24 research outputs found

    Impact Of Illegal Gold Mining ( Peti ) Toward Enterprises Of Fish Farming In Ponds In The Sawah Village Kuantan Tengah District, Kuantan Singingi Regency Riau Province

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    This study was conducted in November 2014 in the Sawah Village, KuantanTengah District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau province . This research aims : 1 ) todetermine the pond area before and after the PETI . 2 ) to determine the production of fishbefore and after the PETI .Population in this study is that fish farmers amounted to 14 people and 4 peopleinformant. So that the sample collection method using census method . PETI presence causesextensive pool down 34% from 10.410 m2 (43 units) to 6.860 m2 (28 units). PETI presencecauses fish production decreased 41 % from 110.400 kg to 64.050 kg/year. This is becausethe pond fish farmers polluted by waste dumped by illegal mining activities

    The Business Analysis of Fishing Mangroves Crabs (Scylla SP) Using Lift Nets (Pento) in Concong Dalam Village, Concong Subsdistrict, Indragiri Hilir District, Riau Province

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    Study was conducted in march 2016 at Concong Dalam Village, Concong Subsdistrict, Indragiri Hilir District, Riau Province. This study aimed to identify large investment, gross income, operational costs, net income and business feasibility using lift nets (pento) in the village of Concong Dalam. Methods used in research was survey by the number of respondents about 18 people. The average total investment of about 30 units lift net (pento) in the village of Concong Dalam IDR 3.672.778,-. The average total operational costs issued by fishermen as much as IDR 1.739.902,- per month with average gross income received by as much as IDR 6.446.400,- per month.So that fishers can obtain average net income as much as IDR 4.706.496,- per month. The businesses of fishing gear of pento is feasible to developed and continued on based on the value of RCR worth 2,06and value of PPC worth 0,78

    Comparative Study Catching Business Between Fishing Catch Ambai and Pengerih in the Village Meskom Subsdistrict Bengkalis District Bengkalis Riau Province

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    Study was conducted in July and August 2016 in the village Meskom subsdistrict Bengkalis district Bengkalis Riau Province.This study aims to know the investment, the gross income, net income ,and feasibility business between a fishing catch Ambai and Pengerih in the village Meskom subsdistrict Bengkalis district Bengkalis. Business investment a fishing catch Ambai less than Pengerih, where business investment Ambai Rp 17.290.000,- (5 bags) and Rp 21.002.500,- (7 bags), business investment with a fishing catch Pengerih Rp 18.812.000,- (5 bags) and Rp 22.680.000,- (7 bags). Gross income and net income per year received Ambai business less than Pengerih, when the income gross and net Ambai business 5 bags Rp 74.949.000,- and Rp 54.549.000,- then 7 bags Rp 109.869.000,- and Rp 87.939.000,- while business pengerih 5 bags Rp 100.501.000,- and Rp 75.834.000,- then 7 bags Rp 134.961.000,- and Rp 111.469.000,-. Based on analysis of the feasibility study conducted shows that effort arrest used a fishing catch Pengerih deserve developed than a fishing catch Ambai

    Strategy of Pokmaswas Teluk Samudera in Marine and Fisheries Resources Management Sasak Kanagarian Coastal Land Sasak Ranah Pasisie District Pasaman Barat City West Sumatra Province

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    This research was conducted on 1st June to 11st July, 2015. The purpose of this study was to identify potential, review management strategies that are run, and formulated alternatif strategy for Pokmaswas Teluk Samudera strategy. The method used was case study metod. The infrmans was choosen with purposive sampling. The informans in this study comprising of 4 people consisting of Chairman Pokmaswas Teluk Samudera, Wali Nagari Sasak, head of UNIT PPI Sasak, head of KP3K in marine and fisheries departement of west Pasaman.The results of this research showed that the Pokmaswas Teluk Samudera was concern to managing the potential of fish catching, fish processing, marketing of fisheries, marine tourism, mangrove forests, and human resources. Pokmaswas Teluk Samudera formed on 2013 and completed some activities in marine and fisheries resource management on the coast of Sasak. To support their existance, need to formulated alternative management strategies by using the SWOT analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of internal and external factors the Group. Each factor was scored according to their importance. The final step was selected the best alternatives strategic for Pokmaswas Teluk Samudera. It can be recommended as many as 3 alternative strategies : to creat the local regulations was scored about 3,72 points, to plan meeting consistantly was scored about 3,27 points, to standarize funding sources from govermant and personal groups was scored about 3,26 points

    The Perception of Fisherman About Manubo Culture of River Tapung in Petapahan Village Tapung Subdistrict Kampar Province Riau.

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    The Research was conducted in the Petapahan Village Tapung Subdistrict KamparProvince Riau on January to February 2015. The research was aimed to determine theperception of fisherman about Manubo culture of River Tapung in Petapahan Village TapungSubdistrict Kampar Province Riau by the survey methode. The responden was determined bysensus. The result concluded the Manubo culture is fishing togheter with root of tuba once of ayear, exactly on dry season for aims to make a good relationship, growth the togheterness, andincrease community economy who need. The perception of fisherman about the Manuboculture are included on 3 ; they are ; (1).Manubo culture don't have major impact on the fishingresult, (2).Manubo culture don't have the major impact the quality of fish; (3).And theexistence of the Manubo culture is decreasing. For the score, the perception of fisherman aboutthe Manubo culture is less well categoried (20-27), and well (28-35). So, the perception offisherman about Manubo cluture have no major impact on fisheries resources pollution becauselimitedness of area and tuba

    Motivation Level Akit Tribe Fishermen Bantan Air Village Bantan District Bengkalis Regency Riau Province

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    This study was conducted on July 2013 in Bantan Air village Bantan District Bengkalis Regency of Riau Province. This study aimed to describe the fishing effort (including age, education, number of dependents ,income ,business experience, and fishing effort of Akit Tribe), motivation level and the relationship between motivation level to business endeavor. This research used survey method. To get respondents this research used accidental sampling. To determine motivation level were measured by Likert scale and to determine relationship between level of fishing effort to motivation level used Contingencies Correlation Coefficient then was analized by SPSS version 17. Overall motivation level was in moderate category. This condition was caused by low expectations and lack of confidence in carrying fishermen fishing effort

    Push And Pull Factors From Asahan Fisherman Do Migration In Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas Subdistrict Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province

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    This study conduted in november 2016 in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict Rokan Hilir Regency of Riau Province. This study aims to determinate, the factors are encouraging fishermen to migration in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict regency of Rokan Hilir, to determinate the factors are interesting fishermen to migration in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict regency of Rokan Hilir. The method used in this study is a survey method. The population in this study is all migrant fishermen who have lived in Kepenghuluan Panipahan Laut with the total population 15 respondents.Based on the results of the study that is the driving factor of fishermen to migrate due to reduced yield head seaward with an average 6,4 kg each day, the decrease of fisherman income in the area of origin with average fisherman income rp. 1.244.666/ month, the rights of fishermen are restricted so that the fishermen feel depressed and driven to get out of the area of origin, the establishment of communication between migrant fishermen with prospective migrant fishermen pushed out of the area of origin when hearing the potential news of the destination. Fishermen pull factors for migration in the region is many fishing catches with an average of 12.7 kg each day, high income in the destination area with an average rp. 3.534.000/month, freedom of fishermen in the destination area without any pressure, family factors that cause migrant fishermen are interested to move to an area of interest for their temporary shelter when migrant fishermen have not yet found employment

    The Role of Fisherman Wife in Improving Household Income in Pondok Batu Village Sarudik Sub District Tapanuli Tengah Regency Sumatera Utara Province

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    This research was conducted in April 2016 located in Pondok BatuVillage, Sarudik Subdistrict, Tapanuli Tengah Regency, North SumateraProvince. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics offishermen's wive, to analyze the time division of the fisherman wife between therole of housewife and the additional income earner and to describe the role of thefisherman wife in increasing the household income. The method used in thisresearch is survey method. Respondents in this research is the wife of fishermanwho work outside the house amounted to 25 peopleBased on the research result that the role of fisherman wife in increasingthe household income of fisherman have characteristic that generally aged (16-45years old) is classified as very productive age with number 22 soul. Educationlevel of fisherman wife is elementary school graduate amounted to 14 soul, themost dominant family count is 6-7 with 13 souls. Experience of wife of fishermanwork that is> 8 year with amount of 17 soul. Curious working hours given by thefisherman's wife are as daily necessity traders around 84 hours / week, asprocessing of fishery products about 28 hours / week, as factory workers about 56hours / week and as animal raising around 28 hours / week. The average incomeearned by fishermen's wife every month from the profession as the processing offishery products as much as Rp.625.900, as a day-to-day trader of Rp. 350.000, asfactory worker of Rp. 500.000 and animal raising Rp.430.00