1,332 research outputs found
The Relationship between Ultrarunning Status, Subjective Well-being, and Life Satisfaction
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a rise in mental health challenges across the United States. Consequently, two important well-being measures for Healthy People 2030—subjective well-being and life satisfaction—were negatively impacted. A plethora of evidence exists about the benefits of running for physical and mental health. Yet, there is no available evidence that shows the benefits of ultrarunning, subjective well-being, and life satisfaction. This quantitative cross-sectional study examined the relationship between ultrarunning status, subjective well-being, and life satisfaction among adult runners in the United States. The advanced triangle of epidemiology served as the conceptual framework. A convenience sample included 369 adult runners, who were recruited via the Survey Monkey online platform and through running and ultramarathon groups. Subjective well-being was measured using the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale, and life satisfaction was measured using the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Two hierarchical multiple linear regressions were conducted. The results showed that there was a statistically significant association between the agent (subjective well-being), the host (ultrarunners), and the environment (ultrarunning), adjusting for demographic characteristics, F (1,364) = 3.79, p = .050, R2 = .01. However, there was no statistically significant association between the agent (life satisfaction), the host (ultrarunners), and the environment (ultrarunning), adjusting for demographic characteristics, F (1,364) = 1.74, p = .188, R2 = .00. Implications for positive social change include helping public health officials create initiatives that improve well-being through community programs, leisure engagements, research, and policy
[NLW] National Library Week 2024 @ UTRGV Library
Posters showcasing UTRGV library services, open access resources, and published OER books by UTRGV faculty.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/librarydisplayposters/1060/thumbnail.jp
Au fil des îles, archipels
L’exposition Au fil des îles, archipels a été présentée au Centre d’exposition
de l’Université de Montréal du 8 septembre au 19 novembre 2022 dans le
cadre de la programmation 2022-2023
Desarrollo a Escala Humana y Resiliencia en las comunidades Samulalí y El Jícaro asociadas a la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de San Dionisio (UCOSD)
La presente investigación pretende realizar un análisis del Desarrollo a Escala Humana y la resiliencia en las comunidades de Samulalí y El Jícaro asociadas a la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de la cuenca de San Dionisio UCOSD. Con el propósito de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas desde el aspecto organizacional, a partir de los aprendizajes familiares y la forma en que éstas logren alcanzar los niveles de resiliencia óptimos en sus respectivas parcelas. La metodología utilizada fue por medio de un estudio de caso a través de vivencias y experiencias compartidas con los socios. Se ejecutaron en dos etapas; la primera fue a través de la aplicación de la matriz de necesidades y satisfactores de Max Neef y la segunda se realiza con la descripción de las parcelas para identificar el nivel de resiliencia en el que se encuentran. El tipo de estudio realizado en esta investigación es descriptivo-analítico, cualitativo, en el que se utilizó de instrumento grupos focales y el método de la Investigación y Acción Participativa IAP. Los principales resultados obtenidos en la investigación fue que la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de la cuenca de San Dionisio a través de los años trascendidos desde su fundación, ha trabajado para lograr que los campesinos de Samulalí y El Jícaro tengan un desarrollo a escala humana tanto en la calidad de vida como en el entorno socio económico en el que éstos se desenvuelven, donde se detalla como principales hallazgos las potencialidades en Samulali la agricultura y el sentirse orgulloso de sus orígenes, en El Jícaro el cultivar y la ayuda mutua y carencias que presenta Samulalí es el financiamiento y la falta de armonía con el medio ambiente y en El Jícaro la falta de ganadería, el individualismo y la falta de participación. Así como también los niveles de resiliencia, en la que se clasificó la mejor y peor parcela. A la vez se brindaron estrategias para mejorar como pasar de rojo a amarillo, de amarillo a verde, tanto para la organización, como en la calidad de vida y así alcanzar la resiliencia óptima y prepararse para el cambio climático.
Estimation of dietary intake and content of lead and cadmium in infant cereals marketed in Spain
Lead and cadmium have become highly toxic metallic elements. There is an obvious
5 toxicological impact of these elements on infants since their intestinal absorption is
6 significantly higher than in adults, thus it is desirable to quantify lead and cadmium levels in
7 commonly consumed infant foods. Zeeman background correction, transversely heated
8 graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, was used to determine both the lead and
9 cadmium content of 91 Spanish infant cereals. Cereals were assessed in terms of different
10 types, cereal predominant in formulation and whether it was obtained organically or
11 conventionally. Preliminary analysis revealed a noticeably higher content of lead and
12 cadmium (median, Q1-Q3) in organic cereals (n = 17, Pb: 26.07; 21.36-51.63; Cd: 18.52;
16.56-28.50 μg kg-1 13 ) in relation to conventional ones (n =74, Pb: 10.78; 6.43-19.33; Cd: 7.12;
4.40-11.77 μg kg-1 14 ). Three formulations exceeded European lead maximum levels. Added
15 ingredients (milk, cocoa, fruit and honey) to the cereal base provide lead enrichment. For
16 cadmium, this pattern was observed by cereal based on cocoa, but also the raw materials
17 contributed with a dilution phenomenon, decreasing the final cadmium concentration in infant
18 cereal. Apart from several organically produced cereals, lead content showed a narrow
19 variation, where gluten-free cereals provide lower cadmium content than formulations
20 containing gluten. Dietary intakes of both elements were assessed in comparison with the
21 reference intake values proposed by the EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain.
22 Organic infant cereals based on honey and cocoa supplied the highest risk intakes of lead and
23 cadmium, respectively. In accordance with the actual state of knowledge on lead and
24 cadmium toxicity and attending to the upper limits calculated from risk intake values set by
25 EFSA, it seems prudent to call for a revision of both heavy metals content regulated by EC to
set a maximum guideline values for infant cereal at 55 and 45 μg kg-1 26 , respectively
Satisfacción en la calidad de la atención prenatal según opinión de las usuarias del centro de salud Primero de Mayo del Municipio de Matagalpa durante el segundo semestre del año 2016
El propósito de la investigación fué analizar la satisfacción en la calidad de atención prenatal según opinión de las usuarias externas e internas del centro de salud Primero de Mayo, durante el ll semestre 2016, analizando el entorno, el aspecto científico-técnico y satisfacción de los usuarios, esté estudio es descriptivo de corte transversal, prospectivo en el tiempo, con un enfoque mixto, el universo lo comprenden 100 embarazadas, con una muestra de 20 gestantes, con edades comprendidas de 16-40 años, el tipo de muestreo utilizado es aleatorio simple, para la valoración de la atención prenatal se realizó entrevistas dirigidas a usuarios externos e internos y una guía de observación para el investigador valorando el entorno de la unidad y realizando revisión del expediente clínico, el centro de salud atiende a 6 barrios de la parte norte de la ciudad de Matagalpa, las debilidades son: no cuentan con equipos suficientes para la realización de procedimientos, las dificultades que enfrenta el puesto son: poco personal, falta de medicamento .En conclusión según observador y usuario interno valoran el entorno como regular, y las usuarias externas lo ven bueno, regular y malo, en cuanto a la atención prenatal, las usuarias externas manifiestan que no se les realiza el examen de mamas lo que hace que la calidad sea deficiente, en cuanto a satisfacción los usuarios internos refieren no estar de acuerdo con la carga laboral, las usuarias externas refieren que el personal de salud no cumple con el horario establecido por el MINS
Survey of total mercury and arsenic content in infant cereals marketed in Spain and estimated dietary intake.
Due to the fact that infants and children are especially sensitive to mercury and arsenic
7 exposure, predominantly through diet, a strict control of the most widely consumed
8 infant foods, especially infant cereals, is of paramount importance. Levels of both total
9 mercury and arsenic in 91 different infant cereals from ten different manufacturers in
10 Spain were determined by flow injection adapted to cold vapor and hydride generation
11 atomic absorption spectrometry, respectively. Cereals were assessed in terms of the
12 different types, the predominating cereal in the formulation, the added ingredients, and
13 whether the cereal was organically or conventionally obtained. In general, the content of
14 toxic elements (median (Q1;Q3)) found in infant cereals based on conventionally
obtained raw materials (n=74, Hg: 2.11 (0.42;4.58), As: 21.0 (9.4;50.9) μg·Kg-1 15 ) was
16 lower than in cereals produced by organic methods (n= 17, Hg: 5.48 (4.54;7.64), As:
96.3 (87.5;152.3) μg·Kg-1 17 ). Mercury content in infant cereals shows the higher values in
18 those formulations with ingredients susceptible to particulate contamination such as
19 gluten-free or cacao-based cereals. The highest arsenic content appears in the rice-based
20 cereals. The mercury and the inorganic arsenic dietary intakes for infants fed on the
21 infant cereals studied were assessed, taking into account the different stages of growth.
22 Organic infant cereals based on cocoa showed the highest risk intakes of mercury, very
23 close to exceeding the intake reference. Just the opposite, 95% of the organically
24 produced infant cereals and 70% of the conventional gluten-free infant cereals showed
25 an inadmissible risk of arsenic intake. Thus, it seems prudent to call for continued
26 efforts in standardizing routine quality control and in reducing arsenic levels in infant
27 cereals; in addition it is essential that relevant legislation be established and regulated
28 by EC regarding these two toxic elements
Sistema Contable de la Empresa Agrícola Las Lajas Mierisch S.A del municipio de Matagalpa, Departamento de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2015.
La presente investigación tiene como temática Sistema Contable de la Empresa Agrícola Las Lajas Mierisch S.A del municipio de Matagalpa, departamento de Matagalpa en el I semestre del año 2015. El propósito es evaluar el Sistema Contable de la empresa agrícola, identificando cada uno de los elementos que son necesarios de acuerdo a la naturaleza y giro de la entidad.
Los Sistemas Contables son importantes para el sector agropecuario pues permite definir los procesos para la contabilización de los costos para que la entidad pueda realizar diferentes análisis financieros de las operaciones realizadas.
Al finalizar la investigación se llegó a las principales conclusiones que al Sistema de Las Lajas Mierisch S.A falta implementar la Guía Contabilizadora, Manual de Procedimientos, de Organización y Funciones y Control Interno qué harán más eficiente y eficaz el registro y manejo de las diferentes operaciones que integran la actividad económica que ejercen. La elaboración de dichos instrumentos es nuestra recomendación más importante para fortalecer el desarrollo de las tareas que se practican durante el proceso productivo del café
Surveillance of aflatoxin content in dairy cow feedstuff from Navarra (Spain)
Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1 and G2) are produced by the fungi Aspergillus (A. flavus and A. parasiticus) in substrates used in cattle feed manufacturing. Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is a major metabolite of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) which may be present in milk from animals that consume contaminated feed. Levels of aflatoxins in 78 dairy cow feedstuff samples from 40 farms located in Navarra were determined by HPLC-FLD (High Performance Liquid Chromatography with fluorescence detection) and post-column derivatization. The influence of geographical location, season and type of feeding system on aflatoxin content was studied. The climatic profile of AFB1 pointed to spring as the season with the highest aflatoxin level (0.086 μg/kg), followed by winter and summer (0.075 and 0.030 μg/kg, respectively), and to a lesser degree, autumn (0.017 μg/kg). Moreover, wet and dry TMR (Total Mixed Ration) feeding systems (i.e. AFB1: 0.076 and 0.068 μg/kg; Aflatoxin G1 (AFG1): 0.050 and 0.011 μg/kg, respectively) showed a greater content of the analyzed aflatoxins in comparison with compound feed (i.e. AFB1: 0.039 μg/kg; AFG1: 0.007 μg/kg). The fact that the majority of the samples collected were based on compound feed shows that this type was preferred by most dairy farmers. The undetectable levels of aflatoxins in the organic homemade compound feedstuff are also worth mentioning. While none of the feedstuff samples contained amounts over those permitted under European legislation (5 μg/kg), the theoretical extrapolation of the carryover rate suggested in previously published experiments of AFB1 to AFM1 in secreted cow's milk predicts that only one of the feed samples studied had a positive aflatoxin level (53.4 ng/kg) higher than the legal limit for raw cow's milk
Documenting Decadal Spatial Changes in Seagrass and Acropora palmata Cover by Aerial Photography Analysis in Vieques, Puerto Rico: 1937-2000
Aerial photographs from 1937–2000 of Bahía Salina del Sur on vieques, Puerto Rico were analyzed to detect and describe spatial changes in the areal cover of sea-grass beds in Bahía Salina del Sur. The images were pre-processed to minimize noise and unsupervised classification was used to detect areas colonized by seagrass. The number of individual seagrass patches, direction, and characteristic of growth were quantified and described. Seagrass coverage increased by 85.8% over the 64-yr period and this increase was best described by a 2nd order polynomial function (r2 = 0.91). Between 1937 and 2000, the spatial expression of the seagrass patchiness went through discrete episodes characterized by expansion in the number and spatial extent of small patches followed by an increase in patch size and agglomeration of small patches to form large homogeneous areas. Patch growth was limited only by proximity to boundaries (i.e., coastline and reef structures) and a fluctuating physical environment. This study suggests that the overall increase in seagrass cover was linked to the synergy of hurricane impacts, decrease in grazers, and the protective geomorphology of Bahía Salina del Sur. Decreases in areal cover only occurred in concert with known anthropogenic impacts
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