4 research outputs found

    Source apportionment of organic carbon in Centreville, AL using organosulfates in organic tracer-based positive matrix factorization

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    Organic tracer-based positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used to apportion fine particulate (PM_(2.5)) organic carbon (OC) to its sources in Centreville, AL, USA, a rural forested site influenced by anthropogenic emissions, during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) in the summer of 2013. Model inputs included organosulfates, a group of organic compounds that are tracers of anthropogenically-influenced biogenic secondary organic aerosols (SOA), as well as, OC, elemental carbon, water-soluble organic carbon, and other organic tracers for primary and secondary sources measured during day and night. The organic tracer-based PMF resolved eight factors that were identified as biomass burning (11%, average contribution to PM_(2.5) OC), vehicle emissions (8%), isoprene SOC formed under low-NO_x conditions (13%), isoprene SOC formed under high-NO_x conditions (11%), SOC formed by photochemical reactions (9%), oxidatively aged biogenic SOC (6%), sulfuric acid-influenced SOC (21%, that also includes isoprene and monoterpene SOC), and monoterpene SOC formed under high-NO_x conditions (21%). These results indicate that OC in Centreville during summer is mainly secondary in origin (81%). Fossil fuel combustion is the major source of NO_x, ozone, and sulfuric acid that play a key role in SOA formation in the southeastern US. Fossil fuel was found to influence 61–76% of OC through vehicle emissions and SOA formation. Together with prescribed burns, which were the major type of biomass burning during this study, the OC influenced by anthropogenic activities reached 87%. The organic tracer-based PMF results were further compared with two complementary source apportionment techniques: PMF factors resolved for submicron organic aerosols measured using aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) by Xu et al. (2015a) in Centreville during SOAS; biomass burning organic aerosols (BBOA, 11% of OC), isoprene-derived organic aerosols (isoprene-OA, 20% of OC), more-oxidized oxygenated organic aerosols (MO-OOA, 34% of OC), and less-oxidized oxygenated organic aerosols (LO-OOA, 35% of OC); and PM_(2.5) OC apportioned by chemical-mass balance model (CMB), considering the same chemical species as this study, save for organosulfates; biomass burning (5%), diesel engines (2%), gasoline smokers (3%), vegetative detritus (1%), isoprene SOC (23%) and monoterpene SOC (34%), and other (likely biogenic secondary) sources (33%). Overall, this study indicates the primary and secondary sources resolved by the organic tracer-based PMF are in good agreement with CMB and AMS-PMF results, while the organic tracer-based PMF provides additional insight to the SOC formation pathways through the inclusion of organosulfates and other organic tracers measured during day and night

    Source apportionment of organic carbon in Centreville, AL using organosulfates in organic tracer-based positive matrix factorization

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    Organic tracer-based positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used to apportion fine particulate (PM_(2.5)) organic carbon (OC) to its sources in Centreville, AL, USA, a rural forested site influenced by anthropogenic emissions, during the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) in the summer of 2013. Model inputs included organosulfates, a group of organic compounds that are tracers of anthropogenically-influenced biogenic secondary organic aerosols (SOA), as well as, OC, elemental carbon, water-soluble organic carbon, and other organic tracers for primary and secondary sources measured during day and night. The organic tracer-based PMF resolved eight factors that were identified as biomass burning (11%, average contribution to PM_(2.5) OC), vehicle emissions (8%), isoprene SOC formed under low-NO_x conditions (13%), isoprene SOC formed under high-NO_x conditions (11%), SOC formed by photochemical reactions (9%), oxidatively aged biogenic SOC (6%), sulfuric acid-influenced SOC (21%, that also includes isoprene and monoterpene SOC), and monoterpene SOC formed under high-NO_x conditions (21%). These results indicate that OC in Centreville during summer is mainly secondary in origin (81%). Fossil fuel combustion is the major source of NO_x, ozone, and sulfuric acid that play a key role in SOA formation in the southeastern US. Fossil fuel was found to influence 61–76% of OC through vehicle emissions and SOA formation. Together with prescribed burns, which were the major type of biomass burning during this study, the OC influenced by anthropogenic activities reached 87%. The organic tracer-based PMF results were further compared with two complementary source apportionment techniques: PMF factors resolved for submicron organic aerosols measured using aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) by Xu et al. (2015a) in Centreville during SOAS; biomass burning organic aerosols (BBOA, 11% of OC), isoprene-derived organic aerosols (isoprene-OA, 20% of OC), more-oxidized oxygenated organic aerosols (MO-OOA, 34% of OC), and less-oxidized oxygenated organic aerosols (LO-OOA, 35% of OC); and PM_(2.5) OC apportioned by chemical-mass balance model (CMB), considering the same chemical species as this study, save for organosulfates; biomass burning (5%), diesel engines (2%), gasoline smokers (3%), vegetative detritus (1%), isoprene SOC (23%) and monoterpene SOC (34%), and other (likely biogenic secondary) sources (33%). Overall, this study indicates the primary and secondary sources resolved by the organic tracer-based PMF are in good agreement with CMB and AMS-PMF results, while the organic tracer-based PMF provides additional insight to the SOC formation pathways through the inclusion of organosulfates and other organic tracers measured during day and night

    Response of the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer to Inorganic Sulfates and Organosulfur Compounds: Applications in Field and Laboratory Measurements

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    Organosulfur compounds are important components of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). While the Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) has been extensively used in aerosol studies, the response of the AMS to organosulfur compounds is not well-understood. Here, we investigated the fragmentation patterns of organosulfurs and inorganic sulfates in the AMS, developed a method to deconvolve total sulfate into components of inorganic and organic origins, and applied this method in both laboratory and field measurements. Apportionment results from laboratory isoprene photooxidation experiment showed that with inorganic sulfate seed, sulfate functionality of organic origins can contribute ∼7% of SOA mass at peak growth. Results from measurements in the Southeastern U.S. showed that 4% of measured sulfate is from organosulfur compounds. Methanesulfonic acid was estimated for measurements in the coastal and remote marine boundary layer. We explored the application of this method to unit mass-resolution data, where it performed less well due to interferences. Our apportionment results demonstrate that organosulfur compounds could be a non-negligible source of sulfate fragments in AMS laboratory and field data sets. A reevaluation of previous AMS measurements over the full range of atmospheric conditions using this method could provide a global estimate/constraint on the contribution of organosulfur compounds

    Response of the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer to Inorganic Sulfates and Organosulfur Compounds: Applications in Field and Laboratory Measurements

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    Organosulfur compounds are important components of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). While the Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) has been extensively used in aerosol studies, the response of the AMS to organosulfur compounds is not well-understood. Here, we investigated the fragmentation patterns of organosulfurs and inorganic sulfates in the AMS, developed a method to deconvolve total sulfate into components of inorganic and organic origins, and applied this method in both laboratory and field measurements. Apportionment results from laboratory isoprene photooxidation experiment showed that with inorganic sulfate seed, sulfate functionality of organic origins can contribute ∼7% of SOA mass at peak growth. Results from measurements in the Southeastern U.S. showed that 4% of measured sulfate is from organosulfur compounds. Methanesulfonic acid was estimated for measurements in the coastal and remote marine boundary layer. We explored the application of this method to unit mass-resolution data, where it performed less well due to interferences. Our apportionment results demonstrate that organosulfur compounds could be a non-negligible source of sulfate fragments in AMS laboratory and field data sets. A reevaluation of previous AMS measurements over the full range of atmospheric conditions using this method could provide a global estimate/constraint on the contribution of organosulfur compounds