30 research outputs found


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    Studi ekologi dasar mengenai burung dilakukan di Pulau Wetar selama 2 minggu (Juni 2005) di areal eksplorasi tambang tembaga PT Batutua Kharisma Permai. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, keanekaragaman jenis, kelimpahan, penyebaran lokal serta status burung. Metoda pengamatan dilakukan dengan kombinasi antara Transek dan IPA. Anilisis keanekaragaman dan keseragaman jenis burung digunakan index diversity Shanon dan Megguran serta komposisi jenis burung dianalisis dengan indek kesamaan komunitas Jaccard, kemudian dilanjutakan dengan analisis dendrogram. Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa jumlah jenis burung darat yang dapat ditemukan 54 jenis, 14 jenis burung endemik serta 16 jenis burung merupakan jenis yang dilindungi. Hampir keseluruhan jenis burung yang ditemukan berkaitan dengan habitat hutan. Komposisi jenis burung di areal contoh transek tidak terlalu menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata. Diantara seluruh jenis burung yang ditemukan, 38 jenis burung tersebar di hutan hijau, 34 jenis di hutan pantai, 32 jenis di hutan musim, 8 jenis di hutan ekaliptus dan 17 jenis di hutan tanaman penghijuanKeyword : Base line study, bird, diversity, Wetar Islan

    Birds Communities at Mangrove of Batu Ampar, Kubu Raya District, West Kalimantan Province

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    Batu Ampar mangrove is an important bird habitat especially for birds which have relation to mangrove ecosystem in West Kalimantan. The research was conducted in February to March 2007, at mangrove Batu Ampar demo site. Sampling was done to get representative area for bird survey. The 19 transects were chosen as sampling site to collect bird data such as species and number of individual. Bird surveys were carried out using Reconnaissance method and IPA (Index Point of Abundance) count method. The length of each transect was approximately 500 m.  The results showed that the bird community’s structure was dominated by insectivorous birds represented approximately 60% of total bird’s species at mangrove Batu Ampar demo site. The abundance between numbers of individual with the birds species have relation pattern like J opposite.   Percentage of dominant bird species was approximately 11%, those are such as stork billed kingfisher, white-collared kingfisher, common iora, chestnuts-rumped babbler, Strip-Tit Babbler, magpie robin, ashy tailorbird, mangrove blue flycatcher, pied fantail, mangrove whistler, brown-throated sunbird and Cooper-Throated Sunbird. Vertical structure of mangrove vegetation was used by birds at mangrove Batu Ampar demo site is mainly B stratum, and it be used around 60 % birds species.  Based on dendrogram analysis there were 5 cluster birds species. The mangrove bird specialists found at sampling area were mangrove blue flycatcher and cooper throated sunbird


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    Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) is one of the animals that getting more attention because is categorized as an endengered species on the IUCN red list, Appendix 1 of CITES, and protected animals by goverment of Indonesia. The conservation for recovery of species was carried out by West Bali National Park (WBNP) through release activity and collaboration with conservation organization for release in different place from their natural habitat. The population of bali starling on both locations is tend to decrease, the study aimed to analized the impact of human factor with the existence of bali starling based on geographic information system. The farthest point of bali starling existence form road distance is 1 359 meters on WBNP and 660 meters on Nusa Penida Island, while the closest point on both locations is 0 meter from road distance. The second human factor is village distance with the farthest point of bali starling is 7 296 meters on WBNP and 295 meters on Nusa Penida Island, while the closest point of bali starling is 543 meters on WBNP and 0 meter on Nusa Penida Island. The third human factor is community’s garden distance with the farthest point of bali starling is 5 696 meters on WBNP and 67 meters on Nusa Penida Island, while the closest point of bali starling is 408 meters on WBNP and 0 meter on Nusa Penida Island. The existence point of bali starling that are close to human activites have a negative impact. Bali starling will depend on the resources provided by the community on Nusa Penida Island and part of WBNP and also make it difficult for the bali starling to restore the wild nature for adaptation in natural habitat.  Key words: bali starling, geographic information system, human factor, Nusa Penida, West Bali National Par

    Observations on the Diversity of Bird Species, and Their Role in the Bukit Soeharto Protection Forest, East Kalimantan

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    Bird observations in the tropical rain forest of the Bukit Soeharto Protection Forest conducted in 1986 and 1987, had identified 157 bud species. The observation was focussed the diversity of birds, behaviour, group size, habitat types, feeding and resting sites. The diversity of species was especially correlated with the forest condition such as habitat differences, forest composition andstructure.Some of the birds played important roles in the regeneration of the forest, such as in seed dispersal and pollination. Among them were hornbill (Bucerotidae), sunbirds and spiderhunter (Nectarinidae), barbets (Capitonidae), bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) and broadbill (Eurylairnidae)

    Perubahan Pola Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Ekstrak Daun dan Batang Teh (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) yang Menjadi Inang bagi 3 Benalu Berbeda

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    Plants produce primary and secondary metabolite compounds depending on their growth conditions. The tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze that hosts Loranthus produces different metabolites compared to those not hosting. This study aims to determine the change in the thin layer chromatography pattern (TLC) of leaf and stem tea extract that is the host 3 types of Loranthus tea namely Loranthus atropurpureus, Loranthus cochinchinensis, and Loranthus pentandrus. Leaf and stem tea extracts that host 3 types of Loranthus were separated using TLC with stationary phase of silica gel 60 F254 and the mobile phase of DCM: MeOH: n-hex (48:1:1). Separation results was detected using UV lamps 254 and 366 nm. The changes of the band's area of each extract were determined using software ImageJ. The results showed a change in TLC patterns. The declining band's area was found in bands detected at 366 nm for the host's stem and tea leaves. The increasing band's areawere found on bands detected at 254 nm especially on tea leaves that host. In conclusion, the change in TLC pattern can be used to determine the compounds that change due to tea plants to host and can be alternative utilization


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    Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) is a conservation area which still has a natural habitat and population of lesser adjutant in Indonesia. The bird is considered vulnerable IUCN red list 2016 and protected by government regulation of Republic Indonesia No.7/1999. The study was aim to analyze the population (individual number, sex ratio, age structure and natality) and it’s habitat including nesting. The observation was focused in Rowobendo Resort APNP (Sadengan garzing area, tropical rain forest surrounding Sadengan garzing area and mangrove of Sumber Gedang) with concentration count method for population and habitat analysis used method for decribed habitat condition. This study showed that individuals number of the bird are 21 individu consist of adult birds with sex ratio 1:1 (male:female). Potential natality reflected by their eggs in the nest (three eggs), but did not successfully being hatching due to predator attack. The population parameter showed that the bird population is productive The bird using Sadengan grazing area to find feed, lowland forest used to resting and nesting and mangrove used to resting and seaching food. The chracteristik of nesting site available of emergent trees which have crown with aubrevile architecture and the trees closed to habitat for search food. The searching food habitat have characteristic is open area with mudy or grazing area whic have  potential their food. Keywords: habitat, lesser adjutant, populatio


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    Javan Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) considered as endangered species by IUCN redlist 2015 and protected species by Government Regulation No.7/1999. Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) is a conservation area and its one of the natural habitat of Javan Hawk-eagle distribution (endemic species of java). The study was aimed to analysis its habitat and the behavior. Purposive sampling was used on focused observation area base on direct contex with the bird. The habitat analysis was approach with vagetation analysis dan habitat used method. Focal animal sampling used as approach describe to know the daily activities. The result showed that the bird used of natural lowland forest as main habitat and the bird distibute as equal (focused) at natural lowland forest. Characteristic of sheltering site of the bird using tree in A strata and B strata, which have horizontal and strong enough branch. The javan hawk-eagle choising at emergent tree for the nesting site, with characteristic of emergent tree, with crown not so dense of the leaf and the position of the tree close to hunting area. Characteristic of hunting areas of the bird is natural lowland forest with diverse and abundant of preys. The bird like preys on mammals such as giant squirrel and bird such as red jungle fowl. The behavior was most often observed was resting in natural lowland forest with five times encounter (58,06%). But the bird also done activities of preening and observing surrounding to focus on seaching food. Hunting activity was observed used perch hunting in natural low land forest in APNP. Keywords: APNP, habitat, javan hawk-eagl

    The effect of open green space on the stress level of Bogor Botanical Garden visitors

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    Stress is a global phenomenon that has become a part of everyday life. Stress can be triggered by the presence of stressors. In Indonesia, the prevalence of psychological stress keeps increasing. This study aims to analyze the perceived restoration effect of green open parks on the stress levels of Bogor Botanical Gardens visitors. A survey of 100 visitors of Bogor Botanical Garden was conducted based on the Perceived Stress Scale. Data on respondent characteristics and stress levels were analyzed using descriptive analysis, the visitor's characteristics that affected their stress levels were analyzed using stepwise linear regression and analysis of variance, and the effect of having a garden and the proximity to open green space on the visitor's stress levels were identified using analysis of variance. The respondents who felt low, medium, and high-stress levels, were 22%, 73%, and 5% respectively. The majority of the respondents perceived Bogor Botanical Garden as restorative. Factors that significantly affect the stress level of respondents are age and purpose of visit. The older the respondent, the lower their stress level tends to be. Visitors who visit for exercise/health activities have significantly lower stress levels than for other visits. In this study, no significant relationship was found between garden ownership and proximity to green parks on the stress level of the respondents

    POPULATION AND HABITAT OF JAVAN GREEN PEAFOWL (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus 1758) AT ALAS PURWO NATIONAL PARK, EAST JAVA (Populasi dan Habitat Merak Hijau Jawa (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus, 1758) Di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo, Jawa Timur)

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    Kajian terhadap populasi dan habitat merak hijau jawa (Pavo muticus muticus Linnaeus, 1758) telah dilakukan selama 3 bulan, Agustus-Oktober 2004 di taman nasional Alas Purwo, Banyuwangi. Pengamatan terhadap populasi dilakukan dengan metoda langsung dengan menggunakan transek (fix width transect) di areal hutan tanaman jati, dan hutan alam masing-masing 2 jalur lebar 30 m dan panjang 1- 5 km di Pancur dan Rowobendo, sedangkan di padang penggembalaan Sadengan dengan metoda terkonsentrasi (counsentration count). Habitat merak hijau dikaji dengan pendekatan analisis vegetasi dengan metoda garis berpetak 1 jalur di hutan alam dan 2 jalur di hutan tanaman. Sedangkan di padang penggembalaan Sadengan dengan plot tunggal sebanyak 10 buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa. total populasi merak hijau jawa di TN Alas Purwo 46 – 50 ekor. Struktur umur rata-rata 80 % kelompok merak hijau dewasa, sedangakan yang muda hanya sekitar 20 %, seolah populasi kemunduran (regressive population), dan nisbah kelamin rata-ratanya 1 : 3, pola hidup polygami. Pola sebarannya di seluruh areal pengamatan adalah berkelompok. Kelimpahan populasi merak hijau jawa berbeda pada berbagai tipe habitat. Kelimpahan populasi yang paling tinggi pada habitat padang rumput sadengan Habitat yang disukai merak hijau di alam yang berbatasan dengan tempat terbuka (rerumputan dan sesemakan. Tempat untuk mencari pakan, merak hijau menyukai tempat terbuka daerah rerumputan dan sesemakan ataupun di areal tumpang sari. Merak hijau memilih tempat tidur pada pohon yang tinggi, percabangan mendatar, dekat pohon untuk tidur terdapat tempat terbuka diantaranya pohon Apak, Bendo, Munung, dan Randu Alas. Sedangkan tempat untuk berteduh dipilih pohon yang rindang seperti pohon kesambi dan bungur. Untuk berlindung memilih vegetasi yang rapat.Kata kunci : Populasi, habitat, Alas Purwo, merak hija


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    Bali starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) is categorized as an endangered species based on IUCN, Appendix I based on CITES, and protected animals by the goverment of Indonesia. Bali Barat National Park (BBNP) has a breeding center for the recovery of species population in their natural habitat. The BBNP promoted soft release method for the introducing species in the wild habitat. This method consists of some treatments for supporting bali starling life and as consequently the distribution of species was concentrated in small area and the species can be monitored easily. This method has an effect the natural behaviour of bali starling is difficult to be formed and makes dependence on humans, and an effect on the shift of habitat choise by bali starling in BBNP. The problem is when the bali starling has been released to the wild. The number of individuals who have been released shows decrease fluctuation. This study was aimed to analyze potential of natural habitat. This study method using a vegetation analysis. The result found that the potential habitat with an importance value index is kemloko in the pole classification with a value 230.37% in the savanna ecosystem and talok with a value 86.27% in the monsoon forest ecosystem. The potential habitat in BBNP can still support the survival of bali straling