29 research outputs found

    Diversity of cingulate xenarthrans in the middle-late Eocene of Northwestern Argentina

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    The study of Paleogene mammals of intermediate and low latitudes has increased in the last decades and has been clearly demonstrated their importance in the comprehension of the evolution and faunistic changes outside Patagonia. The study of these faunas permits establishing new comparisons among contemporaneous faunistic associations, completing the distributional patterns, and evaluating evolutionary changes in the lineages in relation to climatic conditions prevailing in each of the different regions. In this work we study the diversity of Dasypodidae recovered from the Geste Formation (Northwestern Argentina). Bearing levels of Geste Formation were referred alternatively to a Barrancan subage of Casamayoran SALMA (middle Eocene, Lutetian–Bartonian) or a Mustersan SALMA (middle–late Eocene, Bartonian–Priabonian) on faunistic comparations with their equivalent in Patagonia, although absolute isotopic data indicates ca. 37–35 Ma (late Eocene, Priabonian). We described the following taxa of Dasypodidae: (i) Dasypodinae Astegotheriini: cf. Astegotherium sp., ?Prostegotherium sp., Parastegosimpsonia cf. P. peruana; (ii) Dasypodinae indet.; (iii) Euphractinae Euphractini: Parutaetus punaensis sp. nov.; (iv) Dasypodidae incertae sedis: Pucatherium parvum, Punatherium catamarcensis gen. et sp. nov. In comparison with other beds bearing Eocene cingulate faunas from Northwestern Argentina, Geste Formation presents the greatest diversity of dasypodids. This association is consistent with a late Eocene age and shows a taxonomic and biogeographic relevant features given by a unique specific composition: (i) it differs from that known for contemporaneous faunas from Southern latitudes and younger associations from more tropical areas; (ii) it includes genera with close affinities to those distant areas; (iii) it presents unique taxa typical from Eocene units exposed at Northwestern Argentina. This highlights the evolutionary and biogeographic meaning of the cingulate of the Geste Formation and supports the idea that the faunistic regionalization probably obeyed to latitudinal than to temporal factorsFil: Ciancio, Martin Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Claudia Marcela Reina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Aramayo, Alejandro José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Payrola Bosio, Patricio Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; ArgentinaFil: Babot, María Judith. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; Argentin

    Stratigraphic relationship between the Quebrada de los Colorados and Angastaco Formations (Paleogene-Neogene), Calchiquies Valleys, Salta (Argentina): its significance in the analysis of the Pallogastilla Group basin

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    El Grupo Payogastilla representa el registro sedimentario de la cuenca de antepaís andina en los Valles Calchaquíes. La Formación Quebrada de los Colorados, unidad basal, es de singular importancia debido a que preserva evidencias de los primeros episodios de contracción con deformación intracuencal, cambios en las áreas de aporte y asociaciones de fósiles que la datan paleógena pre-oligocena, hecho que llevó a replantear el modelo de cuenca de antepaís propuesto para el Noroeste argentino. Asimismo, la suprayacente Formación Angastaco, además de contener similar registro tectono-sedimentario, documenta el inicio del magmatismo en el borde oriental de la Puna. Los recientes trabajos de investigación llevados a cabo en estas unidades han permitido identificar y mapear superficies de discontinuidad sedimentaria, incluso de discordancias que obligan a modificar el cuadro estratigráfico existente. En la presente contribución se describen las relaciones estratigráficas de la Formación Quebrada de los Colorados con el objetivo de actualizar el conocimiento sobre la misma y discutir el esquema estratigráfico actualmente vigente. Esta formación se asienta en relación de discordancia y de disconformidad sobre las Formaciones Lumbrera, Maíz Gordo y Mealla (Subgrupo Santa Bárbara) y sobre el Subgrupo Pirgua, del Grupo Salta. Asimismo, se describe y discute el alcance de la identificación de una discontinuidad sedimentaria intra-Quebrada de los Colorados, señalada por el cambio abrupto de facies sedimentarias y la presencia de una superficie de meteorización con desarrollo de una calcreta. Esta superficie separa una sucesión netamente fluvial de otra fluvio-eólica con características sedimentarias distintivas. Por último, se describen las relaciones de transición y de concordancia entre la sucesión fluvio-eólica con la suprayacente Formación Angastaco. En base a estas relaciones se propone redefinir la Formación Angastaco con la incorporación de la sucesión fluvio-eólica con el rango de Miembro Tin Tin y retomar la definición original del Miembro Las Flechas. Finalmente y en base la nueva información disponible se propone a la quebrada Grande (área de cerro Tin Tin) como hipoestratotipo para la Formación Quebrada de los Colorados, localidad que servirá como complemento de las descripciones originales.The sedimentary record of the Andean orogenic basins in the Calchaquies Valleys (Fig. 1), consists of nearly 6000 m of an overall coarsening and thickening upward clastic succession (Díaz and Malizzia, 1983) known as the Payogastilla Group. The Payogatilla Group is composed of the Quebrada de los Colorados, Angastaco, Palo Pintado and San Felipe Formations (Díaz and Malizzia, 1983; Díaz et al., 1987 - see Fig. 2). Our investigation and previous research in the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation (e.g. Galli and Hernández, 1999; Coutand et al., 2006; Carrapa et al., 2011a,b; Galli et al., 2011) allowed the identification of several unconformity surfaces, including an angular relationship between the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation and the underlying Salta Group. Moreover, the identification of an intra-formational unconformity led us to the reconsideration of the stratigraphic scheme of the Payogastilla Group. Here, we address the regional stratigraphic relations of the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation, the lower unit of the Payogastilla Group, in order to update the knowledge and to discuss the validity of the present stratigraphic framework. Along the Calchaquies Valleys, the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation rests on different units of the Salta Group. The more frequent relation is with the uppermost unit, the Lumbrera Formation (Fig. 3), but in some areas, for example at Saladillo, the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation rests in angular relationship on the Maíz Gordo Formation (del Papa et al., 2004), as in the Esquina Azul locality (Fig. 4). In the cerro Bayo site, the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation lies also upon the Maíz Gordo Formation but few meters laterally directly overlays the Mealla Formation (Figs. 2 and 4). In other places, like in the Pucará valley (Fig. 1), the Quebrada de los Colorados overlays the Pirgua Subgroup (Villanueva García, 1992; Sabino, 2004). These variable stratigraphic relationships are key features that document the tectonic inversion of the Salta Group contemporaneous with the Quebrada de los Colorados sedimentation. The Quebrada de los Colorados Formation consists of red fine-grained floodplain facies and sandy to gravelly clastic fluvial channels facies (Fig. 6). The original description of this unit includes an eolian succession in the upper section (Díaz and Malizzia, 1983). In some localities, like at Tin Tin and Tonco (Fig. 1), the eolian and fluvio-eolian successions have thicknesses ranging from 450 to 600 m (Starck and Vergani, 1996; del Papa et al., 2013) representing a very distinctive erg record. The contact with the underlying fluvial deposits is sharp and a calcrete paleosol (Fig. 5) is locally recognized suggesting the presence of an unconformity within the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation. Moreover, this fluvio-eolian succession has a transitional contact with the overlying fluvial conglomeratic facies of the Angastaco Formation. This stratigraphic relation suggests that the former could be formally included within the Angastaco Formation. Thus we propose a redefinition of the Angastaco Formation (Díaz and Malizzia, 1983; nom. transl. Díaz et al., 1987); including the fluvio-eolian succession as the basal Tin Tin Member and to return to the previously defined Las Flechas Member. We propose the Tin Tin area (25º13'51.6'' Lat. S and 66º00'58.5'' Log. W - 25°16'12'' Lat. S and 66°2'39.45'' Log. W) as stratotype area (Fig. 7). In this locality, pale red silty sandstones to siltstones overlie coarse conglomeratic strata (Figs. 5 and 6) and are overlain by white eolian sandstones that grade to gray conglomeratic strata of the Angastaco Formation sensu Díaz and Malizzia (1983). The age of the Tin Tin Member is considered late Oligocene to early Miocene according to the 21 Ma U/Pb zircon datings (Carrapa et al., 2011a; del Papa et al., 2013). Finally we propose the Quebrada Grande locality (25º12'59.1'' Lat. S and 66º01'33.1'' Log. W), along state route Nº 42, Tin Tin area, Calchaquí Valley (Fig. 7) as hypostratotype of the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation. In this locality, this unit rests unconformably, and locally through an angular unconformity, on the Lumbrera Formation (Salta Group, Figs. 2, 3 and 4). In this area the formation is 792 m thick and is characterized by two coarsening upward successions of red siltstone, lenticular to shallow lenticular coarse sandstones and horizontally stratified conglomerates (Fig. 5). Based on mammalian biostratigraphy recorded at sites in Cerro Bayo, Tin Tin and Luracatao (Fig. 1) the age of the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation is Casamayoran (sub-age Barrancan), SALMA, suggesting a Middle Eocene age for the basal levels (Powell et al., 2011). In summary, we propose that the fluvio-eolian section of the Quebrada de los Colorados Formation should be incorporated into the Angastaco Formation, as the Tin Tin Member. This modification will simplify recognition in the field, mapping, and genetic interpretation of these foreland basin deposits.Fil: del Papa, Cecilia Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Hongn, Fernando Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Payrola Bosio, Patricio Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Powell, Jaime Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Deraco, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Claudia Marcela Reina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Argentin

    New mandibular remains of Callistoe (Metatheria, Sparassodonta) reveal unexpected anatomical, functional, and evolutionary aspects of this carnivorous genus

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    We present a detailed description of the anatomy of the dentary and lower teeth of a new specimen of Callistoe vincei, a large carnivorous metatherian from the Eocene (?Ypresian) of northwestern Argentina. The recently collected specimen is a young adult represented by a partial right dentary with the canine, p1, roots of p3, and very well-preserved m1 to m4. The description includes a comparison with the holotype specimen, a much older individual, and other closely related large sparassodonts (e.g., Arminiheringia). The analysis of this new material allowed identifying plesiomorphic molar features in Callistoe, such as the presence of a reduced metaconid on the m3 and a tricuspated, basined talonid on m1–m3. We also described the mesowear facets in the lower dentition, showing that the self-sharpening facet typically present in extinct and extant placental and some marsupial carnivorous forms, was absent in Callistoe. The presence of a short-term cutting edge in the trigonid related to the thinness of the enamel layer, and the associated tooth wear susceptibility, were likely compensated by a dental mechanism (overeruption) to maintain occlusal contact among antagonist teeth. This process could explain the marked extrusion of the tooth roots observed in Callistoe as well as in other large closely related members of the group.Fil: Babot, María Judith. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Rougier, Guillermo Walter. University of Louisville; Estados UnidosFil: Garcia Lopez, Daniel Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Bertelli, Sara Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Claudia Marcela Reina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Deraco, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Giannini, Norberto Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Postcranial remains of basal typotherian notoungulates from the eocene of Northwestern Argentina

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    Notoungulates represent the most taxonomically diverse and temporally and geographically widespread group among South American native ungulates. Here, we analyze anatomical and systematic aspects of proximal tarsal bones recovered from the Lower and Upper Lumbrera formations (middle and late middle Eocene) in northwestern Argentina. We provide detailed descriptions, comparisons, and infer foot stances and range of movements for the taxa implicated. Material studied includes astragali belonging to the oldfieldthomasiid Colbertia lumbrerense (Lower Lumbrera Formation), a set of proximal tarsals referred as Typotheria indet. (Lower Lumbrera Formation), and tarsals (also including navicular and cuboid) of the informal taxon “Campanorco inauguralis” (Upper Lumbrera Formation). The comparison of the tarsals of Colbertia lumbrerense (middle Eocene of Argentina) with Colbertia magellanica (early Eocene of Brazil) reveals several differences including variations on the development and arrangement of articular facets, and the size of the dorsal astragalar foramen in the Argentinean species. The specimen of Typotheria indet. shows morphological affinities with basal interatheriid taxa. However, its larger size contrasting with the overall small body sizes of Eocene interatheriids precludes an indisputable taxonomic assignment. Concerning “Campanorco inauguralis”, our observations indicate that there is no morphological evidence for a close phylogenetic relationship with Mesotheriidae. It presents a “reversed alternating tarsus” condition, which is also observed in Leontiniidae, “Notohippidae”, Toxodontidae, and some typotherians. However, the spectrum of singularities exhibited by this form precludes the assessment of its relationships in the context of the Paleogene radiation of Typotheria and it is necessary to extend the comparison to Eocene notoungulates. Finally, in a morphofunctional context a plantigrade foot posture is inferred for the specimens here reported. These observations have the potential to provide functional proxies for paleoecological reconstructions to be applied to the study of the early radiation of these notoungulate faunas.Fil: Armella, Matías Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Lopez, Daniel Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Babot, María Judith. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Deraco, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Claudia Marcela Reina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Saade, Luis Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Bertelli, Sara Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentin

    New Cingulata (Mammalia, Xenarthra) from the Upper Lumbrera Formation (Bartonian, middle Eocene), Salta Province, Argentina

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    Nós descrevemos restos isolados de cingulado do Paleógeno da localidade de El Simbolar, Formação Lumbrera Superior (Bartoniano), sul da Província de Salta, noroeste da Argentina. O material consiste em numerosos osteodermos das bandas fixas, móveis e caudais. Os osteodermos têm tamanho grande, com uma figura principal de aspecto lageniforme, como em Utaetus buccatus, U. laxus, U. argos, ?U. deustus, Punatherium catamarcensis, e o eufractino basal Archaeutatus. A combinação de caracteres morfológicos, em adição ao seu grande tamanho, nos permite reconhecer uma nova espécie de “Utaetini” para o Paleógeno do noroeste da Argentina. Esta nova espécie de ?Utaetus representa o registro mais antigo para Euphractinae nesta região e fortalece a condição endêmica das faunas paleógenas no noroeste da Argentina.We describe isolated remains of a Paleogene cingulate from El Simbolar locality, Upper Lumbrera Formation (Bartonian), southern Salta Province, northwestern Argentina. The material consists of numerous fixed, movable, and caudal sheath osteoderms. The specimen has large-sized osteoderms, with a lageniform main figure, as in Utaetus buccatus, U. laxus, U. argos, ?U. deustus, Punatherium catamarcensis, and the basal euphractin Archaeutatus. The combination of morphological characters, in addition to its large size, allows us to recognize a new species of “Utaetini” for the Paleogene of northwestern Argentina. This new species of ?Utaetus represents the oldest record of Euphractinae in this region, and strengthens the endemic condition of its Paleogene faunas.Fil: Herrera, Claudia Marcela Reina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Esteban, Graciela Irene. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Lopez, Daniel Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Deraco, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Babot, María Judith. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Cs.naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Centro de Investigaciones En Ecología Historica.; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: del Papa, Cecilia Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Bertelli, Sara Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Giannini, Norberto Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentin

    Primer ave del eoceno del noroeste de Argentina

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    A new fossil bird is described from the Upper Lumbrera Formation of Northwestern Argentina. Lumbrerornis rougieri gen. et sp. nov. is represented by three-dimensionally preserved elements of the hindlimb of a single individual. Morphological comparative studies and particular characters of the tibiotarsus suggest that the new species might be related to the extinct clades Palaeotididae and Geranoididae of the Northern Hemisphere, which were recently hypothesized to be Paleogene palaeognathous birds. However, the fragmentary preservation of the new fossil prevents a confident systematic position. The Upper Lumbrera Formation is a widely recognized fossiliferous unit with a very rich fauna of mammals and other vertebrates (e.g., fishes, crocodilians, turtles, snakes). This is the first record of a three-dimensionally preserved fossil bird from the Eocene of northwestern Argentina and thus provides fresh evidence of the Eocene faunas from the area and improves our understanding of the poorly known early Paleogene avifaunas from South America.Se describe una nueva ave fósil de la Formación Lumbrera Superior del Noroeste de Argentina. Lumbrerornis rougieri gen. et sp. nov. está representada por elementos del miembro posterior de un único individuo que se ha preservado tridimensionalmente. Estudios de morfología comparada y caracteres del tibiotarso sugieren que la nueva especie se relacionaría con los clados extintos Palaeotididae y Geranoididae del hemisferio norte, grupos que han sido recientemente hipotetizados como relacionados a aves paleognatas del Paleógeno. Sin embargo, la preservación fragmentaria del nuevo fósil impide una ubicación sistemática precisa. La Formación Lumbrera Superior es una unidad fosilífera ampliamente reconocida por una gran diversidad de mamíferos y otros vertebrados (ej., peces, cocodrilos, tortugas, serpientes). Éste es el primer registro de un ave preservada tridimensionalmente que constituye una nueva evidencia sobre la fauna del Eoceno del noroeste de Argentina y contribuye a un mayor conocimiento sobre la avifauna poco conocida del Paleógeno de América del Sur.Fil: Bertelli, Sara Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. American Museum of Natural History; Estados UnidosFil: Giannini, Norberto Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - Tucumán. Unidad Ejecutora Lillo; Argentina. American Museum of Natural History; Estados Unidos. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Lopez, Daniel Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Deraco, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Babot, María Judith. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Fundación Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: del Papa, Cecilia Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra; ArgentinaFil: Armella, Matías Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Claudia Marcela Reina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Departamento de Geología. Cátedra Geología Estructural. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica; ArgentinaFil: Mayr, Gerald. Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut; Alemani

    LA U INVESTIGA: Revista Científica. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Volumen 3. Número 1

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    Los ámbitos de investigación expuestos en este número corresponden a salud, educación, comunicación; temática relacionados íntimamente con la problemática social, que trata de visibilizarla a través de la difusión científica. Desde una visión de caso clínico, como son aquellos artículos investigados en los centros asistenciales del país; o de análisis colectivo evidente en los artículos elaborados por académicos de la Universidad Técnica del Norte.• Adenoma pleomorfo metastásico a mama y pulmón. • Evaluación clínica y atención temprana de la potencialidad cerebromotriz innata en los recién nacidos vivos con factores de riesgo neonatal del hospital general San Vicente de Paúl. • Embarazo ectopico cervical a proposito de un caso • Ganglio centinela en cáncer de mama uso de azul patente en unidades de segundo nivel. • Morbimortalidad en recién nacidos pretérminos menores de 36 semanas, hospital IESS Ibarra año 2014. • Ruptura esplénica asociada con preeclampsia severa presentacion de un caso. • Enfermedad de Addison de etiología tuberculosa: presentación de caso clínico. • Estado de la independencia funcional en personas con discapacidad del cantón Otavalo. • Síntesis analítica sobre las bondades medicinales de la jícama (smallanthus sonchifolius) 2015. • Prevención de infecciones puerperales con Churiyuyo (kalanchoe pinnata), una experiencia de las parteras tradicionales en Napo Ecuador. • Valoración de las habilidades comunicativas en la relación fisioterapeuta paciente. • Objeto de aprendizaje móvil en el aula, para estudiantes de la carrera de Nutrición y salud comunitaria, Universidad Técnica del Norte. • Infecciones de vías urinarias asociadas a catéter vesical en mujeres embarazadas. Hospital San Vicente de Paúl, 2015. • Proceso enfermero en la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas en usuario colecistectomizado. • Satisfacción laboral de los profesionales de enfermerí

    Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants

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    Summary Background Comparable global data on health and nutrition of school-aged children and adolescents are scarce. We aimed to estimate age trajectories and time trends in mean height and mean body-mass index (BMI), which measures weight gain beyond what is expected from height gain, for school-aged children and adolescents. Methods For this pooled analysis, we used a database of cardiometabolic risk factors collated by the Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Collaboration. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends from 1985 to 2019 in mean height and mean BMI in 1-year age groups for ages 5–19 years. The model allowed for non-linear changes over time in mean height and mean BMI and for non-linear changes with age of children and adolescents, including periods of rapid growth during adolescence. Findings We pooled data from 2181 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight in 65 million participants in 200 countries and territories. In 2019, we estimated a difference of 20 cm or higher in mean height of 19-year-old adolescents between countries with the tallest populations (the Netherlands, Montenegro, Estonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina for boys; and the Netherlands, Montenegro, Denmark, and Iceland for girls) and those with the shortest populations (Timor-Leste, Laos, Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea for boys; and Guatemala, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Timor-Leste for girls). In the same year, the difference between the highest mean BMI (in Pacific island countries, Kuwait, Bahrain, The Bahamas, Chile, the USA, and New Zealand for both boys and girls and in South Africa for girls) and lowest mean BMI (in India, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste, Ethiopia, and Chad for boys and girls; and in Japan and Romania for girls) was approximately 9–10 kg/m2. In some countries, children aged 5 years started with healthier height or BMI than the global median and, in some cases, as healthy as the best performing countries, but they became progressively less healthy compared with their comparators as they grew older by not growing as tall (eg, boys in Austria and Barbados, and girls in Belgium and Puerto Rico) or gaining too much weight for their height (eg, girls and boys in Kuwait, Bahrain, Fiji, Jamaica, and Mexico; and girls in South Africa and New Zealand). In other countries, growing children overtook the height of their comparators (eg, Latvia, Czech Republic, Morocco, and Iran) or curbed their weight gain (eg, Italy, France, and Croatia) in late childhood and adolescence. When changes in both height and BMI were considered, girls in South Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and some central Asian countries (eg, Armenia and Azerbaijan), and boys in central and western Europe (eg, Portugal, Denmark, Poland, and Montenegro) had the healthiest changes in anthropometric status over the past 3·5 decades because, compared with children and adolescents in other countries, they had a much larger gain in height than they did in BMI. The unhealthiest changes—gaining too little height, too much weight for their height compared with children in other countries, or both—occurred in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, New Zealand, and the USA for boys and girls; in Malaysia and some Pacific island nations for boys; and in Mexico for girls. Interpretation The height and BMI trajectories over age and time of school-aged children and adolescents are highly variable across countries, which indicates heterogeneous nutritional quality and lifelong health advantages and risks

    Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

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    Background Underweight and obesity are associated with adverse health outcomes throughout the life course. We estimated the individual and combined prevalence of underweight or thinness and obesity, and their changes, from 1990 to 2022 for adults and school-aged children and adolescents in 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 3663 population-based studies with 222 million participants that measured height and weight in representative samples of the general population. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in the prevalence of different BMI categories, separately for adults (age ≥20 years) and school-aged children and adolescents (age 5–19 years), from 1990 to 2022 for 200 countries and territories. For adults, we report the individual and combined prevalence of underweight (BMI <18·5 kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). For schoolaged children and adolescents, we report thinness (BMI <2 SD below the median of the WHO growth reference) and obesity (BMI >2 SD above the median). Findings From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity in adults decreased in 11 countries (6%) for women and 17 (9%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 that the observed changes were true decreases. The combined prevalence increased in 162 countries (81%) for women and 140 countries (70%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. In 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity was highest in island nations in the Caribbean and Polynesia and Micronesia, and countries in the Middle East and north Africa. Obesity prevalence was higher than underweight with posterior probability of at least 0·80 in 177 countries (89%) for women and 145 (73%) for men in 2022, whereas the converse was true in 16 countries (8%) for women, and 39 (20%) for men. From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of thinness and obesity decreased among girls in five countries (3%) and among boys in 15 countries (8%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80, and increased among girls in 140 countries (70%) and boys in 137 countries (69%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. The countries with highest combined prevalence of thinness and obesity in school-aged children and adolescents in 2022 were in Polynesia and Micronesia and the Caribbean for both sexes, and Chile and Qatar for boys. Combined prevalence was also high in some countries in south Asia, such as India and Pakistan, where thinness remained prevalent despite having declined. In 2022, obesity in school-aged children and adolescents was more prevalent than thinness with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 among girls in 133 countries (67%) and boys in 125 countries (63%), whereas the converse was true in 35 countries (18%) and 42 countries (21%), respectively. In almost all countries for both adults and school-aged children and adolescents, the increases in double burden were driven by increases in obesity, and decreases in double burden by declining underweight or thinness. Interpretation The combined burden of underweight and obesity has increased in most countries, driven by an increase in obesity, while underweight and thinness remain prevalent in south Asia and parts of Africa. A healthy nutrition transition that enhances access to nutritious foods is needed to address the remaining burden of underweight while curbing and reversing the increase in obesit

    Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults

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    Body-mass index (BMI) has increased steadily in most countries in parallel with a rise in the proportion of the population who live in cities . This has led to a widely reported view that urbanization is one of the most important drivers of the global rise in obesity . Here we use 2,009\ua0population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight in more than 112\ua0million adults, to report national, regional and global trends in mean\ua0BMI segregated by place of residence (a rural or urban area) from 1985 to 2017. We show that, contrary to the dominant paradigm, more than 55% of the global rise in mean BMI from 1985 to 2017—and more than 80% in\ua0some low- and middle-income regions—was due to increases in BMI in rural areas. This large contribution stems from the fact that, with the exception of women in sub-Saharan Africa, BMI is increasing at the same rate or faster in rural areas than in cities\ua0in low- and middle-income regions. These trends have in turn resulted in a closing—and in some countries reversal—of the gap in BMI between urban and rural areas in low- and middle-income countries, especially for women. In high-income and industrialized countries, we noted a persistently higher rural BMI, especially for women. There is an urgent need for an integrated approach to rural nutrition that enhances financial and physical access to healthy foods, to avoid replacing the rural undernutrition disadvantage in poor countries with a more general malnutrition disadvantage that entails excessive consumption of low-quality calories