87 research outputs found

    Durational effects and non-smooth semi-Markov models in life insurance

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    Bei der Betrachtung von Einzelrisiken in der Personenversicherung können Verweildauereffekte auf zwei Ebenen auftreten. Einerseits gibt es Verweildauerabhängigkeiten von Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten. Andererseits gibt es aber auch den Bedarf, verweildauerabhängige Versicherungsleistungen anzubieten. Mit Hilfe des vorgestellten Modells, basierend auf semi-Markov Prozessen, können Verweildauereffekte direkt modelliert werden. Beispiele aus der Berufsunfähigkeits- und der Privaten Krankenversicherung verdeutlichen anhand von realen Daten den Einfluss der Einbeziehung von verweildauerabhängigen Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten.In considering life insurance contracts, durational effects may appear at two levels. The first is concerned with the underlying biometrical risk, meaning that dependencies of transition probabilities on the previous duration in a certain state can be observed. Secondly, there is a need for duration-depending actuarial payments. The model presented here, based on semi-Markov processes, allows one to directly model dependencies on the previous duration. Relying on real data, numerical examples dealing with disability insurance as well as German private health insurance outline the impact of using duration-depending transition rates

    Nuclear Weapons After the Cold War:Change and Continuity in Public Discourses

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    This dissertation assesses the rhetorical dynamics of American public argumentation about the appropriate role of nuclear weapons since the end of the Cold War. Four case studies are examined, including the controversy created by "fallen priests" like General George Lee Butler, the U.S. Senate's deliberations on ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the George W. Bush administration's campaign to implement its 2001 Nuclear Posture Review, and the public debate about the development and deployment of "mini" nuclear weapons. Collectively, the case studies reveal that a potent combination of institutional interests, restricted access to official deliberative spaces, the deployment of threat discourses, the presumption that nuclear deterrence was effective during the Cold War, and the utilization of technical discursive practices narrowed the scope of public debate about the role of nuclear weapons and allowed advocates of robust nuclear deterrence to construct rhetorical and policy bridges between the Cold War and post-Cold War eras. "Security" and "risk management" frames dominated public discussions about nuclear weapons, and advocates of nuclear abolition were largely unsuccessful in their efforts to reconfigure public argumentation on nuclear weapons policy

    Infections and risk-adjusted length of stay and hospital mortality in Polish Neonatology Intensive Care Units

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    Background: The objectives of this study were to analyze the impact of infections on prolonging hospital stay with consideration of underlying risk factors and determining the mortality rates and its association with infections. Methods: An electronic database developed from a continuous prospective targeted infection surveillance program was used in the study. Data were collected from 2009 to 2012 in five Polish tertiary academic neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The length of stay (LOS) of 2,003 very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates was calculated as the sum of the number of days since birth until death or until reaching a weight of 1,800 g. Results: The median LOS for neonates with infections was twice as high as for neonates without infection. LOS was significantly affected by the overall general condition of the neonate, as expressed by both gestational age and birth weight as well as by the Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB) score; another independent factor was presence of at least one infection. Risk of in-hospital mortality was significantly increased by male sex and vaginal birth and was lower among breastfed neonates. Deaths were significantly more frequent in neonates without infection. Conclusions: The general condition of VLBW infants statistically increase both their risk of mortality and LOS; this is in contrast to the presence of infection, which significantly prolonged LOS only

    Necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants : epidemiology and antibiotic consumption in the polish neonatology network neonatal intensive care units in 2009

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    The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), antibiotic consumption and the usefulness of microbiological tests in very low birth weight (VLBW) Polish newborns. METHODS: Prospective surveillance was performed in the year 2009 by local infection control teams. The study covered 910 infants hospitalized in six Polish neonatal intensive care units. Two kinds of indicators were used for the description of antibiotic usage: the duration of treatment (days of treatment, DOTs) and the defined daily dose (DDD). RESULTS: NEC incidence was 8.7% and fatality rate was 19%. Chorioamnionitis, late gestational age and low birth weight were identified as risk factors for NEC. Catheterization, mechanical ventilation and other selected procedures were used considerably longer in newborns with NEC than in the remaining neonates. Total usage of antibiotics reached 2.9 DDDs or 1.437 days; the average use of drugs per case of NEC amounted to 0.47 DDD or 23.2 DOTs. The level of antibiotic usage was analysed with correlation to microbiological tests performed and it was non-significantly greater in the group of children with NEC in whom the tests were performed. CONCLUSIONS: A high risk of developing NEC is closely associated with VLBW and with inflammation of the amnion during labour. We observed no relationship between the consumption of antibiotics in neonates with NEC and positive results of microbiological testing indicating sepsis accompanying NEC or gut colonization with pathogens

    Mode of delivery and other risk factors for Escherichia coli infections in very low birth weight infants

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    BACKGROUND: Infections in newborns remain one of the most significant problems in modern medicine. Escherichia coli is an important cause of neonatal bloodstream and respiratory tract infections and is associated with high mortality. The aim of our study was to investigate the epidemiology of E. coli infection in Polish neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and resistance to antibiotics, with particular reference to the safety of very low birth weight infants. METHODS: Continuous prospective infection surveillance was conducted in 2009–2012 in five NICUs, including 1,768 newborns whose birth weight was <1.5 kg. Escherichia coli isolates from different diagnostic specimens including blood, tracheal/bronchial secretions and others were collected. All isolates were tested using disk diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility methods. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to determine the possible horizontal transfer of E. coli among patients. RESULTS: The incidence of E. coli infections was 5.4% and 2.0/1,000 patient-days. The occurrence of E. coli infections depended significantly on the NICU and varied between 3.9% and 17.9%. Multivariate analysis that took into account the combined effect of demographic data (gender, gestational age and birth weight) and place of birth showed that only the place of hospitalisation had a significant effect on the E. coli infection risk. The highest levels of resistance among all E. coli isolates were observed against ampicillin (88.8%) and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (62.2%). Among E. coli isolates, 17.7% were classified as multidrug resistant. Escherichia coli isolates showed different pulsotypes and dominant epidemic clones were not detected. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that antibiotic prophylaxis in the presence of symptoms such as chorioamnionitis and premature rupture of membranes did not help reduce the risk of E. coli infection. Multivariate analysis demonstrated only one significant risk factor for E. coli infection among infants with a birth weight <1.5 kg, that is, the impact of the NICU, it means that both neonatal care and care during pregnancy and labour were found to be significant

    Late-onset bloodstream infections of Very-Low-Birth-Weight infants: data from the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network in 2009–2011

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    BACKGROUND: Late-Onset Bloodstream Infections (LO-BSI) continue to be one of the most important complications associated with hospitalization of infants born with very low birth weight (VLBW). The aims of this study were to assess the epidemiology of LO-BSI together with the risk factors and the distribution of causative pathogens at six Polish neonatal intensive care units that participated in the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011. METHODS: The surveillance covered 1,695 infants whose birth weights were <1501 grams (VLBW) in whom LO-BSI was diagnosed >72 hours after delivery. Case LO-BSI patients were defined according to NeoKISS. RESULTS: Four hundred twenty seven episodes of LO-BSI were diagnosed with a frequency of 25.3% and an incidence density of 6.7/1000 patient-days (pds). Results of our multivariate analysis demonstrated that surgical procedures and lower gestational age were significantly associated with the risk of LO-BSI. Intravascular catheters were used in infants with LO-BSI significantly more frequently and/or for longer duration: Central venous cathters (CVC) (OR 1.29) and Peripheral venous catheters (PVC) (OR 2.8), as well as, the total duration of total parenteral nutrition (13 vs. 29 days; OR 1.81). Occurrence of LO-BSI was significantly associated with increased the length of mechanical ventilation (MV) (OR 2.65) or the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) (OR 2.51), as well as, the duration of antibiotic use (OR 2.98). The occurrence of more than one infection was observed frequently (OR 9.2) with VLBW with LO-BSI. Microorganisms isolated in infants with LO-BSI were dominated by Gram-positive cocci, and predominantly by coagulase-negative staphylococci (62.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Independent risk factor for LO-BSI in VLBV infants are: low gestational age and requirement for surgery. The incidence rates of LO-BSI especially CVC-BSI were higher in the Polish NICUs surveillance than those of other national networks, similar to the central- and peripheral utilization ratio

    Superconducting undulator activities at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility

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    For more than 5 years, superconducting undulators (SCUs) have been successfully delivering X-rays in storage rings. The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (XFEL) plans to demonstrate the operation of SCUs in X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs). For the same geometry, SCUs can reach a higher peak field on the axis with respect to all other available technologies, offering a larger photon energy tunability range. The application of short-period SCUs in a high electron beam energy FEL > 11 GeV will enable lasing at very hard X-rays > 40 keV. The large tunability range of SCUs will allow covering the complete photon energy range of the soft X-ray experiments at the European XFEL without changing electron beam energy, as currently needed with the installed permanent magnet undulators. For a possible continuous-wave (CW) upgrade under discussion at the European XFEL with a lower electron beam energy of approximately 7–8 GeV, SCUs can provide the same photon energy range as available at present with the permanent magnet undulators and electron energies. This paper will describe the potential of SCUs for X-ray FELs. In particular, it will focus on the different activities ongoing at the European XFEL and in collaboration with DESY to allow the implementation of SCUs in the European XFEL in the upcoming years