536 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal organic carbon burial along a fjord to coast transect: A case study from Western Norway

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    We investigated spatial and temporal changes in accumulation rate and source of organic carbon on a gradient along the Lysefjord and the more coastal Høgsfjord, Western Norway. This was achieved through analysis of total organic carbon and nitrogen content of sediment cores, which were radiometrically dated to the early 19th and 20th centuries for the Høgsfjord and Lysefjord, respectively. Benthic foraminifera (protists) were utilized to determine changes in organic carbon supply and Ecological Quality Status (EcoQS) by their accumulation rate (benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate (BFAR)), assemblage composition, species diversity, individual species responses and the composition of stable carbon isotopes of the tests (shells) of Cassidulina laevigata, Hyalinea balthica and Melonis barleeanus. Organic carbon accumulation rates were greatest closest to the river Lyse at the head of the Lysefjord (83–171 g C m−2 yr−1). The organic carbon at the head of the fjord is mainly terrestrial in origin, and this terrestrial influence becomes progressively less seaward. The δ13C in H. balthica tests as well as the benthic foraminiferal assemblage composition also showed a clear fjord to coast gradient. Organic carbon accumulation rates were lower and less variable at the seaward study sites (13–61 g C m−2 yr−1). We observe no temporal trend in organic carbon, carbon isotopes, EcoQS or foraminiferal assemblage composition in the Lysefjord. In contrast, in the Høgsfjord, there seems to have been an increase in organic carbon accumulation rates during the 1940s. Subsequent accumulation rates are stable. The foraminiferal assemblages in the surface sediments reflect a recent transition from good/moderate to moderate/bad EcoQS.publishedVersio

    Comparison of Insulin Sensitivity of Horses Adapted to Different Exercise Intensities

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    AbstractDiets high in concentrates and soluble carbohydrates are associated with reduced insulin sensitivity in horses. Exercise training could protect against diet-induced insulin resistance. The objective of this study was to determine the intensity of exercise training required to affect insulin sensitivity in stabled horses fed a diet high in concentrates but moderate in soluble carbohydrates. In all, 31 stabled horses underwent three different exercise regimens: turnout, light exercise, and moderate exercise, while being fed a diet containing 60% concentrate. Blood was sampled monthly and analyzed for insulin. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using basal insulin concentrations and calculated insulin sensitivity (reciprocal of the square root of insulin) and compared across months by analysis of variance with repeated measures. Insulin sensitivity (reciprocal of the square root of insulin) was higher during periods of moderate and light physical activity as compared with turnout. These results indicate that turnout alone may not be adequate to improve insulin sensitivity in horses fed high amounts of concentrate

    An Investigation of the Role of Macular Pigment in Attenuating Photostress through Comparison between Blue and Green Photostress Recovery Times

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    Purpose: Photostress recovery time (PSRT) is the time required for the macula to return to its normal functioning after the bleaching of cone photopigments due to light exposure, usually white. This work investigates the role of macular pigment (MP) as an optical filter that attenuates photostress by analyses of PSRT at different wavelengths. Methods: Thirty-nine subjects (19–28 years) were exposed to blue/green photostress varying in irradiance. During photostress, pupil constriction (Cp) was measured. Twenty-seven subjects (20–27 years) were exposed to white photostress. After 25 s of photostress, the time (PSRT) required to read correctly a 0.2 logMAR letter was measured. Correlation was studied between PSRT, CP, and irradiance. Statistical significance of differences between PSRTs was evaluated at Log(irradiance(quanta s−1 cm−2)) = 14 by Student’s t statistics. Results: Cp and PSRT were found linearly correlated to Log(irradiance) for blue, green, and white. At Log(irradiance(quanta s−1 cm−2)) = 14, blue and green mean PSRTs resulted different (p 0.05). Conclusions: MP plays the role of an optical filter attenuating photostress. PSRT was substantially proportional to the number of incident photons corrected for the MP optical absorption, regardless of their wavelength

    Drivers of organic carbon distribution and accumulation in the northern Barents Sea

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    Sedimentary properties and accumulation rates on the continental shelf and in the deep sea reflect temporal oceanographic, biological and chemical processes occurring in the water column and the sediment surface. We used the radionuclides 210Pb, 226Ra, and 137Cs activities to estimate sedimentation rates during the last century at nine stations in the northern Barents Sea region. Elemental (C, N) and stable isotopic composition (δ13C, δ15N) were also analysed from the nine stations sampled in August 2018, and, for five other stations sampled in August and December 2019, and in March and May 2021. Sediment accumulation rates varied between 130 and 1 410 g m−2 y−1. The < 63 μm normalized total organic carbon (TOC63) and the total nitrogen from the sediment surface varied between 0.90–2.56 % and 0.13–0.33 %, respectively. Ice-free shelf stations had higher TOC63 and possibly fresher organic matter (high δ13C, low δ15N) than ice-covered more northern stations. The opposite trend was observed for total inorganic carbon. We found that these trends in biogeochemical parameters were spatially structured by the winter sea ice concentration and biological production differences, and exhibited a south-north separation of the Polar Front region. The low and stable organic carbon accumulation rate (1.7–13.4 g Corg m-2 y−1; ARtoc) is a function of slow sedimentation rates, and high degradation and residence time in the water column and at the sediment–water interface. Overall, the ARtoc has been stable for the past 100 years, with a slight increase from the early 1970s to the present at the shelf and slope stations. Our results highlight that spatial scales of variability of the studied sedimentary parameters are linked to spatial patterns of important environmental variables (e.g., chlorophyll-a, sea ice concentration) in the region. In contrast, no seasonal differences were observed in the sediment parameters of revisited stations, and the dated sediment geochemical profiles did not exhibit substantial longer-term variation. This means that climate-induced changes in variables that modify the sedimentary geochemistry of the environment may affect benthic community activity and structure before leaving a record in ARtoc

    Increasing the availability and utilization of reliable data on population micronutrient (MN) status globally: the MN Data Generation Initiative.

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    Micronutrient (MN) deficiencies can produce a broad array of adverse health and functional outcomes. Young, preschool children and women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries are most affected by these deficiencies, but the true magnitude of the problems and their related disease burdens remain uncertain because of the dearth of reliable biomarker information on population MN status. The reasons for this lack of information include a limited understanding by policy makers of the importance of MNs for human health and the usefulness of information on MN status for program planning and management; insufficient professional capacity to advocate for this information and design and implement related MN status surveys; high costs and logistical constraints involved in specimen collection, transport, storage, and laboratory analyses; poor access to adequately equipped and staffed laboratories to complete the analyses reliably; and inadequate capacity to interpret and apply this information for public health program design and evaluation. This report describes the current situation with regard to data availability, the reasons for the lack of relevant information, and the steps needed to correct this situation, including implementation of a multi-component MN Data Generation Initiative to advocate for critical data collection and provide related technical assistance, laboratory services, professional training, and financial support

    History of the introduction of a species resembling the benthic foraminifera Nonionella stella in the Oslofjord (Norway): morphological, molecular and paleo-ecological evidences

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    Specimens resembling the benthic foraminifera Nonionella stella (Cushman and Moyer, 1930), a morphospecies originally described from the San Pedro Basin, California, USA, were observed for the first time in the Oslofjord (Norway) in 2012. This study investigates the Oslofjord Nonionella population in order to confirm its non-indigenous species (NIS) status and assess its introduction time. Morphological characterisation based on SEM imaging complemented by molecular identification using small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequencing and assessment of the recent past record (sediment core), were performed on material collected in the Oslofjord in 2016. Examination of the dead fauna showed that specimens resembling N. stella only appeared recently in the Oslofjord, confirming the NIS status of this population. Moreover, DNA results indicate that the Oslofjord specimens differ genetically from N. stella sampled in the Santa Barbara Basin (California USA). Hence, we propose to use the name Nonionella sp. T1 for the specimens sampled in the Oslofjord for the time being. In the southern part of the Skagerrak, specimens morphologically similar to Nonionella sp. T1 were reported as NIS in the Gullmar fjord (Sweden) in 2011 and in the Skagerrak in 2015. Molecular data indicate that the two populations from Gullmar- and Oslofjords are identical, based on their SSU rDNA sequences. In addition, analyses of foraminiferal dead assemblages suggest that the population from the Gullmar fjord settled prior to the Oslofjord population, i.e. ~ 1985 and about 2010, respectively. This implies that Nonionella sp. T1 may have been transported from Sweden to Norway by northward coastal currents.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Maitotoxin-4, a Novel MTX Analog Produced by Gambierdiscus excentricus

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    Maitotoxins (MTXs) are among the most potent toxins known. These toxins are produced by epi-benthic dinoflagellates of the genera Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa and may play a role in causing the symptoms associated with Ciguatera Fish Poisoning. A recent survey revealed that, of the species tested, the newly described species from the Canary Islands, G. excentricus, is one of the most maitotoxic. The goal of the present study was to characterize MTX-related compounds produced by this species. Initially, lysates of cells from two Canary Island G. excentricus strains VGO791 and VGO792 were partially purified by (i) liquid-liquid partitioning between dichloromethane and aqueous methanol followed by (ii) size-exclusion chromatography. Fractions from chromatographic separation were screened for MTX toxicity using both the neuroblastoma neuro-2a (N2a) cytotoxicity and Ca2+ flux functional assays. Fractions containing MTX activity were analyzed using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) to pinpoint potential MTX analogs. Subsequent non-targeted HRMS analysis permitted the identification of a novel MTX analog, maitotoxin-4 (MTX4, accurate mono-isotopic mass of 3292.4860 Da, as free acid form) in the most toxic fractions. HRMS/MS spectra of MTX4 as well as of MTX are presented. In addition, crude methanolic extracts of five other strains of G. excentricus and 37 other strains representing one Fukuyoa species and ten species, one ribotype and one undetermined strain/species of Gambierdiscus were screened for the presence of MTXs using low resolution tandem mass spectrometry (LRMS/MS). This targeted analysis indicated the original maitotoxin (MTX) was only present in one strain (G. australes S080911_1). Putative maitotoxin-2 (p-MTX2) and maitotoxin-3 (p-MTX3) were identified in several other species, but confirmation was not possible because of the lack of reference material. Maitotoxin-4 was detected in all seven strains of G. excentricus examined, independently of their origin (Brazil, Canary Islands and Caribbean), and not detected in any other species. MTX4 may therefore serve as a biomarker for the highly toxic G. excentricus in the Atlantic area

    Facial expressions depicting compassionate and critical emotions: the development and validation of a new emotional face stimulus set

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    Attachment with altruistic others requires the ability to appropriately process affiliative and kind facial cues. Yet there is no stimulus set available to investigate such processes. Here, we developed a stimulus set depicting compassionate and critical facial expressions, and validated its effectiveness using well-established visual-probe methodology. In Study 1, 62 participants rated photographs of actors displaying compassionate/kind and critical faces on strength of emotion type. This produced a new stimulus set based on N = 31 actors, whose facial expressions were reliably distinguished as compassionate, critical and neutral. In Study 2, 70 participants completed a visual-probe task measuring attentional orientation to critical and compassionate/kind faces. This revealed that participants lower in self-criticism demonstrated enhanced attention to compassionate/kind faces whereas those higher in self-criticism showed no bias. To sum, the new stimulus set produced interpretable findings using visual-probe methodology and is the first to include higher order, complex positive affect displays

    Molekulargenetik und Molekularpathologie beim Prostatakarzinom

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    Beim häufigsten bösartigen Tumor des Mannes, dem Prostatakarzinom, konnten in den letzten Jahren grosse Fortschritte im Bereich der molekularpathologischen Charakterisierung erzielt werden. Diese Erkenntnisse haben entscheidend zur Entwicklung zielgerichteter Therapien in fortgeschrittenen Stadien des Prostatakarzinoms beigetragen. Die molekularpathologischen Ergebnisse geben zudem wichtige Hinweise auf eine mögliche genetische Prädisposition
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