32 research outputs found

    Extremely Small Energy Gap in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Conducting Chain Compound SrNbO3.41_{3.41}

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    Resistivity, optical, and angle-resolved photoemission experiments reveal unusual one-dimensional electronic properties of highly anisotropic SrNbO3.41_{3.41}. Along the conducting chain direction we find an extremely small energy gap of only a few meV at the Fermi level. A discussion in terms of typical 1D instabilities (Peierls, Mott-Hubbard) shows that neither seems to provide a satisfactory explanation for the unique properties of SrNbO3.41_{3.41}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Lack of endothelial diaphragms in fenestrae and caveolae of mutant Plvap-deficient mice

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    Plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein (PLVAP, PV-1) is specifically expressed in endothelial cells in which it localizes to diaphragms of fenestrae, caveolae, and transendothelial channels. To learn about its function, we generated mutant mice that lack PLVAP. In a C57BL/6N genetic background, homozygous Plvap-deficient embryos die before birth and suffer from subcutaneous edema, hemorrhages, and defects in the vascular wall of subcutaneous capillaries. In addition, hearts of Plvap (-/-) embryos show ventricular septal defects and thinner ventricular walls. In wild-type embryos, PLVAP and caveolae with a stomatal diaphragm are present in endothelial cells of subcutaneous capillaries and endocardium, while a diaphragm is missing in caveolae of Plvap (-/-) littermates. Plvap (-/-) mice in a mixed C57BL/6N/FVB-N genetic background are born and survive at the most for 4 weeks. Capillaries of exocrine and endocrine pancreas and of kidney peritubular interstitium were investigated in more detail as examples of fenestrated capillaries. In these vascular beds, Plvap (-/-) mice show a complete absence of diaphragms in fenestrae, caveolae, and transendothelial channels, findings which are associated with a substantial decrease in the number of endothelial fenestrae. The changes in the capillary phenotype correlate with a considerable retardation of postnatal growth and anemia. Plvap (-/-) mice provide an animal model to clarify the specific functional role of endothelial fenestrae and their contribution to passage of water and solutes in different organs

    Epitaxial integration of the highly spin-polarized ferromagnetic semiconductor EuO with silicon and GaN

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    Doped EuO is an attractive material for the fabrication of proof-of-concept spintronic devices. Yet for decades its use has been hindered by its instability in air and the difficulty of preparing and patterning high-quality thin films. Here, we establish EuO as the pre-eminent material for the direct integration of a carrier-concentration-matched half-metal with the long-spin-lifetime semiconductors silicon and GaN, using methods that transcend these difficulties. Andreev reflection measurements reveal that the spin polarization in doped epitaxial EuO films exceeds 90%, demonstrating that EuO is a half-metal even when highly doped. Furthermore, EuO is epitaxially integrated with silicon and GaN. These results demonstrate the high potential of EuO for spintronic devices

    Complex regional pain syndrome patient immunoglobulin M has pronociceptive effects in the skin and spinal cord of tibia fracture mice.

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    It has been proposed that complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a post-traumatic autoimmune disease. Previously, we observed that B cells are required for the full expression of CRPS-like changes in a mouse tibia fracture model and that serum immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies from fracture mice have pronociceptive effects in muMT fracture mice lacking B cells. The current study evaluated the pronociceptive effects of injecting CRPS patient serum or antibodies into muMT fracture mice by measuring hind paw allodynia and unweighting changes. Complex regional pain syndrome serum binding was measured against autoantigens previously identified in the fracture mouse model. Both CRPS patient serum or IgM antibodies had pronociceptive effects in the fracture limb when injected systemically in muMT fracture mice, but normal subject serum and CRPS patient IgG antibodies had no effect. Furthermore, CRPS serum IgM antibodies had pronociceptive effects when injected into the fracture limb hind paw skin or intrathecally in the muMT fracture mice. Early (1-12 months after injury) CRPS patient (n = 20) sera were always pronociceptive after systemic injection, and chronic (>12 months after injury) CRPS sera were rarely pronociceptive (2/20 patients), while sera from normal subjects (n = 20) and from patients with uncomplicated recoveries from orthopedic surgery and/or fracture (n = 15) were never pronociceptive. Increased CRPS serum IgM binding was observed for keratin 16, histone 3.2, gamma actin, and alpha enolase autoantigens. We postulate that CRPS patient IgM antibodies bind to neoantigens in the fracture mouse skin and spinal cord to initiate a regionally restricted pronociceptive complement response potentially contributing to the CRPS disease process