900 research outputs found

    Vortex Rings in two Component Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We study the structure of the vortex core in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. We demonstrate that the order parameter may not vanish and the symmetry may not be restored in the core of the vortex. In this case such vortices can form vortex rings known as vortons in particle physics literature. In contrast with well-studied superfluid 4He^4He, where similar vortex rings can be stable due to Magnus force only if they move, the vortex rings in two-component BECs can be stable even if they are at rest. This beautiful effect was first discussed by Witten in the cosmic string context, where it was shown that the stabilization occurs due to condensation of the second component of the field in the vortex core. This second condensate trapped in the core may carry a current along the vortex ring counteracting the effect of string tension that causes the loop to shrink. We speculate that such vortons may have been already observed in the laboratory. We also speculate that the experimental study of topological structures in BECs can provide a unique opportunity to study cosmology and astrophysics by doing laboratory experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Carotenoid content and reflectance of yellow and red nuptial plumages in widowbirds (Euplectes spp.)

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    1. Ornamental carotenoid coloration is commonly based on several different pigments with different nutritional and metabolic constraints. The identification and quantification of carotenoid pigments is therefore crucial to the understanding of signal content and signal evolution. 2. In male widowbirds (Euplectes spp.), the striking yellow and red carotenoid colours have been measured by reflectance spectrometry and studied with respect to sexual selection through male contest competition, but their biochemical mechanisms have not been analysed. 3. Here we use reflectance analysis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to describe the species-specific colours and plumage carotenoids in three widowbird species: yellow-mantled widowbird (YMW) Euplectes macrourus, red-shouldered widowbird (RSW) E. axillaris and red-collared widowbird (RCW) E. ardens. 4. YMW yellow (‘hue’ colorimetric λR50 = 522 nm) derives from the two ‘dietary yellow’ xanthophylls lutein and zeaxanthin, together with small amounts of ‘derived yellow’ pigments (3′-dehydrolutein and canary xanthophylls). 5. RCW red (λR50 = 574 nm) is achieved by the addition of low concentrations of ‘derived red ’ 4-keto-carotenoids, notably α- and β-doradexanthin and canthaxanthin. 6. RSW red (λR50 = 589 nm) is, in contrast, created by high concentrations of ‘dietary yellow ’ pigments (lutein, zeaxanthin) and ‘derived yellow ’ anhydrolutein, the latter only recently described in birds. 7. The two different mechanisms of producing red plumage are compared with other bird species and discussed with regard to costs and signal ‘honesty’

    Multispecies virial expansions

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    We study the virial expansion of mixtures of countably many different types of particles. The main tool is the Lagrange–Good inversion formula, which has other applications such as counting coloured trees or studying probability generating functions in multi-type branching processes. We prove that the virial expansion converges absolutely in a domain of small densities. In addition, we establish that the virial coefficients can be expressed in terms of two-connected graphs

    Evolution of active and polar photospheric magnetic fields during the rise of Cycle 24 compared to previous cycles

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    The evolution of the photospheric magnetic field during the declining phase and minimum of Cycle 23 and the recent rise of Cycle 24 are compared with the behavior during previous cycles. We used longitudinal full-disk magnetograms from the NSO's three magnetographs at Kitt Peak, the Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS) Vector Spectro-Magnetograph (VSM), the Spectromagnetograph and the 512-Channel Magnetograph instruments, and longitudinal full-disk magnetograms from the Mt. Wilson 150-foot tower. We analyzed 37 years of observations from these two observatories that have been observing daily, weather permitting, since 1974, offering an opportunity to study the evolving relationship between the active region and polar fields in some detail over several solar cycles. It is found that the annual averages of a proxy for the active region poloidal magnetic field strength, the magnetic field strength of the high-latitude poleward streams, and the time derivative of the polar field strength are all well correlated in each hemisphere. These results are based on statistically significant cyclical patterns in the active region fields and are consistent with the Babcock-Leighton phenomenological model for the solar activity cycle. There was more hemispheric asymmetry in the activity level, as measured by total and maximum active region flux, during late Cycle 23 (after around 2004), when the southern hemisphere was more active, and Cycle 24 up to the present, when the northern hemisphere has been more active, than at any other time since 1974. The active region net proxy poloidal fields effectively disappeared in both hemispheres around 2004, and the polar fields did not become significantly stronger after this time. We see evidence that the process of Cycle 24 field reversal has begun at both poles.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Drum vortons in high density QCD

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    Recently it was shown that high density QCD supports of number of topological defects. In particular, there are U(1)_Y strings that arise due to K^0 condensation that occurs when the strange quark mass is relatively large. The unique feature of these strings is that they possess a nonzero K^+ condensate that is trapped on the core. In the following we will show that these strings (with nontrivial core structure) can form closed loops with conserved charge and currents trapped on the string worldsheet. The presence of conserved charges allows these topological defects, called vortons, to carry angular momentum, which makes them classically stable objects. We also give arguments demonstrating that vortons carry angular momentum very efficiently (in terms of energy per unit angular momentum) such that they might be the important degrees of freedom in the cores of neutron stars.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    A deimmunised form of the ribotoxin, α-sarcin, lacking CD4+ T cell epitopes and its use as an immunotoxin warhead

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    Fungal ribotoxins that block protein synthesis can be useful warheads in the context of a targeted immunotoxin. α-Sarcin is a small (17 kDa) fungal ribonuclease produced by Aspergillus giganteus that functions by catalytically cleaving a single phosphodiester bond in the sarcin–ricin loop of the large ribosomal subunit, thus making the ribosome unrecognisable to elongation factors and leading to inhibition of protein synthesis. Peptide mapping using an ex vivo human T cell assay determined that α-sarcin contained two T cell epitopes; one in the N-terminal 20 amino acids and the other in the C-terminal 20 amino acids. Various mutations were tested individually within each epitope and then in combination to isolate deimmunised α-sarcin variants that had the desired properties of silencing T cell epitopes and retention of the ability to inhibit protein synthesis (equivalent to wild-type, WT α-sarcin). A deimmunised variant (D9T/Q142T) demonstrated a complete lack of T cell activation in in vitro whole protein human T cell assays using peripheral blood mononuclear cells from donors with diverse HLA allotypes. Generation of an immunotoxin by fusion of the D9T/Q142T variant to a single-chain Fv targeting Her2 demonstrated potent cell killing equivalent to a fusion protein comprising the WT α-sarcin. These results represent the first fungal ribotoxin to be deimmunised with the potential to construct a new generation of deimmunised immunotoxin therapeutics

    Measuring Cosmic Defect Correlations in Liquid Crystals

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    From the theory of topological defect formation proposed for the early universe, the so called Kibble mechanism, it follows that the density correlation functions of defects and anti-defects in a given system should be completely determined in terms of a single length scale ξ\xi, the relevant domain size. Thus, when lengths are expressed in units of ξ\xi, these distributions should show universal behavior, depending only on the symmetry of the order parameter, and space dimensions. We have verified this prediction by analyzing the distributions of defects/anti-defects formed in the isotropic-nematic phase transition in a thin layer of nematic liquid crystals. Our experimental results confirm this prediction and are in reasonable agreement with the results of numerical simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, few new references adde

    An Extreme Solar Event of 20 January 2005: Properties of the Flare and the Origin of Energetic Particles

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    The extreme solar and SEP event of 20 January 2005 is analyzed from two perspectives. Firstly, we study features of the main phase of the flare, when the strongest emissions from microwaves up to 200 MeV gamma-rays were observed. Secondly, we relate our results to a long-standing controversy on the origin of SEPs arriving at Earth, i.e., acceleration in flares, or shocks ahead of CMEs. All emissions from microwaves up to 2.22 MeV line gamma-rays during the main flare phase originated within a compact structure located just above sunspot umbrae. A huge radio burst with a frequency maximum at 30 GHz was observed, indicating the presence of a large number of energetic electrons in strong magnetic fields. Thus, protons and electrons responsible for flare emissions during its main phase were accelerated within the magnetic field of the active region. The leading, impulsive parts of the GLE, and highest-energy gamma-rays identified with pi^0-decay emission, are similar and correspond in time. The origin of the pi^0-decay gamma-rays is argued to be the same as that of lower energy emissions. We estimate the sky-plane speed of the CME to be 2000-2600 km/s, i.e., high, but of the same order as preceding non-GLE-related CMEs from the same active region. Hence, the flare itself rather than the CME appears to determine the extreme nature of this event. We conclude that the acceleration, at least, to sub-relativistic energies, of electrons and protons, responsible for both the flare emissions and the leading spike of SEP/GLE by 07 UT, are likely to have occurred simultaneously within the flare region. We do not rule out a probable contribution from particles accelerated in the CME-driven shock for the leading GLE spike, which seemed to dominate later on.Comment: 34 pages, 14 Postscript figures. Solar Physics, accepted. A typo corrected. The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Experimental Study of the Shortest Reset Word of Random Automata

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    In this paper we describe an approach to finding the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton by using a SAT solver. We use this approach to perform an experimental study of the length of the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton. The largest automata we considered had 100 states. The results of the experiments allow us to formulate a hypothesis that the length of the shortest reset word of a random finite automaton with nn states and 2 input letters with high probability is sublinear with respect to nn and can be estimated as $1.95 n^{0.55}.

    Two-proton correlations from 158 AGeV Pb+Pb central collisions

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    The two-proton correlation function at midrapidity from Pb+Pb central collisions at 158 AGeV has been measured by the NA49 experiment. The results are compared to model predictions from static thermal Gaussian proton source distributions and transport models RQMD and VENUS. An effective proton source size is determined by minimizing CHI-square/ndf between the correlation functions of the data and those calculated for the Gaussian sources, yielding 3.85 +-0.15(stat.) +0.60-0.25(syst.) fm. Both the RQMD and the VENUS model are consistent with the data within the error in the correlation peak region.Comment: RevTeX style, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. More discussion are added about the structure on the tail of the correlation function. The systematic error is revised. To appear in Phys. Lett.