532 research outputs found

    Ictiofauna infralitoral de la costa mediterránea andaluza. II. Bahía de Fuengirola (Málaga)

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    Exploiting synthetically generated data with semi-supervised learning for small and imbalanced datasets

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    Data augmentation is rapidly gaining attention in machine learning. Synthetic data can be generated by simple transformations or through the data distribution. In the latter case, the main challenge is to estimate the label associated to new synthetic patterns. This paper studies the effect of generating synthetic data by convex combination of patterns and the use of these as unsupervised information in a semi-supervised learning framework with support vector machines, avoiding thus the need to label synthetic examples. We perform experiments on a total of 53 binary classification datasets. Our results show that this type of data over-sampling supports the well-known cluster assumption in semi-supervised learning, showing outstanding results for small high-dimensional datasets and imbalanced learning problems

    Evolutionary q-Gaussian radial basis function neural networks for multiclassification

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    This paper proposes a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), called the q-Gaussian RBFNN, that reproduces different radial basis functions (RBFs) by means of a real parameter q. The architecture, weights and node topology are learnt through a hybrid algorithm (HA). In order to test the overall performance, an experimental study with sixteen data sets taken from the UCI repository is presented. The q-Gaussian RBFNN was compared to RBFNNs with Gaussian, Cauchy and inverse multiquadratic RBFs in the hidden layer and to other probabilistic classifiers, including different RBFNN design methods, support vector machines (SVMs), a sparse classifier (sparse multinomial logistic regression, SMLR) and a non-sparse classifier (regularized multinomial logistic regression, RMLR). The results show that the q-Gaussian model can be considered very competitive with the other classification methods. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    Building and exploiting a Digital Twin for the management of drinking water distribution networks

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    [EN] Digital Twins (DTs) are starting to be exploited to improve the management of water distribution systems (WDSs) and, in the future, they will be crucial for decision making. In this paper, the authors propose several requirements that a DT of a water distribution system should accomplish. Developing a DT is a challenge, and a continuous process of adjustments and learning is required. Due to the advantages of having a DT of the WDS always available, during the last years a strategy to build and maintain a DT of the water distribution network of Valencia (Spain) and its Metropolitan Area (1.6 million inhabitants) was developed. This is one of the first DTs built of a water utility, being currently in operation. The great benefits of their use in the daily operation of the system ensure that they will begin to be usual in the most advanced smart cities.Conejos Fuertes, P.; Martínez Alzamora, F.; Hervás-Carot, M.; Alonso Campos, JC. (2020). Building and exploiting a Digital Twin for the management of drinking water distribution networks. Urban Water Journal. 17(8):704-713. https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2020.1771382S704713178Chacón Ramírez, E., Albarrán, J. C., & Cruz Salazar, L. A. (2019). The Control of Water Distribution Systems as a Holonic System. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 352-365. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-27477-1_27Grieves, M., et al. 2015. Virtually Intelligent Product Systems: Digital and Physical Twins. In Complex Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice, edited by S. Flumerfelt, et al., 175–200. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.Hatchett, S., J. Uber, D. Boccelli, T. Haxton, R. Janke, A. Kramer, A. Matracia, and S. Panguluri. 2011. “Real-Time Distribution System Modeling: Development, Application, and Insights.” Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11thInternational Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011 July.Kartakis, S., Abraham, E., & McCann, J. A. (2015). WaterBox. Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks. doi:10.1145/2738935.2738939Lin, J., Sedigh, S., & Miller, A. (2009). Towards Integrated Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study on Intelligent Water Distribution. 2009 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing. doi:10.1109/dasc.2009.140Qi, Q., & Tao, F. (2018). Digital Twin and Big Data Towards Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: 360 Degree Comparison. IEEE Access, 6, 3585-3593. doi:10.1109/access.2018.2793265Alac, M. (2008). Working with Brain Scans. Social Studies of Science, 38(4), 483-508. doi:10.1177/0306312708089715Shi, Y., Xu, J., & Du, W. (2019). Discussion on the New Operation Management Mode of Hydraulic Engineering Based on the Digital Twin Technique. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1168, 022044. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1168/2/022044Tao, F., Zhang, H., Liu, A., & Nee, A. Y. C. (2019). Digital Twin in Industry: State-of-the-Art. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(4), 2405-2415. doi:10.1109/tii.2018.2873186Tao, F., Cheng, J., Qi, Q., Zhang, M., Zhang, H., & Sui, F. (2017). Digital twin-driven product design, manufacturing and service with big data. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(9-12), 3563-3576. doi:10.1007/s00170-017-0233-1Tao, F., & Qi, Q. (2019). Make more digital twins. Nature, 573(7775), 490-491. doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02849-1Uber, J., S. Hatchett, S. Hooper, D. Boccelli, H. Woo, and R. Janke. 2014. Water Utility Case Study of Real-Time Network Hydaulic and Water Qualilty Modeling Using EPANET-RTX Libraries. EPA 6007R-14/350 Report. Cincinnati, Ohio: Environmental Protection Agency.Wang, Z., Song, H., Watkins, D. W., Ong, K. G., Xue, P., Yang, Q., & Shi, X. (2015). Cyber-physical systems for water sustainability: challenges and opportunities. IEEE Communications Magazine, 53(5), 216-222. doi:10.1109/mcom.2015.710566

    Growth of InP on GaAs (001) by hydrogen-assisted low-temperature solid-source molecular beam epitaxy

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    Direct heteroepitaxial growth of InP layers on GaAs (001) wafers has been performed by solid-source molecular beam epitaxy assisted by monoatomic hydrogen (H∗). The epitaxial growth has been carried out using a two-step method: for the initial stage of growth the temperature was as low as 200 °C and different doses of H∗ were used; after this, the growth proceeded without H∗ while the temperature was increased slowly with time. The incorporation of H∗ drastically increased the critical layer thickness observed by reflection high-energy electron diffraction; it also caused a slight increase in the luminescence at room temperature, while it also drastically changed the low-temperature luminescence related to the presence of stoichiometric defects. The samples were processed by rapid thermal annealing. The annealing improved the crystalline quality of the InP layers measured by high-resolution x-ray diffraction, but did not affect their luminescent behavior significantly

    Composite resins : A review of the materials and clinical indications

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    The aim of this work is to present the different components of the composites currently used in dentistry and furnish dentists with a basis that can provide criteria for choosing one or another to suit their therapeutic requirements. Most composites used in dentistry are hybrid materials, so-called because they are composed of polymer groups reinforced by an inorganic phase of glass fillers with different compositions, particle sizes and fill percentages. Flowable or condensable composites have attempted to provide an answer to certain functional requirements, although they have not been too successful at improving properties. Turning to polymerisation initiators, both halogen lamps, whether conventional or high intensity, and LED curing lights which provide a gradual increase in light intensity are very useful for reducing shrinkage of the composite material. The clinical choice of a composite must consider whether priority should be given to mechanical or aesthetic requirements: if mechanical considerations are paramount the material with the greatest volume of filler will be chosen; if aesthetic considerations predominate, particle size will be the most important factor. Additional components such as opaques and tints make it possible to improve the aesthetic results. Equally, the spread of other therapeutic procedures, such as tooth bleaching, has made it necessary to design composite materials in shades that are suitable for the special colour situations found in teeth treated by these methods

    Earthquake reconnaissance using social media and crowdsourcing platforms

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    Epidemiology of injuries in professional and amateur spanish paddle players

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    Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo, analizando la incidencia y las características de las lesiones sufridas por jugadores de pádel españoles profesionales y no profesionales. Se registraron las lesiones sufridas por 478 jugadores entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2016. Se registraron datos sobre el número de lesiones, lesiones más frecuentes, distribución, tipo, ubicación, el momento en que ocurrieron y la causa de las lesiones que afectan el sistema locomotor. La tasa de lesiones en esta población fue de 2,75 lesiones por 1000 horas de exposición al riesgo. Las lesiones leves y aquellas con mecanismos de lesión intrínseca fueron las más frecuentes, y tuvieron lugar el final de la práctica deportiva. La extremidad inferior fue el área corporal más lesionada, y el tejido más lesionado fue el sistema musculo-tendinoso. A su vez, la epicondilitis fue la patología más comúnAn epidemiological study was conducted using retrospective, observational and descriptive methodologies. We sought to analyse the incidence and features of injuries sustained by professional and non-professional Spanish Padel players. In total, 478 injuries were registered in 2016 from January 1st to December 31st. We collected data on the number of injuries, the most frequent injuries, their distribution, type, location, the moment at which these occurred and the cause of the injuries affecting the locomotor system. We found that the injury rate in this population was 2.75 injuries per 1000 hours of risk exposure. The most frequent injuries were those which were mild or with mechanisms of intrinsic injury, and most occurred towards the end any given game or practice. The lower limb was the most frequently injured body area, and the most injured tissue was the muscle-tendinous system. In turn, epicondylitis was the most common patholog