554 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Job Satisfaction of Iranian English Teachers and Their Students’ Achievement

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    Teachers' satisfaction with their career influences the quality and stability of instruction given to students. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the relationship between teacher job satisfaction and student achievement among Iranian high school English teachers and to investigate the effect of factors such as gender, employment type and working place on job satisfaction in order to provide better insights for the educational authorities and teachers to look for possible ways of improving the existing situation. Data were collected through Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985) distributed among 84 Iranian high school English teachers. End of the term results were used as an indicator of the students` achievement. The findings of the present study suggested that there was a significant relationship between teacher job satisfaction and student achievement. But there was not any significant difference between male and female teachers regarding job satisfaction. Besides, working at public vs. private schools did not make any significant difference in the level of job satisfaction. But a significant difference was found between the part-time and full-time teachers' job satisfaction. The full-time teachers were more satisfied with their job

    Evaluation of Persian Academy approved genetics terms acceptance in upper graduate user population

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    Finding Persian equivalents for scientific terms is one of the aims of Academy of Persian language and literature, and more than 50 scientific committees are now working on this scope in terminology department of the academy. Genetics and biotechnology terminology committee is one of these teams that started his activity from 2009 and since then approved more than 500 of these terms for use in academic fields. In this research 101 questionnaires including 20 questioned term were given to more than 101 upper graduate users including MSc and PhD students and academic staff of randomly selected universities in Tehran and Semnan provinces. And then the evaluation of their acceptance was carried out by a model given by Cooper for the Study of Language Spread. All 20 studied terms were randomly selected from genetic approved terms and divided in to two groups: newly coined equivalents (those equivalents that was newly coined by the committee) and selected equivalents (those that have the selected equivalent before).Results gathered and analyzed with statistical tests, and showed that most of accepted terms are among selected equivalents. By another words the newly coined terms has much less acceptability than the others. This research introduces a method for evaluation of approved Persian equivalents of scientific terms and besides show the state of some of these equivalents between user populations. The important point is that term selection for scientific terms including genetic terms; is not an obligatory rule, but is a proposal for meeting the researchers need to strength Persian language as a scientific language. And usage of these equivalents is completely on the part of researchers and students and their point of view to equivalents.

    Split-face comparison of the combined Er-YAG laser and hydroquinone 4% with hydroquinone 4% alone in the treatment of melasma in Iranian patients: Prospective, interventional case study

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    Introduction: Melasma is one of the most common skin pigmentation disorders, which mostly affects the facial skin and has a considerable psychological impact on the patients. Melasma management has been one of the controversial issues in dermatology. We aimed to compare the combined treatment of the Er: YAG (erbium: yttrium–aluminum–garnet) laser plus hydroquinone (HQ) 4% with HQ 4% alone in the treatment of melasma.Methods: Twenty-nine patients were treated with the combined Er: YAG laser and HQ 4% on one side of the face with HQ 4% alone on the other side. Three sessions of the laser rat 4-week intervals. The outcome was calculated using the Melasma Area Severity Index (MASI).Results: The side that received the combined treatment (laser + HQ 4%) showed a statistically significant reduction in MASI compared to the side treated with HQ 4% alone.Conclusion: Our study suggests the superiority of the combination of the Er: YAG laser and HQ 4% in the treatment of melasma compared to HQ 4% alone.

    Principles to Promote Solar Energy at Urban Management (Case Study: Berlin & Tehran)

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    The majority of the world’s population now lives in cities. This poses great challenges, but also great opportunities in terms of tackling climate change, resource depletion and environmental degradation. Nowadays, city planners and authorities around the world have been promoting principles to achieve a sustainable city. In this regard, Policy agendas have increasingly focused on how develop renewable energy as a clean energy can help to have integrated sustainable urban development. This paper identifies subjects that should be noticed for sustainable urban development and need to be in place for promoting renewable energy. The paper also, by drawing on three case studies (Germany, China and Iran), examines the key ‘success factors’ to traverse a pathway to a more sustainable future in urban development by using solar energy and it also gives some example about these countries and their main cities' experiences. Finally, it is hoped that the conclusions and recommendations drawn in the present study would be useful to energy scientists, engineers and policy makers. Keywords: Sustainable urban management, solar energy policies, Germany, China, Ira

    Bilateral Third Nerve Paralysis as a Manifestation of Guillain–Barré Syndrome

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    Gullian–Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute autoimmune polyradiculoneuropathy with many variants and distinct presentations. Although cranial neuropathy is a common feature in GBS, third nerve palsy is a rare presentation. Herein, we describe a case of GBS patient who has presented by acute flaccid quadriparesis coexisting bilateral third nerve palsy. We tried to highlight the importance of other cranial nerve involvement in the natural history of GBS

    A Comparison of Two Global ELT Course books in Terms of Their Task Types

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    It is generally observed that the textbooks employed in the classroom play a crucial role in the process of teaching and learning. In the EFL context in Iran, where Iranian EFL learners rarely have access to native speakers, the teacher mediates between the learner and the text. Accordingly, a textbook plays more important roles in this context and textbook evaluation is critical. Nowadays, under the influence of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), most global materials try to involve learners in the process of learning by introducing several types of tasks and activities whose aim is to promote learners’ interaction. However, most teachers and instructors are using the global materials without being aware of the task types used in them and whether these task types really involve learners in the communication process or not. The purposes of this study was to evaluate and compare the two most popular global course books (Top Notch and Interchange) which are taught in Iranian ELT institutes, in terms of their task types according to Nunan’s (1999) classification of the tasks. The results suggested that generally, both course books used mostly linguistic tasks and less cognitive ones. However, in particular, the number of co-operative tasks in Interchange title is more frequent than other types of tasks, while in Top Notch title most of tasks are practice tasks. The results of this study could be helpful for curriculum developers and institute authorities, to assist them to become more aware of different task types used in each of these global materials and to better select the most suitable ones for their purposes. It can also help material developers in order to develop ELT materials with more communicative tasks

    Investigation of the Relationships among Narcissism, Humanity, Interpersonal Control Perception and Envy in Male and Female Employees

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    Abstract Envy is one of the most common human emotions related directly to interpersonal relationships. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships among narcissism, common humanity and interpersonal control perception with envy. To do this, 140 male and female employees from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz were chosen through random sampling. They completed questionnaires of Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HNS), interpersonal control perception subscales of Perceived Control Across Domains Scale (PCADS) and common humanity subscale of Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) and the Envy Assessment based on Islamic Sources. The gathered data were then analyzed by SPSS (21.0 version) and Stepwise Regression Analysis was used to analyze the research hypotheses. The results showed that narcissism and common humanity were the most important predictors of envy in female employees and interpersonal control perception and narcissism were the most important predictors of envy in male employees. These findings have practical implications for management the envy phenomenon in work environment. Keywords: narcissism, common humanity, interpersonal control                 perception, envy

    Positive correlation between ELF and RFelectromagnetic fieldon cancer risk

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    Extremely low frequency (ELF) and Radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field may affect biological systems by raising generation free radicals by decline activities of glutathione peroxidase dismutase or increase in the lifetime of free radicals with inhibited pretreatment of cells antioxidant like that alpha tocopherol. ELF and  RF electromagnetic  field maycan damaged DNA  with raising level  hydroxyl radicals in cells and  it is  can interact DNA and form mainly 8-hydroxy-2′–deoxyguanosine( 8-OHdG) adducts. Many study showed   Electromagnetic field radiation(EMF) can change gene expression and conformation of protein. It may declineexpression of some genes such as superoxide dismutase orraise expressionof certain genes such as Hsps (heat shock proteins). ELF and RFelectromagnetic field   can effects on homeostasis Ca2+ and alteration in important cellular and molecular processes such as differentiation, proliferation, gene expression, cytoskeletal reorganization and metabolism. Use of radio frequency electromagneticfield onsatellite jamming in Iran and some country may can harmful to human health and it could be a risk factor for cancer

    The effect of garlic extract on growth, haematology and cell-mediated immune response of newborn goat kids

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different levels of garlic extract supplemented in milk on growth rate, haematology and cell–mediated immune response of Markhoz newborn goat kids. Twenty four newborn goat kids (aged 7+/-3days) were randomly assigned to four groups. The groups consisted of control (received milk without garlic extract), T1, T2 and T3 which received milk supplemented with 62.5, 125 and 250 mg aqueous garlic extract per kg live weight per day for 42 days, respectively. Body weights were measured weekly throughout the experimental period. At day 42, about 10 ml blood samples were collected from each kid via the jugular vein for haematological study. Cell–mediated immune response was evaluated through double skin thickness after intradermal injection of phyto-hematogglutinin (PHA) at day 21 and 42. Total gain was significantly higher for kids in T3 (P0.05) compared with the control group. Average daily gain (ADG) in T3 group in week 4–5 was higher (P0.05). Significant differences in globulin (P0.01), hemoglobin (Hb; P0.001), hematocrit (PCV; P0.001), erythrocyte (RBC; P0.001), neutrophil (P0.001), lymphocyte (P0.001) and leukocyte (WBC; P0.001) were observed among groups. Hb, PCV, RBC, lymphocytes and WBC were higher in kids given garlic extract supplementation. There was a significant difference of double skin thickness among the groups at day 42 (P0.01). In conclusion, this study indicated that milk supplemented with aqueous garlic extract improved growth rate and immunity of newborn goat kids
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