177 research outputs found

    Bankrupt Estoppel: The Case for a Uniform Doctrine of Judicial Estoppel as Applied Against Former Bankruptcy Debtors

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    This Note examines the role judicial estoppel plays in supporting the U.S. federal bankruptcy regime. Though once considered an obscure doctrine, the use of judicial estoppel to bar pursuit of previously undisclosed claims by former bankrupts has grown apace with burgeoning bankruptcy filings over the last decade. While the doctrine’s application in federal courts has evolved toward a common standard of application, state courts’ application remains idiosyncratic. The Note argues that under the established laws of judgment recognition and in light of federal courts’ sophisticated application of the doctrine, state courts should apply federal judicial estoppel standards to further national uniformity in bankruptcy practice

    Bankrupt Estoppel: The Case for a Uniform Doctrine of Judicial Estoppel as Applied Against Former Bankruptcy Debtors

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    This Note examines the role judicial estoppel plays in supporting the U.S. federal bankruptcy regime. Though once considered an obscure doctrine, the use of judicial estoppel to bar pursuit of previously undisclosed claims by former bankrupts has grown apace with burgeoning bankruptcy filings over the last decade. While the doctrine’s application in federal courts has evolved toward a common standard of application, state courts’ application remains idiosyncratic. The Note argues that under the established laws of judgment recognition and in light of federal courts’ sophisticated application of the doctrine, state courts should apply federal judicial estoppel standards to further national uniformity in bankruptcy practice

    Re-Conceptualizing the Poems of the Pearl-Gawain Manuscript in Line and Color

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    This paper furthers my argument that the scribe was also the artist of the underdrawings of the miniatures in the Pearl-Gawain manuscript and includes a re-assessment of the role of the colorist/s. Previously the 12 miniatures framing Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in London, MS Cotton Nero A.x (art. 3), the only version of these poems extant, were largely dismissed. The miniatures do not convert the texts pictorially; rather, they place the poems within a larger icongraphic framework individually and as a whole. It is true that the painted layers, often unevenly applied, obscure many important details that are thematically significant, as shown in scientifically enhanced images that help to recover some of the outlines of the underdrawings. Taking into account the analysis of the pigments used, a closer look at the role of the colorists (likely more than one, judging from the overlays and differing levels of skills) it appears that the painted layers sometimes support the interpretations of the scribe-artist: at other times they appear to offer competing readings. The result is that the miniatures provide multilayered visual readings that interconnect and link motifs by repetition and contrast to unify the poems at various levels for engaged audiences. This is exemplified by a close look at the seascapes, landscapes, and courtly settings, as well as at preaching scenes and related sacramental issues, along with the presentation and role of women, all reconceptualized in line and color

    Food Retailing and Consumer Behaviour in Waterloo, Ontario

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    The main objective of this study is to develop a computer model to predict the food stores which individual consumers choose for the major part of their grocery purchases. It is worthwhile to develop such a predictive model for two reasons. In the first place, it is useful to be able to predict consumer store choices for purposes of retail planning. Secondly, a working predictive model illuminates the main bases of the consumer spatial choice process and thus adds to our understanding of urban spatial organization. A basic idea of model building is that a model is a simplification of reality in which a small number of variables may serve with great economy of data to capture and make clear the essence of the processes involved. As Haggett suggests, “Successful models are those which manage a considerable amount of simplification without introducing extraneous noise.” If it is possible to design a model which predicts consumer store choice on the basis of a few simple variables, the resulting model is of greater value than a model in which so many variables are introduced that the results approaches a duplication of reality rather than an enlightening simplification and abstraction

    The geochemical signature of Cu mineralisation preserved in stream sediments from the Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window, Northern Norway

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    The Paleoproterozoic Greenstone Belts of Fennoscandia are metamorphosed and deformed volcanic and sedimentary basins with a high metallic ore potential. One of those, the Alta-Kvænangen Tectonic Window (AKTW), is exposed as a window below the Caledonides of Northern Norway. The Kåfjord area located within the AKTW hosts numerous known Cu occurrences. The Cu mineralisation in Kåfjord occurs mostly in the form of quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins hosted by magmatic and sedimentary lithologies. While there is a demand for new ore deposits that can support the green energy transition, undiscovered deposits are partly or completely buried which has made exploration in recent years less efficient and more expensive. Streams carry material from their upstream drainage area, and therefore stream sediments can be used for exploration geochemistry to assess nearby mineralisation. The purpose of this master thesis is to identify the geochemical footprint and multi-element dispersion patterns of the Cu mineralisation in stream sediments sampled from streams draining the known Cu deposits in Kåfjord. Identification and analysis of the distribution of chemical elements will contribute to a more efficient targeting of Cu occurrences in the Fennoscandian Shield. Stream sediments from three streams draining; (1) the sediment-hosted Cu mineralisation, (2) the mafic rock-hosted Cu mineralisation and (3) both the sediment- and mafic rock-hosted Cu mineralisation have shown different geochemical footprints. The bulk chemical composition of stream sediments exhibit a correlation between Cu and elements associated with the hydrothermal mineralisation in all three streams. Additionally, content of Cu in stream sediments seems to be associated with the respective lithologies hosting the mineralisation. Carbonate grains separated from stream sediments have isotopic compositions resembling the carbonates associated with both sediment- and mafic rock-hosted Cu mineralisation. LA-ICP-MS analyses of individual grains separated from stream sediments resulted in multi-element data sets with minor and trace element compositions of specific minerals. The hydrothermal signature of sulphides separated from stream sediments is characterised by high contents of Ag and Se, but low concentrations of Ga. Furthermore, the hydrothermal signature of sulphides seem to be preserved in mineral aggregates derived from the oxidation of sulphides, in so-called Fe-oxy-hydroxides. Thus, Fe-oxy-hydroxides can have the potential to be used as indicators for Cu mineralisation in the Kåfjord area

    How to Tell Beans from Farmers: Cues to the Perception of Pitch Accent in Whispered Norwegian

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    East Norwegian employs pitch accent contours in order to make lexical distinctions. This paper researches listeners' ability to make lexical distinctions in the absence of f0 (ie. whispered speech) as the listener attempts to determine which pitch accent word token best fits into a whispered ambiguous utterance in spoken Norwegian. The results confirm that local syntactic context alone is not a reliable cue to assist in lexical selection and concur with Fintoft (1970) in suggesting that listeners utilise a separate prosodic cue, possibly syllable duration or intensity, to make the pitch accent distinction in whispered speech

    Pathways of introduction of alien species in Norway: analyses of an exhaustive dataset to prioritise management efforts

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    1. Alien species constitute one of the major threats to global biodiversity. Stopping alien species at an early stage, preferably before establishment, is crucial for the effectiveness of management actions. To enable early detection and prevent future introductions, knowledge of pathways of introduction and their absolute and relative importance is crucial. 2. Based on an exhaustive impact assessment of alien species in Norway (all multicellular neobiota), the relations of taxonomy, lifestyle and ecological impact of alien species to their pathways of introduction are investigated. This taxonomically and ecologically unbiased dataset contains 2267 unique pathways of 1180 alien species. 3. Ecological and taxonomic patterns indicate that terrestrial organisms were predominantly introduced by means of escape (mainly perennial plants escaped from gardens), parasites as contaminants (mainly fungi and insects parasitising plants), freshwater organisms by release (mainly vertebrates) and marine organisms as stowaways (mainly invertebrates and algae). Unaided introductions were most common among insects and marine organisms. 4. Alien species with high ecological impact were mainly introduced along the same pathways as other alien species. In relative terms, high-impact species were overrepresented among released species, even though this pathway was subordinate in absolute terms. The number of pathways and the overall introduction pressure were important predictors of ecological impact, especially of the species' invasion potential, and area of occupancy. 5. Introduction rates of novel alien species have seen recent increases in all taxa and along almost all pathways. This acceleration was especially pronounced for insects and fungi introduced as contaminants and for marine organisms introduced as stowaways. In absolute terms, introduction rates were highest for plant escapes, reaching more than five novel species per year. 6. Synthesis and applications. Introductions of new alien species cannot be prevented by closing one or two introduction pathways, since none can be singled out as the main pathway of high-impact alien species. Yet each pathways closedmakes a difference, as this reduces the overall introduction pressure. The highest priorities for management are the pathways that are easiest to address, such as release, and those with the highest volumes, such as plant trade. ecological impact, escape, introduction pathway, invasive species, spread, stowawaypublishedVersio

    Dimensionamiento de un sistema de almacenamiento de energía para mitigar el efecto de intermitencia en la salida de un sistema solar fotovoltaico

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    Este trabajo de grado está dividido en 5 capítulos, de los cuales tres de estos contienen la fundamentación y el desarrollo del trabajo investigativo en su totalidad. En el capítulo 1 se puede ver la introducción de este trabajo; en el capítulo 2 se muestra un estudio sobre los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía y las aplicaciones que tienen con los sistema no convencionales de generación eléctrica; en el capítulo 3 se muestra un metodología para calcular un sistema de almacenamiento en un sistema solar fotovoltáico; en el capítulo 4 se muestra un ejemplo resuelto de dimensionamiento de un sistema de almacenamiento a un sistema fotovoltáico real; y en el capítulo 5 se muestran las conclusiones y los futuros trabajos que se se pueden derivar de este trabajo de grado

    Reglamento interno y desempeño laboral en la Empresa municipal del Terminal Terrestre del Cantón Cañar-EP, Ecuador

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar la relación entre el reglamento interno y desempeño laboral en la Empresa Municipal de la Terminal Terrestre del Cantón Cañar-EP, Ecuador. Se realizó bajo el paradigma positivista, utilizando la metodología cuantitativa y un nivel descriptivo de tipo correlacional simple. Se empleó la técnica de la encuesta, con dos cuestionarios de 20 reactivos por variable estudiada, sometidos a pruebas de validez, obteniendo un grado de confiabilidad aceptable, a través del Alfa de Cronbach. Los cuestionarios fueron aplicados a 25 trabajadores. La variable reglamento interno se dimensionó a partir de los deberes y derechos, manejo de recursos, actividades institucionales, régimen económico y disciplinario y participación de los colaboradores en 20 indicadores en total. La variable reglamento interno se dimensionó desde habilidades organizacionales, productividad, motivación y gestión del cambio en 20 indicadores. Se partió de la hipótesis que existe relación directa moderada entre la entre reglamento interno y desempeño laboral en la Empresa Municipal de la Terminal Terrestre del Cantón Cañar-EP, Ecuador, logrando determinar que existe un alto grado de significatividad, confirmando que se necesita fortalecer el reglamento interno y desempeño laboral en la Empresa Municipal de la Terminal Terrestre del Cantón Cañar-EP, Ecuado

    How to design an electronic learning tool to improve and simplify the driver-education for people with foreign language in Norway

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    Vi har arbeidet med denne kandidatoppgaven siden august 2011. I lang tid har vi hatt som mål å produsere ett læreverktøy med flerspråklig tale. Bakgrunn for valg av problemstilling er det faktum at fremmedspråklige er en høyrisikogruppe i trafikken, og at språket er en barriere i undervisningen. Dette kommer frem i flere uavhengige forskningsrapporter, hvor man har følgende definisjon på høyrisikogruppe i trafikken: «En gruppe trafikanter som både har høyere skaderisiko enn gjennomsnittet og som står for en relativt stor andel av det samlede antall skader i vegtrafikken. Høyrisikogrupper kan defineres ut fra trafikantkategorier, sosiale og demografiske bakgrunnsvariabler og/eller ut fra risikorelatert atferd» (Sagberg, 2007) Forskningsrapportene har kommet med anbefalte tiltak, og generelt sett kan man si at behovet for et tilpasset lærerverktøy blir ansett som et godt tiltak, i forbindelse med trafikkopplæringen for denne høyrisikogruppen. Vår konklusjon er at bransjen ikke har tatt tak i de utfordringer som er knyttet til trafikkopplæring for fremmedspråklige i Norge, som er omtalt i forskningsrapportene. Vi hadde som mål å lage et produkt, men problemstillingen har blitt dreid mot hvordan et godt lærerverktøy for denne målgruppen bør utformes. Det ble slik da ingen aktører har gått inn med økonomisk støtte. Språk er en barriere i undervisningen, og denne utfordringen må løses. Vår rapport tar tak i denne utfordringen. I utformingen av et godt læreverktøy har vi lagt vekt på enkle visuelle fremstillinger av trafikksituasjoner, med pedagogisk riktig tale på flere språk. Vedrørende språket konkluderer vi med at man bør benytte så få ord som mulig, produktet bør bestå av elementære nøkkelord på forskjellige språk og ordene bør ikke danne grunnlag for misforståelser. Vi legger også vekt på læreutbyttet ved visuell framstilling i undervisningen. Vi har også beskrevet kulturforskjeller og forhold til risiko, som medfører at vår målgruppe har behov for et tilpasset læreverktøy. Gruppens erfaring tilsier at barrieren for akseptert risiko er et på høyere nivå for mange fremmedspråklige, som kan skyldes infrastruktur og økonomi investert i trafikksikkerhet i hjemlandet. I utformingen av læreverktøyet blir det av den grunn viktig at man har en motivasjon for øvelsen, hvor risikomomenter blir synlig gjort