149 research outputs found

    Stratégie préventive du paludisme : propositions pour l'Afrique Centrale

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    L'apparition puis l'extension de la chimiorésistance du #Plasmodium falciparum$ aux antipaludéens en Afrique Centrale imposent de réfléchir à de nouvelles stratégies de prévention. Les auteurs proposent, à côté de la chimioprophylaxie dont l'intérêt est limité à des groupes à risques particuliers, la réhabilitation de la lutte antivectorielle et en particulier la promotion de l'utilisation systématisée de moustiquaires de lit imprégnées d'insecticides rémanents. (Résumé d'auteur

    34441 Keratoderma blenorrhagicum and balanitis circinata: Indicators of reactive arthritis

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    A 25-year-old healthy man was admitted with a 3-month history of joint pains in his feet and right knee, leading to difficulty ambulating. The patient had been previously treated without a definitive diagnosis, with NSAIDs and systemic steroids, without improvement. He also endorsed a 3-week history of an extensive, diffuse rash with significant involvement of the palms, soles, and genitals. He denied involvement in the oral mucosa or conjunctiva. Lesions were tender—the plantar lesions contributing significantly to painful ambulation. The physical examination was notable for hyperkeratotic scaly purpuric papules and plaques on the soles and between the toes, hyperkeratotic ostraceous nodules on the arms, knees, trunk, and soles, and erythematous scaly plaque on the groin involving the penis. Right fourth finger PIP with swelling. Oral mucosa and conjunctiva were clear; nails were normal. Labs were notable for leukocytosis and elevated inflammatory markers; the urine was positive for chlamydia trachomatis, negative for gonorrhea and HIV, syphilis, ANA, RF was negative while HLA-B27 positive. The diagnosis of reactive arthritis was made and treatment with indomethacin, doxycycline, and prednisone resulted in mild improvement during his hospitalization. This case represents the classic presentation of reactive arthritis with keratoderma blenorrhagicum and balanitis circinata with chlamydia trachomatis infection. Keratoderma blenorrhagicum is characteristic of reactive arthritis, although occurring in only 10% of patients. In patients with palmoplantar keratoderma or otherwise typically appearing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, it is important to consider the diagnosis of reactive arthritis and expand the history and physical to elucidate the diagnosis

    Source localization and identification with a compact array of digital mems microphones

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    International audienceA compact microphone array was developed for source localization and identification. This planar array consists of an arrangement of 32 digital MEMS microphones, concentrated in an aperture of fewer than 10 centimeters, and connected to a computer by Ethernet (AVB protocol). 3D direction of arrival (DOA) localization is performed using the pressure and the particle velocity estimated at the center of the array. The pressure is estimated by averaging the signals of multiple microphones. We compare high order pressure finite differences to the Phase and Amplitude Gradient Estimation (PAGE) method for particle velocity estimation. This paper also aims at presenting a method for UAV detection using the developed sensor and supervised binary classification

    Evaluation de l'efficacité des amino-4 quinoléines en zone de chimiorésistance : proposition de nouveaux schémas thérapeutiques

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    Les auteurs comparent l'efficacité thérapeutique de la chloroquine et de l'amodiaquine dans le traitement de l'accès palustre à #Plasmodium falciparum$ au niveau de dispensaires urbains. La chloroquine a un taux d'efficacité constant quelle que soit la posologie et la durée du traitement et devrait être réservée au traitement présomptif à domicile de l'accès palustre. L'amodiaquine à raison de 35 mg/kg en 3 jours apporte un bénéfice appréciable (96,5 % de succès clinique), ce qui la place en thérapeutique de première intention dans le traitement de l'accès palustre biologiquement confirmé en dispensaire. (Résumé d'auteur

    Synthesis of a Mach cone using a speaker array

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    International audienceThe interest of the authors concerns sniper detection using time-reversal techniques on the Mach cone in a reverberant urban environment. In order to setup a safe and reproducible experimental framework at a reduced scale, it is possible to synthesize a N-wave with a conical geometry by means of loudspeakers disposed along a hypothetical ring axis. The supersonic nature of the simulated displacement leads to a set of constraints, both on spatial and temporal samplings, correlated to the structure of the medium and to the digital sampling of the N-shaped signal. Those constraints are theoretically studied to ensure reconstruction of the conical wavefront. A rst experiment has been realized, that allowed the synthesis of a Mach wave using 15 speakers spaced by 4.36 cm. Taking into account the directivity of each speaker and the diraction eects due to the line array, the symmetry of revolution of the cone is studied. Since the loudspeakers are in their linear regime, nonlinear behaviors of the wave are no longer present. However, inverse ltering methods are possible for improving the quality of the signal. We show that it is possible to visualize the spatio-temporal evolution of the pressure eld in planes containing the ring axis using a linear microphone array mounted on a translation robot. Comparisons between experiments and simulations show encouraging results for the following. PACS no. 43.28.We, 43.28.M

    ETS-related Gene (ERG) is Differentially Expressed in Dermatofibroma (Fibrous Histiocytoma) as Compared With Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans and Hypertrophic Scars: A Pilot Immunohistochemical Study

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    Immunohistochemical staining can be of great utility in differentiating various cutaneous spindle cell neoplasms, particularly when the histomorphologic appearance of the lesions is inconclusive. Nuclear staining for ETS-related gene (ERG), a highly sensitive endothelial cell marker, has seldom been studied in the context of cutaneous spindle cell neoplasms. Little is known about its specificity for vascular differentiation. In this pilot study, immunohistochemical analysis for ERG was performed on 15 dermatofibromas (DF), 10 keloids, and 9 dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) tumors. Consistent nuclear expression of ERG was found in DF [100% (15/15) of the lesions demonstrated \u3e50% labeling of tumor cells with moderate to strong intensity]. However, ERG expression was largely absent in DFSP [89% (8/9) of the lesions demonstrating \u3c50% labeling staining, generally of mild intensity] and hypertrophic scars-keloids [80% (8/10) without expression]. On the basis of the results of this pilot study, immunohistochemical staining for ERG may prove useful in helping to differentiate DF from DFSP and hypertrophic scars in the context of partial biopsy sampling. If replicated in a larger number of samples, this finding could mitigate the use of costly sequencing panels and potentially avoid unnecessary reexcisions in certain contexts

    Metastatic Testicular Seminoma in a Patient With Down Syndrome Presenting As Extensive Deep Venous Thrombosis

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    Testicular cancer, particularly seminoma, is associated with Down syndrome. In cognitively impaired patients, the typical presenting signs of testicular cancer may be missed, and atypical presenting features may be the only clue to the diagnosis. In this report, we present the case of a 38-year-old male who presented with extensive deep vein thrombosis in the setting of seminoma
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