12 research outputs found

    A laser-induced heat flux technique for convective heat transfer measurements in high speed flows

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    A technique is developed to measure the local convective heat transfer coefficient on a model surface in a supersonic flow field. The technique uses a laser to apply a discrete local heat flux at the model test surface, and an infrared camera system determines the local temperature distribution due to the heating. From this temperature distribution and an analysis of the heating process, a local convective heat transfer coefficient is determined. The technique was used to measure the local surface convective heat transfer coefficient distribution on a flat plate at nominal Mach numbers of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. The flat plate boundary layer initially was laminar and became transitional in the measurement region. The experimentally determined convective heat transfer coefficients were generally higher than the theoretical predictions for flat plate laminar boundary layers. However, the results indicate that this nonintrusive optical measurement technique has the potential to measure surface convective heat transfer coefficients in high speed flow fields

    Evaluation of a technique to generate artificially thickened boundary layers in supersonic and hypersonic flows

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    The feasibility of using a contoured honeycomb model to generate a thick boundary layer in high-speed, compressible flow was investigated. The contour of the honeycomb was tailored to selectively remove momentum in a minimum of streamwise distance to create an artificially thickened turbulent boundary layer. Three wind tunnel experiments were conducted to verify the concept. Results indicate that this technique is a viable concept, especially for high-speed inlet testing applications. In addition, the compactness of the honeycomb boundary layer simulator allows relatively easy integration into existing wind tunnel model hardware

    An LDA (Laser-Doppler Anemometry) investigation of three-dimensional normal shock wave boundary-layer interactions

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    Nonintrusive measurements were made of a normal shock wave/boundary layer interaction. Two dimensional measurements were made throughout the interaction region while 3-D measurements were made in the vicinity of the shock wave. The measurements were made in the corner of the test section of a continuous supersonic wind tunnel in which a normal shock wave had been stabilized. Laser Doppler Anemometry, surface pressure measurement and flow visualization techniques were employed for two freestream Mach number test cases: 1.6 and 1.3. The former contained separated flow regions and a system of shock waves. The latter was found to be far less complicated. The results define the flow field structure in detail for each case

    Development of a laser-induced heat flux technique for measurement of convective heat transfer coefficients in a supersonic flowfield

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    A technique is developed to measure the local convective heat transfer coefficient on a model surface in a supersonic flow field. The technique uses a laser to apply a discrete local heat flux at the model test surface, and an infrared camera system determines the local temperature distribution due to heating. From this temperature distribution and an analysis of the heating process, a local convective heat transfer coefficient is determined. The technique was used to measure the load surface convective heat transfer coefficient distribution on a flat plate at nominal Mach numbers of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. The flat plate boundary layer initially was laminar and became transitional in the measurement region. The experimental results agreed reasonably well with theoretical predictions of convective heat transfer of flat plate laminar boundary layers. The results indicate that this non-intrusive optical measurement technique has the potential to obtain high quality surface convective heat transfer measurements in high speed flowfields

    A highly prevalent equine glycogen storage disease is explained by constitutive activation of a mutant glycogen synthase

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    Background: Equine type 1 polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM1) is associated with a missense mutation (R309H) in the glycogen synthase (GYS1) gene, enhanced glycogen synthase (GS) activity and excessive glycogen and amylopectate inclusions in muscle. Methods: Equine muscle biochemical and recombinant enzyme kinetic assays in vitro and homology modelling in silico, were used to investigate the hypothesis that higher GS activity in affected horse muscle is caused by higher GS expression, dysregulation, or constitutive activation via a conformational change. Results: PSSM1-affected horse muscle had significantly higher glycogen content than control horse muscle despite no difference in GS expression. GS activity was significantly higher in muscle from homozygous mutants than from heterozygote and control horses, in the absence and presence of the allosteric regulator, glucose 6 phosphate (G6P). Muscle from homozygous mutant horses also had significantly increased GS phosphorylation at sites 2 + 2a and significantly higher AMPKα1 (an upstream kinase) expression than controls, likely reflecting a physiological attempt to reduce GS enzyme activity. Recombinant mutant GS was highly active with a considerably lower Km for UDP-glucose, in the presence and absence of G6P, when compared to wild type GS, and despite its phosphorylation. Conclusions: Elevated activity of the mutant enzyme is associated with ineffective regulation via phosphorylation rendering it constitutively active. Modelling suggested that the mutation disrupts a salt bridge that normally stabilises the basal state, shifting the equilibrium to the enzyme's active state. General significance: This study explains the gain of function pathogenesis in this highly prevalent polyglucosan myopathy

    Redescription of Atractus albuquerquei (Serpentes: Colubridae: Dipsadinae), with comments on geographical distribution and intraspecific variation

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    Atractus albuquerquei Cunha and Nascimento, 1983 was previously known from a holotype from eastern Pará, and 15 specimens from Rondônia and Acre, all in Brazil. We report on 23 additional specimens from the Brazilian states of Rondônia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul. These specimens extend the known range of A. albuquerquei substantially, and beyond the southern limits of the Amazon basin. The holotype of A. albuquerquei is redescribed and intraspecific variation in external morphology, hemipenes, and colour is documented. Sexual dimorphism exists in total length, and number of ventral (significantly greater in females) and subcaudal scales (greater in males). There is a significant correlation between number of subcaudal scales and longitude (decreasing from East to West) for both males and females.<br>Atractus albuquerquei Cunha & Nascimento, 1983 era conhecida apenas do holótipo procedente do leste do estado do Pará e de 15 espécimes dos estados de Rondônia e Acre, no Brasil. Registramos aqui 23 espécimes adicionais provenientes dos estados de Rondônia, Goiás, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. Estes exemplares ampliam a área de distribuição conhecida de A. albuquerquei, para além do limite sul da bacia amazônica. O holótipo de A. albuquerquei é redescrito e a variação intraespecífica da morfologia externa, dos hemipenis e da coloração dos exemplares estudados é analizada. Foi detectado dimorfismo sexual no comprimento total do corpo bem como no número de ventrais (maior nas fêmeas) e de subcaudais (maior nos machos). Foi notada uma correlação significativa entre o número de escamas subcaudais e a longitude (que diminuem de leste para oeste) em ambos os sexos

    Morphological and genetic evidence for two Evolutionary Significant Units (ESUs) in the South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis

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    Rosa de Oliveira L, Hoffman J, Hingst-Zaher E, et al. Morphological and genetic evidence for two Evolutionary Significant Units (ESUs) in the South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis. Conservation Genetics. 2008;9(6):1451-1466