592 research outputs found

    Implementation of quantum maps by programmable quantum processors

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    A quantum processor is a device with a data register and a program register. The input to the program register determines the operation, which is a completely positive linear map, that will be performed on the state in the data register. We develop a mathematical description for these devices, and apply it to several different examples of processors. The problem of finding a processor that will be able to implement a given set of mappings is also examined, and it is shown that while it is possible to design a finite processor to realize the phase-damping channel, it is not possible to do so for the amplitude-damping channel.Comment: 10 revtex pages, no figure

    Decoherence in a double-slit quantum eraser

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    We study and experimentally implement a double-slit quantum eraser in the presence of a controlled decoherence mechanism. A two-photon state, produced in a spontaneous parametric down conversion process, is prepared in a maximally entangled polarization state. A birefringent double-slit is illuminated by one of the down-converted photons, and it acts as a single-photon two-qubits controlled not gate that couples the polarization with the transversal momentum of these photons. The other photon, that acts as a which-path marker, is sent through a Mach-Zehnder-like interferometer. When the interferometer is partially unbalanced, it behaves as a controlled source of decoherence for polarization states of down-converted photons. We show the transition from wave-like to particle-like behavior of the signal photons crossing the double-slit as a function of the decoherence parameter, which depends on the length path difference at the interferometer.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Optimal unambiguous discrimination of two subspaces as a case in mixed state discrimination

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    We show how to optimally unambiguously discriminate between two subspaces of a Hilbert space. In particular we suppose that we are given a quantum system in either the state \psi_{1}, where \psi_{1} can be any state in the subspace S_{1}, or \psi_{2}, where \psi_{2} can be any state in the subspace S_{2}, and our task is to determine in which of the subspaces the state of our quantum system lies. We do not want to make a mistake, which means that our procedure will sometimes fail if the subspaces are not orthogonal. This is a special case of the unambiguous discrimination of mixed states. We present the POVM that solves this problem and several applications of this procedure, including the discrimination of multipartite states without classical communication.Comment: 8 pages, replaced with published versio

    Quantum models related to fouled Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator

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    We study a pair of canonoid (fouled) Hamiltonians of the harmonic oscillator which provide, at the classical level, the same equation of motion as the conventional Hamiltonian. These Hamiltonians, say K1K_{1} and K2K_{2}, result to be explicitly time-dependent and can be expressed as a formal rotation of two cubic polynomial functions, H1H_{1} and H2H_{2}, of the canonical variables (q,p). We investigate the role of these fouled Hamiltonians at the quantum level. Adopting a canonical quantization procedure, we construct some quantum models and analyze the related eigenvalue equations. One of these models is described by a Hamiltonian admitting infinite self-adjoint extensions, each of them has a discrete spectrum on the real line. A self-adjoint extension is fixed by choosing the spectral parameter ϵ\epsilon of the associated eigenvalue equation equal to zero. The spectral problem is discussed in the context of three different representations. For ϵ=0\epsilon =0, the eigenvalue equation is exactly solved in all these representations, in which square-integrable solutions are explicity found. A set of constants of motion corresponding to these quantum models is also obtained. Furthermore, the algebraic structure underlying the quantum models is explored. This turns out to be a nonlinear (quadratic) algebra, which could be applied for the determination of approximate solutions to the eigenvalue equations.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, accepted for publication on JM

    Exponential quantum enhancement for distributed addition with local nonlinearity

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    We consider classical and entanglement-assisted versions of a distributed computation scheme that computes nonlinear Boolean functions of a set of input bits supplied by separated parties. Communication between the parties is restricted to take place through a specific apparatus which enforces the constraints that all nonlinear, nonlocal classical logic is performed by a single receiver, and that all communication occurs through a limited number of one-bit channels. In the entanglement-assisted version, the number of channels required to compute a Boolean function of fixed nonlinearity can become exponentially smaller than in the classical version. We demonstrate this exponential enhancement for the problem of distributed integer addition.Comment: To appear in Quantum Information Processin

    Quantum key distribution using non-classical photon number correlations in macroscopic light pulses

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    We propose a new scheme for quantum key distribution using macroscopic non-classical pulses of light having of the order 10^6 photons per pulse. Sub-shot-noise quantum correlation between the two polarization modes in a pulse gives the necessary sensitivity to eavesdropping that ensures the security of the protocol. We consider pulses of two-mode squeezed light generated by a type-II seeded parametric amplification process. We analyze the security of the system in terms of the effect of an eavesdropper on the bit error rates for the legitimate parties in the key distribution system. We also consider the effects of imperfect detectors and lossy channels on the security of the scheme.Comment: Modifications:added new eavesdropping attack, added more references Submitted to Physical Review A [email protected]

    Multiphoton communication in lossy channels with photon-number entangled states

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    We address binary and quaternary communication channels based on correlated multiphoton two-mode states of radiation in the presence of losses. The protocol are based on photon number correlations and realized upon choosing a shared set of thresholds to convert the outcome of a joint photon number measurement into a symbol from a discrete alphabet. In particular, we focus on channels build using feasible photon-number entangled states (PNES) as two-mode coherently-correlated (TMC) or twin-beam (TWB) states and compare their performances with that of channels built using feasible classically correlated (separable) states. We found that PNES provide larger channel capacity in the presence of loss, and that TWB-based channels may transmit a larger amount of information than TMC-based ones at fixed energy and overall loss. Optimized bit discrimination thresholds, as well as the corresponding maximized mutual information, are explicitly evaluated as a function of the beam intensity and the loss parameter. The propagation of TMC and TWB in lossy channels is analyzed and the joint photon number distribution is evaluated, showing that the beam statistics, either sub-Poissonian for TMC or super-Poissonian for TWB, is not altered by losses. Although entanglement is not strictly needed to establish the channels, which are based on photon-number correlations owned also by separable mixed states, purity of the support state is relevant to increase security. The joint requirement of correlation and purity individuates PNES as a suitable choice to build effective channels. The effects of losses on channel security are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 19 figure

    Quantum signature scheme with single photons

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    Quantum digital signature combines quantum theory with classical digital signature. The main goal of this field is to take advantage of quantum effects to provide unconditionally secure signature. We present a quantum signature scheme with message recovery without using entangle effect. The most important property of the proposed scheme is that it is not necessary for the scheme to use Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. The present scheme utilizes single photons to achieve the aim of signature and verification. The security of the scheme relies on the quantum one-time pad and quantum key distribution. The efficiency analysis shows that the proposed scheme is an efficient scheme

    Generation of Entangled N-Photon States in a Two-Mode Jaynes-Cummings Model

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    We describe a mathematical solution for the generation of entangled N-photon states in two field modes. A simple and compact solution is presented for a two-mode Jaynes-Cummings model by combining the two field modes in a way that only one of the two resulting quasi-modes enters in the interaction term. The formalism developed is then applied to calculate various generation probabilities analytically. We show that entanglement, starting from an initial field and an atom in one defined state may be obtained in a single step. We also show that entanglement may be built up in the case of an empty cavity and excited atoms whose final states are detected, as well as in the case when the final states of the initially excited atoms are not detected.Comment: v2: 5 pages, RevTeX4, minor text changes + 1 figure added, revised version to be published in PRA, May 200

    SU(2) and SU(1,1) algebra eigenstates: A unified analytic approach to coherent and intelligent states

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    We introduce the concept of algebra eigenstates which are defined for an arbitrary Lie group as eigenstates of elements of the corresponding complex Lie algebra. We show that this concept unifies different definitions of coherent states associated with a dynamical symmetry group. On the one hand, algebra eigenstates include different sets of Perelomov's generalized coherent states. On the other hand, intelligent states (which are squeezed states for a system of general symmetry) also form a subset of algebra eigenstates. We develop the general formalism and apply it to the SU(2) and SU(1,1) simple Lie groups. Complete solutions to the general eigenvalue problem are found in the both cases, by a method that employs analytic representations of the algebra eigenstates. This analytic method also enables us to obtain exact closed expressions for quantum statistical properties of an arbitrary algebra eigenstate. Important special cases such as standard coherent states and intelligent states are examined and relations between them are studied by using their analytic representations.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, 1 figure (compressed PostScript, available at http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/abstracts/AES.html ). More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm
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