259 research outputs found

    La identificación de factores de estrés que inciden en la conducta de los agentes de la Policía Nacional Civil destacados en las delegaciones de San Salvador y Ciudad Delgado

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    El trabajo de proceso de grado presentado a continuación lleva el título de “La identificación de factores de estrés que inciden en la conducta de los agentes de la Policía Nacional Civil destacados en las delegaciones de San Salvador y Ciudad Delgado”: ¿En qué consiste? La base de esta investigación consiste en conocer cuáles son los factores que más inciden en la conducta y comportamiento de los agentes policiales de las delegaciones de San Salvador y Ciudad Delgado, así también en las subdelegaciones de Ayutuxtepeque y Unidad del 911, que son parte de las delegaciones antes mencionadas. Este trabajo ha sido escrito como parte de los requisitos de graduación para optar al título de Licenciatura en Psicología de la Universidad de El Salvador. El periodo de investigación y redacción de este trabajo de fin de grado ha durado desde enero hasta julio de 2018. Se tomó a bien trabajar con la problemática que presenta la corporación policial en la actualidad y las consecuencias negativas que los factores de estrés provocan a nivel personal, social, familiar y laboral, en personal de dicha institución. Estas problemáticas vienen a incrementar sus niveles de estrés y frustración y dificultan una manera de canalizar dichas reacciones

    Medium- and Short-Term Interventions with Ma-Pi 2 Macrobiotic Diet in Type 2 Diabetic Adults of Bauta, Havana

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    Background. In Cuba, the Ma-Pi 2 macrobiotic diet has shown positive results in 6-month assays with type 2 diabetic patients. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of this diet at short and medium terms. Methods. Sixty-five type 2 diabetic volunteers were included for dietary intervention, institutionally based for 21 days and followed later at home, until completing 3 months. 54 of them stayed until assay end. Before intervention, and after both assay periods, they were submitted to anthropometric records, body composition analyses and measurements of serum biochemical indicators, glycemic profile in capillary blood, blood pressure, and medication consumption; food intake was evaluated by the 3-day dietary recall. Results. During the intervention, the energy intake was 200 kcal higher at instance of more complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber and despite less fat and protein. Blood pressure and serum biochemical indicators decreased significantly in both periods; the safety nutritional indicators (hemoglobin, serum total proteins, and albumin) showed no variations. The global cardiovascular risk decreased and insulin consumption dropped by 46% and 64%, in both periods, respectively. Conclusions. The Ma-Pi 2 macrobiotic diet was a successful therapy at short term and after 3-month home-based intervention, for type 2 diabetics

    Viscosity and density measurements of aqueous amines at high pressures: MDEA-water and MEA-water mixtures for CO2 capture

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    Producción CientíficaViscosity and density are thermophysical properties crucial to characterizing any kind of fluid such as aqueous amines. These blends are becoming more and more relevant for their CO2 capture potential, such that having accurate viscosity and density measurements would prove useful. Densities and viscosities of these mixtures at atmospheric pressure may be found in the literature although it is more difficult to find values at high pressures, these potentially proving interesting when seeking to provide a full description of these fluids. Viscosity and density measurements at high pressures (up to 120 MPa) and at temperatures between 293.15 and 353.15 K of MDEA + water and MEA + water mixtures (both from 10 % to 40 % amine mass fraction) are presented in this work. Density measurements were performed with an Anton Paar DMA HPM densimeter with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) less than ± 0.7 kg·m-3. A falling body technique was used to measure viscosities at high pressures due to its sturdiness in terms of corrosion. Details of this latter equipment are presented, including calibration using n-dodecane and uncertainty calculations, which give a relative expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of less than ± 2.4 % for the highest viscosity and ± 2.9 % for the lowest.2018-03-15Education Ministry (Spanish Government) through a FPU scholarshipProject for European Latin American Cooperation and Exchange (PEACE)Regional Government of Castilla y León through the Project VA295U1

    Density and viscosity measurements of aqueous amines at high pressures: DEA-water, DMAE-water and TEA-water mixtures

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper, density and viscosity measurements at pressures up to 140 MPa are presented in a temperatura range from (293.15 to 393.15) K for diethanolamine (DEA) + water, triethanolamine (TEA) + wáter and 2-dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) + water in amine weight concentrations from 10% to 40%. Densities were measured using a vibrating tube densimeter (Anton Paar DMA HPM) with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) less than ±0.7 kg m 3. Viscosity measurements were obtained using a falling body viscometer which was calibrated with water and dodecane. The viscosity expanded uncertainty (k = 2) ranges from ±2.5% for the highest viscosity to ±3.2% for the lowest.2019/05/05Regional Government of Castilla y León through the Project VA295U1

    Aproximación arqueológica al yacimiento de Ategua (Córdoba)

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    Romula nº 10 (2011) p. 135-198El artículo que se presenta se inicia con un objetivo principal: la puesta al día de la documentación arqueológica relativa al yacimiento de Ategua. Por un lado hemos centrado el estudio en la morfología del sitio y su evolución a través de las herramientas SIG, especialmente de aquellas derivadas del Modelo Digital del Terreno, como son el análisis de la altitud, de las pendientes, el estudio de la accesibilidad, del drenaje del sitio y de la visibilidad. Todo ello ha permitido establecer las distintas áreas morfológicas que componen el yacimiento; ha ayudado a plantear hipótesis fehacientes sobre la estructura urbana de la ciudadela, fundamentalmente durante sus etapas romana y medieval. La aplicación del MDT ha permitido señalar los perímetros murados así como conocer los posibles puntos de acceso al recinto y determinar las relaciones visuales de Ategua con los yacimientos del entorno. La segunda parte del trabajo se ha centrado en el análisis arquitectónico y urbanístico (descriptivo y estratigráfico) de las diferentes estructuras que configuran los sectores ¿domus¿ y ¿castillo¿.Palabras clave: Ategua, BIC, caminos, castillo, domus, Modelo Digital del Terreno (MDT), SIG, topografía, visibilidad, yacimientoThe present article starts with one main objective: the updating of the documentation relating to the archaeological site of Ategua. On the one hand we have focused the study on the morphology of the site and its evolution through GIS tools, especially those derived from digital terrain model, such as the analysis of the altitude, slope, the study of accessibility, Site drainage and visibility. This has helped establish the distinct morphological areas that make up the site, helped reliable hypotheses on the urban structure of the citadel, mainly during Roman and medieval stages. The implementation of MDT has noted the walled perimeter and identifies possible points of access to the site and to determine relationships with visual fields Ategua environment. The second part of the work has focused on architectural and urban analysis (descriptive and stratigraphic) of the different structures that make up the sectors ¿domus¿ and ¿castle¿. Keywords: Ategua, BIC, roads, castles, domus, Digital Terrain Model (DTM), GIS, topography, visibility, site.Versión del edito

    Análisis del apalancamiento operativo y financiero de la Pastelería París, ubicada en la ciudad de Granada durante el año 2019

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito brindar información sobre el uso de apalancamiento operativo y financiero de la pastelería París. Además, de ofrecer información sobre el riesgo que puede significar para una empresa el obtener y hacer uso de un apalancamiento, considerando que esta temática contribuye a expandir el conocimiento financiero. También se dará a conocer la relación que existe entre el apalancamiento operativo y financiero. Para la realización de este trabajo se hizo uso de la metodología investigativa en los primeros dos acápites del presente trabajo y cuantitativa en el tercer y cuarto acápite. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos fueron que la aplicación del apalancamiento operativo y financiero utilizado por la Pastelería París durante el 2019 fue positivo y beneficioso para la empresa. Las principales conclusiones que se destacan en el presente trabajo investigativo fueron que: haber hecho uso de este instrumento financiero permitió a la pastelería París gozar de mayor liquidez y rentabilidad, lo que brindó mayor rotación de inventario que significó mayor productividad para la empresa durante el período en el que se aplicó el apalancamient

    Andrological characteristics of tropical milking criollo bulls

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the testicular and semen characteristics in Criollo Lechero Tropical (CLT) bulls in the subhumid Mexican tropics. Design/methodology/approach: Eight bulls were included in the study and distributed in two groups: G1 (n=5): young bulls and G2 (n=3): adult bulls. All bulls were managed under grazing and were evaluated throughout one year. From each bull the following measurements were taken once a month: live weight, body condition score, scrotal circumference, and testicular width, length and volume. Semen was obtained every 3 months via artificial vagina. Semen variables evaluated in each collection were: aspect, volume, mass and individual motility, and sperm concentration and morphology. Results: Live weight and testicular measurements increased linearly during the study in bulls from both groups. All bulls had scrotal circumference larger than the minimum threshold value for cattle and semen of high quality. Study limitations/implications: The low availability of CLT bulls prevented the inclusion of a larger number of animals in the study. This low availability of animals makes it necessary to establish standard values for testicular measurements and semen characteristics in the CLT breed in order to select the best individuals as sires and contribute to its conservation. Findings/conclusions:The CLT bulls had good scrotal circumference and semen quality since a young age and into adulthood. These traits make the CLT bulls an important alternative for livestock breeding in the tropics.Objective: To assess the testicular and semen characteristics in Criollo LecheroTropical (CLT) bulls in the subhumid Mexican tropics.Design/methodology/approach: Eight bulls were included in the study and distributedin two groups: G1 (n=5): young bulls and G2 (n=3): adult bulls. All bulls were managedunder grazing and were evaluated throughout one year. From each bull the followingmeasurements were taken once a month: live weight, body condition score, scrotalcircumference, and testicular width, length and volume. Semen was obtained every 3months via artificial vagina. Semen variables evaluated in each collection were: aspect,volume, mass and individual motility, and sperm concentration and morphology. Results: Live weight and testicular measurements increased linearly during the study inbulls from both groups. All bulls had scrotal circumference larger than the minimumthreshold value for cattle and semen of high quality.Study limitations/implications: The low availability of CLT bulls prevented theinclusion of a larger number of animals in the study. This low availability of animalsmakes it necessary to establish standard values for testicular measurements and semencharacteristics in the CLT breed in order to select the best individuals as sires andcontribute to its conservation.Findings/conclusions: The CLT bulls had good scrotal circumference and semenquality since a young age and into adulthood. These traits make the CLT bulls animportant alternative for livestock breeding in the tropics

    Development and characterization of cell models harbouring mtDNA deletions for <i>in vitro</i> study of Pearson syndrome

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    Pearson syndrome is a rare multisystem disease caused by single large-scale mitochondrial DNA deletions (SLSMDs). The syndrome presents early in infancy and is mainly characterised by refractory sideroblastic anaemia. Prognosis is poor and treatment is supportive, thus the development of new models for the study of Pearson syndrome and new therapy strategies is essential. In this work, we report three different cell models carrying an SLMSD: fibroblasts, transmitochondrial cybrids and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). All studied models exhibited an aberrant mitochondrial ultrastructure and defective oxidative phosphorylation system function, showing a decrease in different parameters, such as mitochondrial ATP, respiratory complex IV activity and quantity or oxygen consumption. Despite this, iPSCs harbouring ‘common deletion’ were able to differentiate into three germ layers. Additionally, cybrid clones only showed mitochondrial dysfunction when heteroplasmy level reached 70%. Some differences observed among models may depend on their metabolic profile; therefore, we consider that these three models are useful for the in vitro study of Pearson syndrome, as well as for testing new specific therapies. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper

    El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos

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    El documento recoge la memoria del Proyecto de Innovación "El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos" (PI nº 151). El método del caso es una de las técnicas que favorece el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Este tipo de aprendizaje anima al alumno a hacer preguntas en el aula y formular sus propias respuestas, así como a deducir principios de ejemplos prácticos o experiencias

    Heterogeneity of mesenchymal cells in human amniotic membrane at term

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    There is increasing interest in understanding the tissue biology of human amniotic membrane (hAM) given its applications in medicine. One cellular component is mesenchymal cells, which can be extracted, cultured and differentiated "in vitro" into various cell types. These studies show that there is heterogeneity among mesenchymal cells. The aim of this work is to study the membrane "in situ" to determine whether this cellular heterogeneity exists. The hAMs were obtained from caesarean deliveries at term and analyzed by histological techniques. Types I-III mesenchymal cells and Hofbauer were distinguished by light microscopy. Histochemically, mesenchymal cell types showed successively increasing positivity to: PAS, vimentin, fibronectin, and Concanavalin-A; VGEF, TGF-β2, PDGF-C, FGF-2. By the semiquantitative point of view, the percentage of Type II cells was 60%, significantly higher than the other types. With transmission electron microscopy, an intermediate cell type between II-III was observed. Strong vesiculation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) with exocytosis was observed. In addition, an accumulation of a similar material to the extracellular matrix in the RER caused its dilation especially in type IIITEM cells. Some of this material acquired a globular structure. These structures were also found free in the extracellular matrix. In conclusion, the mesenchymal cells of the fibroblastic layer of the hAMs studied are heterogeneous, with some undifferentiated and others with a probably senescent fibroblastic phenotype with accumulation in their RER of fibronectin. These results may be of interest to extract mesenchymal cells from hAMs for use in regenerative medicine and to better understand the mechanisms of fetal membrane ruptur