2,895 research outputs found

    ¿Oficios de tinieblas? Castellanos y Glantz frente al machismo nacional del culturalismo mexicanista

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    Tomando como punto de partida el entrecruce entre nacionalismo y género, este artículo busca redimensionar las escrituras de Rosario Castellanos y Margo Glantz como dos instancias que trastocan, niegan o deconstruyen la historiografía machista mexicana. Ésta habría sido amparada por la inteligencia de lo mexicano, Samuel Ramos y Octavio Paz, principalmente. A este respecto, la intención del texto no es tanto la propuesta de una lectura feminista del nacionalismo, aunque sí la insistencia en marcadas voces femeninas ante el machismo de lo que llamamos “culturalismo mexicanista”

    Comparatismo latinoamericano y literatura popular y de masas: del estereotipo a nuevas construcciones de identidad en el encuentro de unos con otros

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    El encuentro, a veces desequilibrado y estereotípico, otras revelador y funcional, entre unos y otros, a través de textos culturales y artísticos, es un fenómeno que se ha intensificado en Latinoamérica en el marco de la globalización económica y la mundialización de la cultura. Más allá del mito de unidad continental que se ha venido construyendo a lo largo de la historia moderna, y del papel que en este fenómeno ha desempeñado la literatura culta, a través del llamado boom, por ejemplo, una circulación de productos ficcionales "latinos" -etiqueta del imperialismo cultural estadounidense-, literarios o no, y enmarcados en la llamada cultura popular, es cada vez más intensa entre los distintos países de América Latina. Dentro de este fenómeno, la intención es determinar qué alcance, sentido y función poseen algunas metodologías recientes de la literatura comparada universal -como la imagología- y del comparatismo latinoamericano para responder a cuestiones relacionadas con las imágenes que las distintas sociedades construyen sobre sí mismas y sobre los otros en sus textos de alcance masivo y carácter popular; esto en el seno de una Latinoamérica postcolonial, multicultural y de mestizaje en la que una perspectiva eurocéntrica y estadounidense no ha dado paso del todo a una crítica de identidad propia. Además, se pretende reflexionar sobre el papel que la teoría crítica puede desempeñar en cuanto a relaciones interculturales que plantean nuevas identidades, desde lo literario y lo ficcional, que no siempre son equilibradas o justas y que en más de un sentido contribuyen a alimentar estereotipos negativos y a convertir tradiciones en elementos simplificados de consumo.The encounter, sometimes unbalanced and stereotyped and others revealing and functional, between ones and others across cultural and artistic texts is a phenomenon that has been intensified in Latin America on the context of economic globalization and the mundialization of culture. Beyond the myth of continental unit that has been constructed along the modern history, and off the role that canonical literature has been playing in this phenomenon, for example across the Boom, a circulation of fictional "latin" products -tag of the cultural USA imperialism- immersed in popular culture, has become more and more intense between the different countries of Latin America. Inside this reality the intention is to determine what scope, sense and function have some recent methodologies of the universal comparative literature -like imagology- and those of the Latin-American comparatism, to answer questions related to the images that the different societies construct on themselves and on others by their textual production of massive and popular range. This in a postcolonial, multicultural and `mestiza´ Latin America where criticism of its own has not displaced yet eurocentric and north-American perspectives. Finally, we carried out a reflection on the role that critical theory can play in intercultural relations that create new identities which are not always balanced or fair and sometimes help to feed negative stereotypes and transform traditions in to simplified elements of consumption

    Sustainable Development in Costa Rica: A Moral Geography

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    Sustainable development has been uncritically adopted in Costa Rica and elsewhere as a desirable ideal informing development practice. Nevertheless, critical voices outside the development establishment have questioned the efficacy of the concept to guide social change and productive practices in directions that improve the quality of life of Costa Ricans' and their relationship with the natural environment. However, their critiques lack a theoretical framework that effectively explains what it would take for such transformations to take place, and what they mean in terms of the places we inhabit, the lives we live and the values that guide our social relationships and our interactions with the natural realm. This dissertation proposes a geographic conceptualization of development that offers analytical tools to map the moral character of on-going transformations of the Costa Rican place, and to elaborate concrete development alternatives that render the conservation of nature and development practice as mutually reinforcing articulations of a national place-making project

    Education, masculinities and violence in the National University of Mexico

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    This article is part of a large research project on the various forms of violence encountered in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). From the standpoint of critical masculinities and some of the basic proposals of feminist research, such as the notion of a continuum and the persistence of sexist structures and harassment practices, a review of the most relevant aspects of three theoretical approaches is attempted: hegemonic masculinity, manhood acts theory, and male peer support. A three-pronged educational model that simultaneously looks at ideals, strategies, and alliances is thus proposed to tackle the discussion on masculinities and lead the struggle against the various forms of violence. Our critique leads to a revision of “multiple masculinities” vis-à-vis recent proposals that question the toxicity/positivity dichotomy and advance hybridity as an option. The article ends by outlining the three-pronged model, starting with the strategies of naming and self-reflection

    France 0 - 0 Brésil. L'échec du réformisme

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    URL des Documents de travail :http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/CESFramDP2008.htm - Article disponible en Français et PortugaisDocuments de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2008.01 - ISSN : 1955-611XThis paper compares the economic policies of the "left-wing" governements in France (1981-1986) and Brazil (2003-2007) and analyzes the causes, manifestations et consequences of the failure of these "reformisms". The originality of the French neoliberalism is to have been introduced by "socialist" leaders - the strategic turning point being probably taken as soon as the meeting of F. Mitterrand with R. Reagan and M. Thatcher in Versailles summit in June 1982. The Lula government did not diverge from the line of neoliberal reforms of its predecessors, and has even deepened it. In both cases, the peoples were thus maintained apart, as if one was afraid of them and reduced to a passive role of spectators of politics -like watching a scorer play. The result ? France 0 - 0 Brazil.Cet article compare les politiques économiques menées par les gouvernements "de gauche" en France (1981-1986) et au Brésil (2003-2007) et analyse les causes, manifestations et conséquences de l'échec de ces "réformismes". L'originalité du néo-libéralisme français est d'avoir été introduit par des leaders "socialistes" - le tournant stratégique étant sans doute pris dès la rencontre de F. Mitterrand avec R. Reagan et M. Thatcher au sommet de Versailles en juin 1982. Le gouvernement Lula, quant à lui, ne s'est pas démarqué de la ligne des réformes néo-libérales de ses prédécesseurs, qu'il a même notablement approfondies. Dans l'un et l'autre cas, les peuples ont ainsi été maintenus à l'écart, comme si l'on s'en méfiait et réduits au rôle passif et impuissant de spectateurs de la politique -un peu comme on regarde un match de football. Le résultat ? France 0 - 0 Brésil

    Modeling Alternatives Sustainable-Energy-Policy for the Supply Chain of Wind Power in Brazil.

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    Renewable energy studies have received high attention in the last few years due the increasing deployment of alternatives such as wind, solar and biomass, as a result of the urgency in reducing fossil fuels consumption. This situation has involved an important challenge for long-term renewables policy and energy system planning. Brazil is the richest country in terms of renewable sources in Latin American. Brazil has energy generation portfolio not much different form the Colombia one, and the understanding of this very important country will contribute to inspire other countries in the region, particularly Colombia. Since 2004 the Brazilian energy policy promotes wind power development aimed at complementing hydropower generation. Despite the energy policies adopted in Brazil, the supply chain of wind power has experienced barriers that include: insufficient transmission lines and the delays in energy projects caused by lack synchronic among the energy policies. Thus, the unsynchronised energy policy has affected the performance of renewable energy supply chain, which has produced an impact on the electricity market. This thesis addresses these issues by evaluating alternative sustainable energy-policy, which must reflect new institutional guidelines to support wind power penetration and their dynamics performance in supply chain