272 research outputs found

    Marketing the Digital Divide: Case Studies of Two Telecenters in Thailand

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    This study describes and evaluates the marketing strategies employed by two telecenters in rural Thailand. Telecenters are facilities that provide information and communication technology services to under-served populations in an effort to close the "digital divide". Interviews with key players involved in the management of the telecenters were conducted in order to determine the marketing practices in use. Questionnaire surveys of telecenter users and nonusers determined the effect of the marketing efforts on the community. The interviews clarified the challenges that the telecenters face. The survey results indicate that word-of-mouth advertising is the most successful marketing approach in use

    The Social Consequences of Absolute Moral Proclamations

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    Across six studies (N = 3348), we find that people prefer targets who make absolute proclamations (i.e. It is never okay for people to lie ) over targets who make ambiguous proclamations ( It is sometimes okay for people to lie ), even when both targets tell equivalent lies. Preferences for absolutism stem from the belief that moral proclamations send a true signal about moral character--they are not cheap talk. Therefore, absolute proclamations signal moral character, despite also signaling hypocrisy. This research sheds light on the consequences of absolute proclamations and identifies circumstances in which hypocrisy is preferred over consistency

    Oral Tolerance Induction in Hemophilia B Dogs Fed with Transplastomic Lettuce

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    Anti-drug antibodies in hemophilia patients substantially complicate treatment. Their elimination through immune tolerance induction (ITI) protocols poses enormous costs, and ITI is often ineffective for factor IX (FIX) inhibitors. Moreover, there is no prophylactic ITI protocol to prevent anti-drug antibody (ADA) formation. Using general immune suppression is problematic. To address this urgent unmet medical need, we delivered antigen bioencapsulated in plant cells to hemophilia B dogs. Commercial-scale production of CTB-FIX fusion expressed in lettuce chloroplasts was done in a hydroponic facility. CTB-FIX (∼1 mg/g) in lyophilized cells was stable with proper folding, disulfide bonds, and pentamer assembly after 30-month storage at ambient temperature. Robust suppression of immunoglobulin G (IgG)/inhibitor and IgE formation against intravenous FIX was observed in three of four hemophilia B dogs fed with lyophilized lettuce cells expressing CTB-FIX. No side effects were detected after feeding CTB-FIX-lyophilized plant cells for >300 days. Coagulation times were markedly shortened by intravenous FIX in orally tolerized treated dogs, in contrast to control dogs that formed high-titer antibodies to FIX. Commercial-scale production, stability, prolonged storage of lyophilized cells, and efficacy in tolerance induction in a large, non-rodent model of human disease offer a novel concept for oral tolerance and low-cost production and delivery of biopharmaceuticals

    Common Security of the Czech Republic and Slovakia Airspace by JAS-39 GRIPEN Fighter Aircrafts

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou ochrany vzdušného prostoru České republiky a Slovenska nadzvukovými letouny JAS-39 Gripen. První část práce je zaměřena na teoretickou rovinu obrany jako služby v obecném zájmu nehospodářské povahy a na vybrané pojmy z oblasti obrany a bezpečnosti státu. Druhá část se zabývá komparací Armády České republiky a Ozbrojených sil Slovenské republiky se zaměřením na vzdušné síly a možnosti ochrany vzdušného prostoru pomoci nadzvukových bojových letounů obou zemí. Třetí částí je zhodnocení možnosti pořízení a provozování nadzvukových letounů JAS-39 Gripen Vzdušnými silami Ozbrojených sil Slovenské republiky, které vychází z předchozího zkoumání a zároveň přibližuje možnosti zabezpečení společného vzdušného prostoru obou zemí. V poslední části jsou doporučení pro společné zabezpečení vzdušného prostoru obou zemí, vycházející z jednotlivých možností, ale i se stávající bezpečnostní a ekonomické situace.This thesis deals with the airspace protection of Czech Republic and Slovakia by JAS-39 Gripen supersonic aircrafts. The first part is focused on the theoretical level of defense as a service of general non-economic interest and certain terms of defense and national security. The second part deals with the comparsion of the Czech Army and Slovak Army with focuse on options of airspace protection by supersonic fighter aircrafts of both countries. The third part evaluates the possibility of acquisition and usage JAS-39 supersonic aircraft by the Slovak Air Force which is based on previous research and shows how to secure the common airspace of both countries. In the final chapter are recommendations for common airspace security of both countries based on each option, but also on current security and economic situation.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    Fate of Distal Lung Epithelium Cultured in a Decellularized Lung Extracellular Matrix

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    Type II cells are the defenders of the alveolus. They produce surfactant to prevent alveolar collapse, they actively transport water to prevent filling of the air sacs that would otherwise prevent gas exchange, and they differentiate to type I epithelial cells. They are an indispensable component of functional lung tissue. To understand the functionality of type II cells in isolation, we sought to track their fate in decellularized matrices and to assess their ability to contribute to barrier function by differentiation to type I alveolar epithelial cells. Rat type II cells were isolated from neonatal rat lungs by labeling with the RTII-70 surface marker and separation using a magnetic column. This produced a population of ∼50% RTII-70-positive cells accompanied by few type I epithelial cells or α-actin-positive mesenchymal cells. This population was seeded into decellularized rat lung matrices and cultured for 1 or 7 days. Culture in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium +10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) resulted in reduced expression of epithelial markers and increased expression of mesenchymal markers. By 7 days, no epithelial markers were visible by immunostaining; nearly all cells were α-actin positive. Gene expression for the mesenchymal markers, α-actin, vimentin, and TGF-βR, was significantly upregulated on day 1 (p=0.0005, 0.0005, and 2.342E-5, respectively). Transcript levels of α-actin and TGF-βR remained high at 7 days (p=1.364E-10 and 0.0002). Interestingly, human type II cells cultured under the same conditions showed a similar trend in the loss of epithelial markers, but did not display high expression of mesenchymal markers. Rat cells additionally showed the ability to produce and degrade the basement membrane and extracellular matrix components, such as fibronectin, collagen IV, and collagen I. Quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed significant increases in expression of the fibronectin and matrix metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) genes after 1 day in culture (p=0.0135 and 0.0128, respectively) and elevated collagen I expression at 7 days (p=0.0016). These data suggest that the original type II-enriched population underwent a transition to increased expression of mesenchymal markers, perhaps as part of a survival or wound-healing program. These results suggest that additional medium components and/or the application of physiologically appropriate stimuli such as ventilation may be required to promote lung-specific epithelial phenotypes

    From Program to Practice: Purpose, Empowerment, and Persistence in Doctoral Education

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    The book From Program to Practice: Purpose, Empowerment, and Persistence in Doctoral Education is a collection of graduate student writings from the 2022 summer Education Doctorate Residency at Winona State University. As practitioners in education and adjacent fields embark upon their journeys toward earning a doctorate, they soon realize the importance of this collection’s theme: the intersection of purpose, empowerment, and persistence (PEP). These concepts prove critical to a student’s success at all stages of the doctoral process, from program admission, to topic exploration, to graduation. The essays in this collection explore how students define, identify, and leverage “PEP” as novice researchers and as emerging practitioner-scholars who are preparing to re-enter the workforce with new skills, knowledge, and an evolved sense of agency. - A. Brooke Boultonhttps://openriver.winona.edu/educationeddbooks/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Defining myocardial tissue abnormalities in end-stage renal failure with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging using native T1 mapping

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    Noninvasive quantification of myocardial fibrosis in end-stage renal disease is challenging. Gadolinium contrast agents previously used for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are contraindicated because of an association with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. In other populations, increased myocardial native T1 times on cardiac MRI have been shown to be a surrogate marker of myocardial fibrosis. We applied this method to 33 incident hemodialysis patients and 28 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers who underwent MRI at 3.0T. Native T1 relaxation times and feature tracking–derived global longitudinal strain as potential markers of fibrosis were compared and associated with cardiac biomarkers. Left ventricular mass indices were higher in the hemodialysis than the control group. Global, Septal and midseptal T1 times were all significantly higher in the hemodialysis group (global T1 hemodialysis 1171 ± 27 ms vs. 1154 ± 32 ms; septal T1 hemodialysis 1184 ± 29 ms vs. 1163 ± 30 ms; and midseptal T1 hemodialysis 1184 ± 34 ms vs. 1161 ± 29 ms). In the hemodialysis group, T1 times correlated with left ventricular mass indices. Septal T1 times correlated with troponin and electrocardiogram-corrected QT interval. The peak global longitudinal strain was significantly reduced in the hemodialysis group (hemodialysis -17.7±5.3% vs. -21.8±6.2%). For hemodialysis patients, the peak global longitudinal strain significantly correlated with left ventricular mass indices (R = 0.426), and a trend was seen for correlation with galectin-3, a biomarker of cardiac fibrosis. Thus, cardiac tissue properties of hemodialysis patients consistent with myocardial fibrosis can be determined noninvasively and associated with multiple structural and functional abnormalities

    Corrigendum: Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation

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    There is compelling evidence that more diverse ecosystems deliver greater benefits to people, and these ecosystem services have become a key argument for biodiversity conservation. However, it is unclear how much biodiversity is needed to deliver ecosystem services in a cost-effective way. Here we show that, while the contribution of wild bees to crop production is significant, service delivery is restricted to a limited subset of all known bee species. Across crops, years and biogeographical regions, crop-visiting wild bee communities are dominated by a small number of common species, and threatened species are rarely observed on crops. Dominant crop pollinators persist under agricultural expansion and many are easily enhanced by simple conservation measures, suggesting that cost-effective management strategies to promote crop pollination should target a different set of species than management strategies to promote threatened bees. Conserving the biological diversity of bees therefore requires more than just ecosystem-service-based arguments