121 research outputs found

    Suositukset sivutoimisen verkkokaupan perustajalle

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutustutaan verkkokaupan perustamiseen liittyviin toimenpiteisiin sivutoimisena yrittäjänä. Työssä käydään läpi kattavasti teoriaa sekä sähköiseen liiketoimintaan, että verkkokaupan perustamiseen liittyen. Näiden lisäksi myös työssä on korostetusti teoriaosuudessa kerrottu hakukoneoptimoinnista, joka on erittäin tärkeä osa toimivaa verkkosivustoa. Tavoitteena opinnäytetyössä on tehdä yleisesti pätevä opas, joka antaa riittävän ohjeistuksen sivutoimisille yrittäjille, jotka aikovat perustaa verkkokaupan. Oppaan sisältö on kerätty opinnäytetyön kirjoittamisen yhteydessä tutustumalla ja vertaamalla eri ratkaisuja. Ratkaisut, joihin on päädytty, eivät palvele täysin kaikkia sivutoimiyrittäjiä, mutta ne ovat hyviä suuntaviivoja, joita noudattamalla pääsee eteenpäin verkkokaupan perustamisessa.In my thesis I explore the basic operations of establishing an e-commerce as a part-time entrepreneur. The thesis contains a large amount of theory from e-business and the establishment of an e-commerce. In addition, there is an emphasized theory section concerning search engine optimization, which is a vital part of properly functional e-commerce. The aim of the thesis is to build a competent guide that gives sufficient knowledge to part-time entrepreneurs who are planning to establish a new e-commerce. The content of the guide has been gathered during the thesis process by cross-referencing different e-commerce solutions. The content of the guide may not be optimal for each part-time entrepreneur, rather it offers solid guidelines which can be very useful when launching your first e-commerce

    Puskurin ja tunnelitäytön vuorovaikutus käytetyn ydinpolttoaineen KBS-3V-loppusijoituskonseptissa - 1/6 koe

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    Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel is planned to start at 2020s in Olkiluoto, Finland. The reference disposal concept in Finland is KBS-3V in which copper-iron canisters containing the spent fuel are placed into vertical deposition holes and surrounded by a buffer which refers to bentonite clay, a material which starts to swell when it is exposed to water. Bentonite will also be used to backfill deposition tunnels where the deposition holes will be drilled. The final disposal requires long-term safety plans due to a long time span of spent nuclear fuel decay. Groundwater flow, rock movements and changes in environmental conditions might jeopardize the long-term safety. This thesis covered a mock-up experiment where test equipment was built in cooperation with VTT and Posiva. Purpose of the thesis was to study interaction between the buffer and the back-fill. The 1/6 scale test equipment consisted of a tube and a tunnel which simulated the depo-sition hole and the deposition tunnel of the KBS-3V concept. The tube and the tunnel were filled with bentonite blocks and pellets, and water with a salinity of 1 % was sup-plied into the tube at a rate of 0.1 l/min. In the tunnel there were eight open outlets for the water to flow out. Water distribution, bentonite swelling, formation of water chan-nels, bentonite erosion, and water outflow rate were investigated during the 62 day test. After the test, samples from the bentonite blocks and pellets were taken for water con-tent and density analyses, and a possible vertical displacement of the buffer was exam-ined. Water started to flow out from the tunnel after two days. The water flowed out from the same outlet during the first 59 days after which the water supply was stopped for about an hour due to adding of a tracer. After this, the water distributed towards dry areas in the tunnel and started to flow out from the other end of the tunnel. During the first days of the test, higher erosion rates occurred occasionally after which the erosion rate settled to an almost constant level. A vertical displacement of about 40 mm of the center of the uppermost buffer block was found after the test. The tunnel pellet layer above the buffer was compressed from 130 mm to approximately 100 mm. The main findings in this study included: (1) water used same flow paths with the con-tinuous inflow from the same location, (2) the one hour pause in the water inflow sealed some of the water channels and after the restart of the water inflow the water flowed towards dry areas in the tunnel, (3) the vertical displacement of approximately 40 mm of the top surface of the uppermost buffer block occurred and it was probably mainly a result from swelling of the uppermost buffer block, (4) almost fully saturated tunnel pellets with high densities were found from above the buffer after the test

    KYT SURFACE:Performance of a Landfill-Type Near Surface Repository

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    KYT SURFACE:Complementary Considerations in Assessing Performance of a Landfill-Type Near Surface Repository

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    Design basis and performance targets for a landfill type near surface repository have been examined as part of the KYT2022 SURFACE project, as well as the differences between a near surface repository and a landfill for hazardous waste landfill. The main difference comes from legislation and from ensuring passive safety for the repository after closure. The effect of site conditions on the engineered barriers was studied from the perspective of low temperatures during winter in Finland. Numerical modelling shows that freezing of some or all of the engineered barriers in the cover layer can take place during a cold winter, especially in a situation when there is lack of sufficient snow coverage that would provide insulation. In normal and hazardous waste landfills, the frost shall not penetrate to the level of the mineral sealing layer. This leads to a recommendation of performing site and design specific numerical modelling on the frost penetration and, based on the results, considering cover top layer thicknesses that are more than the typical minimum 1 m used in normal and hazardous waste landfills. The potential impacts of post closure forestation also supports use of a thicker top layer to avoid puncture of synthetic liners by tree roots.Limiting water inflow into the repository through the cover layer was identified as one of the key factors in ensuring long-term and passive safety for the near surface repository. This can be done by combining water tight synthetic liners with a mineral sealing layer. Limiting water flow to the repository decreases the quantity of formed leachates and can slow the generation of landfill gas.The need for gas management systems depends on the rate at which gas is generated in the waste. In order to minimize gas generation from soft waste pallets containing organic waste, placing this waste into metallic packages was reviewed as an option. This would also enhance the mechanical stability of the repository. Performance of the drainage systems at the foundation structure and collection and handling leachate waters was also assessed as part of this work. Some of the drainage is in any case needed for preventing accumulation of leachate water in the bottom of the repository. However, the effect of the drainage and leachate water collection system for post closure safety requires further considerations. If the cover layer works as expected and the waste is not in direct contact with the water, the generation of leachate water should be minimal.Final recommendations concerning the design of the landfill type near surface repository will be summarised in 2022 including the analysis of results from KYT2022 SURFACE tasks 1 (radionuclide migration) and 3 (steel corrosion and microbial activity) on the repository design recommendations

    Evaluating the Impact of Nature-Based Solutions: A Handbook for Practitioners

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    The Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NBS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas: Climate Resilience; Water Management; Natural and Climate Hazards; Green Space Management; Biodiversity; Air Quality; Place Regeneration; Knowledge and Social Capacity Building for Sustainable Urban Transformation; Participatory Planning and Governance; Social Justice and Social Cohesion; Health and Well-being; New Economic Opportunities and Green Jobs. Indicators have been developed collaboratively by representatives of 17 individual EU-funded NBS projects and collaborating institutions such as the EEA and JRC, as part of the European Taskforce for NBS Impact Assessment, with the four-fold objective of: serving as a reference for relevant EU policies and activities; orient urban practitioners in developing robust impact evaluation frameworks for nature-based solutions at different scales; expand upon the pioneering work of the EKLIPSE framework by providing a comprehensive set of indicators and methodologies; and build the European evidence base regarding NBS impacts. They reflect the state of the art in current scientific research on impacts of nature-based solutions and valid and standardized methods of assessment, as well as the state of play in urban implementation of evaluation frameworks

    Combination of gemcitabine and anti-PD-1 antibody enhances the anticancer effect of M1 macrophages and the Th1 response in a murine model of pancreatic cancer liver metastasis

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    金沢大学疾患モデル総合研究センターBackground Pancreatic ductular adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is among the most dreadful of malignancies, in part due to the lack of efficacious chemotherapy. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, including anti-programmed cell death 1 (anti-PD-1) antibodies, are novel promising forms of systemic immunotherapy. In the current study, we assessed whether gemcitabine (GEM) combined with anti-PD-1 antibody treatment was efficacious as immunochemotherapy for advanced PDAC using a murine model of liver metastasis. Methods The murine model of PDAC liver metastasis was established by intrasplenically injecting the murine pancreatic cancer cell line PAN02 into immunocompetent C57BL/6J mice. The mice were treated with an anti-PD-1 antibody, GEM, or a combination of GEM plus anti-PD-1 antibody, and compared with no treatment (control); liver metastases, immune cell infiltration, gene expression, immune cell response phenotypes, and overall survival were investigated. Results In the metastatic tumor tissues of mice treated with GEM plus anti-PD-1 antibody, we observed the increased infiltration of Th1 lymphocytes and M1 macrophages. Gene expression profile analysis of peripheral blood cells obtained from mice treated with GEM plus anti-PD-1 antibody clearly highlighted T cell and innate immune signaling pathways. Survival of PDAC liver metastasis mice was significantly prolonged by the combination therapy (median survival, 66 days) when compared with that of GEM alone treatment (median survival, 56 days). Expanded lymphocytes, which were isolated from the splenocytes of PDAC liver metastasis mice treated with GEM plus anti-PD-1 antibody, had an increased number of M1 macrophages. Conclusion The combination of anti-PD-1 antibody immunotherapy with GEM was beneficial to treat a murine model of PDAC liver metastasis by enhancing the immune response mediated by Th1 lymphocytes and M1 macrophages and was associated with CD8+ T cells.

    Paikallisen vibraation käyttö terapiassa

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    Paikallinen vibraatio on värinää, joka tuotetaan esimerkiksi vibraattorin avulla tiettyyn kudokseen tai kehonosaan. Se vaikuttaa muun muassa hermoston, lihaksiston ja tuntoaistin toimintaan. Paikallisen vibraation käyttö on vähän tutkittua (Stokes 2011, 246). Opinnäytetyön tavoitteina oli selvittää, kuinka vibraatiota voidaan käyttää terapiamuotona ja millaisia käyttökokemuksia paikallisesta vibraatiosta fysio- ja toimintaterapeuteilla on. Opinnäytetyössä keskityttiin selvittämään, kuinka paikallista vibraatiota hyödynnetään lihasaktivoinnissa, spastisuuden hoidossa ja tunnon aktivoinnissa. Nämä aiheet nousivat esiin sekä tutkimuksissa, kyselyissä että toimeksiantajan toiveissa. Tutkimusten pohjalta rakennetun tietoperustan lisäksi kerättiin aineistoa sähköpostikyselyn avulla. Fysio- ja toimintaterapeuteille lähetetyn kyselylomakkeella avulla selvitettiin, mihin käyttötarkoituksiin ja millaisille asiakasryhmille paikallista vibraatiota on hyödynnetty, kuinka sitä on käytetty ja onko käyttäjien mielestä tietoa riittävästi saatavilla. Käyttäjiltä pyydettiin myös tapausesimerkkiä, jossa paikallista vibraatiota on hyödynnetty. Kyselyjä lähetettiin yhteensä 50. Kyselyjen tuloksena oli, että tietoa paikallisen vibraation käytöstä terapiassa on vähän ja se on vaikeasti saatavilla. Kaikki kyselyyn vastanneista (n=11) olivat sitä mieltä, että lisätiedolle ja -koulutuksille on tarvetta. Käyttökokemukset ja tutkimustulokset paikallisesta vibraatiosta ovat myönteisiä, mutta käyttö ei tällä hetkellä perustu näyttöön vaan kokemuksiin. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia ja käyttöohjeita, jotta näyttöön perustuva käyttö on mahdollista. Opinnäytetyöhön koottiin esimerkkejä määristä ja kestoista paikallisen vibraation käytön avuksi.Local vibration is vibration that is produced, for example, with a vibrator to a specific tissue or body part. It affects systems including the nervous system, muscles and sense of touch. Local vibration has not been widely researched. (Stokes 2011, 246). The aim of the thesis was to examine how local vibration is used in therapy and what kind of experiences physiotherapists and occupational therapists have about it. The thesis was focused more precisely on how local vibration is used to relieve spasticity, activate muscles and stimulate the sense of touch. These topics came up both in studies and survey answers as well as in the commissioner’s wishes. In addition to the theory base built on the basis of research literature, data was collected with an email survey. A questionnaire, which was sent to physical and occupational therapists, was used to find out for what purposes and on what patient groups local vibration was utilized. Additionally, the respondents were asked how it was used and if the users thought there was adequate information available. The users were also asked for a case example in which local vibration was utilized. A total of 50 questionnaires were sent and eleven were returned. According to the results, there is quite little information about the use of local vibration in therapy and its availability is limited. All the respondents of the study felt that there should be more information and education about local vibration. The related user experiences and research results are positive, but at this moment the use is not based on evidence. More studies and instructions about local vibration are needed to make evidence-based use possible. Guidelines about the use (how much, what frequencies) were collected in the thesis to help with the use of local vibration

    Akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavan aikuisen potilaan ohjaus : Kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata millaista ohjausta akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavat aikuiset potilaat saavat. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavan aikuisen potilaan ohjauksesta. Tutkimustehtävät olivat millaista on akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavan aikuisen potilaan ohjaus? Mitkä ovat akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavan aikuisen potilaan ohjauksen kehittämistarpeet? Opinnäytetyön menetelmäksi valittiin kirjallisuuskatsaus, koska opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää mitä olemassa olevaa tietoa opinnäytetyön aiheesta on. Kirjallisuutta haettiin Medic-, Arto-, Aleksi- ja Cinahl- tietokannoista sekä manuaalisesti. Aineistona oli viisi tutkimusta. Löydetty aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Opinnäytetyön tulosten mukaan akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavan aikuisen potilaan ohjaus sisälsi ohjauksen laatuun vaikuttavia sekä ohjausprosessiin liittyviä tekijöitä. Ohjauksen laatuun vaikuttivat yksilöllisyys potilaan ohjauksessa sekä läheisten tiedon saanti. Ohjausprosessiin liittyi itsenäinen tiedon hankinta, ohjauksen ajoitus, ohjauksessa käytettävät menetelmät sekä ohjauksen vaikutuksen arviointi. Ohjauksen kehittämistarpeita olivat tiedon kulkuun liittyvät ongelmat, potilaiden odotusten huomiointi sekä ohjaukseen liittyvät kehittämisehdotukset. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa saatua tietoa voidaan käyttää osastoilla, missä hoidetaan akuuttia mielenterveyshäiriötä sairastavia potilaita. Saatua tietoa voidaan hyödyntää erityisesti potilaan ohjauksessa.The purpose of the thesis is to describe the counselling of adult patients with an acute mental health disorder. The aim of the research is to produce information about the counselling of adult patients with an acute mental health disorder. The research questions are: What kind of counselling do adult patients with an acute mental health disorder receive? What are the development needs in counselling adult patients with an acute mental health disorder.? A literature review was chosen as a method, because our purpose was to find out what earlier research exists on counselling adult patients with an acute mental health disorder. The databases Medic, Arto, Aleksi and Cinahl were searched, along with printed material. The material, five studies, was analyzed using inductive content analysis. The results show that the counselling of adult patients with an acute mental health disorder contains factors that affect the quality and process of patient counselling. The quality is affected by the degree of individualised counselling and information flow between staff and families. Factors related to the counselling process involve independent knowledge acquisition, timing of counselling, counselling methods and evaluation of the effects. Counselling should be developed by addressing problems in information flow, and by paying attention to patients’ expectations and suggestions for the development of counselling. The information from this literature review can be used in wards with patients who have acute mental health disorders. The information can be used especially in patient counselling