132 research outputs found

    On the paradox of the political demand for equalopportunity in education

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    Forschungsmethode: theoretisch. "Nach einer Differenzierung des mit \u27Chancengleichheit\u27 Gemeinten in verschiedene Ebenen und Dimensionen wird der Frage nachgegangen, wieweit die Realisierung der Forderung nach Chancengleichheit geeignet erscheint, das mit dieser Forderung Bezweckte, naemlich den Abbau von Ungleichheit, auch tatsaechlich zu erfuellen. Der Beitrag versucht Gruende dafuer herauszuarbeiten, dass die Forderung nach Chancengleichheit die Ungleichheit der Moeglichkeiten ihrer Nutzung nicht nur zur Voraussetzung und \u27deshalb\u27 auch zur Folge, sondern sogar zum Zweck hat. Der Begriff Chancen-Gerechtigkeit erscheint eher noch untauglicher, eine Perspektive fuer jene Loesung von Fragen zu bezeichnen, der die Forderung nach Chancengleichheit herkoemmlich gewidmet ist." (Autorenreferat

    Was ist offen im offenen Unterricht?

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    Der Autor geht im Beitrag auf die Probleme ein, die in den verschiedenen Konzepten offenen Unterrichts angesprochen werden. Dabei konzentriert er sich insbesondere auf die Frage, ob zentrale Argumente zur Begründung der Geltung des Offenheitspostulats einer Kritik standhalten. Dies wird zur Diskussion gestellt. (DIPF/Text übernommen

    Funktion und Tauglichkeit herrschender Prinzipien zur Gewährleistung sozialer Verteilungsgerechtigkeit

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    Haplotype reconstruction error as a classical misclassification problem

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    Statistically reconstructing haplotypes from single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes, can lead to falsely classified haplotypes. This can be an issue when interpreting haplotype association results or when selecting subjects with certain haplotypes for subsequent functional studies. It was our aim to quantify haplotype reconstruction error and to provide tools for it. By numerous simulation scenarios, we systematically investigated several error measures, including discrepancy, error rate, and R(2), and introduced the sensitivity and specificity to this context. We exemplified several measures in the KORA study, a large population-based study from Southern Germany. We find that the specificity is slightly reduced only for common haplotypes, while the sensitivity was decreased for some, but not all rare haplotypes. The overall error rate was generally increasing with increasing number of loci, increasing minor allele frequency of SNPs, decreasing correlation between the alleles and increasing ambiguity. We conclude that, with the analytical approach presented here, haplotype-specific error measures can be computed to gain insight into the haplotype uncertainty. This method provides the information, if a specific risk haplotype can be expected to be reconstructed with rather no or high misclassification and thus on the magnitude of expected bias in association estimates. We also illustrate that sensitivity and specificity separate two dimensions of the haplotype reconstruction error, which completely describe the misclassification matrix and thus provide the prerequisite for methods accounting for misclassification

    Pädagogische Konsequenzen sozialkultureller Strukturwandlungen

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    Der Umgang mit Fehlern als Merkmal betrieblicher Fehlerkultur und Voraussetzung für Professional Learning

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    Moderne Unternehmen folgen Philosophien, wonach Beschäftigte Kompetenzen entwickeln und ihr Unternehmen als lernende Organisation begreifen sollen. Das soll das Potenzial des Unternehmens steigern, auf schwer antizipierbare Anforderungen angemessen reagieren zu können. Fehler stellen in diesem Kontext spezielle Lerngelegenheiten dar, zumal flexible Strukturen die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, dass Fehler geschehen. Jedoch reicht alleine ein Bekenntnis zu einer positiven Fehlerkultur nicht aus, damit im betrieblichen Arbeitsalltag aus Fehlern gelernt wird. Es bedarf eines Umgangs mit Fehlern, der Merkmale einer positiven Fehlerkultur erfüllt. Dieser Beitrag klärt Voraussetzungen des Lernens aus Fehlern und berichtet Ergebnisse von Studien mit Beschäftigten aus unterschiedlichen Industrie- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen. (DIPF/Orig.)Modern enterprises follow philosophies which require employees to develop competencies and understand their enterprise as a learning organization in order to enhance the potential for appropriate reactions on market changes. Dealing with mistakes is a special source for learning in a scenario where flexible structures increase the probability of their occurrence. A positive way of dealing with mistakes should help to learn from them. However, just a commitment to a positive mistake culture (Fehlerkultur) does not guarantee learning from mistakes in daily working life. This contribution addresses the conditions of learning from mistakes and reports findings from empirical studies with employees. (DIPF/Orig.

    Non-adiabatic effects in the phonon dispersion of Mg 1--x Al x B 2

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    Superconducting MgB_2\_2 shows an E_2g\_{2g} zone center phonon, as measured by Raman spectroscopy, that is very broad in energy and temperature dependent. The Raman shift and lifetime show large differences with the values elsewhere in the Brillouin Zone measured by Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS), where its dispersion can be accounted for by standard harmonic phonon theory, adding only a moderate electron-phonon coupling. Here we show that the effects rapidly disappear when electron-phonon coupling is switched off by Al substitution on the Mg sites. Moreover, using IXS with very high wave-vector resolution in MgB_2\_2, we can follow the dispersion connecting the Raman and the IXS signal, in agreement with a theory using only electron-phonon coupling but without strong anharmonic terms. The observation is important in order to understand the effects of electron-phonon coupling on zone center phonons modes in MgB_2\_2, but also in all metals characterized by a small Fermi velocity in a particular direction, typical for layered compounds

    Participation in the classroom as a basis for democracy education? A conceptual analysis of the concept of student participation

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    In our conceptual analysis, we focus on the concept of student participation and argue for a differentiated consideration of the same. To this end, we elaborate on constituent elements and first address the definitional understanding of the concept considered as well as the participation postulate. Furthermore, we name and discuss possible purposes and qualities of participatory practice and we give an overview of the established conceptualization of participation by means of a stage model and the interdependence of autonomy and heteronomy expressed in this model. We then address participatory fields in the classroom, concrete practices of participatory decision-making, prerequisites and implications of participatory classroom practices, and possible scopes of participatory influence
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