1,787 research outputs found

    Correlated quantum dynamics of two quenched fermionic impurities immersed in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We unravel the nonequilibrium dynamics of two fermionic impurities immersed in a one-dimensional bosonic gas following an interspecies interaction quench from weak to strong repulsions. Monitoring the temporal evolution of the single-particle density of each species we reveal the existence of four distinct dynamical regimes. For weak interspecies repulsions both species either perform a breathing motion or the impurity density splits into two parts which interact and disperse within the bosonic cloud. Turning to strong interactions we observe the formation of dark-bright states within the mean-field approximation. However, the correlated dynamics shows that the fermionic density splits into two repelling density peaks which either travel towards the edges of the bosonic cloud where they equilibrate or they approach an almost steady state propagating robustly within the bosonic gas which forms density dips at the same location. For these strong interspecies interactions an energy transfer process from the impurities to their environment occurs at the many-body level, while a periodic energy exchange from the bright states (impurities) to the bosonic species is identified in the absence of correlations. Finally, inspecting the one-body coherence function for strong interactions enables us to conclude on the spatial localization of the quench-induced fermionic density humps.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure


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    Bibliographie pflanzensoziologischer und vegetationsökologischer Arbeiten aus Mitteldeutschland : Teil 3

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    Im Rahmen der Publikationsreihe „Übersicht über die Pflanzengesellschaften des südlichen Teiles der DDR“, innerhalb derer von 1971 bis 1990 16 Teile erschienen, wurde ergänzend auch in zwei Teilen eine Bibliographie publiziert (H ilb ig 1980, 1990), für die sich jetzt ein 3. Teil anschließt, der neben einigen Nachträgen pflanzensoziologische und vegetationsökologische Arbeiten aus den Jahren 1989 bis 2001 umfasst

    Zwei Sprachen gleichzeitig? Nein, das schaff’ ich nicht: A Lithuanian-German Boy’s Journey to Active Bilingualism

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    Whereas many children in bilingual settings do not speak the minority language, very little is known about receptive bilingualism from the onset of speech and about such bilinguals activating their dormant language. Drawing on longitudinal ethnographic data, this paper reports on a case study of a receptive simultaneously bilingual Lithuanian-German boy who later started speaking both of his languages. Parents can do much for their children’s bilingualism, but the child’s agency is very important as well. The latter is much determined by the macro-socialisation factors, primarily by the communicative motivation of the child to use the minority language outside the bilingual home. Next to confirming possible insufficiency of the OPOL model, the paper demonstrates how quickly passive languages can be activated and highlights the importance of continuity of input and the value of receptive bilingualism.Keywords: early simultaneous bilingualism, receptive bilingualism, minority language, OPOL model, Lithuanian, Germa

    Inhabiting the Discourses of Belonging; Franz Kafka and Yoko Tawada

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    Inhabiting the Discourses of Belonging; Franz Kafka and Yoko Tawada examines the role of language in creating the identity of the foreigner in German prose. Writing at opposite ends of the 20th century, Kafka and Tawada serve as harbingers for a broader sense of alienation that comes with writing as an Other. Using lenses provided by Spivak, Butler, Said and Deluze, this essay surveys the broader cultural concepts and theoretical implications of the notion of the metaphorical subaltern that can be created in prose, and the particularities presented by the German language in creating and articulating this identity. This essay examines six texts, three by Kafka and three by Tawada, placing them in contrast with one another. Ultimately this essay seeks to shift the hermeneutics of reading the Kantian Ding an sich of subaltern as hopeless, rather to see the these six texts as a plea for understanding

    Lietuvių atsisakymai ir jų mandagumas

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    This study investigates Lithuanian refusals to comply with requests. Refusals are face-threatening speech acts. They can endanger social relationships, and therefore require mitigation by employing politeness means. The aim of the study is to find out strategies, sub-strategies, internal and external modifications of Lithuanian refusals. The research data was collected from students using an open-ended discourse completion test and consists of 1046 refusals. Summarizing the results, it can be stated that Lithuanians opt for indirect refusals. When refusing directly, the least straightforward strategy – stating the inability to comply with a request – is used, especially by women. Refusals (especially the direct ones) are often mitigated with external modifications that were again more frequent in women’s responses. Socioculturally, the most acceptable and thus polite way to refuse in Lithuanian is to apologize and provide reasons. Overall, there is a clear tendency to express positive politeness when refusing.Straipsnyje aptariamas atsisakymų patenkinti prašymus tyrimas. Atsisakymas yra rizikingas šnekos aktas: gali pakenkti adresato įvaizdžiui ir komunikantų tarpusavio santykiams, tad jį atliekant labai svarbus mandagumas. Darbe siekta ištirti, kokias atsisakymų patenkinti prašymus strategijas, pastrateges, vidines ir išorines modifikacijas renkasi lietuviai merginos ir vaikinai. Tiriamąją medžiagą sudaro diskurso kūrimo testu iš studentų surinkti pasakymai. Analizuoti 1046 atsisakymai. Apibendrinant rezultatus teigiama, kad įprastai atsisakoma netiesiogiai. Jeigu atsisakoma tiesiogiai, dažniausiai pasitelkiama mažiausiai tiesioginė pastrategė – nurodomas negalėjimas patenkinti prašymą. Merginos ją taikė dar dažniau nei vaikinai. Atsisakymų (ypač tiesioginių) branduoliai gausiai paremiami išorinėmis modifikacijomis, ypač merginų. Sociokultūriškai lietuviams priimtiniausia ir mandagiausia atrodo atsiprašyti ir papildomai pateikti atsisakymo priežastį. Atsisakant akivaizdžiai dominuoja pozityvusis mandagumas – stengiamasi kuo labiau atsižvelgti į adresato norus, poreikius, išreikšti solidarumą, palaikymą

    Local news monopolies increase misperceptions about immigration

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    We examine how local news monopolies affect misperceptions about the size of the immigrant population in Germany. We propose a theoretical framework in which het- erogeneous information from different local news outlets diffuses through social interactions. We posit that indirect exposure to information from multiple sources leads to more accurate beliefs in competitive markets. To causally identify the effect of local news monopolies on misperceptions, we exploit overlapping newspaper coverage areas as a source of exogenous variation in the number of available outlets. We estimate that local news monopolies increase misperceptions about the size of the local immigrant population by about four percentage points. We demonstrate that the effect of media monopolies hinges on social interactions. For individuals with fewer close social contacts, misperceptions remain unaffected by local news monopolies. Our results suggest that consolidation in the market for news decreases constituents’ knowledge about critical policy issues