1,206 research outputs found

    Kaufmännische Berichte, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Welt mit der Kriegs-Corvette Galathea, in den Jahren 1845, 46 und 47 : ein Handbuch für Handels- und Gewerbs-Statistik und für den practischen deutschen Kaufmann, Fabricanten und Schiffsrheder

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    Patienter i livets slutskede är beroende av att sjuksköterskor har de kunskaper i palliativ vård som behövs för att kunna möta den döendes olika behov av symtomlindring. Systematisk utveckling och kvalitetssäkring av den palliativa vården ska ingå vid enheter som vårdar patienter i palliativt skede. Resultaten i Svenska palliativregistret avspeglar vårdkvalitén och synliggör områden där patienterna inte får fullgod symtomlindring. Sjuksköterskor, som är verksamma inom särskilt boende (SÄBO), har olika kunskap och erfarenhet av symtomhantering i palliativ vård, något som kan påverka resultaten i registret. En undersökning av sjuksköterskors utbildningsbehov av symtomhantering blir ett komplement till registrets resultat. Studien kan bidra med en övergripande bild av vilka utbildningsinsatser som behöver prioriteras för sjuksköterskor verksamma inom SÄBO för att ge förutsättningar för god symtomlindring till de patienter som har behov av palliativ vård.  Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors utbildningsbehov för symtomhantering vid palliativ vård inom särskilt boende.  Metoden var en kvantitativ enkätstudie som analyserades med deskriptiv statistik. Undersökningsgrupp bestod av sjuksköterskor verksamma inom SÄBO inom en kommun i norra Sverige. Femtioen enkäter besvarades vilket motsvarade en svarsfrekvens på 75 procent.   Resultatet visade att en majoritet av sjuksköterskorna hade ett stort eller mycket stort utbildningsbehov av generell symtomskattning med symtomskattningsinstrument, samt av diagnosspecifika komplexa palliativa symtom. Områden där majoriteten av sjuksköterskorna hade inget, mycket litet eller litet utbildningsbehov var läkemedel och allmän palliativ symtomlindring.  Slutsatsen är att studien kan bidra med en översikt av vilka utbildningsinsatser av symtomhantering vid palliativ vård, som behöver prioriteras för sjuksköterskor inom SÄBO. Enkätstudiens resultat kan utgöra ett komplement till Svenska palliativregistrets resultat och därmed bidra till en systematisk utvärdering och kvalitetssäkring av den palliativa vården. Det finns utrymme till förbättringar kring flera områden, men prioritet är utbildning av symtomskattningsinstrument och symtomlindring av diagnosspecifika komplexa symtom. Studien väcker frågor kring kvaliteten på de utbildningar inom palliativ vård som kommunen erbjuder, hur befintlig kompetens tillvaratas i verksamheten och hur utbildning och fortbildning för sjuksköterskor inom SÄBO kan utvecklas i framtiden

    Chemical Diversity of Plant Cyanogenic Glycosides: An Overview of Reported Natural Products

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    Cyanogenic glycosides are an important and widespread class of plant natural products, which are however structurally less diverse than many other classes of natural products. So far, 112 naturally occurring cyanogenic glycosides have been described in the phytochemical literature. Currently, these unique compounds have been reported from more than 2500 plant species. Natural cyanogenic glycosides show variations regarding both the aglycone and the sugar part of the molecules. The predominant sugar moiety is glucose but many substitution patterns of this glucose moiety exist in nature. Regarding the aglycone moiety, four different basic classes can be distinguished, aliphatic, cyclic, aromatic, and heterocyclic aglycones. Our overview covers all cyanogenic glycosides isolated from plants and includes 33 compounds with a non-cyclic aglycone, 20 cyclopentane derivatives, 55 natural products with an aromatic aglycone, and four dihydropyridone derivatives. In the following sections, we will provide an overview about the chemical diversity known so far and mention the first source from which the respective compounds had been isolated. This review will serve as a first reference for researchers trying to find new cyanogenic glycosides and highlights some gaps in the knowledge about the exact structures of already described compounds

    Quantification of the total amount of black cohosh cycloartanoids by integration of one specific 1H NMR signal

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    Quantitative analysis is an important field in the quality control of medicinal plants, aiming to determine the amount of pharmacologically active constituents in complex matrices. Often biological effects of herbal drugs are not restricted to single compounds, but are rather caused by a number of often biogenetically related plant metabolites. Depending on the complexity of the analyzed plant extract, conflicts between accuracy, such as total content assays using photometric or colorimetric methods, and comprehensiveness, e.g. quantification of one or a few lead compounds can occur. In this study, we present a qHNMR approach determining the total amount of cycloartanoids in black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) rhizomes. Perdeuterated methanol containing 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro-3-nitrobenzene as an internal standard was used for extraction. Amounts of cycloartanoids were then measured by integrating 1H NMR signals of all cycloartenoids' H-19 exo protons. Due to their unusually low chemical shifts, these signals are well separated from all remaining signals in crude extracts. Thus, accurate (recovery rates of 99.5-102.5%) and precise (relative standard deviations below 2.5%) quantification of cycloartanoids was accomplished. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a quantification of the total amount of a pharmacologically relevant compound class by integration of one 1H NMR signal characteristic for all members of this particular compound class. Additionally, we propose a new term and unit for the evaluation of medicinal plants and herbal medicinal products: the "specific partial amount of substance" of pharmacologically active constituents, indicated in mmol/g

    Plantas novas mineiras.

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    "Spicilegium pteridologicum austro-brasiliense, par H. Christ": p. [11]-42, fasc. 2.Photocopy (positive)Fasc. 2 has imprint: Cidade de Minas, Impr. official de Estado de Minas Geraes.At head of title: Estado de Minas Geraes.Mode of access: Internet

    UHPLC-HRMS Analysis of Fagus sylvatica (Fagaceae) Leaves: A Renewable Source of Antioxidant Polyphenols

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    European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is a deciduous tree, widely distributed in Europe and largely appreciated for its wood and nutritive nuts. Beech leaf also enjoys food use as salad, but an understanding of its nutraceutical value is still far from being achieved. Indeed, and also taking into account beech leaf as a consistent biomass residue available beechwood production and use, it needs to be explored as a valuable renewable specialized source of bioactive molecules. In this context, an untargeted ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography hyphenated with high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) approach was favorably applied to a beech leaf alcoholic extract, which also was evaluated for its antiradical capability (by means of assays based on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and [2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazolin-6-sulfonic acid)] (ABTS) radical cation) and its ferric ion reducing power. Redox mitochondrial activity towards Caco-2 cells paved the way to explore the extract's capability to inhibit intracellular Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) using 2',7'dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA) assay. Hydroxycinnamoyl derivatives, mainly belonging to the chlorogenic acid class, and flavonoids were the main constituents. Uncommon flavanone C-glycosides were also found, together with a plentiful flavonol diversity. Cell-free and cell-based assays highlight its dose-dependent antioxidant efficacy, providing a foundation for further investigation of beech leaf constituents and its valorization and use as a reservoir of bioactive natural products with potential nutraceutical applications

    Kiri Karl Morgensternile, Potsdam

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