23 research outputs found

    Essential patents in pools: Is value intrinsinc or induced ?

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    This paper analyzes empirically the value - as measured by patent citations - of a set of 1363 essential patents belonging to 9 different patent pools. We find that pooled patents receive more cites than control patents having the same characteristics but not included in a pool. This difference stems only partly from the pools' ability to select the most cited patents. Indeed we show that being included in a pool also tends to increase the value of patents. This induced effect reflects the incentive for patent owners to join a pool. We analyze it in details in order to better understand the drivers of enhanced patent value.

    Essential patents in pools: Is value intrinsinc or induced ?

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    CERNA WORKING PAPER SERIES 2010-04This paper analyzes empirically the value - as measured by patent citations - of a set of 1363 essential patents belonging to 9 different patent pools. We find that pooled patents receive more cites than control patents having the same characteristics but not included in a pool. This difference stems only partly from the pools' ability to select the most cited patents. Indeed we show that being included in a pool also tends to increase the value of patents. This induced effect reflects the incentive for patent owners to join a pool. We analyze it in details in order to better understand the drivers of enhanced patent value

    Strategic inputs into patent pools

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    CERNA WORKING PAPER SERIES 2010-05This article explores what factors determine the decision of a patent pool to accept new inputs. We propose a dynamic analysis of 1337 U.S. patent inputs into 7 important pools. This analysis highlights a trade-off between firm and patent characteristics as the determinants of inclusion of patents into pools. For instance we prove that firms already member of the pool or holding large patent portfolios are able to include lower quality patents. These findings can be explained both by bargaining power and information asymmetry. In particular, as measured by a new indicator, insiders and firms practicing the technology file patents that are better aligned with the criteria of essentiality

    Patent quality and value in discrete and cumulative innovation

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    CERNA WORKING PAPER SERIES 2010-07International audienceThis article compares the relationship between patent quality and patent value in discrete and cumulative innovation. Using factor analysis and a set of various commonly used patent quality indicators including claims, citations and family size, we build a quality factor jointly driving all indicators for 9255 patents. We then test the significance of this quality factor for predicting patent renewal after 4, 8 and 12 years in an ordered logistic regression. Whereas we establish a robust and significant link between patent quality and value in samples of discrete and complex technology patents, there is no significant link for patents that are essential to technological standards. Consistently, neither the quality factor nor any single indicator allows predicting litigation on an essential patent. We conclude that while there is a robust link between patent quality and value in discrete innovation, this link is much weaker in cumulative innovation. Nevertheless, this affects only narrow, yet highly relevant, technological fields. There is no evidence that cumulativeness affects the relationship between quality and value in whole technological classes classified as “complex” by the literature

    Patent quality and value in discrete and cumulative innovation

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    This article compares the relationship between patent quality and patent value in discrete and cumulative innovation. Using factor analysis and a set of various commonly used patent quality indicators including claims, citations and family size, we build a quality factor jointly driving all indicators for 9255 patents. We then test the significance of this quality factor for predicting patent renewal after 4, 8 and 12 years in an ordered logistic regression. Whereas we establish a robust and significant link between patent quality and value in samples of discrete and complex technology patents, there is no significant link for patents that are essential to technological standards. Consistently, neither the quality factor nor any single indicator allows predicting litigation on an essential patent. We conclude that while there is a robust link between patent quality and value in discrete innovation, this link is much weaker in cumulative innovation. Nevertheless, this affects only narrow, yet highly relevant, technological fields. There is no evidence that cumulativeness affects the relationship between quality and value in whole technological classes classified as “complex” by the literature.

    Mécanismes de coordination autour des projets de standardisation ICT : quatre articles économétriques sur les patent pools et les consortiums technologiques

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    Co-encadrement de la thèse : Yann MénièreThis thesis focuses on the impact of coordination mechanisms, created around technological standards with a special focus on 3rd generation Information and Communication Technology, on innovation. We are particularly interested in two types of coordination mechanisms: patent pools and industry consortia. This thesis is comprised of four econometric papers analyzing the impact of consortia and patent pools on the incentives to innovate and innovation strategies of participating companies.Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'impact des mécanismes de coordination créés autour des projets de standardisation technologique sur l'innovation. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux standards technologiques développés dans les secteurs des technologies de l'information et de la communication (3G...) et à deux types de mécanismes de coordination particuliers que sont les patents pools et les consortiums technologiques. Cette thèse est constituée de quatre articles économétriques analysant l'impact des pools et consortiums sur les incitations à innover et les stratégies d'innovation des entreprises participantes

    Analysis of the liability regimes of accountants and auditors in France

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    Au regard - d’une part, des multiples évolutions de sources diverses, modifications législatives et règlementaires, changements des pratiques, innovations technologiques, observées au cours des dernières années ; d’autre part, de la multiplication récente des mises en cause des experts-comptables et commissaires aux comptes ; il nous est apparu pertinent de nous intéresser à l’évolution des régimes de responsabilité applicables aux professionnels du chiffre.La notion de responsabilité en droit interne peut recouper deux acceptions complémentaires, soit l’idée selon laquelle le sujet de droit doit être « Comptable de son action » , soit l’idée selon laquelle celui-ci doit assumer « Une charge du fait de ses fonctions » . Du fait du caractère complémentaire de ces acceptions, il nous est apparu pertinent d’appréhender les régimes applicables aux professionnels du chiffre en nous intéressant à l’équilibre général résultant des différents régimes de responsabilité, civile, pénale, disciplinaire et administrative ainsi que leur évolution plutôt qu’à l’équilibre qui pourrait résulter de l’analyse, nécessairement partielle, desdits régimes pris distinctement. Ce sujet nous a d’abord conduit à nous interroger sur une éventuelle unicité du régime applicable aux experts-comptables et de celui applicable aux commissaires aux comptes. Outre la question d’une éventuelle unicité, ce sujet nous a également conduit à nous interroger, lorsque cela apparaissait pertinent, sur l’altérité des régimes applicables aux professionnels du chiffre par rapport aux régimes applicables aux autres professions réglementées. Enfin, il nous est également apparu nécessaire d’analyser l’évolution temporelle des régimes de responsabilité applicables aux professions du chiffre, du fait notamment des multiples transformations observées dans la pratique de ces professions. L’examen de ces questions nous a conduit à conclure que les multiples évolutions analysées dans cette étude sont en train de modifier sensiblement la construction juridique interne afférente aux experts-comptables et commissaires aux comptes. Historiquement, cette construction juridique reposait sur l’altérité de deux professions, justifiée par le rôle des commissaires aux comptes dans le maintien de l’ordre public économique. Or, de multiples modifications légales et réglementaires ont récemment fait évoluer cette construction juridique reposant sur l’altérité des deux professions. Outre ces modifications légales et réglementaires, la pratique des professionnels du chiffre a également été au cœur d’évolutions de différentes natures ayant eu pour effet d’accentuer le mouvement de convergence des régimes applicables aux professionnels du chiffre. De surcroît, la diffusion de nouvelles technologies a également participé de ce mouvement de convergence en contribuant, d’une part à rendre difficile, voire impossible, la caractérisation de fautes distinctes pour chaque professionnel, d’autre part à harmoniser le niveau d’assurance fournie au destinataire de l’information financière en fonction non plus du cadre normatif mais de la technologie utilisée.With regard - on the one hand, to the multiple developments from various sources, legislative and regulatory evolutions, technological innovations, observed in recent years; on the other hand, to the recent proliferation of complaints against chartered accountants and auditors; it seemed relevant to analyze the evolution of liability regimes applicable in France to accounting professionals and auditors.This subject first led us to wonder about a possible unicity of the regime applicable in France to chartered accountants as opposed to the regime applicable to auditors. In addition, this subject also led us to wonder, when it seemed relevant, about the differences in between the regimes applicable to auditors and chartered accountants compared to the regimes applicable to the other regulated professions. Finally, we also felt it necessary to analyze the evolution over time of this liability regimes.A careful analysis of these questions has led us to conclude that the multiple developments analyzed in this study are significantly modifying the internal legal structure relating to chartered accountants and auditors in France. Historically, this legal construction was based on the alterity of two professions, justified by the role of auditors in maintaining economic public order. However, multiple legal and regulatory changes have recently impacted this legal construction based on the alterity of the two professions. In addition to these legal and regulatory changes, the practice of accounting professionals has also been at the heart of changes of various kinds which have had the effect of accentuating the movement towards convergence of the regimes applicable to accounting professionals and auditors. Moreover, the diffusion of new technologies has also contributed to this movement of convergence by, on the one hand, making it difficult to characterize distinct malpractices, and, on the other hand, harmonizing the level of insurance provided to the recipient of the financial information

    Are patent pools a way to help patent owners enforce their rights

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    International audienc