31,299 research outputs found

    Thon rings from amorphous ice and implications of beam-induced Brownian motion in single particle electron cryo-microscopy

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    We have recorded dose-fractionated electron cryo-microscope images of thin films of pure flash-frozen amorphous ice and pre-irradiated amorphous carbon on a Falcon~II direct electron detector using 300 keV electrons. We observe Thon rings \cite{Thon1966} in both the power spectrum of the summed frames and the sum of power spectra from the individual frames. The Thon rings from amorphous carbon images are always more visible in the power spectrum of the summed frames whereas those of amorphous ice are more visible in the sum of power spectra from the individual frames. This difference indicates that while pre-irradiated carbon behaves like a solid during the exposure, amorphous ice behaves like a fluid with the individual water molecules undergoing beam-induced motion. Using the measured variation in the power spectra amplitude with number of electrons per image we deduce that water molecules are randomly displaced by mean squared distance of ∼\sim 1.1 \AA2^{2} for every incident 300 keV e−^{-}/\AA2^2. The induced motion leads to an optimal exposure with 300 keV electrons of 4.0 e−^{-}/\AA2^2 per image with which to see Thon rings centred around the strong 3.7{\AA} scattering peak from amorphous ice. The beam-induced movement of the water molecules generates pseudo-Brownian motion of embedded macromolecules. The resulting blurring of single particle images contributes an additional term, on top of that from radiation damage, to the minimum achievable B-factor for macromolecular structure determination.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Supplementary information 6 pages with 5 figure

    Verbal Phrases in Lhasa Tibetan--I

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    Development of a superconductor magnetic suspension and balance prototype facility for studying the feasibility of applying this technique to large scale aerodynamic testing

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    The basic research and development work towards proving the feasibility of operating an all-superconductor magnetic suspension and balance device for aerodynamic testing is presented. The feasibility of applying a quasi-six-degree-of freedom free support technique to dynamic stability research was studied along with the design concepts and parameters for applying magnetic suspension techniques to large-scale aerodynamic facilities. A prototype aerodynamic test facility was implemented. Relevant aspects of the development of the prototype facility are described in three sections: (1) design characteristics; (2) operational characteristics; and (3) scaling to larger facilities

    Novel Method of Measuring Electron Positron Colliding Beam Parameters

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    Through the simultaneous measurement of the transverse size as a function of longitudinal position, and the longitudinal distribution of luminosity, we are able to measure the βy∗\beta_y^\ast (vertical envelope function at the collision point), vertical emittance, and bunch length of colliding beams at the Cornell Electron-positron Storage Ring (CESR). This measurement is possible due to the significant ``hourglass'' effect at CESR and the excellent tracking resolution of the CLEO detector.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to NIM

    CosmoDM and its application to Pan-STARRS data

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    The Cosmology Data Management system (CosmoDM) is an automated and flexible data management system for the processing and calibration of data from optical photometric surveys. It is designed to run on supercomputers and to minimize disk I/O to enable scaling to very high throughput during periods of reprocessing. It serves as an early prototype for one element of the ground-based processing required by the Euclid mission and will also be employed in the preparation of ground based data needed in the eROSITA X-ray all sky survey mission. CosmoDM consists of two main pipelines. The first is the single-epoch or detrending pipeline, which is used to carry out the photometric and astrometric calibration of raw exposures. The second is the co- addition pipeline, which combines the data from individual exposures into deeper coadd images and science ready catalogs. A novel feature of CosmoDM is that it uses a modified stack of As- tromatic software which can read and write tile compressed images. Since 2011, CosmoDM has been used to process data from the DECam, the CFHT MegaCam and the Pan-STARRS cameras. In this paper we shall describe how processed Pan-STARRS data from CosmoDM has been used to optically confirm and measure photometric redshifts of Planck-based Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect selected cluster candidates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of Precision Astronomy with Fully Depleted CCDs Workshop (2014). Accepted for publication in JINS

    Yang-Mills Theory on a Cylinder Coupled to Point Particles

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    We study a model of quantum Yang-Mills theory with a finite number of gauge invariant degrees of freedom. The gauge field has only a finite number of degrees of freedom since we assume that space-time is a two dimensional cylinder. We couple the gauge field to matter, modeled by either one or two nonrelativistic point particles. These problems can be solved {\it without any gauge fixing}, by generalizing the canonical quantization methods of Ref.\[rajeev] to the case including matter. For this, we make use of the geometry of the space of connections, which has the structure of a Principal Fiber Bundle with an infinite dimensional fiber. We are able to reduce both problems to finite dimensional, exactly solvable, quantum mechanics problems. In the case of one particle, we find that the ground state energy will diverge in the limit of infinite radius of space, consistent with confinement. In the case of two particles, this does not happen if they can form a color singlet bound state (`meson').Comment: 37 pages, UR-1327 ER-40685-77

    Morphological Thermodynamics of Fluids: Shape Dependence of Free Energies

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    We examine the dependence of a thermodynamic potential of a fluid on the geometry of its container. If motion invariance, continuity, and additivity of the potential are fulfilled, only four morphometric measures are needed to describe fully the influence of an arbitrarily shaped container on the fluid. These three constraints can be understood as a more precise definition for the conventional term "extensive" and have as a consequence that the surface tension and other thermodynamic quantities contain, beside a constant term, only contributions linear in the mean and Gaussian curvature of the container and not an infinite number of curvatures as generally assumed before. We verify this numerically in the entropic system of hard spheres bounded by a curved wall.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Preliminary sonic boom correlation of predicted and measured levels for STS-1 entry

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    A preliminary analysis correlating peaks from sonic boom pressure signatures recorded during the descent trajectory of the Orbiter Columbia, which landed in the dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB), California, with measured wind tunnel signatures extrapolated from flight altitudes to the ground has been made for Mach numbers ranging from 1.3 to 6. The flight pressure signatures were recorded by microphones positioned at ground level near the groundtrack, whereas the wind tunnel signatures were measured during a test of a 0.0041-scale model Orbiter. The agreement between overpressure estimates based on wind tunnel data using preliminary flight trajectory data and oscillograph traces from ground measurements appears reasonable at this time for the range of Mach numbers considered. More detailed studies using final flight trajectory data and digitized ground measured data will be performed

    An Empirical Application of Industrial Organization Theory to the Study of Vertical Coordination

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