4,131 research outputs found

    Are the virial masses of clusters smaller than we think?

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    The constraints that the available X-ray spectral and imaging data place on the mass distribution and mass to light ratio of rich clusters are considered. It was found for the best determined cases that the mass to light ratio is less than 125 h sub 50 at radii exceeding 1 h sub 50 Mpc. The mass to light ratio is approximately constant at radii exceeding 1 h sub 50 Mpc but may rise to values of roughly 200 h sub 50 in the central regions. The fraction of the total mass that is in baryons, primarily the hot X-ray emitting gas, is roughly 30% thus setting the mass to light ratio of the dark material to roughly 70. The model that fits the X-ray data for Coma is in good agreement with the observed optical velocity dispersion vs. radius data

    Splanchnic Removal of Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF) in Man

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    In order to assess the effect of food ingestion on splanchnic disposal of human alpha-atrial natriuretic peptide (ANF), hepatic-intestinal removal of ANF was determined before and after a test meal. Hepatic venous and arterial plasma samples were obtained from six subjects, most of whom had only disorders of minor degree. Hepatic blood flow (HBF) increased significantly after meal ingestion (1.10 ± 0.17 [SEM] to 1.51 ± 0.26 L/min, P < .01). Baseline arterial ANF (10.9 ± 3.1 pmol/L) did not change significantly. In contrast, hepatic venous ANF increased after meal intake (5.7 ± 2.0 to 8.4 ± 1.9 pmol/L, P < .05), and accordingly the splanchnic fractional extraction decreased (0.53 ± 0.09 to 0.35 ± 0.08), although this was not statistically significant. Splanchnic clearance of ANF increased from 347 ± 90 mL/min to a maximal value of 615 ± 158 mL/min (P < .05). Splanchnic removal of ANF was 3.0 ± 0.5 pmol/min before and increased to a maximum value (7.1 ± 2.2 pmol/min, P < .05) 35 minutes after ingestion of the meal. Our results showed enhanced splanchnic removal of ANF after food intake. This is due to increased hepatic-intestinal clearance of the peptide consequent on increased splanchnic blood flow, rather than altered fractional extraction of ANF

    Processing and clearance of atrial natriuretic factor

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    Synchrotron brightness distribution of turbulent radio jets

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    Radio jets are considered as turbulent mixing regions and it is proposed that the essential small scale viscous dissipation in these jets is by emission of MHD waves and by their subsequent strong damping due, at least partly, to gyro-resonant acceleration of supra-thermal particles. A formula relating the synchrotron surface brightness of a radio jet to the turbulent power input is deduced from physical postulates, and is tested against the data for NGC315 and 3C31 (NGC383). The predicted brightness depends essentially on the collimation behavior of the jet, and, to a lesser extent, on the CH picture of a 'high' nozzle with accelerating flow. The conditions for forming a large scale jet at a high nozzle from a much smaller scale jet are discussed. The effect of entrainment on the prediction is discussed with the use of similarity solutions. Although entrainment is inevitably associated with the turbulent jet, it may or may not be a dominant factor depending on the ambient density profile

    Abell 754: A Non-Head On Collision of Subclusters

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    We have analyzed spatially resolved spectra of A754 obtained with ASCA. The combination of spectral and imaging capabilities of ASCA has set unprecedented constraints on the hydrodynamical effects of a cluster merger. We find significant gas temperature variations over the cluster face, indicating shock heating of the atmosphere during the merger. The hottest region, >12 keV, is located in the region of the Northwest galaxy clump though the entire region along the cluster axis appears to be hotter than the mean cluster temperature (~9 keV). The cool, ~5 keV gas originally found with the HEAO1-A2 experiment, resides in the exterior of the cluster atmosphere and in plume of gas we identify with a stripped cool atmosphere of the infalling subcluster. We have also attempted to reconstruct an iron abundance map of this merging system. Though poorly constrained, no significant deviations of abundance from the mean value are apparent in the individual regions. A754 is the only cluster so far which shows the significant temperature pattern expected in a subcluster merger, in both the ROSAT (Henry & Briel 1995) and ASCA data, providing the first possibility to compare it with theoretical predictions. The observed temperature and surface brightness maps suggest that the two colliding subunits have missed each other by about 1 Mpc, and are now moving perpendicular to the cluster axis in the image plane (as, e.g., in the simulations by Evrard etal 1996).Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 3 figures incl. color plate, uses aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty and pstricks.sty. Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Point-of-sale marketing and context of marijuana retailers: Assessing reliability and generalizability of the marijuana retail surveillance tool

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    As recreational marijuana expands, standardized surveillance measures examining the retail environment are critical for informing policy and enforcement. We conducted a reliability and generalizability study using a previously developed tool involving assessment of a sample of 25 randomly selected Seattle recreational marijuana retailers (20 recreational; 5 recreational/medical) in 2017. The tool assessed: 1) contextual/neighborhood features (i.e., facilities nearby); 2) compliance/security (e.g., age-of-sale signage, age verification); and 3) marketing (i.e., promotions, product availability, price). We found that retailers were commonly within two blocks of restaurants (n = 23), grocery stores (n = 17), liquor stores (n = 13), and bars/clubs (n = 11). Additionally, two were within two blocks of schools, and four were within two blocks of parks. Almost all (n = 23) had exterior signage indicating the minimum age requirement, and 23 verified age. Two retailers had exterior ads for marijuana, and 24 had interior ads. Overall, there were 76 interior ads (M = 3.04; SD = 1.84), most commonly for edibles (n = 28). At least one price promotion/discount was recorded in 17 retailers, most commonly in the form of loyalty membership programs (n = 10) or daily/weekly deals (n = 10). One retailer displayed potential health harms/warnings, while three posted some health claim. Products available across product categories were similar; we also noted instances of selling retailer-branded apparel/ paraphernalia (which is prohibited). Lowest price/unit across product categories demonstrated low variability across retailers. This study documented high inter-rater reliability of the surveillance tool (Kappas = 0.73 to 1.00). In conclusion, this tool can be used in future research and practice aimed at examining retailers marketing practices and regulatory compliance. Keywords: Marijuana use, Retail environment, Marketing, Recreational marijuana, Measure developmen
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