715 research outputs found

    Modula-2*: An extension of Modula-2 for highly parallel programs

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    Parallel programs should be machine-independent, i.e., independent of properties that are likely to differ from one parallel computer to the next. Extensions are described of Modula-2 for writing highly parallel, portable programs meeting these requirements. The extensions are: synchronous and asynchronous forms of forall statement; and control of the allocation of data to processors. Sample programs written with the extensions demonstrate the clarity of parallel programs when machine-dependent details are omitted. The principles of efficiently implementing the extensions on SIMD, MIMD, and MSIMD machines are discussed. The extensions are small enough to be integrated easily into other imperative languages

    Alterações morfo-fisiologicas em tecidos de pessegueiro e relação com a morte precoce de plantas.

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    Intensificação da coloração da epiderme de pêssegos cv. Eldorado, em função do uso de cobertura plástica no solo.

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    Detection of sulphur in the galactic center

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    A strong detection at the (SIII) 18.71 micron line is reported for the Galactic Center region, Sgr A West. A line flux of 1.7 + or - 0.2x10 to the -17th power W cm(-2) is found for a 20-arc second beam-size measurement centered on IRS 1. A preliminary analysis indicates that the SIII abundance relative to hydrogen is consistent with the cosmic abundance of sulfur, 1.6x10 to the -5th power, if a filling factor of unity within the known clumps is assumed. However, the sulfur abundance in the Galactic Center may be as much as a factor of 3 overabundant if a filling factor of 0.03 is adopted, a value found to hold for some galactic HII regions

    Umidade ponderal em tecidos de pereira durante o período de dormência sob condições de inverno ameno.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a umidade ponderal (UP) em diferentes tecidos das cultivares de pereira Kieffer (Pyrus communis) e Housui (Pyrus pyrifolia), durante a dormência, em condições de inverno ameno. Foram avaliadas plantas do pomar experimental da Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas, RS. Utilizouse o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3x4x5, que consistiu em três tecidos (gema, casca e lenho), quatro porções de ramos (terminal, mediana, axial e esporões) e cinco datas de coleta, em 2005 (1/7, 3/8, 6/9, 23/9 e 13/10), com parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. Houve aumento na UP do lenho na cultivar Kieffer até a metade da dormência, com subsequente redução a partir desta fase, o que pode ser atribuído ao aumento na UP observado nas gemas após satisfação da exigência em frio e superação de dormência. Na cultivar Housui, a insatisfação da exigência em frio, associada à ocorrência de altas temperaturas durante o inverno, refletiu-se na redução da UP e na desidratação das gemas durante a dormência. A dinâmica da água em tecidos de pereira é diretamente influenciada pelo acúmulo de frio hibernal e depende da exigência em frio de cada cultivar

    Latency hiding in parallel systems: a quantitative approach

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    In many parallel applications, network latency causes a dramatic loss in processor utilization. This paper examines software pipelining as a technique for network latency hiding. It quantifies the potential improvements with detailed,instruction-level simulations. The benchmarks used are the Livermore Loop kernels and BLAS Level 1. These were parallelized and run on the instruction-level RISC simulator DLX, extended with both a blocking and a pipelined network. Our results show that prefetch in a pipelined network improves performance by a factor of 2 to 9, provided the network has sufficient bandwidth to accept at least 10 requests per processor

    Improved Si:As BIBIB (Back-Illuminated Blocked-Impurity-Band) hybrid arrays

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    Results of a program to increase the short wavelength (less than 10 microns) detective quantum efficiency, eta/beta, of Si:As Impurity Band Conduction arrays are presented. The arrays are epitaxially grown Back-Illuminated Blocked (BIB) Impurity-Band (BIBIB) 10x50 detectors bonded to switched-FET multiplexers. It is shown that the 4.7 microns detective quantum efficiency increases proportionately with the thickness of the infrared active layer. A BIB array with a thick active layer, designed for low dark current, exhibits eta/beta = 7 to 9 percent at 4.7 microns for applied bias voltages between 3 and 5 V. The product of quantum efficiency and photoelectric gain, etaG, increases from 0.3 to 2.5 as the voltage increases from 3 to 5 V. Over this voltage range, the dark current increases from 8 to 120 e(-)s(-1) at a device temperature of 4.2 K and is under 70 e(-)s(-1) for all voltages at 2 K. Because of device gain, the effective dark current (equivalent photon rate) is less than 3 e(-)s(-1) under all operating conditions. The effective read noise (equivalent photon noise) is found to be less than 12 electrons under all operating conditions and for integration times between 0.05 and 100 seconds

    Efficient parallel computation on workstation clusters

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    We present novel hard- and software that efficiently implements communication primitives for parallel execution on Workstation clusters. We provide low communication latencies, minimal protocol, zero operating system overhead, and high throughput. With this technology, it is possible to build effective parallel systems using off-the-shelf workstations. Our goal is to develop a standard interfaceboard and the necessary software for interfacing any number of computers, from a workstation to a cabinet full of workstation-boards