174 research outputs found

    The Impact of Strategies in Supply Chain Management for Better Performance in Manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes

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    This research aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of strategies in the the Supply Chain Management (SCM), Manufacturing for SMEs in Aguascalientes may have a higher yield. The analysis was performed through the design of an assessment tool aimed at managers through an empirical study in the period from August to December 2013. The methodology has been quantitative approach, as well as correlational and descriptive the sample is random. The expected results are intended to influence the decisions taken by the managers in their organizations to the SCM is still complex, it is more efficient through the implementation of strategies for increased output in manufacturing SMEs in Aguascalientes. In this sense, the expected results intended sizing how important the integration of strategies is in the practice of the SCM, and in turn, the impact of this influence on the Performance of Manufacturing SMEs. In this study, structural equation modeling technique was applied to support software EQS 6.

    Emilio Carballido y la 4T. Mirada transdisciplinaria

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    Artículo número 12 de la Sección Tema. 14 páginas. tyvllvEn este ensayo me interesa vincular las ideas que Emilio Carballido dejó plasmadas en sus obras dramáticas de intención política, en particular Un pequeño día de ira, con los propósitos de la Cuarta Transformación Social liderada por el presidente de la República Andrés Manuel López Obrador. La pertinencia de tal propósito tiene como fundamento la estrategia de la transdiciplinariedad.In this essay I try to link the ideas that Emilio Carballido left expressed in his dramatic works of political intention, in particular Un pequeño día de ira, with the purposes of the Fourth Social Transformation led by the President of the Republic Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The relevance of this purpose is based on the transdisciplinary strategy

    Grasas pasantes en dietas para vacas lecheras de alta producción y su respuesta en etapas productivas y reproductivas

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    Documento científico, monografia tipo revistaScientific document, magazine type monograp

    Cryptococcus spp. isolation from excreta of pigeons (Columba livia) in and around Monterrey, Mexico

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    The presence of Cryptococcus spp. has been reported in Mexico’s capital city; however, to our knowledge there are no reports of its presence in the state of Nuevo León located in northeast Mexico. This is presumed to be because the hot and dry climate in this region does not favor cryptococcal proliferation. This study confirmed the presence of C. neoformans and C. albidus in 20% (10/50) of randomly selected fecal samples of pigeons (Columba livia) in the Monterrey metropolitan area. The presence of this yeast in the state of Nuevo León is proof of its adaptation to the typically hot climate of the area and is consistent with recent reviews of cryptococcosis cases in several local hospitals. The two species were identified and characterized through microbiological tests and molecular identification by DNA extraction and PCR amplification of highly conserved 18S ribosomal DNA using ITS1 and ITS2 as target regions. The PCR products were sequenced and compared with those reported in GenBank

    Efecto de la glosectomía parcial en el crecimiento cráneo-facial en ratas Sprague Dawley

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    En el estudio prospectivo longitudinal se observó la importancia de la lengua en el desarrollo orofacial de las ratas Sprague Dawley. A éstas se les practicó una glosectomía parcial y al compararlas con un grupo control, observamos que las del grupo experimental tuvieron falta de desarrollo y crecimiento maxilar y mandibular, así como una retroinclinación de los incisivos inferiores por falta del empuje hacia vestibular que ocasiona la lengua en los movimientos de deglución y masticación

    Saharan Air Layer (SAL) over Tenerife: summertime statistic analysis from lidar measurements

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    Comunicación presentada en: 2012 European Aerosol Conference (EAC-2012), B-WG01S2P30, celebrada del 2 al 7 de septiembre de 2012 en Granada.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Research and Innovation (MICINN) under grant CGL2011-24891 (project AMISOC)

    Photon Shielding Features of Quarry Tuff

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    Cantera is a quarry tuff widely used in the building industry; in this work the shielding features of cantera were determined. The shielding characteristics were calculated using XCOM and MCNP5 codes for 0.03, 0.07, 0.1, 0.3, 0.662, 1, 2, and 3 MeV photons. With XCOM the mass interaction coefficients, and the total mass attenuation coefficients, were calculated. With the MCNP5 code a transmission experiment was modelled using a point-like source located 42 cm apart from a point-like detector. Between the source and the detector, cantera pieces with different thickness, ranging from 0 to 40 cm were included. The collided and uncollided photon fluence, the Kerma in air and the Ambient dose equivalent were estimated. With the uncollided fluence the linear attenuation coefficients were determined and compared with those calculated with XCOM. The linear attenuation coefficient for 0.662 MeV photons was compared with the coefficient measured with a NaI(Tl)-based -ray spectrometer and a 137Cs source

    Efetue administração da cadeia de provisão no desempenho das pyme de fabricação. Aguascalientes, México.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo teórico conformado por el bloque de Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (GCS), el cuál está integrado por las dimensiones de estrategias y colaboración con los proveedores y por el bloque de desempeño. En la metodología, se realizó el trabajo de campo con la participación de gerentes de Pymes Manufactureras en Aguascalientes. La muestra estuvo constituida por 288 empresas. Los datos recolectados se analizaron con la técnica estadística de análisis de ecuaciones estructurales apropiada para el diseño de modelos teóricos con apoyo del software EQS. En los resultados se muestra que las GCS a través de las estrategias y colaboración con los proveedores, tienen una influencia significativa en el desempeño de la Pyme Manufacturera, lo cual permite resaltar que los empresarios deben implementar estrategias que impacten directamente sobre los beneficios que conlleva a la excelente relación con los proveedores puesto que su participación influye de manera significativa no solo en el tema de la GCS sino en el desempeño de la Pyme Manufacturera.The present work of investigation there has as aim propose a theoretical model shaped by the block of Management of the Chain of Supply (GCS), Which is integrated by the dimensions of strategies and collaboration with the suppliers and by the block of performance. In the methodology, the fieldwork was realized by the managers' participation of Manufacturing Pyme in Aguascalientes. The sample was constituted by 288 companies. The gathered information was analyzed by the statistical technology of analysis of structural equations adapted for the design of theoretical models by support of the software EQS. In the results it appears that the GCS across the strategies and collaboration with the suppliers have a significant influence in the performance of the Manufacturing Pyme, which allows highlighting that the businessmen must implement strategies that strike directly on the benefits that he carries to the excellent relation with the suppliers since his participation influences in a significant way not only the topic of the GCS but the performance of the Manufacturing Pyme.O presente trabalho de pesquisa visa propor um modelo teórico que consiste em gestão de bloco da cadeia de suprimentos (GCS), consiste em que as dimensões das estratégias e colaboração com fornecedores e pelo bloco de desempenho. Na metodologia, foi realizado trabalho de campo com a participação de gestores de Pyme fabricação em Aguascalientes. A amostra consistiu de 288 empresas. Os dados coletados foram analisados com a técnica estatística de análise de equações estruturais adequadas para o design dos modelos teóricos suportados pelo software EQS. Os resultados mostram que o GCS através de estratégias e de colaboração com os fornecedores, têm uma influência significativa sobre o desempenho das Pyme de fabricação, permitindo-lhe destacar que os empregadores devem implementar estratégias que impactam diretamente sobre os benefícios que leva para o excelente relacionamento com fornecedores desde sua participação afeta significativamente não só no assunto de GCS, mas no desempenho das Pyme de fabricação

    Warm Mix Asphalt

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    Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a technology that emerges to achieve environmental challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There are several technologies that allow diminishing the mixing and compaction temperature of the asphalt mixtures while improving workability. The benefits of using warm mix asphalt are not just environmental but also include better working conditions and the capability of introducing greater percentages of recycled materials into the mixture. Foamed asphalt is the most used technology to obtained warm mix asphalt in the United States of America (USA), and the performance of the resultant mixtures could be increased by controlling and improving the characteristics of the foam