447 research outputs found

    The adiabatic evolution of orbital parameters in the Kerr spacetime

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    We investigate the adiabatic orbital evolution of a point particle in the Kerr spacetime due to the emission of gravitational waves. In the case that the timescale of the orbital evolution is enough smaller than the typical timescale of orbits, the evolution of orbits is characterized by the change rates of three constants of motion, the energy EE, the azimuthal angular momentum LL, and the Carter constant QQ. For EE and LL, we can evaluate their change rates from the fluxes of the energy and the angular momentum at infinity and on the event horizon according to the balance argument. On the other hand, for the Carter constant, we cannot use the balance argument because we do not know the conserved current associated with it. %and the corresponding conservation law. Recently, Mino proposed a new method of evaluating the averaged change rate of the Carter constant by using the radiative field. In our previous paper we developed a simplified scheme for practical evaluation of the evolution of the Carter constant based on the Mino's proposal. In this paper we describe our scheme in more detail, and derive explicit analytic formulae for the change rates of the energy, the angular momentum and the Carter constant.Comment: 34 pages, no figur

    Boundary states in the Nappi-Witten model

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    We investigate D-branes in the Nappi-Witten model. Classically symmetric D-branes are classified by the (twisted) conjugacy classes of the Nappi-Witten group, which specify the geometry of the corresponding D-branes. Quantum description of the D-branes is given by boundary states, and we need one point functions of closed strings to construct the boundary states. We compute the one point functions solving conformal bootstrap constraints, and check that the classical limit of the boundary states reproduces the geometry of D-branes.Comment: 19 pages, no figure; minor changes, references adde

    Self-force Regularization in the Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    We discuss the gravitational self-force on a particle in a black hole space-time. For a point particle, the full (bare) self-force diverges. The metric perturbation induced by a particle can be divided into two parts, the direct part (or the S part) and the tail part (or the R part), in the harmonic gauge, and the regularized self-force is derived from the R part which is regular and satisfies the source-free perturbed Einstein equations. But this formulation is abstract, so when we apply to black hole-particle systems, there are many problems to be overcome in order to derive a concrete self-force. These problems are roughly divided into two parts. They are the problem of regularizing the divergent self-force, i.e., ``subtraction problem'' and the problem of the singularity in gauge transformation, i.e., ``gauge problem''. In this paper, we discuss these problems in the Schwarzschild background and report some recent progress.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, submitted to CQG, special volume for Radiation Reaction (CAPRA7

    D-instantons and Closed String Tachyons in Misner Space

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    We investigate closed string tachyon condensation in Misner space, a toy model for big bang universe. In Misner space, we are able to condense tachyonic modes of closed strings in the twisted sectors, which is supposed to remove the big bang singularity. In order to examine this, we utilize D-instanton as a probe. First, we study general properties of D-instanton by constructing boundary state and effective action. Then, resorting to these, we are able to show that tachyon condensation actually deforms the geometry such that the singularity becomes milder.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, minor change

    T-duality, Fiber Bundles and Matrices

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    We extend the T-duality for gauge theory to that on curved space described as a nontrivial fiber bundle. We also present a new viewpoint concerning the consistent truncation and the T-duality for gauge theory and discuss the relation between the vacua on the total space and on the base space. As examples, we consider S^3(/Z_k), S^5(/Z_k) and the Heisenberg nilmanifold.Comment: 24 pages, typos correcte

    D-branes in PP-Waves and Massive Theories on Worldsheet with Boundary

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    We investigate the supersymmetric D-brane configurations in the pp-wave backgrounds proposed by Maldacena and Maoz. We study the surviving supersymmetry in a D-brane configuration from the worldvolume point of view. When we restrict ourselves to the background with N=(2,2) supersymmetry and no holomorphic Killing vector term, there are two types of supersymmetric D-branes: A-type and B-type. An A-type brane is wrapped on a special Lagrangian submanifold, and the imaginary part of the superpotential should be constant on its worldvolume. On the other hand, a B-type brane is wrapped on a complex submanifold, and the superpotential should be constant on its worldvolume. The results are almost consistent with the worldsheet theory in the lightcone gauge. The inclusion of gauge fields is also discussed and found BPS D-branes with the gauge field excitations. Furthermore, we consider the backgrounds with holomorphic Killing vector terms and N=(1,1) supersymmetric backgrounds.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, no figure. v2: typos corrected, comments added, references added. v3: typos corrected, comments added, references added. v4:typos correcte

    DDF and Pohlmeyer invariants of (super)string

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    We show how the Pohlmeyer invariants of the bosonic string are expressible in terms of DDF invariants. Quantization of the DDF observables in the usual way yields a consistent quantization of the algebra of Pohlmeyer invariants. Furthermore it becomes straightforward to generalize the Pohlmeyer invariants to the superstring as well as to all backgrounds which allow a free field realization of the worldsheet theory.Comment: 17 pp, minor typos corrected, references to papers by Isaev and Borodulin added, which contain essentially the same results as reported her

    Analytical solutions of bound timelike geodesic orbits in Kerr spacetime

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    We derive the analytical solutions of the bound timelike geodesic orbits in Kerr spacetime. The analytical solutions are expressed in terms of the elliptic integrals using Mino time λ\lambda as the independent variable. Mino time decouples the radial and polar motion of a particle and hence leads to forms more useful to estimate three fundamental frequencies, radial, polar and azimuthal motion, for the bound timelike geodesics in Kerr spacetime. This paper gives the first derivation of the analytical expressions of the fundamental frequencies. This paper also gives the first derivation of the analytical expressions of all coordinates for the bound timelike geodesics using Mino time. These analytical expressions should be useful not only to investigate physical properties of Kerr geodesics but more importantly to applications related to the estimation of gravitational waves from the extreme mass ratio inspirals.Comment: A typo in the first expression in equation 21 was fixe

    One-Loop Effect of Null-Like Cosmology's Holographic Dual Super-Yang-Mills

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    We calculate the 1-loop effect in super-Yang-Mills which preserves 1/4-supersymmetries and is holographically dual to the null-like cosmology with a big-bang singularity. Though the bosonic and fermionic spectra do not agree precisely, we do obtain vanishing 1-loop vacuum energy for generic warped plane-wave type backgrounds with a big-bang singularity. Moreover, we find that the cosmological "constant" contributed either by bosons or fermions is time-dependent. The issues about the particle production of some background and about the UV structure are also commented. We argue that the effective higher derivative interactions are suppressed as long as the Fourier transform of the time-dependent coupling is UV-finite. Our result holds for scalar configurations that are BPS but with arbitrary time-dependence. This suggests the existence of non-renormalization theorem for such a new class of time-dependent theories. Altogether, it implies that such a super-Yang-Mills is scale-invariant, and that its dual bulk quantum gravity might behave regularly near the big bang.Comment: 20 pages, v2 add comments and references, v3 clarify BPS condition & add new discussion on particle production and UV structure, v4&v5 minor changes, final to JHE
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