61 research outputs found

    Tyrosine-specific MAPK phosphatases and the control of ERK signaling in PC12 cells

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    BACKGROUND: Spatio-temporal control of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activity, a critical determinant of the cell's response to growth factors, requires timely dephosphorylation of its regulatory tyrosine and/or threonine residue by MAPK phosphatases. We studied the physiological role of kinase interaction motif (KIM)-containing protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in the control of EGF- and NGF-induced ERK activity in neuroendocrine PC12 cells. RESULTS: We found a single KIM-containing PTP to be endogenously expressed in rat PC12 cells: the transmembrane PTPRR isoform termed PCPTP1. Protein knock-down of PCPTP1, or fourfold overexpression of its mouse orthologue, PTPBR7, left EGF- and NGF-induced ERK1/2 activity in PC12 cells unaltered. Ectopic expression of cytosolic PTPRR isoforms, however, resulted in reduced EGF-induced ERK1/2 activity, an effect that was dependent on the phosphatase activity and the KIM-domain of these PTPs. CONCLUSION: The finding that robust changes in tyrosine-specific MAPK phosphatase expression levels have minor effects on temporal ERK1/2 activity control in PC12 cells suggests that dual-specificity MAPK phosphatases may act as major regulators of growth factor-induced ERK1/2 signaling in these cells

    PTPBR7 Binding Proteins in Myelinating Neurons of the Mouse Brain

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    Mouse protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPBR7 is a receptor-like, transmembrane protein that is localized on the surface of neuronal cells. Its protein phosphatase activity is reduced upon multimerization, and PTPBR7-deficient mice display motor coordination defects. Extracellular molecules that may influence PTPBR7 activity, however, remain to be determined. We here show that the PTPBR7 extracellular domain binds to highly myelinated regions in mouse brain, in particular the white matter tracks in cerebellum. PTPBR7 deficiency does not alter this binding pattern, as witnessed by RAP in situ staining of Ptprr-/- mouse brain sections. Additional in situ and in vitro experiments also suggest that sugar moieties of heparan sulphate and chondroitin sulphate glycosaminoglycans are not critical for PTPBR7 binding. Candidate binding proteins were affinity-purified exploiting the PTPBR7 extracellular domain and identified by mass spectrometric means. Results support the suggested link between PTPRR isoforms and cerebellar calcium ion homeostasis, and suggest an additional role in the process of cell-cell adhesion

    Hereditable variants of classical protein tyrosine phosphatase genes: Will they prove innocent or guilty?

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatases, together with protein tyrosine kinases, control many molecular signaling steps that control life at cellular and organismal levels. Impairing alterations in the genes encoding the involved proteins is expected to profoundly affect the quality of lifeβ€”if compatible with life at all. Here, we review the current knowledge on the effects of germline variants that have been reported for genes encoding a subset of the protein tyrosine phosphatase superfamily; that of the thirty seven classical members. The conclusion must be that the newest genome research tools produced an avalanche of data that suggest β€˜guilt by association’ for individual genes to specific disorders. Future research should face the challenge to investigate these accusations thoroughly and convincingly, to reach a mature genotype-phenotype map for this intriguing protein family

    Neurofibromatosis type 2 protein co-localizes with elements of the cytoskeleton

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    The product of the neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) tumor suppressor gene is a 595-amino-acid protein bearing resemblance to a family of band-4.1-related proteins. These proteins, including ezrin, radixin, and moesin, probably function as molecular linking proteins, connecting the cytoskeleton to the cell membrane. On the grounds of the homology to the ezrin, radixin, and moesin proteins and on the basis of its predicted secondary structure, the NF2 protein is also thought to act as a cytoskeleton-cell membrane linking protein. Using monoclonal antibodies to amino- and carboxyl-terminal synthetic NF2 peptides we demonstrate the co-localization of the NF2 protein with elements of the cytoskeleton in a COS cell model system and in cultured human cells. Furthermore, the presence of the NF2 protein in tissue sections is shown. The monoclonal antibodies specifically stain smooth muscle cells and the stratum granulosum of the human epidermis. In cultured smooth muscle cells the NF2 protein co-localizes with actin stress fibers. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrates the presence of the NF2 protein associated with keratohyalin granules and to a lesser extent with intermediate filaments in the human epidermis. We conclude that the NF2 protein is indeed associated with multiple elements of the cytoskeleton.</p

    Neurofibromatosis type 2 protein co-localizes with elements of the cytoskeleton

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    The product of the neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) tumor suppressor gene is a 595-amino-acid protein bearing resemblance to a family of band-4.1-related proteins. These proteins, including ezrin, radixin, and moesin, probably function as molecular linking proteins, connecting the cytoskeleton to the cell membrane. On the grounds of the homology to the ezrin, radixin, and moesin proteins and on the basis of its predicted secondary structure, the NF2 protein is also thought to act as a cytoskeleton-cell membrane linking protein. Using monoclonal antibodies to amino- and carboxyl-terminal synthetic NF2 peptides we demonstrate the co-localization of the NF2 protein with elements of the cytoskeleton in a COS cell model system and in cultured human cells. Furthermore, the presence of the NF2 protein in tissue sections is shown. The monoclonal antibodies specifically stain smooth muscle cells and the stratum granulosum of the human epidermis. In cultured smooth muscle cells the NF2 protein co-localizes with actin stress fibers. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrates the presence of the NF2 protein associated with keratohyalin granules and to a lesser extent with intermediate filaments in the human epidermis. We conclude that the NF2 protein is indeed associated with multiple elements of the cytoskeleton.</p

    PTPBR7 Binding Proteins in Myelinating Neurons of the Mouse Brain

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    Abstract Mouse protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPBR7 is a receptor-like, transmembrane protein that is localized on the surface of neuronal cells. Its protein phosphatase activity is reduced upon multimerization, and PTPBR7-deficient mice display motor coordination defects. Extracellular molecules that may influence PTPBR7 activity, however, remain to be determined. We here show that the PTPBR7 extracellular domain binds to highly myelinated regions in mouse brain, in particular the white matter tracks in cerebellum. PTPBR7 deficiency does not alter this binding pattern, as witnessed by RAP in situ staining of Ptprr -/-mouse brain sections. Additional in situ and in vitro experiments also suggest that sugar moieties of heparan sulphate and chondroitin sulphate glycosaminoglycans are not critical for PTPBR7 binding. Candidate binding proteins were affinity-purified exploiting the PTPBR7 extracellular domain and identified by mass spectrometric means. Results support the suggested link between PTPRR isoforms and cerebellar calcium ion homeostasis, and suggest an additional role in the process of cell-cell adhesion

    Cell migration through 3D confining pores: speed accelerations by deformation and recoil of the nucleus

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    Directional cell migration in dense three-dimensional (3D) environments critically depends upon shape adaptation and is impeded depending on the size and rigidity of the nucleus. Accordingly, the nucleus is primarily understood as a physical obstacle, however, its pro-migratory functions by step-wise deformation and reshaping remain unclear. Using atomic force spectroscopy, timelapse fluorescence microscopy and shape change analysis tools, we determined nuclear size, deformability, morphology and shape change of HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells expressing the Fucci cell cycle indicator or being pre-treated with chromatin-decondensating agent TSA. We show oscillating peak accelerations during migration through 3D collagen matrices and microdevices that occur during shape reversion of deformed nuclei (recoil), and increase with confinement. During G1 cell cycle phase, nucleus stiffness was increased and yielded further increased speed fluctuations together with sustained cell migration rates in confinement as compared to interphase populations, or to periods of intrinsic nuclear softening in the S/G2 cell cycle phase. Likewise, nuclear softening by pharmacological chromatin decondensation or after lamin A/C depletion reduced peak oscillations in confinement. In conclusion, deformation and recoil of the stiff nucleus contributes to saltatory locomotion in dense tissues

    The FERM and PDZ Domain-Containing Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases, PTPN4 and PTPN3, Are Both Dispensable for T Cell Receptor Signal Transduction

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    PTPN3 and PTPN4 are two closely-related non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTP) that, in addition to a PTP domain, contain FERM (Band 4.1, Ezrin, Radixin, and Moesin) and PDZ (PSD-95, Dlg, ZO-1) domains. Both PTP have been implicated as negative-regulators of early signal transduction through the T cell antigen receptor (TCR), acting to dephosphorylate the TCRΞΆ chain, a component of the TCR complex. Previously, we reported upon the production and characterization of PTPN3-deficient mice which show normal TCR signal transduction and T cell function. To address if the lack of a T cell phenotype in PTPN3-deficient mice can be explained by functional redundancy of PTPN3 with PTPN4, we generated PTPN4-deficient and PTPN4/PTPN3 double-deficient mice. As in PTPN3 mutants, T cell development and homeostasis and TCR-induced cytokine synthesis and proliferation were found to be normal in PTPN4-deficient and PTPN4/PTPN3 double-deficient mice. PTPN13 is another FERM and PDZ domain-containing non-receptor PTP that is distantly-related to PTPN3 and PTPN4 and which has been shown to function as a negative-regulator of T helper-1 (Th1) and Th2 differentiation. Therefore, to determine if PTPN13 might compensate for the loss of PTPN3 and PTPN4 in T cells, we generated mice that lack functional forms of all three PTP. T cells from triple-mutant mice developed normally and showed normal cytokine secretion and proliferative responses to TCR stimulation. Furthermore, T cell differentiation along the Th1, Th2 and Th17 lineages was largely unaffected in triple-mutants. We conclude that PTPN3 and PTPN4 are dispensable for TCR signal transduction

    Effects of Dual Targeting of Tumor Cells and Stroma in Human Glioblastoma Xenografts with a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor against c-MET and VEGFR2

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    Contains fulltext : 118357.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Anti-angiogenic treatment of glioblastoma with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)- or VEGF Receptor 2 (VEGFR2) inhibitors normalizes tumor vessels, resulting in a profound radiologic response and improved quality of life. This approach however does not halt tumor progression by diffuse infiltration, as this phenotype is less angiogenesis dependent. Combined inhibition of angiogenesis and diffuse infiltrative growth would therefore be a more effective treatment approach in these tumors. The HGF/c-MET axis is important in both angiogenesis and cell migration in several tumor types including glioma. We therefore analyzed the effects of the c-MET- and VEGFR2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor cabozantinib (XL184, Exelixis) on c-MET positive orthotopic E98 glioblastoma xenografts, which routinely present with angiogenesis-dependent areas of tumor growth, as well as diffuse infiltrative growth. In cultures of E98 cells, cabozantinib effectively inhibited c-MET phosphorylation, concomitant with inhibitory effects on AKT and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and cell proliferation and migration. VEGFR2 activation in endothelial cells was also effectively inhibited . Treatment of BALB/c nu/nu mice carrying orthotopic E98 xenografts resulted in a significant increase in overall survival. Cabozantinib effectively inhibited angiogenesis, resulting in increased hypoxia in angiogenesis-dependent tumor areas, and induced vessel normalization. Yet, tumors ultimately escaped cabozantinib therapy by diffuse infiltrative outgrowth via vessel co-option. Of importance, in contrast to the results from experiments, blockade of c-MET activation was incomplete, possibly due to multiple factors including restoration of the blood-brain barrier resulting from cabozantinib-induced VEGFR2 inhibition. In conclusion, cabozantinib is a promising therapy for c-MET positive glioma, but improving delivery of the drug to the tumor and/or the surrounding tissue may be needed for full activity

    ErbB2, EphrinB1, Src Kinase and PTPN13 Signaling Complex Regulates MAP Kinase Signaling in Human Cancers

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    In non-cancerous cells, phosphorylated proteins exist transiently, becoming de-phosphorylated by specific phosphatases that terminate propagation of signaling pathways. In cancers, compromised phosphatase activity and/or expression occur and contribute to tumor phenotype. The non-receptor phosphatase, PTPN13, has recently been dubbed a putative tumor suppressor. It decreased expression in breast cancer correlates with decreased overall survival. Here we show that PTPN13 regulates a new signaling complex in breast cancer consisting of ErbB2, Src, and EphrinB1. To our knowledge, this signaling complex has not been previously described. Co-immunoprecipitation and localization studies demonstrate that EphrinB1, a PTPN13 substrate, interacts with ErbB2. In addition, the oncogenic V660E ErbB2 mutation enhances this interaction, while Src kinase mediates EphrinB1 phosphorylation and subsequent MAP Kinase signaling. Decreased PTPN13 function further enhances signaling. The association of oncogene kinases (ErbB2, Src), a signaling transmembrane ligand (EphrinB1) and a phosphatase tumor suppressor (PTPN13) suggest that EphrinB1 may be a relevant therapeutic target in breast cancers harboring ErbB2-activating mutations and decreased PTPN13 expression
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