297 research outputs found

    Uji Resolusi Spasial Pada Perangkat Lunak Computed Radiography Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra Digital

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    This research conducted the spatial resolution of images in computed radiography using digital imagery. Spatial resolution testing aims to calculate the value of spatial resolution of computed radiography. The spatial resolution of images is useful to show the images of an object that is very useful for the smallest uphold the radiography diagnosis. The method used stars from doing expose on TOR CDR phantom with tube voltage variations, 70 kV, 72 kV, 74 kV, 76 kV, 78 kV, 80 kV, and 82 kV, read on computed radiography, the images is transferred to the computer software and then make a matlab program to calculate the spatial resolution of the image then performed to analysis. The results obtained images on the 70 kV has an average value of spatial resolution of 0,095 mm/pixel. This value is within the specified tolerance limit AAPM number 93 of 2006 which is less than 0,2 or 0,1 mm/pixel. Of spatial resolution values are not influence by tube voltage variation


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    PT. Mutiara Jaya adalah salah satu perusahaan industri yang bergerak di bidang mebel. Pada saat ini yang menjadi salah satu produk andalan dari PT. Mutiara Jaya adalah dining chair. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada proses produksi dining chair adalah adanya pemborosan dalam bentuk waktu menganggur dan waktu menunggu. Pemborosan dalam bentuk idle time dan waiting time terjadi karena perusahaan tidak memperhatikan adanya alternatif dalam optimasi penjadwalan mesin dining chair, sehingga menyebabkan penjadwalan mesin menjadi kurang baik. Pada penelitian ini, pengurangan pemborosan dilakukan dengan menggunakan lean manufaktur dan penjadwalan produksi. Dalam konsep lean manufaktur, digunakan value stream mapping (VSM) untuk menggambarkan seluruh aliran nilai dalam proses produksi yang meliputi aliran informasi dan material. Sedangkan penjadwalan mesin digunakan untuk menjadwalkan ulang proses produksi (permesinan) dining chair, salah satunya dengan menggunakan penjadwalan mesin metode CDS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan jadwal proses pemesinan yang mampu mengurangi pemborosan waktu. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dengan penjadwalan proses produksi dengan menggunakan metode CDS didapatkan waktu penyelesaian produksi yang paling optimal dengan nilai makepsan sebesar 2.064 detik dan mampu mengurangi pemborosan waiting time sebesar 214 detik dan idle time sebesar 1.458 detik untuk setiap unit dining chair yang diproduksi.Kata kunci : Lean Manufaktur, Pemborosan, Value Stream Mapping, Campbell Dudek and Smith, Dining Chai


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    Atletik adalah cabang olahraga yang termaktub dalam pembelajaran penjas di sekolah. Keberhasilan pembelajaran penjas di sekolah merupakan tolak ukur ketercapaian hasil belajar siswa. Inovasi model pembelajaran merupakan upaya yang dapat dilakukan seorang guru dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam II siklus. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa MTs Negeri 11 Banyuwangi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan metode permainan lompat dan loncat lingkaran berjenjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perubahan pada pratindakan yaitu 36%, siklus I meningkat menjadi 61% ketuntasan hasil belajar lompat jauh gaya jongkok. Sedangkan pada siklus II ketuntasan belajar meningkat menjadi 100%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode dan inovasi pembelajaran sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Potential Analysis of Hydro Power Plants in Pesisir Barat District, Lampung Province

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    Hydropower plants are increasingly being heard nowadays, but the growth is still very lacking, especially for residents living in rural and coastal areas. At present several efforts have been made by the government, including the existence of a system of purchasing electricity from small-scale renewable energy generation and the construction of new transmission networks. Pesisir Barat Regency is part of the South Lampung region, Sumatra. This region has a population distribution in the coastal area and is surrounded by Bukit Barisan National Park. So that there are many large river streams that can be utilized by the local community. Large rivers have the potential to be utilized further as hydropower renewable energy sources. River potential is seen by conducting river location surveys, flow measurements and river heads and power calculations. Based on the analysis of measurement results there are two rivers that have the potential to be a micro or mini hydro generator; Way Laai and Way Lami. The maximum design discharge of Way Laai of 4.52 m3/s can produce a mechanical output power of 1223.82 kW with an effective head of 44.16 m. Way Lami with a design discharge of 5,336 m3/s, an effective head of 28.8 m has the potential to provide a mechanical power output of 942.23 kW. Sequentially, with this mechanical output power, the Way Laai and Way Lami rivers, can meet the electricity needs of the community with an installed power of 900VA as much as ± 1350, ± 25100 Houses

    Benefits for public healthcare buildings towards Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs): initial reviews

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    NZEBs concept has received incrementing attention especially since European Union Parliament are progressively moving towards regulation in which all new buildings to be “nearly Zero-Energy” Buildings by 2020. Even though this concept delivers promising benefits, previous studies found that the benefit of NZEB is still in vague to the Malaysian construction industry, mostly for healthcare buildings. The NZEBs concept implementation is critical in healthcare building as it seen as a key part of the needed transition towards sustainable development. This paper aims to define benefits of NZEBs practices through initial investigation among architects. Several existing energies works of literature and pilot studies by using semi-structured interviews were conducted. The findings divulge that, although the term ‘NZEBs design strategies’ is not being used largely across construction industry in Malaysia, some sustainable practices related to the design stage of construction has been implemented. The findings are also promising in growing awareness, practices and implementation of NZEBs design strategies by the practitioner in Malaysia. It is foreseen that the paper will provide a straightforward knowledge for future research in NZEBs design strategies practices for healthcare buildings construction in Malaysia

    Simple and Complex Metafluids and Metastructures with Sharp Spectral Features in a Broad Extinction Spectrum: Particle-Particle Interactions and Testing the Limits of the Beer-Lambert Law

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    Metallic nanocrystals (NCs) are useful instruments for light manipulation around the visible spectrum. As their plasmonic resonances depend heavily on the NC geometry, modern fabrication techniques afford a great degree of control over their optical responses. We take advantage of this fact to create optical filters in the visible-near IR. Our systems show an extinction spectrum that covers a wide range of wavelengths (UV to mid-IR), while featuring a narrow transparency band around a wavelength of choice. We achieve this by carefully selecting the geometries of a collection of NCs with narrow resonances that cover densely the spectrum from UV to mid-IR except for the frequencies targeted for transmission. This fundamental design can be executed in different kinds of systems, including a solution of colloidal metal NCs (metafluids), a structured planar metasurface or a combination of both. Along with the theory, we report experimental results, showing metasurface realizations of the system, and we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these different approaches, paying particular attention to particle-particle interaction and to what extent it hinders the intended objective by shifting and modifying the profile of the planned resonances through the hybridization of their plasmonic modes. We have found that the Beer-Lambert law is very robust overall and is violated only upon aggregation or in configurations with nearly-touching NCs. This striking property favors the creation of metafluids with a narrow transparency window, which are investigated here.Comment: Includes Supplementary Information, totaling 32 pages and 8 figure

    Intimate Monolithic integration of Chip-scale Photonic Circuits

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we introduce a robust monolithic integration technique for fabricating photonic integrated circuits comprising optoelectronic devices (e.g., surface-illuminated photodetectors, waveguide quantum-well modulators, etc.) that are made of completely separate epitaxial structures and possibly reside at different locations across the wafer as necessary. Our technique is based on the combination of multiple crystal growth steps, judicious placement of epitaxial etch-stop layers, a carefully designed etch sequence, and self-planarization and passivation steps to compactly integrate optoelectronic devices. This multigrowth integration technique is broadly applicable to most III-V materials and can be exploited to fabricate sophisticated, highly integrated, multifunctional photonic integrated circuits on a single substrate. As a successful demonstration of this technique, we describe integrated photonic switches that consume only a 300 x 300 mu m footprint and incorporate InGaAs photodetector mesas and InGaAsP/InP quantum-well modulator waveguides separated by 50 mu m on an InP substrate. These switches perform electrically-reconfigurable optically-controlled wavelength conversion at multi-Gb/s data rates over the entire center telecommunication wavelength band

    Adaptive Modeling, Engineering Analysis and Design of Advanced Aerospace Vehicles

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    This paper describes initial progress towards the development and enhancement of a set of software tools for rapid adaptive modeling, and conceptual design of advanced aerospace vehicle concepts. With demanding structural and aerodynamic performance requirements, these high fidelity geometry based modeling tools are essential for rapid and accurate engineering analysis at the early concept development stage. This adaptive modeling tool was used for generating vehicle parametric geometry, outer mold line and detailed internal structural layout of wing, fuselage, skin, spars, ribs, control surfaces, frames, bulkheads, floors, etc., that facilitated rapid finite element analysis, sizing study and weight optimization. The high quality outer mold line enabled rapid aerodynamic analysis in order to provide reliable design data at critical flight conditions. Example application for structural design of a conventional aircraft and a high altitude long endurance vehicle configuration are presented. This work was performed under the Conceptual Design Shop sub-project within the Efficient Aerodynamic Shape and Integration project, under the former Vehicle Systems Program. The project objective was to design and assess unconventional atmospheric vehicle concepts efficiently and confidently. The implementation may also dramatically facilitate physics-based systems analysis for the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Mission. In addition to providing technology for design and development of unconventional aircraft, the techniques for generation of accurate geometry and internal sub-structure and the automated interface with the high fidelity analysis codes could also be applied towards the design of vehicles for the NASA Exploration and Space Science Mission projects