303 research outputs found

    Developing a sustainable, student centred VLE: the OUNL case

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    Hermans, H., & Verjans, S. (2009). Developing a sustainable, student centred VLE: the OUNL case. Paper presented at the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference (M-2009). June, 7-10, 2009, Maastricht, The Netherlands.The Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) has adopted the concept of the personal learning and working environment (PLWE) as the future delivery platform of its educational services to students. This concept means that students should be able to shape their own personal virtual (learning) environment, based on individual tool and technology preferences . To support this concept the OUNL faces the challenge of setting up an architecture and investing in the development of a set of educational services that can be integrated not only in the institutional learning environment, but that can also be merged with personal environments. In this presentation we describe the first steps of a distance teaching university in its move towards this PLWE concept. This means reconsidering the role and position of the current, more traditional VLE, and developing new educational services that aim at getting students more committed and involved, inspired by the success of current web2.0 technology.Open University of the Netherlands - Instellingsbreed Programma Onderwijsinnovati

    How to Integrate Learning Design into Existing Practice

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    Organizational scenarios for the use of learning objects

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    Organizational scenarios presents the following three scenarios for working with learning objects in Dutch higher education and institutions: Scenario 1: Self-regulation (community scenario) Scenario 2: Institutional regulation Scenario 3: Network organization This document is aimed at policy makers and educational technology consultants.Digitale Universitei

    Organisatiescenario’s voor het gebruik van leerobjecten

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    Organisatiescenario’s presenteert de volgende drie scenario’s voor het werken met leerobjecten in het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs en instellingen: Scenario 1: Zelfregulatie via communities Scenario 2: Regulatie vanuit de onderwijsinstelling Scenario 3: Netwerkorganisatie biedt services aan Doelgroep van dit document zijn beleidsmakers en ICTO-ers.Digitale Universitei

    MijnOnderwijsdiensten2.0 (Evaluatie Google Apps Education voor gebruik binnen de Open Universiteit Nederland)

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    De doelstelling van het deelproject luidt: Het onderzoeken van de eventuele meerwaarde van Google Apps Education (GAE) binnen onze primaire onderwijsprocessen dan wel ondersteunende processen, rekening houdend met: * de functionele en technische (on)mogelijkheden van GAE, * Eventueel aanwezige, concrete behoeften van verschillende gebruikersgroepen (studenten, docenten en onderwijsondersteuners), * Reeds geboden ict-oplossingen binnen de organisatie. Het deelrapport levert een eindrapport met daarin een advies t.a.v. de mogelijke inzet van GAE, inclusief een eventueel implementatieplan op hoofdlijnen. Pilotdiensten zullen op enig moment worden stopgezet dan wel beheerst worden opgenomen in de staande organisatie. Deze pilotdiensten gaan ten principale niet 'stilzwijgend' over naar een exploitatie situatie

    Educational Modelling Language

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    This chapter is about an open learning technology specification called Educational Modelling Language (EML, 2000). EML has been designed within the Development-programma of the Open University of the Netherlands as a means to support re-use and interoperability. This language and conceptual ideas behind it have evolved and have gained world-wide acceptance in the shape of the IMS-Learning Design. The chapter elaborates on the requirements for the creation this language and provides several examples of use, accompanied by the representation of these examples in the run-time system Edubox. Published as: Hermans, H., Manderveld, J., & Vogten, H. (2004). Educational Modelling Language. In W. Jochems, J. van Merrienboer, & R. Koper, Integrated e-Learning (pp. 80-99). London: RoutledgeFalmer
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