6 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lks Untuk Metode Penemuan Terbimbing Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 18 Palembang

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    The aim of this research are : (1) Producing the student worksheet for valid and practical guidance find method in math learning in the eighth class student in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang. (2) To know potential effect of the using student worksheet for guidance finder method to ability the eight class in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang. The research is developed learning practice plan, the student worksheet and the ability student test.This research use the development research method, and it contains analysis, design, evaluation and revision. The collecting data were used by observation and test. Observation use to analysis student activity along teaching learning process and the test use to analysis student ability. Subjects in this research are 40 students in the eight class in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang.The conclusion are: (1). the student worksheet are developed in this research is valid, practical and have potency effect for the student ability in the eighth class student in SMP Negeri 18 Palembang. (2). Prototype of the student worksheet is valid and practical. Valid were shown by validation evaluation that all validation result good base on content and construct and language. Practical were shown by every student can using the student worksheet good. (3) the student worksheet have potency effect to student ability. It were shown b the ability test result in good student ability level

    Penggunaan Powerpoint Game Pada Pembelajaran Lingkaran Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Raja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan, motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran Lingkaran dengan menggunakan PowerPoint Games dikelas VIII.1 SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Raja. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, angket dan tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan PowerPoint Games terlaksana dengan sangat baik dari segi kegiatan guru dan kegiatan siswa. Selain itu penggunaan PowerPoint Games dapat memotivasi siswa, dari 24 siswa terdapat 19 siswa memiliki motivasi sangat tinggi (79,17%) dan 5 siswa memiliki motivasi tinggi (20,83%). Setelah menggunakan PowerPoint Games ketercapaian ketuntasan siswa untuk ranah sikap, keterampilan dan pengetahuan memiliki rata – rata persentase >80% dengan penilaian berpedoman pada kurikulum 2013

    Pengembangan Materi Pokok Mata Uang Dengan Pendekatan Pmri Untuk Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan Kelas XI Di Slbc Karya Ibu Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan materi pokok mata uang dengan pendekatan PMRI yang menghasilkan buku siswa. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Tunagrahita Ringan kelas XI SLBC Karya Ibu Palembang. Dalam mengembangkan materi terdapat uji coba terhadap materi yang diberikan kepada siswa yang dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa. Penilaian hasil belajar dilakukan melalui penilaian tertulis dan penilaian sikap. Penilaian tertulis dilihat dari kemampuan siswa mengerjakan soal-soal pada buku siswa sedangkan penilaian sikap dilakukan dengan cara observasi prilaku. Langkah-langkah penelitian dan pengembangan terdiri dari empat langkah yaitu expert review, one-to-one evaluation, small group, dan field test. Karena hasil belajar siswa baik melalui penilaian tertulis maupun penilaian sikap menunjukkan kategori baik atau sangat baik maka buku siswa materi mata uang dengan pendekatan PMRI dapat membantu siswa memahami materi pelajaran. Kata

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Pada Materi Geometri Dan Pengukuran Dengan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia Di SD Negeri 179 Palembang

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    The aims of the research is to produce the set of oriented realistic mathematical education (RME) approach material that is valid and practical for teaching in elementary school student of the fifth grade and have a good potencial effect. PMRI is one of learning approach which dribbles students in understanding mathematics concept by selfcontruction through prior knowledge which is related to daily activity, finding the concept by themselves so that the learning becomes meaningful. The research is a development research and method used in two stages, that are preliminary study (analysis and model development stage) and formative study (evaluation and revision stage). The samples were students of fifth grade at SD Negeri 179 Palembang. In technique collecting the data, the writer used interview with the experts, observation by using prototype. The data was analyzed by using descriptive method. The result of data analyses concludes that the development of geometry and measurement prototype for the fifth grade students is valid based on content, construction, and language. It can be conclude from the documentary data that the use of student\u27s book has been a practical use. The try out tested on students has given potential effect which is the students like to study using realistic mathematical education approach with student activity level of 6.47 in a very high criteria and the average of final mark of 87,17 in a very good criteria

    Pembelajaran Operasi Perkalian melalui Permainan Tepuk Bergambar pada Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan di YPAC Palembang

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    This qualitative descriptive research aims at describing the operation of number learning through picture clapping conducted to students with light mental retardation at Institute for physically and mentally handicapped children in Palembang. This study involves four students at the eighth grade as the subjects. Video recording and observation are undertaken to collect the data. The students' learning process will be recorded in video and later compared to the results of the observation. During the learning process using the selected strategy, teachers' role is as the facilitator to help the pupils translating the repeated adding question to be the multiplying operation. Thus, in the end of the class, students are able to do the exercises given