26 research outputs found

    Transcriptomes Divergence of Ricotia lunaria Between the Two Micro-Climatic Divergent Slopes at “Evolution Canyon” I, Israel

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    As one of the hotspot regions for sympatric speciation studies, Evolution Canyon (EC) became an ideal place for its high level of microclimatic divergence interslopes. In this study, to highlight the genetic mechanisms of sympatric speciation, phenotypic variation on flowering time and transcriptomic divergence were investigated between two ecotypes of Ricotia lunaria, which inhabit the opposite temperate and tropical slopes of EC I (Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel) separated by 100 m at the bottom of the slopes. Growth chamber results showed that flowering time of the ecotype from south-facing slope population # 3 (SFS 3) was significantly 3 months ahead of the north-facing slope population # 5 (NFS 5). At the same floral development stage, transcriptome analysis showed that 1,064 unigenes were differentially expressed between the two ecotypes, which enriched in the four main pathways involved in abiotic and/or biotic stresses responses, including flavonoid biosynthesis, α-linolenic acid metabolism, plant–pathogen interaction and linoleic acid metabolism. Furthermore, based on Ka/Ks analysis, nine genes were suggested to be involved in the ecological divergence between the two ecotypes, whose homologs functioned in RNA editing, ABA signaling, photoprotective response, chloroplasts protein-conducting channel, and carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Among them, four genes, namely, SPDS1, FCLY, Tic21 and BGLU25, also showed adaptive divergence between R. lunaria and A. thaliana, suggesting that these genes could play an important role in plant speciation, at least in Brassicaceae. Based on results of both the phenotype of flowering time and comparative transcriptome, we hypothesize that, after long-time local adaptations to their interslope microclimatic environments, the molecular functions of these nine genes could have been diverged between the two ecotypes. They might differentially regulate the expression of the downstream genes and pathways that are involved in the interslope abiotic stresses, which could further diverge the flowering time between the two ecotypes, and finally induce the reproductive isolation establishment by natural selection overruling interslope gene flow, promoting sympatric speciation

    The East Asian Winter Monsoon Acts as a Major Selective Factor in the Intraspecific Differentiation of Drought-Tolerant Nitraria tangutorum in Northwest China

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    The influence of Quaternary climate fluctuation on the geographical structure and genetic diversity of species distributed in the regions of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) has been well established. However, the underlying role of the East Asian monsoon system (EAMS) in shaping the genetic structure of the population and the demography of plants located in the arid northwest of China has not been explored. In the present study, Nitraria tangutorum, a drought-tolerant desert shrub that is distributed in the EAMS zone and has substantial ecological and economic value, was profiled to better understand the influence of EAMS evolution on its biogeographical patterns and demographic history. Thus, the phylogeographical structure and historical dynamics of this plant species were elucidated using its five chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments. Hierarchical structure analysis revealed three distinct, divergent lineages: West, East-A, and East-B. The molecular dating was carried out using a Bayesian approach to estimate the time of intraspecies divergence. Notably, the eastern region, which included East-A and East-B lineages, was revealed to be the original center of distribution and was characterized by a high level of genetic diversity, with the intraspecific divergence time dated to be around 2.53 million years ago (Ma). These findings, combined with the data obtained by ecological niche modeling analysis, indicated that the East lineages have undergone population expansion and differentiation, which were closely correlated with the development of the EAMS, especially the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). The West lineage appears to have originated from the migration of N. tangutorum across the Hexi corridor at around 1.85 Ma, and subsequent colonization of the western region. These results suggest that the EAWM accelerated the population expansion of N. tangutorum and subsequent intraspecific differentiation. These findings collectively provide new information on the impact of the evolution of the EAMS on intraspecific diversification and population demography of drought-tolerant plant species in northwest China

    Nitric Oxide Is Associated with Long-Term Zinc Tolerance in Solanum nigrum1[W]

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    Nitric oxide (NO) has been identified as a signal molecule that interplays with reactive oxygen species in response to heavy metal stresses. Roles of NO in regulating cadmium toxicity and iron deficiency have been proposed; however, the function of NO in zinc (Zn) tolerance in plants remains unclear. Here, we investigated NO accumulation and its role in plant Zn tolerance. Zn-induced NO production promoted an increase in reactive oxygen species accumulation in Solanum nigrum roots by modulating the expression and activity of antioxidative enzymes. Subsequently, programmed cell death (PCD) was observed in primary root tips. Inhibiting NO accumulation by 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (a specific NO scavenger) or NG-nitro-l-arginine-methyl ester (a NO synthase inhibitor) prevented the increase of superoxide radical and hydrogen peroxide as well as the subsequent cell death in the root tips, supporting the role of NO in Zn-induced PCD in the root tips. Zn-induced NO production affected the length of primary roots, the number of lateral roots, and root hair growth and thereby modulated root system architecture and activity. Investigation of metal contents in Zn-treated roots suggests that NO is required for metal (especially iron) uptake and homeostasis in plants exposed to excess Zn. Taken together, our results indicate that NO production and the subsequent PCD in root tips exposed to excess Zn are favorable for the S. nigrum seedling response to long-term Zn toxicity by modulating root system architecture and subsequent adaptation to Zn stress

    Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Potential Roles of Abscisic Acid and Polyphenols in Adaptation of Onobrychis viciifolia to Extreme Environmental Conditions in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

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    A detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms of plant stress resistance in the face of ever-changing environmental stimuli will be helpful for promoting the growth and production of crop and forage plants. Investigations of plant responses to various single abiotic or biotic factors, or combined stresses, have been extensively reported. However, the molecular mechanisms of plants in responses to environmental stresses under natural conditions are not clearly understood. In this study, we carried out a transcriptome analysis using RNA-sequencing to decipher the underlying molecular mechanisms of Onobrychis viciifolia responding and adapting to the extreme natural environment in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). The transcriptome data of plant samples collected from two different altitudes revealed a total of 8212 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), including 5387 up-regulated and 2825 down-regulated genes. Detailed analysis of the identified DEGs uncovered that up-regulation of genes potentially leading to changes in hormone homeostasis and signaling, particularly abscisic acid-related ones, and enhanced biosynthesis of polyphenols play vital roles in the adaptive processes of O. viciifolia. Interestingly, several DEGs encoding uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferases, which putatively regulate phytohormone homeostasis to resist environmental stresses, were also discovered. Furthermore, numerous DEGs encoding transcriptional factors, such as members of the myeloblastosis (MYB), homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP), WRKY, and nam-ataf1,2-cuc2 (NAC) families, might be involved in the adaptive responses of O. viciifolia to the extreme natural environmental conditions. The DEGs identified in this study represent candidate targets for improving environmental stress resistance of O. viciifolia grown in higher altitudes of the QTP, and can provide deep insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the responses of this plant species to the extreme natural environmental conditions of the QTP

    Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Roles of Anthocyanin- and Jasmonic Acid-Biosynthetic Pathways in Rapeseed in Response to High Light Stress

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    Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is one of the major important oil crops worldwide and is largely cultivated in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (QTP), where long and strong solar-radiation is well-known. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying rapeseed’s response to light stress are largely unknown. In the present study, the color of rapeseed seedlings changed from green to purple under high light (HL) stress conditions. Therefore, changes in anthocyanin metabolism and the transcriptome of rapeseed seedlings cultured under normal light (NL) and HL conditions were analyzed to dissect how rapeseed responds to HL at the molecular level. Results indicated that the contents of anthocyanins, especially glucosides of cyanidin, delphinidin, and petunidin, which were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), increased by 9.6-, 4.2-, and 59.7-fold in rapeseed seedlings exposed to HL conditions, respectively. Next, RNA-sequencing analysis identified 7390 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), which included 4393 up-regulated and 2997 down-regulated genes. Among the up-regulated genes, many genes related to the anthocyanin-biosynthetic pathway were enriched. For example, genes encoding dihydroflavonol reductase (BnDFR) and anthocyanin synthase (BnANS) were especially induced by HL conditions, which was also confirmed by RT-qPCR analysis. In addition, two PRODUCTION OF ANTHOCYANIN PIGMENTATION 2 (BnPAP2) and GLABRA3 (BnGL3) genes encoding MYB-type and bHLH-type transcription factors, respectively, whose expression was also up-regulated by HL stress, were found to be associated with the changes in anthocyanin biosynthesis. Many genes involved in the jasmonic acid (JA)-biosynthetic pathway were also up-regulated under HL conditions. This finding, which is in agreement with the well-known positive regulatory role of JA in anthocyanin biosynthesis, suggests that the JA may also play a key role in the responses of rapeseed seedlings to HL. Collectively, these data indicate that anthocyanin biosynthesis-related and JA biosynthesis-related pathways mediate HL responses in rapeseed. These findings collectively provide mechanistic insights into the mechanisms involved in the response of rapeseed to HL stress, and the identified key genes may potentially be used to improve HL tolerance of rapeseed cultivars through genetic engineering or breeding strategies

    Geographical or ecological divergence between the parapatric species Ephedra sinica and E-intermedia?

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    Understanding the factors that contribute to population genetic structures and ecological niche divergence is crucial for elucidating the biogeographical history and speciation of plants. To disentangle the present phylogeographical patterns and evolutionary history of two closely related parapatric species from Ephedra (Ephedra sinica and E. intermedia), we systematically profiled their population genetic structures, niche divergence and potential speciation processes based on sequence variation of four chloroplast DNA fragments and climate-based ecological niche modelling (ENM). Phylogenetic analyses suggested that E. sinica formed a monophyly which was nested in E. intermedia. The latter species formed two paraphyletic subclades, corresponding to Western and Eastern lineages. Furthermore, the phylogeographical analysis results indicated very significant inter- and intra-species genetic differentiation, and BEAST inference suggested that E. sinica diverged from E. intermedia at 3.20 million years ago (Ma; 95 % HPD: 2.05-8.10 Ma), while the Western lineage of E. intermedia diverged much earlier at 6.10 Ma (95 % HPD: 4.10-11.82 Ma). In addition, niche identity tests performed using MaxEnt strongly supported the hypothesis that the two sister species had significantly diverged on their ecological niches. Isolation by geographical and environment distance (IBD and IBE) tests suggested that the overall divergence of the populations from the two species were more influenced by environmental factors. Our data provide new insight into the ecological speciation of Ephedra and also provides molecular evidence for the identification and genetic conservation of these important pharmaceutical plants

    Population dynamics of Agriophyllum squarrosum, a pioneer annual plant endemic to mobile sand dunes, in response to global climate change

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    Climate change plays an important role in the transition of ecosystems. Stratigraphic investigations have suggested that the Asian interior experienced frequent transitions between grassland and desert ecosystems as a consequence of global climate change. Using maternally and bi-parentally inherited markers, we investigated the population dynamics of Agriophyllum squarrosum (Chenopodiaceae), an annual pioneer plant endemic to mobile sand dunes. Phylogeographic analysis revealed that A. squarrosum could originate from Gurbantunggut desert since similar to 1.6 Ma, and subsequently underwent three waves of colonisation into other deserts and sandy lands corresponding to several glaciations. The rapid population expansion and distribution range shifts of A. squarrosum from monsoonal climate zones suggested that the development of the monsoonal climate significantly enhanced the population growth and gene flow of A. squarrosum. These data also suggested that desertification of the fragile grassland ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was more ancient than previously suggested and will be aggravated under global warming in the future. This study provides new molecular phylogeographic insights into how pioneer annual plant species in desert ecosystems respond to global climate change, and facilitates evaluation of the ecological potential and genetic resources of future crops for non-arable dry lands to mitigate climate change