14 research outputs found

    Boseh Mobile Registration Workspace Design: Based On Time And Motion Study

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    The BOSEH is a bicycle rental system in public areas/bike-sharing in the city of Bandung which was established since July 2017. BOSEH is an acronym of the Bike On the Street Everybody Happy, literally meaning Word activities pedaling bikes (pedal). However, in its application, several problems occurred, such placement place semi-permanent registration in a sidewalk only provides 3 places of registration, placement of shelters did not fit with the design of the Master Plan, and system BOSEH that less than optimal socialization. The purpose of this design is to design the workspace means the registration BOSEH that can facilitate the communities to register. The method used in this design is a flow activity approach. Data is collected by observation, interviews, documentation, and analysis techniques using time and motion study. This technique focuses on the time and movement of the operator is doing a job. From the research, a draft registration BOSEH workspace had to be created can move from one place to another. The conclusions obtained from this research are designing a registration BOSEH workspace with efficiency and according to the ergonomics and Anthropometry of the human body. Keywords Transportation, Bandung, Bike-sharin

    Hubungan Antara Kadar Protein BCL-2 Dan Caspase 3 Sebagai Faktor Risiko Pada Kejadian Abortus

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    Untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kadar protein Bcl-2 dan caspase-3 pada kehamilan normal dan abortus, serta kekuatan kadar protein Bcl-2 dengan caspase-3 sebagai alat ukur untuk uji diagnostik. Penelitian analitik dengan menggunakan rancangan case control terhadap 38 subjek dengan abortus dan 38 subjek dengan kehamilan normal sebagai kontrol yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Untuk melihat keeratan hubungan antara kadar protein Bcl-2 dan caspase-3 dilakukan analisis dengan uji korelasi Pearson, sedangkan untuk uji diagnostik digunakan kurva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics). Rerata kadar Bcl-2 pada subjek dengan abortus lebih rendah yaitu 7,263 (SB 1,71) ng/mL, sedangkan kehamilan normal 7,490 (SB 3,938) ng/mL (p=0,050). Rerata kadar caspase-3 pada subjek abortus lebih tinggi yaitu 112,74 (SB 152,73) mg/mL, sedangkan kehamilan normal 14,94 (SB 23,18) mg/mL (p<0,001). Tidak terdapat korelasi bermakna antara kadar protein Bcl-2 dan caspase-3 pada kehamilan normal dan abortus walaupun terlihat kecenderungan semakin meningkat kadar protein Bcl-2 semakin tinggi kadar caspase-3 (r=0,093). Bcl-2 mempunyai cut-off point >6,49 mg/mL (OR=3,58) dan caspase-3 mempunyai cut-off point >11,25 ng/mL (OR=28,63). Tidak terdapat korelasi bermakna antara kadar protein Bcl-2 dan caspase-3 pada kasus abortus (r=0,093). Bcl-2 (cut-off point >6,49 ng/mL) mempunyai kecenderungan abortus 3,58 kali dan caspase-3 (cut-off point >11,25mg/mL) mempunyai kecenderungan abortus 28,63 kali

    Propolis sebagai Suplemen Bagi Penderita Tuberkulosis Dewasa

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    One of current world health problems is tuberculosis. Propolis can inhibit M. tuberculosis growth and increase the mediator of macrophage activator. The aim to proof that propolis as a supplement to heal in tuberculosis. Research design is control experimental group, using 15 samples patient of positive BTA, divided into 2 groups, control (standard anti-tuberculosis) and experiment (combination of standard anti-tuberculosis+propolis). All patients randomly, take the propolis or placebo with 4 drops dosage every day during 2 month and BTA will be checked. The examination result shows that experiment group has better recovery than control group (p=0,020). It concluded that propolis can be a good choice as a supplement of treating infections caused by M.tuberculosis

    Urban evictions, public housing, and the gendered rationalisation of Kampung life in Jakarta

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    The dispossession of urban communities across class and racial lines is a global phenomenon linked to the expansion of international investment in the development of ‘exemplary’ city space. However, city evictions are also historically-informed and gendered processes which are continuous with past colonial and postcolonial urban rationalisation projects. Drawing on testimonies of women evictees in Jakarta, as well as interviews with public housing managers, this article details the gendered nature of the rationalisation of urban life in the context of a contemporary evictions regime. We argue that the rationalisation of urban space serves to sharpen the gender order by placing material constraints on women’s roles, limiting their economic activities, and defining them as hygiene-responsible housewives. Further, and in turn, the limited provision of ‘rusunawa’ public housing, which we show to be a gendered spatial and social transition informed by state doctrine on the family, provides the state with justification for dispossession itself. Finally, women’s everyday acts of refusal and resistance show not only that kampung forms of social life continue to be preserved in Jakarta, but also that rationalisation itself is a negotiated and contingent process