1,054 research outputs found

    Local Field Potentials: Myths and Misunderstandings

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    The intracerebral local field potential (LFP) is a measure of brain activity that reflects the highly dynamic flow of information across neural networks. This is a composite signal that receives contributions from multiple neural sources, yet interpreting its nature and significance may be hindered by several confounding factors and technical limitations. By and large, the main factor defining the amplitude of LFPs is the geometry of the current sources, over and above the degree of synchronization or the properties of the media. As such, similar levels of activity may result in potentials that differ in several orders of magnitude in different populations. The geometry of these sources has been experimentally inaccessible until intracerebral high density recordings enabled the co-activating sources to be revealed. Without this information, it has proven difficult to interpret a century's worth of recordings that used temporal cues alone, such as event or spike related potentials and frequency bands. Meanwhile, a collection of biophysically ill-founded concepts have been considered legitimate, which can now be corrected in the light of recent advances. The relationship of LFPs to their sources is often counterintuitive. For instance, most LFP activity is not local but remote, it may be larger further from rather than close to the source, the polarity does not define its excitatory or inhibitory nature, and the amplitude may increase when source's activity is reduced. As technological developments foster the use of LFPs, the time is now ripe to raise awareness of the need to take into account spatial aspects of these signals and of the errors derived from neglecting to do so.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2013-41533R).Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Amb quins criteris el professorat valora un projecte d'innovació de física en context?

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    L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball ha estat investigar amb quins criteris el professorat valora l'aplicació d'un projecte de física en context, analitzant la seva contribució al desenvolupament de les capacitats recollides en les finalitats i els objectius del batxillerat

    Un soneto de Juan Sierra : "Postal de Sevilla"

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    Desarrollo evolutivo de la función ejecutiva

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    [Resumen] En este articulo nos centramos en el desarrollo evolutivo de la función ej ecutiva. Inicialmente analizamos la conceptualización de este constructo, así como las dimensiones que lo integran y el sustrato neurológico al que tradicionalmente se ha vinculado, la corteza prefrontal. Es en este contexto donde tratamos de conocer el desarrollo que sigue esta función desde una perspectiva evolutiva, para finalizar comentando las implicaciones que una disfunción de la misma puede tener en los primeros años de desarrollo[Abstract] In this paper we center ourselves in the development of the executive function. Initially we analyze the conceptualization of this constructo, as well as the dimensions that integrate it and the neurological sustrato to the one that traditional1y has been linked, the prefrontal cortex. It is in this context where we try to know the development that follows this function from an evolutionary perspective, to conclude commenting the implications that a disfunción of the same one can have in the first years ofdevelopment

    Maize Cob Board (MCB)

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    This Bachelor Thesis is giving an overview of light wood composites materials, to compare some of these materials, which are already in the trade, with the MCB board. The MCB boards use the sandwich technology as the Honeycomb panel, gluing a core layer between two surface layers. This board uses maize for the core layer, putting the small cobs cylinders in vertical position between two surface layers of HDF by gluing. The technical characteristics from MCB board are comparable with Honeycomb, Compact light board or Flax board. With the viability of the MCB board in the trade is found a new use for the cobs, completely different to the traditional uses (as fuel or heating). The MCB board is oriented to serve as indoor wood-door or kitchen furniture.Herreras Gadea, A. (2010). Maize Cob Board (MCB). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/8978Archivo delegad

    Aportaciones en el estudio de la asimetría funcional

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    Several theoretical have analysed and studied the dichotomy cerebral. Benedet (1986) considers that the functional asymmetry is not conceptualized in terms dichotomy but if in terms of degrees. There isn't a dominant hemisphere in front of a silent hemisphere. Today, it is known that each hemisphere has multiple possibilities and the question is if there are aptitudes to take to processing information differences for every hemisphere. It is this aspect in which we tare going to study in depth

    Evaluación neuropsicológica y desarrollo evolutivo

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    [Resumen] La evaluación neuropsicológica de niños y adolescentes no puede, ni debe ser realizada de la misma forma que si de adultos se tratara. Se han de tener en cuenta aspectos evolutivos y madurativos propios. En este contexto nos centramos en las características y peculiaridades de la evaluación neuropsicológica dirigida a la población infantil, en los contextos y ámbitos de evaluación que no pueden ser obviados, profundizando, finalmente, en algunas de la baterías neuropsicológicas infantiles más importantes. En concreto nos centramos en aquéllas que asumen el modelo neuropsicológico de Luria[Abstract] The children and adolescents assessment neuropsychology should not be carried out in the same way that if of adults it was. They must consider develop aspects. In this context we centre our attention in the characteristics which must lead the evaluation to children population, the contexts which can not be avoided and the most important batteries. We emphasise the batteries which to take on the Luria mode

    Teatro griego clásico: una metáfora de la dimensión política del arte

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    El presente artículo quiere demostrar que en los orígenes del teatro occidental, es decir, en la tragedia y en la comedia griegas, el debate político constituye un componente fundamental. Pudiera parecer que dicho componente casa más con la comedia aristofanesca, ya que dicha comedia es un ataque, una burla, de personajes y de realidades identificables, e, incluso, de la propia democracia. Pero si bien la tragedia, a raíz de su reinterpretación de mitos antiguos, es una de las más poderosas construcciones humanas para intentar presentar y desvelar el enigma de fondo de la vida humana, igualmente habría que advertir que en dicha vida también entra la vida en la ciudad democrática, repleta de enigmas y de conflictos. La particularidad es que la tragedia, como dice Vidal-Naquet, refleja la ciudad a modo de un “espejo roto”