9 research outputs found

    Synergistic Effect of Elicitors in Enhancement of Ganoderic Acid Production: Optimization and Gene Expression Studies

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    Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most well-known fungi, and has many applications in medicine. Ganoderic acid is among the valuable secondary metabolites of Ganoderma lucidum, and responsible for the inhibition of the tumor cell growth and cancer treatment. Application of ganoderic acid has been limited because of low yields of its production from Ganoderma lucidum. The present study aims to investigate the synergistic effect of elicitors including methyl jasmonate and aspirin on the production of ganoderic acid derived from Ganoderma lucidum mushroom in a shaken flasks using response surface methodology. The results showed that the optimal dose of methyl jasmonate and asprin significantly impacts on the amount of ganoderic acid production as a response (p<0.05). The proposed model predicted the maximum ganoderic acid production as 0.085 mgml-1 in which the optimal concentrations obtained for methyl jasmonate and asprin were 250 mM and 4.4 mM, respectively. Also the influence of ganoderic acid production on the expression of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A reductase and squalene synthase (two important metabolic pathway genes in ganoderic acid) was investigated, and the results showed that these genes’ expression has increased by 10 and 11 folds, respectively. 

    Entwicklung menschlicher 3D-Gewebemodelle zur Untersuchung der Infektion mit NeisseriaNeisseria gonorrhoeaegonorrhoeae

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    Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide and is caused by Gram-negative, human-specific diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It colonizes the mucosal surface of the female reproductive tract and the male urethra. A rapid increase in antibiotic resistance makes gonorrhea a serious threat to public health worldwide. Since N. gonorrhoeae is a human-specific pathogen, animal infection models are not able to recapitulate all the features of infection. Therefore, a realistic in vitro cell culture model is urgently required for studying the gonorrhea infection. In this study, we established and characterized three independent 3D tissue models based on the porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) scaffold by co-culturing human dermal fibroblasts with human colorectal carcinoma, endometrial epithelial, and male uroepithelial cells. The histological, immunohistochemical, and ultra-structural analysis showed that the 3D SIS scaffold-based models closely mimic the main characteristics of the site of gonococcal infection in the human host including the formation of epithelial monolayer, underlying connective tissue, mucus production, tight junction (TJ), and microvilli. In addition, functional analysis such as transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and barrier permeability indicated high barrier integrity of the cell layer. We infected the established 3D tissue models with different N. gonorrhoeae strains and derivatives presenting various phenotypes regarding adhesion and invasion. The results showed disruption of TJs and growing the interleukins production in response to the infection, which depends on the type of strain and cell. In addition, the 3D tissue models supported bacterial survival, which provided an appropriate in vitro model for long-term infection study. This could be mainly because of the high resilience of the 3D tissue models based on the SIS scaffold to the infection in terms of alteration in permeability, cell destruction, and bacterial transmigration. During gonorrhea infection, a high level of neutrophils migrates to the site of infection. The studies also showed that N. gonorrhoeae can survive or even replicate inside the neutrophils. Therefore, studying the interaction between neutrophils and N. gonorrhoeae is substantially under scrutiny. For this purpose, we generated a 3D tissue model by triple co-culturing of human primary fibroblast cells, human colorectal carcinoma cells, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The tissue model was subsequently infected by N. gonorrhoeae. A perfusion-based bioreactor system was employed to recreate blood flow in the side of endothelial cells and consequently study human neutrophils transmigration to the site of infection. We observed neutrophils activation upon the infection. Furthermore, we demonstrated the uptake of N. gonorrhoeae by human neutrophils and reverse transmigration of neutrophils to the basal side carrying N. gonorrhoeae. In summary, the introduced 3D tissue models in this research represent a promising tool to investigate N. gonorrhoeae infections under close-to-natural conditions.Tripper ist die zweithäufigste sexuell übertragbare Krankheit weltweit und wird durch Gram negative, humanspezifische Diplokokken Neisseria gonorrhoeae verursacht. Das human Pathogen besiedelt die Schleimhautoberfläche des weiblichen Fortpflanzungstraktes und der männlichen Harnröhre. Die rasante Zunahme der Antibiotikaresistenzen macht Gonorrhö zu einer ernsthaften Bedrohung für die öffentliche Gesundheit weltweit. Da N. gonorrhoeae ein humanspezifischer Erreger ist, ist es nicht möglich alle Merkmale einer Infektion in Tiermodellen nachzustellen, daher ist ein realistisches In-vitro-Zellkulturmodell für die Untersuchung der Gonorrhö-Infektion dringend erforderlich. In dieser Studie haben wir drei unabhängige 3D- Gewebemodelle etabliert und charakterisiert, die auf dem Gerüst der Schweine-Submukosa (SIS) basieren, indem wir menschliche dermale Fibroblasten mit menschlichen Darmkrebs-, Endometrialepithel- und männlichen Uroepithelzellen kultivieren. Die histologischen, immunhistochemischen und ultrastrukturellen Analysen zeigten, dass die 3D SIS-Gerüstmodelle die Hauptmerkmale der Stelle der Gonokokken Infektion im menschlichen Wirt genau nachahmen, indem sich Epithelien Monoschichten ausbildeten, unter denen sich Bindegewebe erstrechte. Zudem wiesen die Zellen enge Zell-Zell Kontakte auf und es kam zur Produktion von einer Mukosaschicht sowie Mikrovilli in den Modellen. Darüber hinaus zeigten Funktionsanalysen wie die Messung des transepithelialen elektrischen Widerstands (TEER) und die der Barriere Durchlässigkeit eine hohe Barriere Integrität der Zellschicht. Wir haben die etablierten 3D- Gewebemodelle mit verschiedenen N. gonorrhoeae-Stämmen und Derivaten infiziert, die verschiedene Phänotypen bezüglich der Adhäsion und der Invasion aufwiesen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine Unterbrechung der engen Zellverbindungen und eine Zunahme der Interleukin Produktion als Reaktion auf die Infektion, dessen Ausprägung allerdings stark von der Art des Stammes und des verwendeten Zelltyps abhängig ist. Darüber hinaus unterstützten die 3D- Gewebemodelle das bakterielle Überleben, was ein geeignetes In-vitro-Modell für Langzeit- Infektionsstudien liefert. Dies könnte vor allem auf die hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit der SIS- Gerüstmodelle gegen Infektionen in Bezug auf Veränderung der Permeabilität, Zellzerstörung und Bakterienwanderung zurückzuführen sein. Während der Gonorrhoe-Infektion wandert ein hoher Anteil an Neutrophilen an den Ort der Infektion. Die Studie zeigte auch, dass N. gonorrhoeae in den Neutrophilen überleben konnten oder sich sogar in diesen vermehren konnten. Deshalb wurde besonderes die Interaktion zwischen Neutrophilen und N. gonorrhoeae näher betrachtet. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir ein 3D-Gewebemodell mit Hilfe einer dreifache Co-Kultivierung von menschlichen primären Fibroblasten Zellen, menschlichen kolorektalen Karzinomzellen und menschlichen Nabelvenenendothelzellen erstellt. Das Gewebemodell wurde anschließend mit N. gonorrhoeae infiziert. Ein perfusionsbasiertes Bioreaktorsystem wurde eingesetzt, um den Blutfluss auf der Seite der Endothelzellen nachzuahmen und somit konnte die Auswanderung menschlicher Neutrophile zur Infektionsstelle untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus konnte mit diesem Modell die Aufnahme von N. gonorrhoeae in menschliche Neutrophilen und deren Rückwanderung in den Blutfluss beladen mit N. gonorrhoeae nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das in dieser Forschung vorgestellte 3D-Gewebemodell ein vielversprechendes Instrument zur Untersuchung von N. gonorrhoeae-Infektionen unter naturnahen Bedingungen darstellt

    Tissue models for Neisseria gonorrhoeae research — from 2D to 3D

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a human-specific pathogen that causes gonorrhea, the second most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Disease progression, drug discovery, and basic host-pathogen interactions are studied using different approaches, which rely on models ranging from 2D cell culture to complex 3D tissues and animals. In this review, we discuss the models used in N. gonorrhoeae research. We address both in vivo (animal) and in vitro cell culture models, discussing the pros and cons of each and outlining the recent advancements in the field of three-dimensional tissue models. From simple 2D monoculture to complex advanced 3D tissue models, we provide an overview of the relevant methodology and its application. Finally, we discuss future directions in the exciting field of 3D tissue models and how they can be applied for studying the interaction of N. gonorrhoeae with host cells under conditions closely resembling those found at the native sites of infection

    Biomimetic human tissue model for long-term study of Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection

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    Gonorrhea is the second most common sexually transmitted infection in the world and is caused by Gram-negative diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Since N. gonorrhoeae is a human-specific pathogen, animal infection models are only of limited use. Therefore, a suitable in vitro cell culture model for studying the complete infection including adhesion, transmigration and transport to deeper tissue layers is required. In the present study, we generated three independent 3D tissue models based on porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) scaffold by co-culturing human dermal fibroblasts with human colorectal carcinoma, endometrial epithelial, and male uroepithelial cells. Functional analyses such as transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and FITC-dextran assay indicated the high barrier integrity of the created monolayer. The histological, immunohistochemical, and ultra-structural analyses showed that the 3D SIS scaffold-based models closely mimic the main characteristics of the site of gonococcal infection in human host including the epithelial monolayer, the underlying connective tissue, mucus production, tight junction, and microvilli formation. We infected the established 3D tissue models with different N. gonorrhoeae strains and derivatives presenting various phenotypes regarding adhesion and invasion. The results indicated that the disruption of tight junctions and increase in interleukin production in response to the infection is strain and cell type-dependent. In addition, the models supported bacterial survival and proved to be better suitable for studying infection over the course of several days in comparison to commonly used Transwell® models. This was primarily due to increased resilience of the SIS scaffold models to infection in terms of changes in permeability, cell destruction and bacterial transmigration. In summary, the SIS scaffold-based 3D tissue models of human mucosal tissues represent promising tools for investigating N. gonorrhoeae infections under close-to-natural conditions

    Folliculin Controls the Intracellular Survival and Trans-Epithelial Passage of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a Gram-negative obligate human pathogenic bacterium, infects human epithelial cells and causes sexually transmitted diseases. Emerging multi-antibiotic resistant gonococci and increasing numbers of infections complicate the treatment of infected patients. Here, we used an shRNA library screen and next-generation sequencing to identify factors involved in epithelial cell infection. Folliculin (FLCN), a 64 kDa protein with a tumor repressor function was identified as a novel host factor important for N. gonorrhoeae survival after uptake. We further determined that FLCN did not affect N. gonorrhoeae adherence and invasion but was essential for its survival in the cells by modulating autophagy. In addition, FLCN was also required to maintain cell to cell contacts in the epithelial layer. In an infection model with polarized cells, FLCN inhibited the polarized localization of E-cadherin and the transcytosis of gonococci across polarized epithelial cells. In conclusion, we demonstrate here the connection between FLCN and bacterial infection and in particular the role of FLCN in the intracellular survival and transcytosis of gonococci across polarized epithelial cell layers

    Triple co-culture and perfusion bioreactor for studying the interaction between Neisseria gonorrhoeae and neutrophils: A novel 3D tissue model for bacterial infection and immunity

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    Gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is characterized by a large number of neutrophils recruited to the site of infection. Therefore, proper modeling of the N. gonorrhoeae interaction with neutrophils is very important for investigating and understanding the mechanisms that gonococci use to evade the immune response. We have used a combination of a unique human 3D tissue model together with a dynamic culture system to study neutrophil transmigration to the site of N. gonorrhoeae infection. The triple co-culture model consisted of epithelial cells (T84 human colorectal carcinoma cells), human primary dermal fibroblasts, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells on a biological scaffold (SIS). After the infection of the tissue model with N. gonorrhoeae, we introduced primary human neutrophils to the endothelial side of the model using a perfusion-based bioreactor system. By this approach, we were able to demonstrate the activation and transmigration of neutrophils across the 3D tissue model and their recruitment to the site of infection. In summary, the triple co-culture model supplemented by neutrophils represents a promising tool for investigating N. gonorrhoeae and other bacterial infections and interactions with the innate immunity cells under conditions closely resembling the native tissue environment

    Establishment of the SIS scaffold-based 3D model of human peritoneum for studying the dissemination of ovarian cancer

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    Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecological malignancy in women. More than 70% of the cases are diagnosed at the advanced stage, presenting as primary peritoneal metastasis, which results in a poor 5-year survival rate of around 40%. Mechanisms of peritoneal metastasis, including adhesion, migration, and invasion, are still not completely understood and therapeutic options are extremely limited. Therefore, there is a strong requirement for a 3D model mimicking the in vivo situation. In this study, we describe the establishment of a 3D tissue model of the human peritoneum based on decellularized porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) scaffold. The SIS scaffold was populated with human dermal fibroblasts, with LP-9 cells on the apical side representing the peritoneal mesothelium, while HUVEC cells on the basal side of the scaffold served to mimic the endothelial cell layer. Functional analyses of the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and the FITC-dextran assay indicated the high barrier integrity of our model. The histological, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural analyses showed the main characteristics of the site of adhesion. Initial experiments using the SKOV-3 cell line as representative for ovarian carcinoma demonstrated the usefulness of our models for studying tumor cell adhesion, as well as the effect of tumor cells on endothelial cell-to-cell contacts. Taken together, our data show that the novel peritoneal 3D tissue model is a promising tool for studying the peritoneal dissemination of ovarian cancer

    Relationship between impaired BMP signalling and clinical risk factors at early-stage vascular injury in the preterm infant.

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    Peer reviewed: TrueAcknowledgements: We sincerely thank the patients and their families of the AIRR study cohort for their significant contribution to the study by providing the samples.INTRODUCTION: Chronic lung disease, that is, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is the most common complication in preterm infants and develops as a consequence of the misguided formation of the gas-exchange area undergoing prenatal and postnatal injury. Subsequent vascular disease and its progression into pulmonary arterial hypertension critically determines long-term outcome in the BPD infant but lacks identification of early, disease-defining changes. METHODS: We link impaired bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling to the earliest onset of vascular pathology in the human preterm lung and delineate the specific effects of the most prevalent prenatal and postnatal clinical risk factors for lung injury mimicking clinically relevant conditions in a multilayered animal model using wild-type and transgenic neonatal mice. RESULTS: We demonstrate (1) the significant reduction in BMP receptor 2 (BMPR2) expression at the onset of vascular pathology in the lung of preterm infants, later mirrored by reduced plasma BMP protein levels in infants with developing BPD, (2) the rapid impairment (and persistent change) of BMPR2 signalling on postnatal exposure to hyperoxia and mechanical ventilation, aggravated by prenatal cigarette smoke in a preclinical mouse model and (3) a link to defective alveolar septation and matrix remodelling through platelet derived growth factor-receptor alpha deficiency. In a treatment approach, we partially reversed vascular pathology by BMPR2-targeted treatment with FK506 in vitro and in vivo. CONCLUSION: We identified impaired BMP signalling as a hallmark of early vascular disease in the injured neonatal lung while outlining its promising potential as a future biomarker or therapeutic target in this growing, high-risk patient population