205 research outputs found

    »Dicke Bohnen« als Auslöser einer akuten hÀmolytischen AnÀmie

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    Bei einem bisher gesunden 17jĂ€hrigen Griechen trat akut eine GelbverfĂ€rbung der Skleren und der Haut auf. Zudem war er auffallend blaß bei sonst unauffĂ€lligem körperlichem Untersuchungsbefund. Er berichtete ferner ĂŒber MĂŒdigkeit und SchwĂ€che. Die klinisch-chemische Untersuchung ergab einen HĂ€moglobinspiegel von 9,6 g/dl, eine Lactatdehydrogenase-AktivitĂ€t von 335 U/l, eine Gesamtbilirubinkonzentration von 3,2 mg/dl (direkt 0,7 mg/dl, indirekt 2,5 mg/dl) und eine Haptoglobinkonzentration von 48,8 mg/dl. Danach wurde eine hĂ€molytische AnĂ€mie vermutet; es stellte sich durch gezieltes Nachfragen heraus, daß der Patient 3 und 2 Tage vor Auftreten des Ikterus zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben etwa 300 g »dicke Bohnen« gegessen hatte, die in der Literatur als Sau- oder Pferdebohnen (Vicia faba) bezeichnet werden. Der biochemische Nachweis des Fehlens der Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase-AktivitĂ€t in den Erythrozyten sicherte die Diagnose Favismus. Die Lactatdehydrogenase-AktivitĂ€t und der Bilirubinspiegel fielen unter rein symptomatischer Therapie innerhalb einer Woche in den Normbereich ab, der HĂ€moglobinspiegel lag nach 4 Wochen wieder bei 15,7 g/dl

    Nicotine Contamination in Particulate Matter Sampling

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    We have addressed potential contamination of PM2.5 filter samples by nicotine from cigarette smoke. We collected two nicotine samples – one nicotine sampling filter was placed inline after the collection of PM2.5 and the other stood alone. The overall correlation between the two nicotine filter levels was 0.99. The nicotine collected on the “stand-alone” filter was slightly greater than that on the “in-line” filter (mean difference = 1.10 ÎŒg/m3), but the difference was statistically significant only when PM2.5 was low (≀ 50 ÎŒg/m3). It is therefore important to account for personal and secondhand smoke exposure while assessing occupational and environmental PM

    Reproductive and population parameters of discus fish symphysodon aequifasciatus pellegrin, 1904 (perciformes: Cichlidae) from piagaçu-purus sustainable development reserve (rds-pp), lower purus river, amazonas, Brazil

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    The ornamental discus fish Symphysodon aequifasciatus Pellegrin, 1904, is a popular endemic cichlid species from the Amazon basin, however scientific information concerning biology and ecology in its natural habitat is scarce despite its importance on the international aquarium trade. In this study we evaluated reproductive parameters of S. aequifasciatus in natural habitat in Piagaçu-Purus Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS-PP), lower Purus River, Brazilian Amazon. Males are more frequent in the larger size classes and this might be related to the complex breeding behavior known for S. aequifasciatus. Values of L50 for both sexes corresponded to more than 60% of the maximum attained length which may indicate that energy allocation for somatic growth takes longer in S. aequifasciatus than in other species. Average fecundity for female discus was 1490, ranging from 950 to 1892 oocytes and its correlations with standard length and total weight were very low, probably due to the highly compressed discus ́ body shape. Egg size distribution showed four types of patterns, indicating one to four modes besides the reserve oocytes group. Our results indicate that S. aequifasciatus shows total spawning, in the beginning of flooding period, with the peculiar capacity of releasing multiple egg batches as a strategy that potentially enhances reproductive success. © 2010 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia

    Biological response of an in vitro human 3D lung cell model exposed to brake wear debris varies based on brake pad formulation

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    Wear particles from automotive friction brake pads of various sizes, morphology, and chemical composition are significant contributors towards particulate matter. Knowledge concerning the potential adverse effects following inhalation exposure to brake wear debris is limited. Our aim was, therefore, to generate brake wear particles released from commercial low-metallic and non-asbestos organic automotive brake pads used in mid-size passenger cars by a full-scale brake dynamometer with an environmental chamber simulating urban driving and to deduce their potential hazard in vitro. The collected fractions were analysed using scanning electron microscopy via energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and Raman microspectroscopy. The biological impact of the samples was investigated using a human 3D multicellular model consisting of human epithelial cells (A549) and human primary immune cells (macrophages and dendritic cells) mimicking the human epithelial tissue barrier. The viability, morphology, oxidative stress, and (pro-)inflammatory response of the cells were assessed following 24 h exposure to similar to 12, similar to 24, and similar to 48 A mu g/cm(2) of non-airborne samples and to similar to 3.7 A mu g/cm(2) of different brake wear size fractions (2-4, 1-2, and 0.25-1 A mu m) applying a pseudo-air-liquid interface approach. Brake wear debris with low-metallic formula does not induce any adverse biological effects to the in vitro lung multicellular model. Brake wear particles from non-asbestos organic formulated pads, however, induced increased (pro-)inflammatory mediator release from the same in vitro system. The latter finding can be attributed to the different particle compositions, specifically the presence of anatase.Web of Science9272351233

    Isotopic characterization of aerosol organic carbon components over the eastern United States

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (2012): D13303, doi:10.1029/2011JD017153.Carbon isotopic signatures (ÎŽ13C, Δ14C) of aerosol particulate matter total organic carbon (TOC) and operationally defined organic carbon (OC) components were measured in samples from two background sites in the eastern U.S. TOC and water-soluble OC (WSOC) ÎŽ13C values (−27 to −24‰) indicated predominantly terrestrial C3 plant and fossil derived sources. Total solvent extracts (TSE) and their aliphatic, aromatic, and polar OC components were depleted in ÎŽ13C (−30 to −26‰) relative to TOC and WSOC. Δ14C signatures of aerosol TOC and TSE (−476 to +25‰) suggest variable fossil contributions (~5–50%) to these components. Aliphatic OC while comprising a small portion of the TOC (<1%), was dominated by fossil-derived carbon (86 ± 3%), indicating its potential utility as a tracer for fossil aerosol OC inputs. In contrast, aromatic OC contributions (<1.5%) contained approximately equal portions contemporary (52 ± 8%) and fossil (48 ± 8%) OC. The quantitatively significant polar OC fraction (6–25% of TOC) had fossil contributions (30 ± 12%) similar to TOC (26 ± 7%) and TSE (28 ± 9%). Thus, much of both of the fossil and contemporary OC is deduced to be oxidized, polar material. Aerosol WSOC consistently showed low fossil content (<8%) relative to the TOC (5–50%) indicating that the majority of fossil OC in aerosol particulates is insoluble. Therefore, on the basis of solubility and polarity, aerosols are predicted to partition differently once deposited to watersheds, and these chemically distinct components are predicted to contribute in quantitatively and qualitatively different ways to watershed carbon biogeochemistry and cycling.ASW was partially supported by a Graduate Fellowship from the Hudson River Foundation during the course of this study. Additional funding for this work came from a NOSAMS student internship award, a fellowship award from Sun Trust Bank administered through the VIMS Foundation, a student research grant from VIMS, and the following NSF awards: DEB Ecosystems grant DEB-0234533, Chemical Oceanography grant OCE-0327423, and Integrated Carbon Cycle Research Program grant EAR-0403949 to JEB; and Chemical Oceanography grant OCE-0727575 to RMD and JEB.2013-01-0


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    This review addresses issues related to the evolution of the complex multigene families of antigen binding receptors that function in adaptive immunity. Advances in molecular genetic technology now permit the study of immunoglobulin (Ig) and T cell receptor (TCR) genes in many species that are not commonly studied yet represent critical branch points in vertebrate phylogeny. Both Ig and TCR genes have been defined in most of the major lineages of jawed vertebrates, including the cartilaginous fishes, which represent the most phylogenetically divergent jawed vertebrate group relative to the mammals. Ig genes in cartilaginous fish are encoded by multiple individual loci that each contain rearranging segmental elements and constant regions. In some loci, segmental elements are joined in the germline, i.e. they do not undergo genetic rearrangement. Other major differences in Ig gene organization and the mechanisms of somatic diversification have occurred throughout vertebrate evolution. However, relating these changes to adaptive immune function in lower vertebrates is challenging. TCR genes exhibit greater sequence diversity in individual segmental elements than is found in Ig genes but have undergone fewer changes in gene organization, isotype diversity, and mechanisms of diversification. As of yet, homologous forms of antigen binding receptors have not been identified in jawless vertebrates; however, acquisition of large amounts of structural data for the antigen binding receptors that are found in a variety of jawed vertebrates has defined shared characteristics that provide unique insight into the distant origins of the rearranging gene systems and their relationships to both adaptive and innate recognition processes
