1,212 research outputs found
Ion temperature anisotropy across a magnetotail reconnection jet
A significant fraction of the energy released by magnetotail reconnection appears to go into ion heating, but this heating is generally anisotropic. We examine ARTEMIS dual-spacecraft observations of a long-duration magnetotail exhaust generated by anti-parallel reconnection in conjunction with Particle-In-Cell simulations, showing spatial variations in the anisotropy across the outflow far (> 100di) downstream of the X-line. A consistent pattern is found in both the spacecraft data and the simulations: Whilst the total temperature across the exhaust is rather constant, near the boundaries Ti,|| dominates. The plasma is well-above the firehose threshold within patchy spatial regions at |BX| ∈ [0.1, 0.5]B0, suggesting that the drive for the instability is strong and the instability is too weak to relax the anisotropy. At the mid-plane (|BX|0.1 B0), Ti,⊥ > Ti,|| and ions undergo Speiser-like motion despite the large distance from the X-line
Impact of including growth, carcass and feed efficiency traits in the breeding goal for combined milk and beef production systems
Improving feed efficiency in dairy cattle could result in more profitable and environmentally sustainable dairy production through lowering feed costs and emissions from dairy farming. In addition, beef production based on dairy herds generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions per unit of meat output than beef production from suckler cow systems. Different scenarios were used to assess the profitability of adding traits, excluded from the current selection index for Finnish Ayrshire, to the breeding goal for combined dairy and beef production systems. The additional breeding goal traits were growth traits (average daily gain of animals in the fattening and rearing periods), carcass traits (fat covering, fleshiness and dressing percentage), mature live weight (LW) of cows and residual feed intake (RFI) traits. A breeding scheme was modeled for Finnish Ayrshire under the current market situation in Finland using the deterministic simulation software ZPLAN+. With the economic values derived for the current production system, the inclusion of growth and carcass traits, while preventing LW increase generated the highest improvement in the discounted profit of the breeding program (3.7%), followed by the scenario where all additional traits were included simultaneously (5.1%). The use of a selection index that included growth and carcass traits excluding LW, increased the profit (0.8%), but reduced the benefits resulted from breeding for beef traits together with LW. A moderate decrease in the profit of the breeding program was obtained when adding only LW to the breeding goal (-3.1%), whereas, adding only RFI traits to the breeding goal resulted in a minor increase in the profit (1.4%). Including beef traits with LW in the breeding goal showed to be the most potential option to improve the profitability of the combined dairy and beef production systems and would also enable a higher rate of self-sufficiency in beef. When considering feed efficiency related traits, the inclusion of LW traits in the breeding goal that includes growth and carcass traits could be more profitable than the inclusion of RFI, because the marginal costs of measuring LW can be expected to be lower than for RFI and it is readily available for selection. In addition, before RFI can be implemented as a breeding objective, the genetic correlations between RFI and other breeding goal traits estimated for the studied population as well as information on the most suitable indicator traits for RFI are needed to assess more carefully the consequences of selecting for RFI.Peer reviewe
Mielestäni ei ole tärkeää, miten joku on monikielinen vaan se, että siihen kannustetaan:luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiä ja kokemuksia monikielisyydestä
Tiivistelmä. Monikielisyys ja -kulttuurisuus ovat yhä suuremmassa roolissa niin yhteiskunnassa, kouluyhteisössä ja opetussuunnitelmassakin. Kouluyhteisöt heijastelevat yhteiskunnan muutoksia ja niiden tulee pystyä vastaamaan muutosten asettamiin haasteisiin. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että opettajan täytyy työssään pystyä toimimaan monikielisessä ja -kulttuurisessa ympäristössä. Jotta tämä olisi mahdollista, täytyy opettajilla olla vähintään perustason ymmärrys siitä, mitä näillä käsitteillä juuri koulukontekstissa tarkoitetaan ja mitä heiltä työssään odotetaan. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet ja sen uudistukset muovaavat myös opettajankoulutusta, josta opiskelijoiden tulisi saada tarvittavat pohjatiedot ennen kentälle siirtymistä.
Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena, fenomenografisena tutkimuksena, jonka tarkoituksena on kartoittaa luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden käsityksiä ja kokemuksia monikielisyydestä. Aineisto on kerätty sähköisen kyselylomakkeen avulla, johon vastasi yhteensä 27 maisterivaiheen luokanopettajaopiskelijaa. Aineiston analyysi on toteutettu aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmillä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksista käy ilmi, että opiskelijoiden näkemykset monikielisyydestä noudattelevat enimmäkseen perinteisen monikielisyyden määritelmiä. Omaa monikielisyyttään opiskelijat kuvaavat monipuolisemmin kuin monikielisyyttä yleisesti. Myös koulukontekstissa monikielisyyttä kuvataan laajemmin. Siitä huolimatta yleisimmin monikielisiksi oppilaiksi nimettiin yhä maahanmuuttajaoppilaat tai suomea toisena kielenä opiskelevat oppilaat, kun taas opetussuunnitelman mukaan jokainen oppilas on monikielinen. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan opiskelijoiden koettu kompetenssi monikielisyyden tukemisesta opettajana on yllättävän hyvä heidän aiheeseen perehtyneisyyteensä nähden.
Laadullisella tutkimuksella ei ole tarkoitus tuottaa yleistettäviä tuloksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksista saadaan tietoa siitä, millä tavoin monikielisyys opiskelijoiden keskuudessa käsitetään ja minkälaisia kokemuksia heillä siitä on. Tuloksista on nähtävissä yhteneväisyyksiä aiemman tutkimustiedon kanssa.
It is not relevant how one is multilingual; what counts is that multilingualism is encouraged : primary teacher students’ perceptions and experiences of multilingualism. Abstract. Multilingualism and multiculturalism have an increasing role in the society and in the school community. The school communities reflect the changes in the society, and therefore must respond to the challenges set by the continuous changes. This means that a teacher must be able to work in the multilingual and multicultural environment. In order to do so, the teachers must have at least a basic understanding of what these concepts mean in the school context and what is expected from them in their work. The new Finnish core curriculum for education and its reformations shape the teacher education, of which the students should obtain the necessary basic information before moving on to the field. Therefore, class teacher students in their master’s phase have been selected as the target group for this study.
This is a qualitative study that aims to research class teacher students’ perceptions and experiences of multilingualism. Therefore, the approach of this study is phenomenographic. The data was collected by an online questionnaire, which was answered by a total of 27 teacher students. The analysis of the data has carried out according to the data-based content analysis’ methods.
The results of this research show that most of the students views on multilingualism follow the definitions of traditional multilingualism. The students describe their own multilingualism in more diverse way than multilingualism in general. In the school context, the definition was also slightly broader than the general description on multilingualism. Even so, immigrant pupils or pupils studying Finnish as a second language were still the groups that were the most mentioned as multilingual pupils, whereas the new core curriculum states that every pupil is multilingual. The students’ own perceived competence in supporting multilingualism as a teacher was surprisingly good when compared with their familiarity of the subject.
Qualitative research is not intended to produce generalizable results. The results of this study provide information on how students perceive multilingualism and what kind of experiences they have in relation to this subject. The results show similarities with previous research data
Kirjasto ja kunnanvirasto Iihin
Tiivistelmä. Iin kunta käynnisti vuonna 2021 Kirkonseudulla asemakaavan muutoksen, joka koskee nykyisen kunnanviraston ja pääkirjaston kiinteistöjä. Muutoksen tavoitteena on tarkastella asuinrakentamisen sekä virastorakennusten yhteensovittamista. Nykyisen kunnanviraston rakennuksessa on todettu sisäilmaongelmia ja kirjaston rakennus vaatii korjauksia.
Suunnitelmapainotteisen diplomityöni aiheena on Iin uuden pääkirjaston ja kunnanviraston suunnitteleminen asemakaavan muutoksen kohteena olevaan kortteliin. Työn tavoitteena on tutustua asemakaavan muutoksen kohteena oleviin nykyisiin kunnanviraston ja pääkirjaston rakennuksiin, valita rakennuksien toiminnoille uusi sijoituspaikka, sekä luoda suunnitelma uudelle pääkirjastolle ja kunnanvirastolle.
Perehdyn työssäni korttelin lähialueen historiaan ja sen tulevaisuuden näkymiin, sekä kirjaston ja toimistotilojen tulevaisuuteen
Monikielisyys perusopetuksessa:haaste vai mahdollisuus?
Tiivistelmä. Koulu yhteisönä seuraa tiiviisti yhteiskunnassa tapahtuvia muutoksia, ja mukautuu niihin. Globalisaation ja Suomeen kohdistuvan kasvavan maahanmuuton myötä yhä useampi yhteisö muuttuu aiempaa monikielisemmäksi kovaa vauhtia. Monikielistyminen näkyy selvästi myös kouluyhteisössä, sillä Suomen lainsäädäntö turvaa jokaiselle Suomessa asuvalle lapselle oikeuden tasa-arvoiseen perusopetukseen ja koulutukseen. Kouluyhteisön muutokset näkyvät myös opettajan työnkuvassa ja oppilaiden tuen tarpeessa. Monikielisyyden tukeminen koulussa on haaste, johon opettajan ja koulun tulee voida reagoida.
Tämä kandidaatin tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa kuvataan monikielisyyden vaikutuksia ja näkymistä koulumaailmassa, opettajan työssä ja opetussuunnitelmassa. Tarkoituksena on vastata kysymyksiin siitä, mitä monikielisyys koulukontekstissa on, miten se näkyy opetussuunnitelmassa, ja miten opettaja voi tukea oppilaiden monikielisyyttä. Monikielisyyden käsite on nykyään laaja: se voi olla traditionaalista, monta eri kieltä yhdistävää monikielisyyttä, tai tilanteista, heteroglossista monikielisyyttä, joka käsittää myös saman kielen sisällä olevan vaihtelun monikielisyydeksi. Aiempaa tutkimusta monikielisyydestä laajemmasta näkökulmasta koulukontekstissa on suhteellisen vähän, sillä tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet tutkimaan ennemminkin monikulttuurisuutta yleisesti tai pelkästään traditionaalista monikielisyyttä.
Monikielisyyden tukemiseen liittyvät tiiviisti käsitteet kielitietoisuus ja kielikasvatus, jotka nousevat esiin myös uudessa opetussuunnitelmassa. Aiemmin näitä käsitteitä käytettiin ainoastaan vieraiden kielten opiskeluun liittyen, mutta nykyisin nämä käsitteet koskettavat myös muita oppiaineita. Monikielisyys ja sen tukeminen vaativat sitä, että yhteisö, tässä kontekstissa siis koulu, on kielitietoinen yhteisö ja että yhteisön jäsenet ymmärtävät kielten arvon ja merkityksen vuorovaikutukseen, koulunkäyntiin ja oppimiseen sekä yksilön oman identiteetin rakentumiseen liittyen. Kielitietoisuus ja kielikasvatus käsitteinä eivät ole vielä täysin vakiintuneita, ja tämän vuoksi aineiston keruu aiheesta olikin hieman haastavaa. Kielikasvatus ja kielitietoisuus osana monikielisyyden tukemista ovat kuitenkin niin tärkeitä, että uskon että niiden asema ja merkitys tulevat vahvistumaan osana kielitietoista kouluyhteisöä ja opetussuunnitelmaa. Tietoa ja tutkimustuloksia näiden käsitteiden osalta tarvitaan, ja aion siksi jalostaa kandidaatin tutkielman aihettani myös pro gradu -tutkimukseeni.Multilingualism in education : challenge or opportunity?. Abstract. The school as a community follows the changes in the society and adapts to them. The globalization and increasing immigration towards Finland are the reasons why more and more communities to become multilingual with an increasing pace. Multilingualism is clearly visible in the school community since the Finnish law guarantees an equal access to education and training for every child living in Finland. The changes in the school community are also visible in the description of the profession of a teacher and the pupils’ need of support. Supporting multilingualism in the school community is a challenge that the teachers and the school need to react to.
The aim of this study is to investigate in theory how multilingualism shows and affects the school, the profession of a teacher and the national curriculum. In addition, the study also investigates the ways for a teacher to support their pupils’ multilingualism. Multilingualism is a wide concept, and it includes forms of traditional multilingualism, where several different languages are used and the understanding of the diversity within one single language: heteroglossia.
Considering the ways for a teacher to support their pupils’ multilingualism, are the terms language awareness and language education crucial. The terms come up multiple times in the new curriculum. They were previously used mainly while discussing the contents of studying foreign languages, but nowadays they apply to all of the subjects. Increasing multilingualism requires the schools to become language aware. Languages play a huge role in all interaction, studying, learning. Language awareness means, that all of the members of the community, are aware that all the spoken languages have an important role in the development of one’s linguistic identity and in the society itself. The terms language education and language awareness have not yet stabilised their ground in the discussion considering school communities. This is why I had some trouble in collecting material for this study. Yet I believe that their significance and meaning will increase in the future, so that they become more and more visible in the everyday life in schools and in the curriculum. More research on this subject is needed. Therefore, I plan to take this subject further in my master’s thesis
Supermagnetosonic jets behind a collisionless quasi-parallel shock
The downstream region of a collisionless quasi-parallel shock is structured
containing bulk flows with high kinetic energy density from a previously
unidentified source. We present Cluster multi-spacecraft measurements of this
type of supermagnetosonic jet as well as of a weak secondary shock front within
the sheath, that allow us to propose the following generation mechanism for the
jets: The local curvature variations inherent to quasi-parallel shocks can
create fast, deflected jets accompanied by density variations in the downstream
region. If the speed of the jet is super(magneto)sonic in the reference frame
of the obstacle, a second shock front forms in the sheath closer to the
obstacle. Our results can be applied to collisionless quasi-parallel shocks in
many plasma environments.Comment: accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Nov 5, 2009
A comparison of bow shock models with Cluster observations during low Alfven Mach number magnetic clouds
Peer reviewe
Linking tree growth rate, damage repair, and susceptibility to a genus-specific pest infestation
Pest preference and subsequent susceptibility of a host individual is likely related to previous growth patterns in that host. Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is a pestiferous beetle introduced to North America from Asia. While all species of ash are susceptible to attack, some individual trees appear to survive infestation. We selected ash trees in southeastern Michigan, collected cores and categorized trees as high tolerance to emerald ash borer attack (high overall health, low crown dieback), low tolerance (low overall health, high crown dieback) and intermediate tolerance (in-between the other categories). We artificially wounded trees and measured wound closure after 3 years. Ring width indices were not correlated between high and low tolerance trees. Regression slopes comparing growth and years were significantly different between the three tolerance categories, with high tolerance trees having the steepest slope. Wound closure was greatest in high tolerance trees. High tolerance trees demonstrating more rapid (steeper regression slope), consistent (lower variance), and effective (greater wound closure) growth. Those vigorously growing trees likely had more capacity to repair damage caused by emerald ash borer, leading to healthier trees in our categorization. Linking previous host growth patterns to health may have implications related to identifying individual trees potentially tolerant to attack
Biodiversity improves the ecological design of sustainable biofuel systems
For algal biofuels to become a commercially viable and sustainable means of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, growers are going to need to design feedstocks that achieve at least three characteristics simultaneously as follows: attain high yields; produce high quality biomass; and remain stable through time. These three qualities have proven difficult to achieve simultaneously under the ideal conditions of the laboratory, much less under field conditions (e.g., outdoor culture ponds) where feedstocks are exposed to highly variable conditions and the crop is vulnerable to invasive species, disease, and grazers. Here, we show that principles from ecology can be used to improve the design of feedstocks and to optimize their potential for “multifunctionality.” We performed a replicated experiment to test these predictions under outdoor conditions. Using 80 ponds of 1,100 L each, we tested the hypotheses that polycultures would outperform monocultures in terms of the following functions: biomass production, yield of biocrude from biomass, temporal stability, resisting population crashes, and resisting invasions by unwanted species. Overall, species richness improved stability, biocrude yield, and resistance to invasion. While this suggests that polycultures could outperform monocultures on average, invasion resistance was the only function where polycultures outperformed the best single species in the experiment. Due to tradeoffs among different functions that we measured, no species or polyculture was able to maximize all functions simultaneously. However, diversity did enhance the potential for multifunctionality—the most diverse polyculture performed more functions at higher levels than could any of the monocultures. These results are a key finding for ecological design of sustainable biofuel systems because they show that while a monoculture may be the optimal choice for maximizing short‐term biomass production, polycultures can offer a more stable crop of the desired species over longer periods of time.We tested the hypothesis that multi‐species polycultures of algae can be designed to improve performance in biofuel cultivation and outperform the best single species. Our experiment of 80 open ponds (1,100 L each) showed that polycultures can simultaneously improve crop stability, bio‐crude yield, and resistance to invasive algae ‐ three characteristics that have been difficult to attain under field conditions yet are essential for biofuels to become part of the renewable energy portfolio.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146341/1/gcbb12524_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146341/2/gcbb12524-sup-0001-Supinfo.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146341/3/gcbb12524.pd
Global MHD simulations of the Earth's bow shock shape and motion under variable solar wind conditions
Empirical models of the Earth's bow shock are often used to place in situ measurements in context and to understand the global behavior of the foreshock/bow shock system. They are derived statistically from spacecraft bow shock crossings and typically treat the shock surface as a conic section parameterized according to a uniform solar wind ram pressure, although more complex models exist. Here a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation is used to analyze the variability of the Earth's bow shock under real solar wind conditions. The shape and location of the bow shock is found as a function of time, and this is used to calculate the shock velocity over the shock surface. The results are compared to existing empirical models. Good agreement is found in the variability of the subsolar shock location. However, empirical models fail to reproduce the two-dimensional shape of the shock in the simulation. This is because significant solar wind variability occurs on timescales less than the transit time of a single solar wind phase front over the curved shock surface. Empirical models must therefore be used with care when interpreting spacecraft data, especially when observations are made far from the Sun-Earth line. Further analysis reveals a bias to higher shock speeds when measured by virtual spacecraft. This is attributed to the fact that the spacecraft only observes the shock when it is in motion. This must be accounted for when studying bow shock motion and variability with spacecraft data
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