1,298 research outputs found

    Mens, organisatie en de kwaliteit van informatie

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    The small-scale structure of turbulence

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    Estratégias de Saída: finalizando programas e investindo em relacionamentos

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    Para dar visibilidade às alternativas construídas por diversos investidores sociais a partir de erros e acertos, trazemos aqui traduzido, com o apoio do Instituto C&A, mais este guia da série Grantcraft do Foundation Center, que contou com o apoio do The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund para sua elaboração. "Foundations moving on: Ending programmes and funding relationships" apresenta abertamente situações em que investidores sociais precisaram finalizar programas, encerrar suas operações, e as estratégias que desenvolveram para fazer essa saída da maneira mais responsável possível. A partir de um processo cuidadoso de aprendizado, entregam boas orientações como a importância de deixar um legado, de investir em programas que gerem transformação e autonomia dos beneficiários, de reconhecer coletivamente essas transformações e a participação de cada envolvido, de comunicar sempre e de forma clara, franca e consistente, e de usar os resultados dos processos de avaliação para embasar tais alternativas

    Foundations and Family Farming: Exploratory Study on Strategies, Operational Practices and Learning

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    The celebration of the IYFF (International Year of Family Farming 2014) gave impetus to a group of foundations to launch the European Foundations for Family Farming (E4F) initiative, with the support of the European Foundation Centre (EFC). This initiative seeks to raise the visibility of the family farming agenda among foundations, increase awareness of the role and contribution of foundations and their partners in this area, and create opportunities for connecting philanthropic actors with other key stakeholders and international processes on family farming. This report was commissioned to help inform and support these goals.The study is based on in-depth interviews with foundation representatives, a quick scan of foundations working on family farming and a literature review. For the in-depth case studies, 14 European foundations, 1 African foundation and 1 American foundation1 were interviewed on their strategies and operational choices, their perceptions towards and interventions in family farming, the role of foundations in family farming, types of collaboration they engage in and on their work on the three identified themes. Interviewees were also asked for some minimal, quantitative information and additional documents and websites were reviewed.A bibliography and a reference list are included

    Role of tropical Pacific SSTs in global medieval hydroclimate: A modeling study

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    The role of tropical Pacific SSTs in driving global medieval hydroclimate is assessed. Using fossil coral records from Palmyra Atoll, tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) boundary conditions are derived for the period 1320-1462 A.D. These boundary conditions consist of La Niña-like mean state conditions in the tropical Pacific with inter-annual and decadal variability about that altered state. The reconstructed SSTs in the tropical Pacific are used to force a 16 member ensemble of atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations, coupled to a one layer ocean model outside of the tropical Pacific. The AGCM simulations of medieval climate are compared with modern climate simulations for the period 1856-2005 A.D. and are shown to reproduce many aspects of medieval hydroclimate found in paleo-proxy records for much of the Western Hemisphere, northern Eurasia, and the northern tropics. These results suggest that many features of global medieval hydroclimate changes can be explained by changes in tropical Pacific SSTs, though the potential role for other oceans is also discussed

    Register-based evaluation of HPV vaccination programs

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    The studies included in this thesis examined the population-level effect of human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on incidence of HPV-related disease outcomes, and participation to cervical screening following vaccination. In study I, a cohort of young Swedish girls ages 10 to 24 was followed for HPV vaccination and condyloma to investigate the effect of vaccination on condyloma by vaccine dose. The results showed greatest protection against condyloma following administration of three HPV vaccine doses. Considerable protection against condyloma was also seen after vaccination with two doses of the quadrivalent HPV (qHPV) vaccine. Risk reductions of 71% and 82% following vaccination with two and three doses, respectively, were seen when vaccination was initiated prior age 17. Greater protection against condyloma was seen in those younger at vaccination initiation. In study II, a birth cohort of women at cervical screening ages (born between 1977 and 1987) was followed for HPV vaccination, invitation to cervical screening, and attendance to screening. The results showed that, compared to unvaccinated women, women HPV vaccinated through opportunistic vaccination were equally likely, if not more likely to attend organized cervical screening following an invitation letter to cervical screening. In study III, a cohort of young Swedish girls and women at ages 23 to 29 was followed for HPV vaccination and cervical lesions, i.e. cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) stage 2 or worse (CIN2+) and CIN stage 3 or worse (CIN3+), to investigate the effect of vaccination on incidence of cervical lesions after three-dose vaccination. The results showed reductions in risk for CIN2+ and CIN3+ following vaccination in girls and young women that initiated vaccination up until age 29. Greater reductions in risk for cervical lesions were seen in those younger at vaccination initiation. A maximum reduction of 75% and 84% in risk for CIN2+ and CIN3+, respectively, were seen when vaccination was initiated prior to age 17. In study IV, we assessed the incidence of condyloma following the introduction of qHPV in Sweden. During the study period, girls were mainly vaccinated via opportunistic HPV vaccination, and vaccination coverage remained rather low. Declines in condyloma incidence in girls below age 20 were seen following the introduction of qHPV vaccination in Sweden and confirm anticipated effects. In addition, we observed declines in incidence of condyloma among men and in women age 20 and above indicates possible herd protection. In conclusion, the results of these studies contribute to the existing evidence on the population level effect of HPV vaccination and the disease monitoring of HPV related disease in an era where opportunistic HPV vaccination was available. The results of study I have also contributed to the discussions on reduced vaccine dosing schedules. Future monitoring of the disease burden over time, as well as observational studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, are necessary to evaluate whether the organized school-based vaccination program has the anticipated effect in the population

    Female participation in agriculture in the Dominican Republic

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