349 research outputs found
Public Utilities Commission of Nevada: A research design for data collection
The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) needs tools to develop a system by which reliable data can be collected in order to assist in the regulation of public utilities in Nevada. Their particular emphasis is on low-income and elderly populations. The PUCN needs to have reliable data they can utilize to make decisions that are fact based. Part of their needs is to have a thorough understanding of the factors that affect both low-income and elderly populations. Like so many other organizations, the PUCN does not have a set system to investigate all issues and makes decisions on a per-case basis. The current methods being utilized are not consistent and can affect the PUCN’s ability to effectively perform essential functions of protecting consumers while providing opportunities to utilities to earn a fair return on investment. Analysis was conducted and recommendations were specified in order to develop a more sound system regarding decision making processes. Data collection using survey methods were recommended and outlined, with questions geared specifically towards the target population. Importance is given to educating the public on issues that concern the target population on topics such as rates and/or its increases in Nevada. A brochure consisting of energy conservation tips, consumer Bill of Rights as well as resources for assistance, among others is recommended. Lastly, defining a set procedure for PUCN staff to utilize when preparing for a hearing is recommended. The combination of these three efforts will streamline processes for the staff as well as increase the credibility and effectiveness of the commission
Reconstrucción Parcial de Pabellón Auricular con Colgajo Retroauricular e Injerto. Presentación de 1 caso
Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 33 años quien fuera agredido a través de una mordida en el Pabellón Auricular Izquierdo, cercenándole aproximadamente un tercio del Hélix y Antihélix, siendo sometido a una cirugía en 2 tiempos operatorios, con un Colgajo Retroauricular y colocación de un Injerto de Piel Parcial en la zona dadora de dicho colgajo. Se presenta la técnica quirúrgica y se discuten las diversas formas de reconstrucción
A Multi-Product Model of Credit Cards with Naive Consumers
We analyze the pricing problem of credit card issuers when setting pertransactionfees for payments and interest rates for the credit associated withthese cards. By considering the issuer’s incentives coming from the creditmarket, we provide a new explanation to the widely observed phenomenonof credit card rewards. Issuers induce higher demand for the credit functionof their cards by lowering per-transaction fees, even to negative levels. Inaddition, by assuming that some consumers face a form of behavioral bias,consistent with recent empirical findings in financial markets, we develop anew explanation for the interest rate exhibiting some degree of stickinessin this market. Finally, we argue that interest rates are independent ofinterchange fees and that interchange fee regulation should take into accountthe costs and benefits of different forms of credit. We analyze the impact of platform price parity clauses when sellers setfinal prices and platforms set fixed fees. In this environment, platforms oftenrely on different tools to affect the degree of competition between sellersand influence final prices charged to consumers. We develop a model inwhich platforms can decide the unitary search cost faced by consumers, andshow when it is profitable for platforms to obfuscate consumers through highsearch costs. Then, we show that price parity clauses, when exogenouslygiven, can reduce or increase prices and consumer surplus. Even thoughplatforms’ demands become independent of prices, price parity clauses makethe equilibrium price set by sellers less responsive to the search cost. Finally,when price parity clauses are endogenous, we show that in the unique equilibrium,platforms set price parity clauses if and only if they lead to higherobfuscation, prices, and lower consumer welfare. We provide a new interpretation for coalition loyalty programs in an environmentwhere consumers search for their preferred products. A dominantfirm in one market can generate a prominent position for another firm in anunrelated market, by offering a reward to consumers conditionally on buyingin both firms. We show when it is optimal for consumers to sample firstthe firms in the coalition. We derive conditions under which this coalitionis profitable in comparison with a case with no coalition and in comparisonwith a case where the dominant firm creates a loyalty program only in itsown market. We find that the coalition can be profitable if and only if itincreases consumer surplus. Then, we explore the case where a continuumof coalitions compete, and show that in this case, consumer surplus is lower,industry profits are higher, and total welfare is ambiguous, relative with acase with no coalitions.Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur
Reconstrucción del Ala de la Nariz mediante Colgajo Nasogeniano. A propósito de 1 caso.
Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 39 años que sufrió una agresión, lo que le ocasionó una pérdida de sustancia en el ala nasal izquierda, la cual fue reconstruida mediante un Colgajo Nasogeniano de rotación. Se discute la técnica del colgajo, en función a diversas formas de reconstrucción
A Multi-Product Model of Credit Cards with Naive Consumers
We analyze the pricing problem of credit card issuers when setting pertransactionfees for payments and interest rates for the credit associated withthese cards. By considering the issuer’s incentives coming from the creditmarket, we provide a new explanation to the widely observed phenomenonof credit card rewards. Issuers induce higher demand for the credit functionof their cards by lowering per-transaction fees, even to negative levels. Inaddition, by assuming that some consumers face a form of behavioral bias,consistent with recent empirical findings in financial markets, we develop anew explanation for the interest rate exhibiting some degree of stickinessin this market. Finally, we argue that interest rates are independent ofinterchange fees and that interchange fee regulation should take into accountthe costs and benefits of different forms of credit. We analyze the impact of platform price parity clauses when sellers setfinal prices and platforms set fixed fees. In this environment, platforms oftenrely on different tools to affect the degree of competition between sellersand influence final prices charged to consumers. We develop a model inwhich platforms can decide the unitary search cost faced by consumers, andshow when it is profitable for platforms to obfuscate consumers through highsearch costs. Then, we show that price parity clauses, when exogenouslygiven, can reduce or increase prices and consumer surplus. Even thoughplatforms’ demands become independent of prices, price parity clauses makethe equilibrium price set by sellers less responsive to the search cost. Finally,when price parity clauses are endogenous, we show that in the unique equilibrium,platforms set price parity clauses if and only if they lead to higherobfuscation, prices, and lower consumer welfare. We provide a new interpretation for coalition loyalty programs in an environmentwhere consumers search for their preferred products. A dominantfirm in one market can generate a prominent position for another firm in anunrelated market, by offering a reward to consumers conditionally on buyingin both firms. We show when it is optimal for consumers to sample firstthe firms in the coalition. We derive conditions under which this coalitionis profitable in comparison with a case with no coalition and in comparisonwith a case where the dominant firm creates a loyalty program only in itsown market. We find that the coalition can be profitable if and only if itincreases consumer surplus. Then, we explore the case where a continuumof coalitions compete, and show that in this case, consumer surplus is lower,industry profits are higher, and total welfare is ambiguous, relative with acase with no coalitions.Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur
Salud ocupacional y calidad de vida laboral en una entidad pública de salud – Lima - 2022
La investigación titulada: salud ocupacional y calidad de vida laboral en una entidad pública de salud – Lima – 2022, trata sobre la relación que se observa en la salud ocupacional y calidad de vida. En la presente investigación se basa en lo propuesto por Henao (2015) que considera los aspectos de seguridad, higiene y salud en la institución, para coadyuvar en la mejora del contexto laboral, asimismo, protege la plenitud de los trabajadores en el ejercicio laboral, para alcanzar la productividad de servicios o bienes con la calidad esperada; y lo expuesto por Chiavenato (2017): cualquiera que inicia el trabajo, tiene aspiraciones de que la empresa debe brindarle las mejores condiciones de trabajo, tiene las expectativas de que todo lo que pretende tener las comodidades les brinde la empresa para sentirse contentos y de esa manera satisfagan sus necesidades dentro de la profesión. Se concluye que la salud ocupacional cumple con su función dentro de la institución, el cual debe ser proactivo, manteniendo la participación oportuna con la finalidad de prevenir el peligro de riesgos en la calidad de vida laboral.The research entitled occupational health and quality of working life in a public health entity – Lima – 2022, deals with the relationship observed in occupational health and quality of life. In the present research is based on what is proposed by Henao (2015) that considers the aspects of safety, hygiene and health in the institution, to contribute to the improvement of the labor context, also protects the fullness of workers in the work exercise, to achieve the productivity of services or goods with the expected quality; and what Chiavenato (2017) said: anyone who starts the job, has aspirations that the company must provide the best working conditions, has the expectations that everything that pretends to have the comforts will provide the company to feel happy and thus meet their needs within the profession. It is concluded that occupational health fulfills its function within the institution, which must be proactive, maintaining timely participation in order to prevent the danger of risks in the quality of working life
La medida cautelar sobre el fondo en el proceso de desalojo
En la actualidad, la investigación científica social se viene constituyendo en un tema ineludible debido a que define el perfil de las instituciones académicas, tanto de los profesores como de sus alumnos; asimismo constituye el recurso y estrategia competitiva de las organizaciones de toda índole y determina el grado de prosperidad de las organizaciones, de las personas y porque no decirlo de las naciones; de allí la importancia que las universidades o de los centros de formación o investigación y el Estado que deben promoverlas con especial énfasis.
Con intención de interpretar las orientaciones doctrinarias sobre el tema, se ha pretendido realizar una descripción empírica del problema jurídico social que suscita en la actual tipología, considerada novedosa y que impera en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, que es la medida cautelar sobre el fondo en el proceso de desalojo, la cual, sin embargo, no resuelve los problemas más importantes sobre el derecho a la restitución de la posesión o derecho a la tutela efectiva; manteniéndose la incertidumbre jurídica y la injusticia social que procuramos con el presente trabajo impulsar su cambio y mejoramiento.
Asimismo, se fundamenta y compara su regulación con la de otros ordenamientos jurídicos y realidades, que en mi concepto pueden responder mejor a la realidad jurídica social de nuestro país, dado que nuestra regulación procesal pareciera orientada a beneficiar aparentemente a la parte débil de la relación contractual en contraste con la parte detentadora del derecho mediato de posesión sobre los inmuebles, quien no necesariamente lo es, dando lugar a abusos, excesos o aprovechamiento que brinda el sistema al poseedor inmediato por el inadecuado diseño normativo del ordenamiento procesal civil en esta materia; dándole una deplorable posición de ventaja que ocasiona serios perjuicios económicos al cedente.Tesi
La cancelación de la medida cautelar en el Código Procesal Civil
El trabajo de investigación gira en torno a relevar lo que acontecía en el ámbito normativo con la anterior regulación del artículo 630 del Código Procesal Civil que establecía la cancelación de pleno derecho de la medida cautelar cuando se obtenía una sentencia absolutoria para el demandando en primera instancia, aún cuando esta resolución no fuese firme, es decir, existiendo un proceso judicial en trámite.
Cuando iniciamos nuestra investigación estábamos cuestionando la que a mi juicio constituía una inadecuada regulación del artículo 630 del Código Procesal Civil, que no se encontraba acorde con la finalidad que debía tener una medida cautelar dentro de un proceso judicial en trámite, ya sea de cognición o de ejecución, dado que el contenido normativo estaba ocasionando graves perjuicios a la parte demandante cuando finalmente lograba obtener una sentencia estimatoria en las instancias superiores en forma definitiva, ésta resultaba inejecutable; violentándose el derecho a la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva a que tiene derecho todo justiciable, dado que una sentencia firme no puede ser una declaración lírica sin eficacia, como consecuencia de las maniobras evasivas de la parte demandada para ponerse a buen recaudo jurídico ante la cancelación automática de la medida cautelar trabada oportunamente.
En este sentido, resultaba un contrasentido que la medida cautelar sea cancelada de pleno derecho cuando el demandante obtenía una sentencia desestimatoria en primera instancia; teniendo en cuenta que la finalidad primordial de toda medida cautelar es hacer posible o viabilizar la eficacia y el cumplimiento de la decisión definitiva que vaya a recaer en el proceso judicial de obtener un resultado favorable, lo cual nos advierte que la finalidad del proceso no es asegurar el resultado de la instancia judicial, sino del proceso hasta su conclusión.
Para poder realizar la investigación se realizó un estudio de la parte general de las medidas cautelares en el ordenamiento procesal civil y así, he podido apreciar algunos temas que podrían ser mejorados en la regulación actual del Código Procesal Civil, como es una más amplia regulación respecto de la determinación de los daños ocasionados por las medidas cautelares cuando el proceso ha concluido en sentido desfavorable para el demandante con resolución firme. Finalmente, creo que el objetivo central de este trabajo ha sido el reflexionar sobre uno de los temas importantes de la teoría cautelar en el ordenamiento procesal civil que es el relacionado con su vigencia, por lo que fruto de ello, he procurado definir las principales posiciones doctrinarias a nivel nacional y extranjero, así como realizando un estudio de la regulación nacional como extranjera en varios ordenamientos procesales civiles.-- The research centers on relieving what was happening at the policy level with
the previous regulation of Article 630 of the Civil Procedure Code providing for
the full extinction of the injunction when it obtained an acquittal for the
defendant in the first instance even though this statement was not strong, ie,
existing legal proceedings pending.
When I started the research I was questioning which I believe was an
inadequate regulation of Article 630 of the Civil Procedure Code, which was not
consistent with the purpose that should have an injunction in a pending judicial
proceeding, either cognition or implementation, as the normative content was
causing serious harm to the plaintiff when he finally managed to obtain a
judgment by the higher authorities in final form, it was unenforceable; violated
the right to effective judicial protection they are entitled to all litigants, given that
a final judgment can not be a lyrical statement without efficacy, as a result of
evasive maneuvers of the defendant to be legal safely before the automatic
cancellation of the injunction promptly locked.
In this sense, it was a contradiction that the injunction be canceled and void
when the plaintiff obtained a judgment dismissing on the first level court, taking
into account that the primary purpose of an interim measure is to make possible
or feasible and effective enforcement final decision will rest with the legal
process of obtaining a favorable outcome, which warns us that the purpose of
the process is not to ensure the outcome of the courts, but the trial ended
In order to perform the research I studied the general part of the precautionary
measures in the Peruvian civil procedural system and thus, I have seen some
issues that could be improved in the current regulation of the Civil Procedure
Code, as is a more extensive regulation regarding determination of the
damages caused by the precautionary measures when the process is complete
unfavorably to the plaintiff with firm resolve.
Finally, I think that the main objective of this work was to reflect on one of the
most important issues of prudential theory of civil procedure that is related to
the duration of the injunction, so the result of this, I have tried to identify key
positions doctrinal nationally and abroad, as well as a studied the domestic and
the foreign regulations in several civil procedural rules.Tesi
The Use of Real Time Marketing on Social Media in the Burger King Case During the “Vaccinagate” Scandal in Peru
Este estudio explora el Real Time Marketing (RTM) en Perú a través de la descripción de un caso paradigmático en el país. Por su viralidad, esta estrategia de branding -que consiste en abordar fechas, noticias y eventos virales para crear contenido e insertarse en el flujo de una conversación masiva en las redes- requiere determinar las condiciones y tiempos adecuados. Para ello, se realizó un estudio documental cualitativo para analizar la acción “Imposible cansarse” de Burger King en sus cuentas de Instagram y Facebook asociada al escándalo “Vacunagate” en el contexto de la crisis del COVID-19 en Perú. Se estudió el caso con el objetivo de definir cuáles son las mejores condiciones para hacer uso de esta estrategia y qué criterios se deben considerar para la elección del evento cuando se ejecuta en social media. Gracias al análisis se pudo concluir que para que una marca realice correctamente la RTM necesita tener una presencia activa y efectiva en sus redes sociales, que el evento elegido debe estar muy vinculado a la marca y sobre todo la la acción debe ser rápida y pertinenteThis study explores Real Time Marketing (RTM) in Peru through the description of a paradigmatic case in the country. Due to its virality, this branding strategy -which consists of tackling viral dates, news, and events to create content and insert itself into the flow of a massive conversation in networks- requires determining the right conditions and timing. For such purpose, a qualitative documentary study was conducted to analyse Burger King’s “Impossible to get tired of it” action on its Instagram and Facebook accounts associated with the “Vaccinagate” scandal in the context of the COVID-19 crisis in Peru. The case was studied with the objective of defining what are the best conditions to make use of this strategy and what criteria should be considered for the choice of the event when executed in social media. Thanks to the analysis, it was possible to conclude that for a brand to perform RTM properly, it needs to have an active and effective presence in its social networks, that the event chosen must be closely linked to the brand, and above all, the action must be quick and relevant.Tesi
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