940 research outputs found

    Danish "flexicurity" in crisis - or just stress-tested by the crisis?

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    Socio-economic Impact in a Region in the Southern Part of Jutland by the Establishment of a Plant for Processing of Bio Ethanol

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    A cooperation between The Farmers Association of Southern Jutland, Institute of Food Economics Department of Environmental and Business Economics, USD, and Centre for Rural Development, hosting Leader+ Denmark This report is a translation of the original report in Danish: (Jørgensen, H. P. and K. H.-Gregersen: Estimerede økonomiske virkninger i Syd- og Sønderjyl-land ved etablering af et anlæg til fremstilling af bioethanol, September 2003).

    Estimation of Production Functions on Fishery: A Danish Survey

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    The fishing fleet and the component parts of effort and production can be de-scribed and analysed in different ways. As an example, the fishing fleet can be described using a list of different production function specifications. These pro-duction functions will in this paper be estimated using data for the Danish North Sea human consumption demersal trawl fishery. Some statistical prob-lems including multicollinearity are discussed and possible solutions and inter-pretations are put forward.Danish North Sea human consumption demersal trawl fishery, pro-duction function, multicollinearity

    Regionale Kompetencecentre. Nyt VEU - ny kvalificeringsoffensiv. Grundlæggende metoder og værktøjer til afdækning af behov for VEU.

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    Regionale Kompetencecentre - Nyt VEU - Ny kvalificeringsoffensiv:Partnerskaber på efteruddannelsesområdet

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    Regionale Kompetencecentre - Nyt VEU - Ny kvalificeringsoffensiv:Hvad er VEU?

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    Development in the Regulation of Wages and Working Conditions: The Employee Perspective

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    The Nordic countries are renowned for their high level of unionization and collective bargaining. However, globalization, Europeanization, and an increasing individualization are often pictured as factors suppressing collective regulation. In this article, we look at the developments in the regulation of wages and working conditions from a macro perspective by combing two large cross- sectional surveys into a longitudinal study with point of departure in the Danish case. We find that collective bargaining coverage continues to stand surprisingly strong, both in terms of being very widespread and in employee awareness, but Danish wage and salary earners also have an interest in extra support in the form of generalization and/or a politically regulated minimum wage

    Noise Robustness of a Combined Phase Retrieval and Reconstruction Method for Phase-Contrast Tomography

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    Classical reconstruction methods for phase-contrast tomography consist of two stages: phase retrieval and tomographic reconstruction. A novel algebraic method combining the two was suggested by Kostenko et al. (Opt. Express, 21, 12185, 2013) and preliminary results demonstrating improved reconstruction compared to a two-stage method given. Using simulated free-space propagation experiments with a single sample-detector distance, we thoroughly compare the novel method with the two-stage method to address limitations of the preliminary results. We demonstrate that the novel method is substantially more robust towards noise; our simulations point to a possible reduction in counting times by an order of magnitude