680 research outputs found

    Search for surface magnetic fields in Mira stars. First detection in chi Cyg

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    In order to complete the knowledge of the magnetic field and of its influence during the transition from Asymptotic Giant Branch to Planetary Nebulae stages, we have undertaken a search for magnetic fields at the surface of Mira stars. We used spectropolarimetric observations, collected with the Narval instrument at TBL, in order to detect - with Least Squares Deconvolution method - a Zeeman signature in the visible part of the spectrum. We present the first spectropolarimetric observations of the S-type Mira star chi Cyg, performed around its maximum light. We have detected a polarimetric signal in the Stokes V spectra and we have established its Zeeman origin. We claim that it is likely to be related to a weak magnetic field present at the photospheric level and in the lower part of the stellar atmosphere. We have estimated the strength of its longitudinal component to about 2-3 Gauss. This result favors a 1/r law for the variation of the magnetic field strength across the circumstellar envelope of chi Cyg. This is the first detection of a weak magnetic field at the stellar surface of a Mira star and we discuss its origin in the framework of shock waves periodically propagating throughout the atmosphere of these radially pulsating stars. At the date of our observations of chi Cyg, the shock wave reaches its maximum intensity, and it is likely that the shock amplifies a weak stellar magnetic field during its passage through the atmosphere. Without such an amplification by the shock, the magnetic field strength would have been too low to be detected. For the first time, we also report strong Stokes Q and U signatures (linear polarization) centered onto the zero velocity (i.e., at the shock front position). They seem to indicate that the radial direction would be favored by the shock during its propagation throughout the atmosphere.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics (21 November 2013

    First detection of CF+ towards a high-mass protostar

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    We report the first detection of the J = 1 - 0 (102.6 GHz) rotational lines of CF+ (fluoromethylidynium ion) towards CygX-N63, a young and massive protostar of the Cygnus X region. This detection occurred as part of an unbiased spectral survey of this object in the 0.8-3 mm range, performed with the IRAM 30m telescope. The data were analyzed using a local thermodynamical equilibrium model (LTE model) and a population diagram in order to derive the column density. The line velocity (-4 km s-1) and line width (1.6 km s-1) indicate an origin from the collapsing envelope of the protostar. We obtain a CF+ column density of 4.10e11 cm-2. The CF+ ion is thought to be a good tracer for C+ and assuming a ratio of 10e-6 for CF+/C+, we derive a total number of C+ of 1.2x10e53 within the beam. There is no evidence of carbon ionization caused by an exterior source of UV photons suggesting that the protostar itself is the source of ionization. Ionization from the protostellar photosphere is not efficient enough. In contrast, X-ray ionization from the accretion shock(s) and UV ionization from outflow shocks could provide a large enough ionizing power to explain our CF+ detection. Surprisingly, CF+ has been detected towards a cold, massive protostar with no sign of an external photon dissociation region (PDR), which means that the only possibility is the existence of a significant inner source of C+. This is an important result that opens interesting perspectives to study the early development of ionized regions and to approach the issue of the evolution of the inner regions of collapsing envelopes of massive protostars. The existence of high energy radiations early in the evolution of massive protostars also has important implications for chemical evolution of dense collapsing gas and could trigger peculiar chemistry and early formation of a hot core.Comment: 6 page

    Ground-State SiO Maser Emission Toward Evolved Stars

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    We have made the first unambiguous detection of vibrational ground-state maser emission from SiO toward six evolved stars. Using the Very Large Array, we simultaneously observed the v=0, J=1-0, 43.4-GHz, ground-state and the v=1, J=1-0, 43.1-GHz, first excited-state transitions of SiO toward the oxygen-rich evolved stars IRC+10011, o Ceti, W Hya, RX Boo, NML Cyg, and R Cas and the S-type star chi Cyg. We detected at least one v=0 SiO maser feature from six of the seven stars observed, with peak maser brightness temperatures ranging from 10,000 K to 108,800 K. In fact, four of the seven v=0 spectra show multiple maser peaks, a phenomenon which has not been previously observed. Ground-state thermal emission was detected for one of the stars, RX Boo, with a peak brightness temperature of 200 K. Comparing the v=0 and the v=1 transitions, we find that the ground-state masers are much weaker with spectral characteristics different from those of the first excited-state masers. For four of the seven stars the velocity dispersion is smaller for the v=0 emission than for the v=1 emission, for one star the dispersions are roughly equivalent, and for two stars (one of which is RX Boo) the velocity spread of the v=0 emission is larger. In most cases, the peak flux density in the v=0 emission spectrum does not coincide with the v=1 maser peak. Although the angular resolution of these VLA observations were insufficient to completely resolve the spatial structure of the SiO emission, the SiO spot maps produced from the interferometric image cubes suggest that the v=0 masers are more extended than their v=1 counterparts

    The multiferroic phases of (Eu:Y)MnO3

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    We report on structural, magnetic, dielectric, and thermodynamic properties of (Eu:Y)MnO3 for Y doping levels 0 <= x < 1. This system resembles the multiferroic perovskite manganites RMnO3 (with R= Gd, Dy, Tb) but without the interference of magnetic contributions of the 4f-ions. In addition, it offers the possibility to continuously tune the influence of the A-site ionic radii. For small concentrations x <= 0.1 we find a canted antiferromagnetic and paraelectric groundstate. For higher concentrations x <= 0.3 ferroelectric polarization coexists with the features of a long wavelength incommensurate spiral magnetic phase analogous to the observations in TbMnO3. In the intermediate concentration range around x = 0.2 a multiferroic scenario is realized combining weak ferroelectricity and weak ferromagnetism, presumably due to a canted spiral magnetic structure.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Field-induced magnetic anisotropy in La0.7Sr0.3CoO3

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    Magnetic anisotropy has been measured for the ferromagnetic La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 perovskite from an analysis of the high-field part of the magnetization vs. field curves, i.e., the magnetic saturation regime. These measurements give a magnetic anistropy one order of magnitude higher than that of reference manganites. Surprisingly, the values of the magnetic anisotropy calculated in this way do not coincide with those estimated from measurements of coercive fields which are one order of magnitude smaller. It is proposed that the reason of this anomalous behaviour is a transition of the trivalent Co ions under the external magnetic field from a low-spin to an intermediate-spin state. Such a transition converts the Co3+ ions into Jahn-Teller ions having an only partially quenched orbital angular momentum, which enhances the intra-atomic spin-orbit coupling and magnetic anisotropy.Comment: Accepted of publication in Europhysics Letters, 11 pages, 5 figure