11 research outputs found

    Vilhelm Lundstedt’s ‘Legal Machinery’ and the Demise of Juristic Practice

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    This article aims to contribute to the academic debate on the general crisis faced by law schools and the legal professions by discussing why juristic practice is a matter of experience rather than knowledge. Through a critical contextualisation of Vilhelm Lundstedt’s thought under processes of globalisation and transnationalism, it is argued that the demise of the jurist’s function is related to law’s scientification as brought about by the metaphysical construction of reality. The suggested roadmap will in turn reveal that the current voiding of juristic practice and its teaching is part of the crisis regarding what makes us human

    Direitos humanos e globalização econômica: notas para uma discusão

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    O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar o impacto da globalização sobre os direitos humanos. Historicamente, como é sabido, eles foram criados contra o Estado, ou seja, como forma de coibir a interferência arbitrária do poder público na esfera individual. Mas como a globalização relativizou a soberania do Estado e reduziu drasticamente sua força coercitiva, qual é o futuro dos direitos humanos nesse contexto sócio-económico?<br>This article attempts to draw attention to what has been globalization and avaluate the impact of this phenomenon on Human Rights. Historically, this kind of fundamental legal garantees, known as Human Rights, were created against the Nation-State, that is to say, they were conceived to protect citizens against the arbitrariness of public power. However, in so far globalization has undermined the sovereignity of the Nation-State and has decreased the coercitive force of the public power, what is the future of Human Rights in this new social and economic context

    The Self-Organisation of Politics, Power and the Nation State

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