24 research outputs found

    Thyroid phantom measurements in joint EURADOS-LLNL intercomparison exercise

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    International audienceThe European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS), in collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) Thyroid Intercomparison Program (TRIP), conducted an intercomparison exercise consistent with the goals of EURADOS. In total, 35 in vivo radiobioassay facilities from 18 countries participated to evaluate the differences between the neck and thyroid phantoms specified in two standards issued by the American National Standards Institute. Radioiodine (125I and 131I) measurement results were compared to the traceable standard activity levels added to each phantom. Measurement data showed no statistically significant differences between normalized activity measurements of the thyroid phantom types (20 and 30 ml). Differences were noted between the laboratories that routinely participate in the radioiodine thyroid intercomparison program (TRIP participants) and laboratories that have not previously participated in TRIP. Evaluation of the reasons for these differences will require additional EURADOS-LLNL collaborations. Finally, the measurement data from this intercomparison was used with a designed intake scenario for intercomparison of dose evaluations. Results from the dose intercomparison will be presented in a subsequent article. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    Apoptosis in cervical squamous carcinoma: predictive value for survival following radiotherapy

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    Background—Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, can be induced by radiotherapy. The extent of apoptosis in a tumour before treatment may have important implications for response to radiotherapy and long term survival. Aim—To examine the extent of apoptosis in tumour tissue from patients with squamous carcinoma of the cervix before radiotherapy, and to correlate this with response to treatment and prognosis. Methods—The percentage of apoptotic cells was assessed in 146 carcinomas of the cervix from patients scheduled to receive radiotherapy. The CAS 200 static image analysis system was used to count the number of tumour nuclei per high power field, while the numbers of apoptotic cells in the same field were visualised simultaneously on the image analyser and recorded manually. Results—The median apoptotic level was 0.73%. Patients were divided into two groups around the median. There was no statistically significant difference in outcome between the two groups as determined by long term survival following radiotherapy. Conclusions—The CAS 200 static image analyser system can be used to assist in the rapid semiautomated assessment of apoptosis in conventionally prepared tissue. The results suggest that the apoptotic state of a tumour before treatment is of no value in predicting response to radiotherapy and subsequent prognosis. Tumour stage, size, and BrdU labelling index, as a measure of proliferation rate, remain the most important prognostic factors in terms of predicting local tumour control. Key Words: apoptosis ‱ uterine cervix ‱ squamous cell carcinom