaccine that features an unnatural antigen based on an sp<sup>2</sup>-iminosugar fragment

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    Thr/Ser) is a well-known tumor-associated carbohydrate determinant. The use of glycopeptides that incorporate this structure has become a significant and promising niche of research owing to their potential use as anticancer vaccines. Herein, the conformational preferences of a glycopeptide with an unnatural Tn antigen, characterized by a threonine decorated with an sp2-iminosugar-type α-GalNAc mimic, have been studied both in solution, by combining NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, and in the solid state bound to an anti-mucin-1 (MUC1) antibody, by X-ray crystallography. The Tn surrogate can mimic the main conformer sampled by the natural antigen in solution and exhibits high affinity towards anti-MUC1 antibodies. Encouraged by these data, a cancer vaccine candidate based on this unnatural glycopeptide and conjugated to the carrier protein Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) has been prepared and tested in mice. Significantly, the experiments in vivo have proved that this vaccine elicits higher levels of specific anti-MUC1 IgG antibodies than the analog that bears the natural Tn antigen and that the elicited antibodies recognize human breast cancer cells with high selectivity. Altogether, we compile evidence to confirm that the presentation of the antigen, both in solution and in the bound state, plays a critical role in the efficacy of the designed cancer vaccines. Moreover, the outcomes derived from this vaccine prove that there is room for exploring further adjustments at the carbohydrate level that could contribute to designing more efficient cancer vaccines

    Synthesis, conformational analysis and <i>in vivo</i> assays of an anti-cancer vaccine that features an unnatural antigen based on an sp<sup>2</sup>-iminosugar fragment.

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    The Tn antigen (GalNAc-α-1-O-Thr/Ser) is a well-known tumor-associated carbohydrate determinant. The use of glycopeptides that incorporate this structure has become a significant and promising niche of research owing to their potential use as anticancer vaccines. Herein, the conformational preferences of a glycopeptide with an unnatural Tn antigen, characterized by a threonine decorated with an sp2-iminosugar-type α-GalNAc mimic, have been studied both in solution, by combining NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, and in the solid state bound to an anti-mucin-1 (MUC1) antibody, by X-ray crystallography. The Tn surrogate can mimic the main conformer sampled by the natural antigen in solution and exhibits high affinity towards anti-MUC1 antibodies. Encouraged by these data, a cancer vaccine candidate based on this unnatural glycopeptide and conjugated to the carrier protein Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) has been prepared and tested in mice. Significantly, the experiments in vivo have proved that this vaccine elicits higher levels of specific anti-MUC1 IgG antibodies than the analog that bears the natural Tn antigen and that the elicited antibodies recognize human breast cancer cells with high selectivity. Altogether, we compile evidence to confirm that the presentation of the antigen, both in solution and in the bound state, plays a critical role in the efficacy of the designed cancer vaccines. Moreover, the outcomes derived from this vaccine prove that there is room for exploring further adjustments at the carbohydrate level that could contribute to designing more efficient cancer vaccines