251 research outputs found

    El mundo orgánico en la realidad virtual. Hipertextualidad y metatextualidad en la ficción audiovisual: A propósito de eXistenZ (David Cronenberg, 1999)

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    A lo largo de la película que nos ocupa, se nos plantean una serie de reflexiones en torno a los límites de la realidad virtual, la hipertextualidad y la estructura de mise en abîme, las cuales pueden ser extrapoladas al marco real/virtual de los videojuegos. Esto nos llevará a plantear la naturaleza metatextual de la película, pero al mismo tiempo, trataremos de indagar sobre el avatar del jugador para identificarse en el marco virtual. En este sentido quisiéramos, también, interrelacionar los vasos comunicantes que se producen entre la película y los videojuegos, el paralelismo que pueda producirse entre el filme de Cronenberg y el sistema interactivo del juego virtual. Al mismo tiempo, queríamos mostrar cómo los diversos mundos paralelos expuestos generan una construcción esquizoide del espectador/jugador

    Environmental pollution produced by gold artisanal mining in the Mapiri river basin, Apolobamba, Bolivia

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    Mining activity is very important in Bolivia since colonial times. Today it has been reactivated, especially gold mining, due to rise in metal prices. Artisanal and small-scale mining activities are abundant in the protected area of Apolobamba, near the border with Peru. Here mercury is used to recovery gold by obtaining an Hg-Au amalgam. This manipulation with mercury causes an important environmental impact in the area. The present work is a preliminary study of the contamination of the Mapiri river basin in the Apolobamba area. In the head of this basin, located at more than 4000 m above sea level, gold is mined from hydrothermal gold deposits of Paleozoic age. We have sampled several mining sites from this area, in particular the ones known as Viscachani, Flor de Mayo and Chojlaya, located in the proximity of the head area of the Mapiri river basin. These mining sites were in activity during the present sampling campaign. Different metals were measured by means of XRF (Se, As, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg) in tailing samples from the different gold mining sites. In addition mercury concentrations were measured in water and in vegetation close to the processing areas by means of atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman effect (LUMEX RA-915 Equipment). Tailings are mainly constituted by quartz with minor contents of clay minerals and sulphides. The most abundant sulphides are galena and arsenopyrite. Chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite and sulphosalts also occur in minor amounts, as well as minor secondary minerals. Gold content, after recovery with mercury, is high, between 4.56 ppm and 10.35 ppm. The Hg content of the tailings ranges from 149 to 1027 ppm. Lixiviable mercury from these samples ranges between 30.10 and 859.94 ng l-1. Water released from the tailings contains between 0.1 and 5.7 ppb of Hg. Studied vegetation typical of the area has high Hg contents, between 162 and 219 ppm. In addition there is a high arsenic content in all the studied tailings, except in those from the Viscachani mining site, where concentrations of this element ranges from 456 ppm to 18540 ppm. The Pb content usually ranges from 337 to 939 ppm. The Chojlaya mining site tailing has exceptionally high values of heavy metals: Pb content is between 2.26 and 3.27 wt.%, Cd ranges from 160 to 228 ppm, Zn from 194 to 794 ppm, Cu from 847 to 1052 ppm and Se from 105 to 187 ppm. These contents also contribute to an environmental pollution. In conclusion the gold mining activities in the Mapiri river basin produce and intense environmental pollution, mainly related to mercury and arsenic contents in the proximity of these mining activities. After processing, tailings still contain important amounts of gold suggesting that the amalgamation method is not effective to gold recovering.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Campo de Calatrava volcanic field: geology and resources.

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    The volcanic region of Campo de Calatrava, located in South-Central Spain, and in particular in the Ciudad Real Province (Castilla-La Mancha region) is one of the three most important areas with recent volcanic activity in the Iberian Peninsula, together with those of Olot (Gerona, in Catalonia) and Cabo de Gata (Almeria, in Andalucía). In this work we describe succinctly the characteristics of this volcanism, as well as the related iron and manganese (plus minor cobalt) oxides mineralizations. Finally, an also brief description of the legal measures implemented to protect the local volcanic buildings is included

    Mercury emission and dispersion models from soils contaminated by cinnabar mining and metallurgy.

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    The laboratory flux measurement system (LFMS) and dispersion models were used to investigate the kinetics of mercury emission flux (MEF) from contaminated soils. Representative soil samples with respect to total Hg concentration (26?9770 mg g 1) surrounding a decommissioned mercury-mining area (Las Cuevas Mine), and a former mercury smelter (Cerco Metal urgico de Almadenejos), in the Almad en mercury mining district (South Central Spain), were collected. Altogether, 14 samples were analyzed to determine the variation in mercury emission flux (MEF) versus distance from the sources, regulating two major environmental parameters comprising soil temperature and solar radiation. In addition, the fraction of the water-soluble mercury in these samples was determined in order to assess how MEF from soil is related to the mercury in the aqueous soil phase. Measured MEFs ranged from less than 140 to over 10 000 ng m 2 h 1, with the highest emissions from contaminated soils adjacent to point sources. A significant decrease of MEF was then observed with increasing distance from these sites. Strong positive effects of both temperature and solar radiation on MEF was observed. Moreover, MEF was found to occur more easily in soils with higher proportions of soluble mercury compared to soils where cinnabar prevails. Based on the calculated Hg emission rates and with the support of geographical information system (GIS) tools and ISC AERMOD software, dispersion models for atmospheric mercury were implemented. In this way, the gaseous mercury plume generated by the soil originated emissions at different seasons was modeled. Modeling efforts revealed that much higher emissions and larger mercury plumes are generated in dry and warm periods (summer), while the plume is smaller and associated with lower concentrations of atmospheric mercury during colder periods with higher wind activity (fall). Based on the calculated emissions and the model implementation, yearly emissions from the ??Cerco Metal urgico de Almadenejos?? decommissioned metallurgical precinct were estimated at 16.4 kg Hg y 1, with significant differences between seasons

    A first insight into mercury distribution and speciation in soils from the Almadén mining district, Spain

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    Almost no environmental data on mercury distribution and speciation in soils have been published so far for the Almadén mining district (central Spain), despite its huge size and historic importance. The mercury distribution in soils of the district reveals the existence of high and extremely high mercury values (up to f9000 ppm Hg). The Hg-thermodesorption curves for soils from a decommissioned metallurgical precinct (Almadenejos) and a phytoremediation site show that mercury occurs in the forms of cinnabar and as mercury bound to organic matter. The TEM-EDX study of the highly contaminated anthrosols from Almadenejos (samples with Hg >5000 ppm) shows the existence of cinnabar particles adsorbed to the surface of chlorite grains. Given the generally pyrite-poor character of the ores, and the presence of carbonates in the host rocks, cinnabar solubilization is limited, which in turn mitigates environmental hazards in the district. The only by-product of cinnabar leaching in the mineral dumps is schuetteite (Hg3SO4O2). Preliminary results on local plants (Asparagus acutifolius, Dittrichia graveolens, Marrubium vulgare) show that mercury gets incorporated to roots, stems and leaves, with values of up to about 300 ppm Hg.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEEuropean Union FEDERUniversity of Castilla-La Manchapu

    Strong arsenic enrichment in sediments from the Elqui watershed, Northern Chile: industrial (gold mining at El Indio–Tambo district) vs. geologic processes.

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    Sediments from the Elqui watershed river system (9800 km2; northern Chile) are highly enriched in arsenic. The river system initiates in the high altitude domain of the Andes (3500–4000 m) and drains important hydrothermal alteration zones and epithermal deposits, including the copper-, and arsenic-rich gold veins of the well-known El Indio–Tambo district. In order to study the extent, source, and age of contamination, we carried out a geochemical survey of stream sediments and older, Early Holocene lacustrine sediments. The results reveal very high contents of arsenic in both, the stream (55–485 ppm As) and lacustrine sediments (119–2344 ppm As). As shown by the ESEM-EDX study, arsenic is associated with the iron oxide mineral phase. Given that arsenic is enriched in both the stream sediments and the Early Holocene sequence, we suggest that contamination is not only industrial derived (mining operations), but also a major geological process, related to long-lived erosion of the As-rich epithermal ores and alteration zones. Erosion in this realm is particularly important during El Niño years, when increased activity of the Westerly winds brings intense rains, with catastrophic consequences in the Elqui atershed, including the massive removal of sediments in the form of large debris flows.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Mercury emissions in equilibrium: a novel approach for the quantification of mercury emissions from contaminated soils.

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    Mercury emissions from soil samples with different mercury contents have been estimated using a closed circuit array. The samples were collected from the Almaden mercury mining district. The emissions confirmed that temperature and light radiation favour mercury desorption due to the increase in the mercury vapour pressure. An additional positive factor could be the photocatalytic reduction of soluble Hg2+ to volatile Hg0 at the soil surface. A physicochemical model based on mass transfer and equilibrium was developed and was used to reproduce the mercury emissions at the laboratory scale. The use of this model allowed us to obtain the unknown mass transfer coeficient (KL) and adsorption parameters required to quantify the possible gaseous mercury fluxes from these contaminated soils. Experimental results indicate that an equilibrium between the solid and gas phases was established. The proposed kinetic model reproduced perfectly the experimental data, with KL found to be proportional to the inverse of temperature and independent of the radiation. The concentration of mercury in the gas phase was mainly dependent on the soluble mercury content (HgS). Equilibrium data were #64257;tted by Langmuir and Freundlich models and the best fit was obtained using the multi-layer model attending to the convex shape of the curves, which is characteristic of non-porous or possibly macroporous materials having a low adsorption energy. The Freundlich constant (KF) was also fitted as a polynomial function with temperature and this gave a straight line for the light radiation and a second grade equation for dark conditions. Once the parameters had been obtained, the Hg emission fluxes from contaminated soils were estimated and the values were between two and three orders of magnitude higher than those published in the literature for non-contaminated soils

    Mineralogical and geochemical nature of calcareous vineyard soils from alcubillas (La Mancha, Central Spain)

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    The mineralogical and geochemical patterns of calcareous vineyard soils located in Alcubillas (La Mancha, Central Spain) have been evaluated; also their variability has been studied. The information provided by this study supports the assessment of geochemical spatial variability, the origin of these soils, their elements and the factors that control their distribution. The presence of quartz, calcite, feldspar and, in particular, illite and kaolinite is due to their inheritance from surrounding lithologies (and pedological processes), which mostly include limestones, marls and other sedimentary rocks, as well as metasedimentary rocks of Hercynian origin. Furthermore, since the presence and accumulation of certain trace elements in vineyard soils is a relevant global hazard (in particular with respect to wine production quality), the spatial distributions of Ba, Cr, Cu, Pb, Rb, Sr, V and Zr (carried out using geostatistical techniques and geometry-based interpolation methods) were investigated in order to determine the origin of these trace elements. The presence of these elements can be interpreted as being due to geogenic, pedogenic and, in certain cases, anthropic influences. The nature of certain agricultural practices, including the use of fertilizers, phytosanitary products and machinery, could explain the local increases in some trace element content