1,990 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy of the optical Einstein ring 0047-2808

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    We present optical and near-infrared spectroscopic observations of the optical Einstein ring 0047-2808. We detect both [OIII] lines 4959, 5007 near 2.3 micron, confirming the redshift of the lensed source as z=3.595. The Ly-a line is redshifted relative to the [OIII] line by 140+-20 km/s. Similar velocity shifts have been seen in nearby starburst galaxies. The [OIII] line is very narrow, 130 km/s FWHM. If the ring is the image of the centre of a galaxy the one-dimensional stellar velocity dispersion sigma=55 km/s is considerably smaller than the value predicted by Baugh et al. (1998) for the somewhat brighter Lyman-break galaxies. The Ly-a line is significantly broader than the [OIII] line, probably due to resonant scattering. The stellar central velocity dispersion of the early-type deflector galaxy at z=0.485 is 250+-30 km/s. This value is in good agreement both with the value predicted from the radius of the Einstein ring (and a singular isothermal sphere model for the deflector), and the value estimated from the D_n-sigma relation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Classification and analysis of emission-line galaxies using mean field independent component analysis

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    We present an analysis of the optical spectra of narrow emission-line galaxies, based on mean field independent component analysis (MFICA). Samples of galaxies were drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and used to generate compact sets of `continuum' and `emission-line' component spectra. These components can be linearly combined to reconstruct the observed spectra of a wider sample of galaxies. Only 10 components - five continuum and five emission line - are required to produce accurate reconstructions of essentially all narrow emission-line galaxies; the median absolute deviations of the reconstructed emission-line fluxes, given the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the observed spectra, are 1.2-1.8 sigma for the strong lines. After applying the MFICA components to a large sample of SDSS galaxies we identify the regions of parameter space that correspond to pure star formation and pure active galactic nucleus (AGN) emission-line spectra, and produce high S/N reconstructions of these spectra. The physical properties of the pure star formation and pure AGN spectra are investigated by means of a series of photoionization models, exploiting the faint emission lines that can be measured in the reconstructions. We are able to recreate the emission line strengths of the most extreme AGN case by assuming the central engine illuminates a large number of individual clouds with radial distance and density distributions, f(r) ~ r^gamma and g(n) ~ n^beta, respectively. The best fit is obtained with gamma = -0.75 and beta = -1.4. From the reconstructed star formation spectra we are able to estimate the starburst ages. These preliminary investigations serve to demonstrate the success of the MFICA-based technique in identifying distinct emission sources, and its potential as a tool for the detailed analysis of the physical properties of galaxies in large-scale surveys.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 29 pages, 24 figures, 3 table

    Interpreting the Ionization Sequence in AGN Emission-Line Spectra

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    We investigate the physical cause of the great range in the ionization level seen in the spectra of narrow lined active galactic nuclei (AGN). Mean field independent component analysis identifies examples of individual SDSS galaxies whose spectra are not dominated by emission due to star formation (SF), which we designate as AGN. We assembled high S/N ratio composite spectra of a sequence of these AGN defined by the ionization level of their narrow-line regions (NLR), extending down to very low-ionization cases. We used a local optimally emitting cloud (LOC) model to fit emission-line ratios in this AGN sequence. These included the weak lines that can be measured only in the co-added spectra, providing consistency checks on strong line diagnostics. After integrating over a wide range of radii and densities our models indicate that the radial extent of the NLR is the major parameter in determining the position of high to moderate ionization AGN along our sequence, providing a physical interpretation for their systematic variation. Higher ionization AGN contain optimally emitting clouds that are more concentrated towards the central continuum source than in lower ionization AGN. Our LOC models indicate that for the objects that lie on our AGN sequence, the ionizing luminosity is anticorrelated with the NLR ionization level, and hence anticorrelated with the radial concentration and physical extent of the NLR. A possible interpretation that deserves further exploration is that the ionization sequence might be an age sequence where low ionization objects are older and have systematically cleared out their central regions by radiation pressure. We consider that our AGN sequence instead represents a mixing curve of SF and AGN spectra, but argue that while many galaxies do have this type of composite spectra, our AGN sequence appears to be a special set of objects with negligible SF excitation.Comment: 57 pages; 18 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Principal Component Analysis with Noisy and/or Missing Data

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    We present a method for performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on noisy datasets with missing values. Estimates of the measurement error are used to weight the input data such that compared to classic PCA, the resulting eigenvectors are more sensitive to the true underlying signal variations rather than being pulled by heteroskedastic measurement noise. Missing data is simply the limiting case of weight=0. The underlying algorithm is a noise weighted Expectation Maximization (EM) PCA, which has additional benefits of implementation speed and flexibility for smoothing eigenvectors to reduce the noise contribution. We present applications of this method on simulated data and QSO spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP; v2 with minor updates, mostly to bibliograph

    Interpreting the Ionization Sequence in Star-Forming Galaxy Emission-Line Spectra

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    High ionization star forming (SF) galaxies are easily identified with strong emission line techniques such as the BPT diagram, and form an obvious ionization sequence on such diagrams. We use a locally optimally emitting cloud model to fit emission line ratios that constrain the excitation mechanism, spectral energy distribution, abundances and physical conditions along the star-formation ionization sequence. Our analysis takes advantage of the identification of a sample of pure star-forming galaxies, to define the ionization sequence, via mean field independent component analysis. Previous work has suggested that the major parameter controlling the ionization level in SF galaxies is the metallicity. Here we show that the observed SF- sequence could alternatively be interpreted primarily as a sequence in the distribution of the ionizing flux incident on gas spread throughout a galaxy. Metallicity variations remain necessary to model the SF-sequence, however, our best models indicate that galaxies with the highest and lowest observed ionization levels (outside the range -0.37 < log [O III]/H\b{eta} < -0.09) require the variation of an additional physical parameter other than metallicity, which we determine to be the distribution of ionizing flux in the galaxy.Comment: 41 pages, 17 figures, 9 tables, accepted to MNRA

    Spatial Correlation Function of X-ray Selected AGN

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    We present a detailed description of the first direct measurement of the spatial correlation function of X-ray selected AGN. This result is based on an X-ray flux-limited sample of 219 AGN discovered in the contiguous 80.7 deg^2 region of the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Survey. Clustering is detected at the 4 sigma level at comoving scales in the interval r = 5-60 h^-1 Mpc. Fitting the data with a power law of slope gamma=1.8, we find a correlation length of r_0 = 7.4 (+1.8, -1.9) h^-1 Mpc (Omega_M=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7). The median redshift of the AGN contributing to the signal is z_xi=0.22. This clustering amplitude implies that X-ray selected AGN are spatially distributed in a manner similar to that of optically selected AGN. Furthermore, the ROSAT NEP determination establishes the local behavior of AGN clustering, a regime which is poorly sampled in general. Combined with high-redshift measures from optical studies, the ROSAT NEP results argue that the AGN correlation strength essentially does not evolve with redshift, at least out to z~2.2. In the local Universe, X-ray selected AGN appear to be unbiased relative to galaxies and the inferred X-ray bias parameter is near unity, b_X~1. Hence X-ray selected AGN closely trace the underlying mass distribution. The ROSAT NEP AGN catalog, presented here, features complete optical identifications and spectroscopic redshifts. The median redshift, X-ray flux, and X-ray luminosity are z=0.41, f_X=1.1*10^-13 cgs, and L_X=9.2*10^43 h_70^-2 cgs (0.5-2.0 keV), respectively. Unobscured, type 1 AGN are the dominant constituents (90%) of this soft X-ray selected sample of AGN.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, a version with high-resolution figures is available at http://www.eso.org/~cmullis/papers/Mullis_et_al_2004b.ps.gz, a machine-readable version of the ROSAT NEP AGN catalog is available at http://www.eso.org/~cmullis/research/nep-catalog.htm

    Women's Perceptions and Misperceptions of Male Circumcision: A Mixed Methods Study in Zambia.

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    Women's perceptions of male circumcision (MC) have implications for behavioral risk compensation, demand, and the impact of MC programs on women's health. This mixed methods study combines data from the first two rounds of a longitudinal study (n = 934) and in-depth interviews with a subsample of respondents (n = 45) between rounds. Most women correctly reported that MC reduces men's risk of HIV (64% R1, 82% R2). However, 30% of women at R1, and significantly more (41%) at R2, incorrectly believed MC is fully protective for men against HIV. Women also greatly overestimated the protection MC offers against STIs. The proportion of women who believed MC reduces a woman's HIV risk if she has sex with a man who is circumcised increased significantly (50% to 70%). Qualitative data elaborate women's misperception regarding MC. Programs should address women's informational needs and continue to emphasize that condoms remain critical, regardless of male partner's circumcision status

    On Near-Infrared H-Alpha Searches for High-Redshift Galaxies

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    The lack of success of Lyman-alpha searches for high-redshift (z>2) field galaxies may be due to extinction by dust, suggesting that surveys based on lines of longer wavelength, particularly H-alpha, may be more effective. To test the dust hypothesis we have undertaken deep broad- (K') and narrow-band (5000 km/s, 2.177 micron) imaging of the field towards the quasar PHL957, in an attempt to detect H-alpha emission from a known galaxy of redshift z=2.313. We cover an area of 4.9 square arcmin (0.28 h^{-2}Mpc^2) to a 4-sigma limiting narrow-band flux f=2.7x10^{-16}erg/s/cm^2, a factor of several deeper than previously published surveys. We detect the H-alpha+[N II] emission line in this galaxy at the 3.3-sigma level, inferring a star formation rate of 18 h^{-2} solar masses per year. This is a factor only a few times larger than the rate seen in some Sc galaxies today. The faint flux level reached in this work demonstrates the promise of narrow-band imaging in the near-infrared as a technique for finding normal galaxies at high redshifts.Comment: 6 pages of LaTex using mn.sty (MNRAS style). Figure 1 is an image obtainable from the Authors by FTP. Contact [email protected] for more details. Figure 2 is a Z-compressed, uuencoded postscript graph

    Evaluating matrix elements relevant to some Lorenz violating operators

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    Carlson, Carone and Lebed have derived the Feynman rules for a consistent formulation of noncommutative QCD. The results they obtained were used to constrain the noncommutativity parameter in Lorentz violating noncommutative field theories. However, their constraint depended upon an estimate of the matrix element of the quark level operator (gamma.p - m) in a nucleon. In this paper we calculate the matrix element of (gamma.p - m), using a variety of confinement potential models. Our results are within an order of magnitude agreement with the estimate made by Carlson et al. The constraints placed on the noncommutativity parameter were very strong, and are still quite severe even if weakened by an order of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTex, minor change
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