10 research outputs found

    Does fire determine distinct floristic composition of two Cerrado savanna communities on different substrates?

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    ABSTRACT We surveyed two savanna sites, one on flat terrain with deep soil (DS), and the other on hilly terrain with rocky outcrops and shallow soil (RS), before and after an accidental fire. We found that the fire did not cause any significant changes in the species composition or diversity of either community, and did not result in floristic homogenization. However, we did record a reduction in the density of plants and in basal area in the DS savanna in comparison with the RS savanna, as well as a higher rate of basal sprouting, which indicates a trade-off between mortality and sprouting. We conclude that, whereas post-fire changes in vegetation structure were more pronounced in the DS savanna than in the RS, the difference in the underlying substrate did not have a direct influence on the post-fire composition of woody species. The greater grass biomass found in the DS savanna in comparison with the RS savanna appears to have been the principal modulator of the severity of the fires in the two phytophysionogmies, and accounts for the distinct responses to fire we observed in the two woody communities

    Disequilibrium and hyperdynamic tree turnover at the forest-cerrado transition zone in southern Amazonia

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    Background: The zone of transition (ZOT) between the Cerrado and the Amazon forest in southern Amazonia represents a unique and rapidly shrinking area due to land-use change.\ud \ud Aims: To compare the dynamics and above-ground biomass of vegetation located in the ZOT with core Amazon forest and to determine how ZOT dynamics differ within vegetation types for different tree diameter classes.\ud \ud Methods: Censuses of trees were conducted in seven plots in monodominant forest, semi-deciduous seasonal forest, gallery forest, cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão, in north-eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil from 1996 to 2010, including data for the 2005 drought year. Separate analyses of stem dynamics and biomass were carried out for two different diameter (d) classes: 5 ≤ d < 10 cm and d ≥ 10 cm.\ud \ud Results: For trees with d ≥ 10 cm the average mortality rate was 2.8% year^−1, with an estimated above-ground dry biomass of 210 Mg ha^−1. Trees with 5 ≤ d < 10 cm constituted only a small fraction of the total biomass store (ca. 10 Mg ha^−1) and had a mortality rate of 7.4% year^−1 and recruitment of 6.5% year^−1. Overall, mortality and recruitment in the ZOT were greater than in core Amazonian forests (1–2% year^−1).\ud \ud Conclusions: The distinct vegetation formations of the southern Amazon ZOT are markedly more dynamic than core Amazonian forest. Continued long-term monitoring throughout the region is required to assess whether they also respond differently to climate change

    Dinâmica estrutural da comunidade lenhosa em Floresta Estacional Semidecidual na transição Cerrado-Floresta Amazônica, Mato Grosso, Brasil Structural dynamics of the woody community in a semideciduous forest in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    O entendimento de processos ecológicos, especialmente das modificações estruturais e florísticas em ecossistemas naturais, é fundamental para embasar ações visando à sua conservação e/ou restauração. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar mudanças ocorridas na estrutura da comunidade lenhosa na transição Cerrado-Floresta Amazônica, no período de 2003 a 2008. Foram estabelecidas 60 parcelas permanentes de 10 x 10 m onde foram amostrados todos os indivíduos com diâmetro à altura do peito > 5 cm. Em 2003 foram registrados 1.140 ind. ha-1 e área basal de 24,35 m² ha-1, enquanto em 2008 foram 1.071 ind. ha-1 e área basal de 22,04 m² ha-1. O recrutamento (2,76% ano-1) não compensou a mortalidade (3,95% ano-1) e o ganho em área basal (0,54% ano-1) não superou a perda (3,77% ano-1). Em função dessa diferença, a meia vida (17,3 anos) foi menor que o tempo de duplicação (29,9 anos), resultando em baixa estabilidade (12,6 anos) e reposição (23,6 anos) em relação a outras florestas estacionais. Os parâmetros de dinâmica da comunidade e das principais espécies sugerem que a floresta está passando por mudanças caracterizadas principalmente pela retração da densidade e biomassa dos indivíduos arbóreos, que podem estar relacionadas ao aumento das lianas, a uma fase de início de reconstrução do ciclo silvigenético da floresta ou ainda à forte seca que ocorreu na região no ano de 2005.<br>Understanding ecological processes, especially the structural and floristic changes in natural ecosystems, is essential before conserving and/or restoring these areas. The aim of this study was to assess the changes that occurred in the woody plant community from 2003 to 2008. Sixty permanent plots of 10 x 10 m were established, in which all individuals with diameter at breast height > 5 cm were sampled. A total of 1,140 ind. ha-1 were recorded in 2003 (basal area 24.35 m² ha-1) and 1,071 ind. ha-1 in 2008 (basal area of 22.04 m² ha-1). The recruitment (2.76% year-1) did not compensate mortality (3.95% year-1) and the basal area gain (0.54% year-1) did not exceed the loss (3.77% year-1). Because of this unbalance, the half-life (17.3 years) was lower than the doubling time (29.9 years), resulting in low stability (12.6 yrs) and replacement (23.6 yrs) in relation to other seasonal forests. The parameters of community and species dynamics suggest that the forest is undergoing changes characterized mainly by the density and biomass reduction of trees, which may be related to an increase in lianas, an early rebuilding phase of the forest silvigenetic cycle or even the severe drought that occurred in the region in 2005