663 research outputs found

    OpenAIRE can form the basis for a truly public European Open Access Platform

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    In a previous Impact Blog post, Benedikt Fecher and colleagues envisioned a European Open Access Platform, an innovative public information infrastructure that would integrate publishing and dissemination into the research lifecycle, rather than having it outsourced. Tony Ross-Hellauer describes how OpenAIRE is working to make this vision a reality, and how it can contribute further to create a participatory, federated open access platform

    Power, intersectionality and news photographs : a case study of Detroit free press and Michigan chronicle news photography between 1963 and 1967

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    This study seeks to examine the ways in which existent power structures of intersectionality influence visual media through a historical case study of news photography. Photography, a less subjective visual media than painting and drawings, is often perceived as truthful. News photography, among other visual media, has been shown to influence opinion, publicly define its subjects and possess other important qualities of characterization. A deep historical analysis of intersectional differences of news photography from two similar sources, the mainstream Detroit Free Press and black newspaper, the Michigan Chronicle should help illuminate the ways visual media can be influenced by the intersectionality of its creators, despite photography's presumed authenticity. News photographs from the two publications between 1963 and 1967 were selected for the setting's pointed racial conflicts, protests and more attributes offering insight to intersectional visual media. Photographs and captions were coded for intersectional identity values such as race and gender, as well as examined for thematic trends among other qualities. The study's results demonstrated firm parallels to intersectional press theory, conforming numerically and thematically to previously identified research.Includes bibliographical references (pages 85-91

    Open peer review: bringing transparency, accountability, and inclusivity to the peer review process

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    Open peer review is moving into the mainstream, but it is often poorly understood and surveys of researcher attitudes show important barriers to implementation. Tony Ross-Hellauer provides an overview of work conducted as part of an OpenAIRE2020 project to offer clarity on OPR, and issues an open call to publishers and researchers interested in OPR to come together to share data and scientifically explore the efficacy of OPR systems as part of an Open Peer Review Assessment Framework

    Journal flipping or a public open access infrastructure? What kind of open access future do we want?

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    Open access debates are increasingly focused on “how” rather than “why”. Tony Ross-Hellauer and Benedikt Fecher present two possible scenarios for an open access future, consider the relative merits and viability of each, and invite your input to the discussion

    Tautology, antithesis, rallying cry, or business model? "Open science" is open to interpretation

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    The term "open science" is often deployed in the scholarly discourse without much thought about its meaning and use. Benedikt Fecher and Tony Ross-Hellauer unpack the term and find it to be understood in a variety of ways; as a new framework for what has always been expected of science, as a political slogan to motivate change, as a business model to market scientific output in the digital era, and as a rhetorical contrast of ideas

    A pharmaceutical care plan for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

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    Das Projekt an der Strathclyde University hatte die Entwicklung eines Betreuungsplanes (pharmaceutical care plan) für Patienten mit COPD zum Ziel, mit dessen Hilfe der/die klinische Pharmazeut/in krankheitsrelevante Parameter systematisch erfassen und in Folge ein multidisziplinäres Betreuungsmodell für Patienten mit Chronischen Obstruktiven Atemwegserkrankungen (COPD) erstellen kann. Im Rahmen der Forschungsarbeiten wurde zuerst eine umfassende Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, um "pharmaceutical care issues" zu identifizieren. Diese wurden dann in einen Betreuungsplan implementiert. Der Plan wurde in mehreren Durchgängen auf praktische Durchführbarkeit getestet. Ziel der Verwendung des Planes ist es, Krankenhausaufenthalte von Patienten mit COPD zu vermindern.The aim of this research at Strathclyde University was to develop a pharmaceutical care plan specifically for patients with COPD to reduce hospitalisation rates. Pharmaceutical care issues for patients with COPD have been identified via a comprehensive literature review. To ensure consideration of all relevant topics, the content of this literature review was carefully compared with the latest guidelines. Following this phase, a pharmaceutical care plan for patients with COPD was developed in the following stages: 1) Starting with an existing pharmaceutical care plan, several fields were removed and replaced with fields identified as important for patients with COPD. 2) This first design was then field tested in a medication review clinic for patients with COPD and identified improvements were implemented. 3) This process was then repeated until no further improvements were found. 4) The design was then field tested by experienced pharmacists running the medication review clinics. 5) Their professional feedback was then incorporated into the final version of the care plan

    Open science- who is left behind?

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    Open Access initiatives promise to extend access to scholarly conversations. However, the dominant model of Article Processing Charges, whilst lowering financial barriers for readers, has merely erected a new paywall at the other end of the pipeline, blocking access to publication for less-privileged authors. In this post, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Angela Fessl, and Thomas Klebel, ask ... Continue

    Pubfair: A Framework for Sustainable, Distributed, Open Science Publishing Services

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    Over the last thirty years, digitally-networked technologies have disrupted traditional media, turning business models on their head and changing the conditions for the creation, packaging and distribution of content. Yet, scholarly communication still looks remarkably as it did in the pre-digital age. The primary unit of dissemination remains the research article (or book in some disciplines), and today’s articles still bear a remarkable resemblance to those that populated the pages of Oldenburg’s Philosophical Transactions 350 years ago. In an age of such disruptive innovation, it is striking how little digital technologies have impacted scholarly publishing; and this is also somewhat ironic, since the Web was developed by scientists for research purposes. Pubfair is a conceptual model for a modular open source publishing framework which builds upon a distributed network of repositories to enable the dissemination and quality-control of a range of research outputs including publications, data, and more. Pubfair aims to introduce significant innovation into scholarly publishing. It enables different stakeholders (funders, institutions, scholarly societies, individuals scientists) to access a suite of functionalities to create their own dissemination channels, with built in open review and transparent processes. The model minimizes publishing costs while maintaining academic standards by connecting communities with iterative publishing services linked to their preferred repository. Such a publishing environment has the capacity to transform the scholarly communication system, making it more research-centric, dissemination-oriented and open to and supportive of innovation, while also collectively managed by the scholarly community

    An All-Sky, Three-Flavor Search for Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

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    Ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), defined by energy greater than 10^18 eV, have been observed for decades, but their sources remain unknown. Protons and heavy ions, which comprise cosmic rays, interact with galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields and, consequently, do not point back to their sources upon measurement. Neutrinos, which are inevitably produced in photohadronic interactions, travel unimpeded through the universe and disclose the directions of their sources. Among the most plausible candidates for the origins of UHECRs is a class of astrophysical phenomena known as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). GRBs are the most violent and energetic events witnessed in the observable universe. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, located in the glacial ice 1450 m to 2450 m below the South Pole surface, is the largest neutrino detector in operation. IceCube detects charged particles, such as those emitted in high energy neutrino interactions in the ice, by the Cherenkov light radiated by these particles. The measurement of neutrinos of 100 TeV energy or greater in IceCube correlated with gamma-ray photons from GRBs, measured by spacecraft detectors, would provide evidence of hadronic interaction in these powerful phenomena and confirm their role in ultra high energy cosmic ray production. This work presents the first IceCube GRB-neutrino coincidence search optimized for charged-current interactions of electron and tau neutrinos as well as neutral-current interactions of all neutrino flavors, which produce nearly spherical Cherenkov light showers in the ice. These results for three years of data are combined with the results of previous searches over four years of data optimized for charged-current muon neutrino interactions, which produce extended Cherenkov light tracks. Several low significance events correlated with GRBs were detected, but are consistent with the background expectation from atmospheric muons and neutrinos. The combined results produce limits that place the strongest constraints thus far on models of neutrino and UHECR production in GRB fireballs

    OpenAIRE: eInfrastructure for Open Science

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    Workshop held on the 27th of Abril at CSIC Royal Botanic Garden in Madrid (RJB-CSIC).N
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