6 research outputs found

    Animal Models with Metabolic Syndrome Markers Induced by High Fat Diet and Fructose

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    Metabolic syndrome is lipid and non-lipid metabolism disorder due to the association of several factors such as physiological, clinical, biochemical, and interrelated factors. People with metabolic syndrome can be diagnosed by fulfilling 3 of 5 criteria, including obesity and increased waist circumference, increased TG levels, increased blood pressure, hyperglycemia, and increased High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) serum. The high-fat diet disrupts tissue lipid metabolism, so insulin resistance occurs due to lipotoxicity. Besides, some studies use a combination of mixtures (fructose, sucrose) and fat-rich food components to build metabolic characteristics in mice that affect human characteristics. The purpose of this study was to make an animal model with a metabolic syndrome marker induced by the High Fat Diet (HFD) consisting of pork oil and chicken egg yolk, as well as fructose from simple and economical ingredients. This study was an experimental study using experimental animals of male Rattus norvegicus strain wistar, which were grouped into three random treatment groups, namely the control group, HFD group, and High Fat Diet Fructose (HFDF) group. The number of samples used was 27 rats, with nine rats in each group. The animal was induced for four weeks, then measured levels of FPG, HD, and TG. From the research that has been done, it is found that there are significant differences in levels of Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), and Triglycerides (TG) (

    The Potency of ∆F 508-T Gen Mutant the Coding of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) As Prototype at the Congenital Bilateral Absence of Vas Deferens (CBAVD) Disease in Indonesia

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    Birth defect (congenital defect / congenital condition) is an anomaly appearing at birth and able to cause the physical or mental defect or death. Birth defect generally can be detected during the prenatal period. However, if this cannot be detected during the prenatal period, it can be identified at the post natal examination. Congenital Bilateral Absence Vas Difference (CBAVD) is of one the congenital defects characterized by Azoospermia causing the occurrence of infertility. This congenital defect can bring impact to the structural, functional and metabolism anomalies. Approximately 7.9 million children in the world (about 6% of the whole anomalies in the world) were born with serious congenital defects every year due to genetic anomaly or other post-conception. The determination of optimal output from PCR optimization to obtain the location of ∆F 508-T mutant on CBAVD patients in Indonesia is conducted pursuant to the gene target. The conclution were influence of various factors as the indicator specifying the mutation of ∆F 508-T mutant needs to be considered in making a decision for the preliminary research on CBAVD in Indonesia

    A cholestatic type of hepatitis A in a child

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    This paper reports a case of cholestatic type hepatitis A, a rare clinical manifestation of hepatitis A in children. The diagnosis was based on the presence of IgM Anti HAV, symptoms longer than 8 weeks, bilirubin concentration exceeding 10g/dl, and absence of substantial hepatocellular and biliary damage. Corticosteroid therapy resulted in complete recovery

    The Determinant Factors of Child’s Immunization Status: A Cross Sectional Study on the Dayak Pitap Tribe in the District of Balangan Indonesia

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    Background: Even if the immunization coverage in a region is high, but the unimmunized child gathered in one location, then the benefit from herd immunity developed will not be gained by the child in that location so the risk for outbreak vaccine preventable diseases is high. So in order to solve this problem, it is important to reach this under vaccinated population and increase the child’s immunization status of the population. The aims of this research were to describe the immunization status and its determinant factors that influenced the child’s immunization status of Dayak Pitap tribe in the district of Balangan Indonesia Method: A cross sectional study conducted in May to June 2018 which included the interview using a questionnaire with the mother of 12 – 35 month old child in all house hold in Dayak Pitap tribe. The independent variables were the mother’s education level, the mother knowledge about immunization, the history of mother immunization status during pregnancy and the childbirth attendant and the cultural determinant namely the aruh ritual, the papantang and the use of the samban, whereas dependent variable was the child’s basic immunization status. The uni-variable analysis and logistic regression analysis employed as the research analysis method. Result: The complete child’s immunization status coverage was 48%. The determinant factors that significantly influenced on the child’s immunization status were the mother immunization knowledge level (p=0.000), the history of mother immunization during pregnancy (p=0.033), the history of birth attendant (p=0.000) and the using of samban by the children (p=0.012). Conclusion: In order to gain the better child’s immunization status coverage of the Dayak Pitap tribe, it is important to develop combination interventions to give better knowledge about immunization to the mother with the tailor made material, promote birth attendant labor and reach the pregnant mother for immunization

    Pengaruh Pemberian Asi dan Pola Asuh terhadap Perilaku Merokok oleh Remaja di SMP Negeri 7 Kediri Tahun 2014

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    Manfaat pemberian ASI yaitu adanya jalinan kasih sayang antara ibu dan anak yang disebut dengan bonding attactmen.  Kegagalan pembentukan bonding menyebabkan tidak adanya ikatan batin yang baik antara ibu dan anak hingga  mempengaruhi pembentukan karakter remaja.  Kegagalan pembentukan bonding pada anak menyebabkan Perubahan dalam pola pengasuhan orang tua ke anak. Pola asuh sangat berpengaruh terhadap sikap remaja kepada orang tua.  Kesalahan pola asuh menyebabkan penerimaan yang berbeda dari  remaja sehingga bisa remaja bisa melakukan penolakan. Salah satu sikap penolakan yang dilakukan remaja yaitu melampiaskan ke dalam perilaku merokok. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan perilaku merokok pada remaja dipengaruhi oleh peer group dan lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pemberian ASI dan Pola Asuh terhadap perilaku merokok oleh remaja Grade VII Kota Kediri. Rancang bangun penelitian ini menggunakan case control.  Melalui kelompok kasus dan kelompok control. Untuk kelompok kasus yaitu remaja yang merokok meliputi pola asuh dan pemberian ASI  dan kelompok control remaja yang tidak merokok meliputi Pola asuh dan pemberian ASI. Yang masing – masing dari kelompok tersebut berjumlah 19 remaja.  Variabel  bebas  dalam penelitian ini yaitu Pemberian ASI dan Pola asuh Criteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini : remaja yang merokok kelas VII. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner yang diisi oleh orang tua siswa dan remaja itu sendiri.Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Uji Regresi logistic Ganda dengan α=0,05. Dengan hasil semua variabel yang diteliti berpengaruh secara signifikan. Pemberian ASI (0,043 < α), Pola Asuh (0,049 < α).  Kesimpulan : pemberian ASI dan Pola Asuh berpengaruh terhadap perlaku merokok Remaja Grade VII di Kota Kediri


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    vii, 107 hlm.; 29 hl